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Who wants to get sick?


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my ex-girlfriend (who i still see lots of) has a cold right now, and its taking all my efforts not to try and get it xD

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I love getting sick!! (Oops, sounded a bit too enthusiastic there.) biggrin.png

But I must admit I hate having my family know that I'm sick... so I hide it from them .__.

exactly how i feel !

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I would prefer not to get sick; since I've had more than a few sort of sick bouts lately. The only thing I find good about a full on illness is; resting. I usually get a pretty tickly nose when I'm ill which is a pretty good first sign, it's completely different then my allergic tickle. Plus one nostril gets stuffy, just grr. But anyone, resting and finally sneezing my tickly fits into my comfortor. Although I'm never blessed! :( I do have a sneezy fit much more relieving when I'm not feeling so hot.

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I'm between chairs on that issue... I'm a bit of a germophobe until enough people around me have been sick then I let down my guard a bit. Maybe it's because I don't want to be the first to catch the office bug (and feel like the weakest link kind of). But I don't want to be left out either :P

But sometime nothing comes as expected... I got a cold of my own right now and didn't caught it from the office... got it at the gym of all places! And I dread tomorrow when I'll be the only one at work to cough my head off :(

poor thing! Feel better! At least it's only a cough!
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The weird thing is that I'm open to my family about sicknesses APART from those cold-related. :D

No,actually.I love seeing other people though biggrin.png (Except for family)

me too ^u^

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What's odd is that as soon as I decided that I wanted to get sick, it stopped happening. I used to get about two or three colds a year, but now I'm lucky if I get one. That one is typically very minor. I used to get "proper" colds, with a variety of symptoms, but now that I appreciate them, I don't. In the last three years I've had two. One was mostly in my throat. I didn't really sneeze, and my nose didn't get stuffy, I just had a sore throat and a runny nose. My voice disappeared and people thought I was much sicker than I actually was. The other time, I tried VERY hard to get sick. My sister had a cold, and I took her dirty tissues and rubbed them in my eyes and nose. Gross, right? The worst I got was a mildly stuffy nose that went away after two days.

So I'm not good at catching colds. Most people, I'm sure, would be glad to be me, but I want a genuinely bad cold. When I'm done with school and the holidays and whatnot. And when I've caught it from my sister, because if I get sick first I get terrified that she'll catch it from me...if I get it from her, she'll already be sick and I don't have to worry. Better yet, her just not getting it at all.

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I honestly wouldn't mind a cold, I suppose, WHEN it's convenient for me. Meaning I'm out of school for the semester and I don't have any major plans going on. Work wouldn't be much of a problem either, because if I was REALLY feeling bad I could easily give away my shift (since people are desperate for shifts this time of year).

I actually thought I was coming down with a cold this month and last month, because I woke up with a sore throat and - in one case - with a fever. Unfortunately, both cases ended up being strep throat, and that is NOT something I wanted. mad.gif

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I live with my parents; mark me down for "Never Ever Ever" until I move out.

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I wish I could get sick... yes lol and I wish I could develop allergies too! Mainly to cats. I'm weird I know...

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Okay, I take that back. On the day that I wrote that I'd like to get sick. I started coming down with a cold. As a result, last night I got pretty much no sleep at all, which means my entire day is shot. This is the last week of school. I do not like this.

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I don't really care for getting sick. When I get sick I always end up having trouble breathing. If colds involved no trouble breathing, and no runny noses, I think we'd all sign up! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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Haha I was actually thinking about this lately. Usually when I hang out with my sicky friends, I don't care whether or not I get sick, in fact I usually have pretty sneezy colds so I really don't mind. But I had 5 final exams this week so I was like, O.O nobody come near me...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I love being sick. I would love to get the flu- it has been 10 years. I really like the chills, fever, coughing, congestion, and taking naps. I have tried to get sick on purpose but it never works.

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I like the idea AND I like the reality! Provided it doesn't get so bad that I'm like on death's door, haha. I especially like when I get a lung-based sickness, because I've kind of developed a coughing fetish in my recent years. blush.png

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  • 4 months later...

I like the idea AND I like the reality! Provided it doesn't get so bad that I'm like on death's door, haha. I especially like when I get a lung-based sickness, because I've kind of developed a coughing fetish in my recent years. blush.png

I feel the exact same way! I adore coughing and losing my voice, but I really don't enjoy being stuffed up, and especially don't enjoy my own sneezing. Also, when I get a respiratory illness it usually ends up developing into something worse... so maybe I just like the idea of being sick, or catching something from someone, but in reality it sort of sucks!

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Oh... this is a tough one! ;) On the one hand, I hate being sick with a cold, because I get embarrassed when I have to sneeze in public (even though my colds are usually not very sneezy) and I also hate when I have to blow my nose in public. One of the worst things for me is lying in bed at night, with my nose dripping and me having to hold a tissue to my face so that it won't ruin my pillow or not being able to fall asleep at all because of severe coughing fits, which I get occasionally. On the other hand, I like having a fever. I just think it's interesting and somehow it makes me feel all cuddly and cute. Additionally, I like the attention it gets me, especially from my boyfriend. Being sick comes with all these sweet text messages from him, like "How are you feeling, babe?", "You still coughing?" "Did you take your temp?" "Get better, love!" wubsmiley.gifwubsmiley.gifwubsmiley.gif Then I always get that rush of adrenaline and in those moments feeling crappy and sick is totally worth it! So... one could say that I love being sick as long as it's around people, who are NOT my parents. Because that sucks and I get embarrassed and try to hide it, but fail.

In fact, I'm sick right now. Maybe I'll post some details in the self-obs section. If you're interested! :)

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I love being sick (with head colds) except for: a) the embarrassment factor and B) my utter inability to turn the fetish off (I thus exhaust myself by being constantly turned on for the duration of the symptoms).

I'm really intrigued by how many among us like getting sick. It seems to be a larger proportion than the number of us who are turned on by our own sneezing (there was a thread on this recently, and barely anyone said that their own sneezes were part of the fetish). So... it would seem that a lot of you like getting sick even though your own symptoms are not part of the fetish? Or am I missing something? If my own symptoms didn't do anything for me, I wouldn't opt to feel lousy.

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Like you I really like the idea of illness....until it happens.

The thing I really hate is being around family when I'm ill. It just weirds me out.

And getting a sore throat. I can put up with all the other symptoms, except having a sore throat... :'(

So, I actually don't mind getting sick if I don't get a sore throat, and am not around my family. :P

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Just wondered, how many of us actually like/like the thought of getting sick with a cold/other sneezy illness?

for example i like the idea of having a cold until it becomes a reality..

then i get fed up with having to take my hanky out as soon as i've put it away to catch a sneeze or blow my nose

and i get annoyed with my congested voice and i especially hate when what could have been just a sneezy cold (which i don't really mind i guess) turns into just snot&noseblowing, or worse, a cough (wallbash.gif )

I think I'd like to have a cold, mostly so I could call up or skype with my friends with this fetish ;-)

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  • 1 month later...

I'd love to, and I want to more than anything on earth even going through some bizarre extremes to get there, ...until it actually happens

I think it's this way for most, others? Yes, yourself? Sounds good at first but quite discomforting after a while.. :/

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