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A Study in Sniffles (8/8, COMPLETE) - Sherlock BBC


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:wub: :wub: :wub:

Definitely worth the wait!!

I also loved the line that VoOs quoted about John wanting to sling Sherlock over his back and drag him to the chemist's. :lol:


OMG- the whole last section- the clues and Sherlock being supremely oblivious to the fact that he is totally describing himself. And John's, "Not him".... :lol: SO Perfect!!

And finally...

What made me grin like an absolute nut and *SQUEE!!* muchly....

"He was- hii- picking s-something...upforme--!" Sherlock gasped out, a surprisingly intense irritation forming deep in his sinuses. Quickly he aligned his elbow appropriately and shot forward with a gut wrenching, "H'GgSHH! iIgGSH!" Barely having time for breath in between.

John opened his mouth to bless the other and possibly offer what little tissues there were left, but Sherlock quickly waved him off; John didn't have to wait long to see why.

Two more desperate gasps escaped Sherlock's lips and his nose gave one final quiver before he pitched forward again with an even harsher, "H'gGSHUH!" He finished off with a useless sniffle and a slight sway, feeling dizzier than he had before.

"God, Sherlock, bless you..." John mumbled

Just.... so... much.... :drool::drool::wub: :wub: The interruptedness... and interchange... and more... and the way that John blessed.... just totally perfect. *sigh*

Love this!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
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ahhh oh my goodness

this isn't an update, unfortunately, this is me just popping in here to say that i haven't forgotten about this and that it will be updated soon

and also that i'm sorry x 1000 for the wait and just wow if any of you are still interested in this and have been waiting for an update then you're wonderful

i've just been really busy and have been suffering horrible writers block

uhm. i hope i won't get in trouble for doing this i just want to make sure that it's made clear that i'm working on an update and just arguh

this will be coming to and end soon though. but, uh, yes. right. //vanishes into a cloud of shame

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This story is wonderful, and I, personally, would love to see you continue and, sadly, finish it. But I will always wait for more sick cranky adorable Sherlock!

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Is that a serious question? A big YES!!! I absolutely LOVE this story and I adore your sick!sneezy!cranky! Sherlock *_*

You write him sooooo gooooood! I'm highly addicted to your story and I. Need. More.

It would be so great if you continued, this is like a piece of heaven <3

Please. Please. Pleaseeeee.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

-weeps openly- aaah oh man oh jeez oh lord hi everyone. It has been months and months and MONTHS and just holy smokes.

I just struggled with how I was going to go about writing this chapter for the longest time, and just arugghg. uhhuh.gif

THAT BEING SAID HOWEVER, I've written it, and I plan to update this little story regularly until it is finally complete, which it will be in about two or three more parts.

I'd just like to say thank you to you guys who read this, and hopefully you're still interesting in this! shy.gif

Also one more thing, I'd just like to apologize 390309489402840948 times for how long this took, eeep.

Anyway, enjoy!


There were a flurry of events that occurred between the time it took to leave the crime scene and the time it took to set foot back inside of 221B.

There had been a cold breeze and a hailed taxi, and few sneezes and a multitude of sniffles, a trip to the chemist's and a long line, and a quiet taxi ride home, much to John's relief.

"Right now, off to bed." John commanded as the two entered the flat, a grocery bag slung over the doctor’s shoulder.

"Why would I go to bed?" Sherlock remarked as he ripped off his long coat and flung it over a kitchen chair, "I'm not tired, why would I go to bed if I wasn't tired?"

"Oh, the couch then!" John sighed and waved a hand dismissively, taking off his own coat and hanging it up neatly.

Sherlock didn't object or question this, (which both worried and pleased John) and made his way to the couch.

"Wrap up in that blanket!" John instructed, pulling out a bottle of extra strength cold medication he'd managed to find at the chemist's.

Sherlock did as he was told with minimal arguing; closing his eyes and snuggling deeply into the warmth of the blanket with a content sigh. He would never admit it, but it was nice to be off of his feet and wrapped in a warm blanket. The horrid pounding in his head hadn't stopped, and his nose was starting to resemble a leaky faucet. He sniffled pathetically.

There were the sounds of water gushing from a sink and a pill bottle shaking before John strided into the living room with a cup and meds. He paused for a moment, let himself take in the image of Sherlock Holmes wrapped in a blanket sniveling by himself before making his way over to the couch and crouching beside it. His bad leg throbbed in protest, but he did his best to ignore it and pushed through the sharp pain with a huff.

"Here." He nodded, offering over the pint glass of water and the two pills in his hand, "Take these, they'll help with the headache."

Sherlock snatched them from John without so much as a thank you, and almost popped them into his mouth before stopping abruptly and eyeing John, "Are these non-drowsy?" He questioned suspiciously.

"Oh for god's--What, Sherlock?"

"You heard me." Sherlock replied curtly, "Are these non-drowsy?"

"Yes, of course they are." John nodded, eyebrows crinkled as he shot Sherlock a glare. He was lying. Of course he was lying. And, of course, Sherlock could tell.

"Don't lie to me." Hissed the consulting detective as he stared intently at John’s aged face, taking in every crinkle. He did this for a moment or two before deciding that yes, John definitely was lying, and then proceeded to drop the pills onto the floor without another word.

"I'm not lying!" John responded, throwing his arms up slightly in exasperation as he watched the medication he'd spent his own money on hit the floor and roll somewhere beneath the couch.

"Yes you are." Sherlock shook his head, crinkling his brow, "And frankly, I don't even know why you bother." He rolled his eyes and rubbed a hand under his nose like a child.

John let out another sigh, "Yes, alright. They weren't non-drowsy." He admitted with an eye roll of his own, "But you need some sleep, Sherlock, and I don't see you getting it any other way."

"There's no time for sleep," Remarked the detective, pressing his finger tips together, "Not when I'm in the middle of a case."

"Are you-are you actually serious?" John questioned, "I thought we were done with the case; I thought you were coming home to rest!"

"Actually, I was coming home to use a computer. Would you mind fetching me yours?"

"No. No, absolutely not. There is no way I am getting you my computer."

"Why not?" Sherlock asked, genuinely curious, “Did you forget to clear your internet history?”

"No, I didn't.” Snapped John, “Have you listened to anything I've been saying?"

"Not really." Confessed the detective with a sniffle, causing John to release an almighty sigh.

"Look," said the doctor, eyes focusing in on Sherlock's red tinted nose, "just stay lying down for a little." He was almost begging now, "Please?"

Sherlock looked at him and rolled his eyes. John took this as surrender. The doctor, now feeling slightly superior, began to push himself out of his uncomfortable crouched position before a deep croak of a voice caused him to stop in his tracks.

“This is awful.” Grumbled the detective.

John paused a moment, blinked, then chuckled slightly. Sherlock had just admitted to not feeling well. John never thought he'd live to see the day.

"I'm sure it is." Hummed the doctor with a slight nod and a scratch at his ear. He remained quiet for a moment more before adding, “Are you...Do you...need anything?”

Sherlock looked at John and thought it over a moment before answering with a small, “...I’m hungry.”

John nearly fell over.

“You’re what?” Sputtered the doctor, grasping the arm of the couch to keep himself steady. Usually he had to remind, and sometimes force, the stubborn detective to eat, so hearing him say he was actually hungry was...a bit alarming.

“Hungry, do you want me to shout?” Sherlock huffed back, folding his arms across his chest.

“No, no, I heard you...” John scoffed, shaking his head, “Alright, what do you want, then?”

“What’ll cure me?”

At this John couldn't help but laugh, “There isn't a magic food that’ll cure you, Sherlock.”

“Fine.” Grumbled the other, “What’ll help then?”

“Well, chicken soup, for one.” John nodded, thinking, “You didn't eat the last can while I was gone, did you?” Quickly the doctor shook his head and raised a hand when he noticed Sherlock open his mouth to respond, “Never mind, scratch that. Of course you didn’t.” John sighed, “Right then. Soup. Soup and...and anything else?”

The detective cleared his throat loudly.

"I'll make some tea."

Sherlock smiled slightly in appreciation, eyes crinkling in the doctor's direction. John nodded and flashed a small smile back before pushing himself up with a grunt and waddling off to the kitchen, leaving Sherlock to his own thoughts.

This would've been nice and rather soothing had his nose not decided to itch. And not just slightly, but unbelievably so, unbearably so.

"J-John!!" The detective called out, though he knew calling wouldn't really help at all.

John, who was currently in the kitchen tending to a now whistling kettle, did not in fact hear the distressed call of Sherlock Holmes, and did not realize something was wrong until three rapid fire sneezes sounded through their shared flat.


"Sherlock?" John called out as he poured his flatmate's cup of tea a little bit faster, "Are you alright?"


John pursed his lips and grabbed the teacup, sloshing the liquid inside slightly as he scurried into the living room only to see the curly haired man's head thrown back and eyebrows pinched in anticipation for yet another sneeze.

It looked like a big one.

"Huuuh, hii-HHh'RRSSHH!" Sherlock's head snapped forward as he sneezed viciously into his awaiting palms, letting out a relieved moan as the tickle seemed to finally leave his sinuses, "uuhhoh, god."

"Bless you." John offered, placing the steaming drink on the table nearest Sherlock, "And blow your nose. It'll help."

"Why should I?"

"Don't give me attitude, Sherlock, do as I say and blow your nose." John all but snapped.

Sherlock blinked back at him for a moment, the two sharing a knowing gaze before the detective reached across himself and pulled a tissue from the box, giving his long nose a delicate blow.

"...Sorry." John mumbled as he watched his friend dab at his nose miserably.

"Sorry?" Sherlock questioned with a wet sniff.

"For being short."

"I hardly see how your height is relevant."

"Oh, never mind." John chuckled slightly, shaking his head as he flopped into his armchair. He stared at the ill man for a moment or two before finally asking, "How'd you manage to get yourself sick anyway? I mean, I was gone for three days so you couldn't have picked up anything from me. Did you leave the flat at all?"

Sherlock was quiet for a moment, when suddenly his eyes widened, "Oh." He almost gasped, "/Oh./ Oh!" He jumped up quickly and clasped his hands together, blanket and tissue box falling forgotten to the floor, "John, get your coat!" The detective commanded as he stumbled into the kitchen to retrieve his own, "-snf- We're going out!" And with his last sentence barely out of his lips, Sherlock Holmes rocketed from the flat, jacket only half on.

"Wha-wait, what? Sherlock! Sherlock!" John sputtered, jumping from his chair, "Where do you think you're going?!"

"TO CATCH A MURDERER!" Sherlock shouted, sticking his head back into the flat for only a moment before running off again, a hacking cough escaping his lungs as he hurried down the stairs.

"Oh for god's sake." John growled as he rushed to the door, threw on his own coat, and followed his ill partner back out onto the London streets.


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YAY!!! :bounce: So happy!!

I went back and re-read everything.

I can't wait to find out what happens. I could *completely* picture it, especially the last bit, and where you ended it... you totally have me on the edge of my seat.

Love it!! :wub:

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Gnnnhh. blowup.gif

I just got into Sherlock recently and this is the first Sherlock fanfic I've ever read. But honestly, I don't want to read any other stories because this one is perfect and I don't think anything can be better heart.gif

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What is this wonderfulness before me? :cryhappy: An update from Always? :inlove: My day has officially been made.

Your Sherlock is the cutest, oh, my poor heart.

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This is actually like watching the show in my head!! It's so realistic and perfect and please please please more!!!!

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Having now officially watched the series, I can truly appreciate your story for all of its spectacularity. :wub: Like the wonderful Sherlockians have said before me, this gorgeous piece of work is beautifully in character, clever, and just overall well-done. Thank you so much, Always, for continuing to spoil us. :heart:

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  • 9 months later...

This is just soooooooooooooooooooo damn good!stunned.gif Please continue it! Leaving us on this cliffhanger is just... not very nice wallbash.gif

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Jesus cliff hanger much?! I don't even watch this show but since I love sherlock Holmes in general I'm loving every second of this. Please continue soon :)

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I know this is really old, but are you planning to write more? It is sooooooo good and I really want to know what happens :P

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Just started watching the series. I love it and you are perfect in writing the characters! Love the comment about being short, lol! And the end, Oh for gods sake! Perfect! Squeeeee!!!!!!!!! Cant wait for more!

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  • 3 years later...

Hi everyone! I can't believe how long it's been since I've been on the forum, let alone have posted anything! :oops:I've been very busy the past couple years, and especially the last few months! (I moved countries and got married!) Not trying to make excuses for my absence, but hoping that helps explain my sudden vanishing. I have tried multiple multiple times to finish this story, but any way I tried to take it I would end up not enjoying. I have the scenarios and endgame in my head, but reaching it is always a journey. Anyway, I am determined to finish this! I doubt any of the original readers still have interest, and I apologize to the mods for resurfacing an old thread, but I am going to finish this story for myself if it kills me.:wackosmiley:

I may not have the same passion for Sherlock as I did a few years ago, (especially the newest series...I mean come on, what was that?!) but I still have a deep love for the original two seasons, which is about where this story takes places, for any new people who may view this. (Are there even still Sherlock fans on here? :laugh:I have a lot of spare time on my hands lately, so I promise this will be finished soon! I'm hoping to finish it with just two more parts, so bare with me! Again, sorry if resurfacing my very old thread is a bit tacky, but I really want to do this for myself! I hope it has the same feel it did before. Anyway, without further ado, I hope you all enjoy the bane of my existence! :P




"You have got to be joking." John remarked with an eye roll in his flatmate's direction as they hurried down the sidewalk.

"Why would I be joking?" Replied Sherlock, hands stuffed deep into his pockets and face slightly flushed with fever.

"Oh, I don't know." John shook his head with a groan, "This just seems...a bit daft, don't you think?"

"I hardly see how." Sherlock grumbled, looking back at John and rolling his eyes, "Do you need me to explain it again?" The detective questioned, bringing a hand up to the bridge of his nose to rub at his aching sinuses.

John opened his mouth to decline the other’s offer, but Sherlock cut him off with a repeated explanation.

"Tuesday.” Fired the detective, “You were gone, I was hungry. 'Hungry, what, you?'” The mocking tone in his voice was highly noticeable and caused John to glower at the back of Sherlock’s head, “Yes John, hungry, I do get hungry, I am human after all as you so frequently remind me. There’s nothing in the flat, nothing good, so, where would I go? The market, obviously."

"Obviously." John echoed with an exasperated sigh.

"Quick and easy, minimal interaction, relatively sanitary, edible food. Now, I go in, grab what I need, go to check out. Cashier's tall, strong legs, smaller arms, football player, obviously."

"Obviously." John echoes again.

"He's sniffling, nose pink, lips chapped. There’s a small amount of stubble on his cheeks, small enough to suggest that he shaves frequently, but hasn’t. Why hasn’t he? Because he’s tired, unwell; bags under his eyes confirm this. If he’s too unwell to shave then why is he at work? Because he can’t afford to lose hours. So, probably an aspiring footballer, striving for a scholarship but not doing so well. 'How is any of this relevant, Sherlock?'” More mocking, “Well he isn't a mortician, is he?

“I bring my items up to him, he bags them, I pay him, and our hands brush as he takes my money. As I leave, I hear the unmistakable sound of someone inhaling nose drops."


"Yes John, unmistakable, you use them when you're sick and I can recognize the noise. 'But how can you be sure it was him using the drops, Sherlock?'” John swore if he heard that mocking voice one more time, “Because he was the only damned sick person in the market. Do you understand?" The detective finally snapped, walking faster than before.

John pursed his lips as he stared at the now slightly breathless man, "Alright," he nods, clenching and unclenching his fists, "okay, he’s our guy.”

The two fell silent and continued their march towards the market, Sherlock with minimal long strides, and John keeping the other’s pace with a slight jog. The air around them was cold and dry, and nipped playfully at both of their noses as well as their cheeks.

John broke the silence with a slight cough, and Sherlock followed with a shiver.

“We should take a cab.” John hummed, rubbing his arms and glancing up at Sherlock, “You’re shivering.”

“B-brilliant observation, John.” Sherlock mumbled, mimicking John by rubbing his arms, “If you k-keep that up, you’ll have my job.”

"Only trying to help." John sighed, shaking his head as they both fell silent once more. The sun was setting fast as they continued to walk a few more blocks, Sherlock's shivering becoming more and more noticeable. John's stride began to slow before he finally stopped walking all together. At first, John thought Sherlock wasn't going to notice he had stopped at all. But eventually Sherlock turned back around to face him.

"What are you doing?" He nearly shouted, his voice noticeably getting hoarse.

"What's the plan?" John asked, staring at the tall man before him, "Do we even have a plan?"

"The plan, John," Sherlock began, irritated, "is to surprise him."

"S-what, surprise him?" John stammered, "Shouldn't we call Lestrade? Let the police handle the rest?"

Sherlock glared at John as he made his way back over to him, sniffling thickly, "No, if he hears the sirens, he'll run. Football player, remember? Fast on foot. No Lestrade, no police."

"I don't know if I'm comfortable with all this, what with you in the condition you're in." John licked his lips and eyed Sherlock, "Don't you think now is the time to hand it over to the police? You need to rest. Give them what you know and let's go home."

Sherlock eyed him suspiciously, and directed a small cough into the back of his wrist. They were silent for a moment before John finally spoke.

“Can we at least hail a cab?” He asked, shivering slightly as another cold breeze whipped around them.

“The market is only a few more blocks away,” Sherlock responded, turning his back on John as he continued his way in the direction of the market, long strides carrying him down the sidewalk, “We have more time to come up with the right approach if we just—”

Ah’tiSHHu!” John pitched forward slightly, sneezing into an awaiting tissue he had rummaged out of his pocket in the nick of time.

“—walk.” Sherlock finished, whipping around at the sound of John’s small sneeze. He raised an eyebrow and began making his way back towards the shorter man, “John? Are you alright?”

“Uh-” John snuffled into the tissue before shoving it deep into his pocket, “Fine.” He nodded, “Fall allergies. Get them every year.”

Sherlock kept his eyebrow raised, cocking his head slightly, “I didn’t know you had allergies.” He gave his own raw nose a slight rub.

“Yeah, well,” John began, looking away from Sherlock, clenching and unclenching his fists, “Sherlock Holmes doesn’t know everything. Especially how to take care of himself.” John muttered, taking a small jab at the other man, “Now, can we just get on with it?”

Sherlock blinked at this, a bit taken aback. He lingered for a moment or two more, tying to make eye contact that John kept avoiding. He ended up breaking the silence with a wet sniffle, “I’ll hail a cab.”

John nodded at this, humming in agreement, “Good.” He said, still clenching and unclenching his fists.

Sherlock made his way to the edge of the sidewalk and extended his hand outward at a convenient upcoming cab, “Taxi!” He croaked out, voice hoarse.

The cab pulled to a halt in front of him. Sherlock opened the passenger door and exchanged a few words with the driver, telling him their destination. He then proceeded to shut the front door and open up the back, “John!” He called over his shoulder.

John jogged over at the sound of his name, “Ta.” He muttered to Sherlock who was holding the door for him before hopping in. He waited a moment for Sherlock to follow suit, but when he didn’t immediately, John furrowed his brow, “Are you coming?” He called out, “Sherlock?” He bent his head to glance out the cab door, and tutted at the sight he saw, immediately beginning to dig in his pockets for tissues.

Sherlock stood just outside the cab, one hand on the open door of the vehicle for support, the other hovering in anticipation in front of him. Sherlock’s eyes fluttered, his long nose quivering slightly, “huh-hHiIIshHHh!” He sneezed harshly into the crook of his awaiting elbow, turning away from the open taxi door as he did so. He sniffed hard and shook his head with an annoyed sigh before sliding into the cab and shutting the door.

“Bless.” John hummed, offering Sherlock an unused tissue he managed to find at the very bottom of his pocket. Sherlock took it without a word, dabbing delicately at his chapped nose.

“Should have grabbed more before leaving the flat…” John muttered to himself with a sigh. Sherlock merely responded with a thick sniffle as the cab began pulling away from the curb.

John could only hope this would all be finished soon so that Sherlock, hell, the both of them, could get some much-needed rest.

Edited by Always
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Well. WELL! If it helps at all, I am both an original reader AND a mod, and I say


Because I am always, ALWAYS (see what I did there?) in favor of more Sherlock fic, especially when it does NOT encompass that atrocity known as S4, and doubly so when is a continuation of a great story I read in the past. So, by all means, continue...and welcome back! :)

Edited by MyOwnPrivateSFC
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Seconding the sentiment--I think I was a lurker when you first posted, but it is a wondrous gift when an apparently abandoned story gets updated. (Not actually sure why the fact that this cashier uses nose drops is enough to convict him in Sherlock's eyes, but that's okay, I'm not here for the casefic and I'm cool with some handwaving.) Loving the little hint of contagion, too :evilsmiley03:

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Just found this!   Can I just say how glad I am that you have some spare time?   This is brilliant, and so completely in character!  Looking forward to more!

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