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"Think banana!" .......More Bieber.....


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I know I've taken bloomin' ages to write this so I'm very sorry but here we go. Part 3 and 4. This is the end of my Bieber writing phase I think

because I know I'm going to be very busy soon and I'd like to try some other fics. I hope you all enjoy and as always, comments/criticisms are VERY welcome!

Part 3

“Give him some space!”

“Get out of the way!”

“I need a medic, quickly!”

“Justin? Honey? …..He’s completely out of it.”

The various phrases surged through Justin’s bewildered mind as he started to regain consciousness. Emotions danced through his confused brain as he desperately tried to take control of his spinning thoughts. His eyes were still shut tightly as he fought the nausea creeping into the cauldron of feelings already poisoning his traumatized head. He fumbled with his memories in order to work out what had happened……. The realization hit quickly. He had fainted in the elevator. His misty eyelashes fluttered open to reveal his mother’s reassuring face, Emily calling a medical team and the security guards blocking the space around the elevator that had apparently moved within the time he was unconscious. Pattie lunged forwards and hugged her son tightly as he attempted to sit up. Justin opened his mouth to say something but his tongue was as dry as sand paper.

“No baby, don’t speak. Lie back down. The medic’s on the way,” smiled Pattie as Justin willingly obeyed. He swallowed to try and moisten his raw throat a little which felt almost physically impossible. He felt his mother’s palm on his forehead as the medic arrived. The security team had briefed her on the situation and evidently his status had no impact on her.

“Ok Justin I need to check your pulse,” she explained slowly as she pressed her cold fingers on his wrist. His heart was still racing as he glanced around the elevator. Justin was evaluated by the official before he was allowed to sit up and take a sip of water. The cold liquid was refreshing but it painfully trickled down his irritated throat. He was surprised to see that his jacket had been taken off in order to prevent his temperature from climbing any higher. With the change in altitude, he was suddenly reminded of the reason this disaster could have been prevented if only he had refused to fly. A warm liquid dripped from his left nostril before he was forced to sniff thickly as the medic held his head to check for any signs of concussion.

“You seem ok. Do you feel dizzy at all?” she asked while looking into his eyes to ensure she hadn’t missed anything.

“Umb, a little *sniff*,” mumbled Justin as he wiggled his nose with his forefinger and thumb. Congestion filled his sinuses once again.

“OK, you sound a little stuffy so the dizziness could be associated with that however I think you should sit for a couple more minutes and drink this again,” said the medic as she held the water bottle to his lips. He shakily gripped it and sipped generously before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

“Your heartbeat is decreasing although you seem to have a fever. Did you have this before you blacked out?”

“Yeah, I’mb sick,” sighed Justin before tumbling into a tickly coughing fit which he muffled into his knees. Suddenly, the bodily malfunction triggered a tickle within his bunged up sinuses which rapidly grew until he was completely overwhelmed by the need to sneeze. His breath hitched fiercely as the medic peered at his bruised nose.

HUH---haH—hah-IISHiuhh!......Hah-Esch-uhH! *snfle* ugh!

He groaned miserably. Today was not getting any better.

“Bless you,” responded the medic, Pattie and Emily in unison. He smiled gratefully as he acknowledged that the pretty girl was still near him. She seemed genuinely concerned as she sympathetically exchanged glances with his mother and the medic.

“That’s a really nasty gash you have there Justin,” remarked the woman as she ran her thumb across the bridge to check for swelling.

“Woops, that’s my fault *sniff*” laughed Emily awkwardly and she mouthed another “sorry” towards the star and Pattie. Justin’s sleepy features erupted into a wide smile as he gratefully accepted her heartfelt apology.

The medic massaged the bride of his nose up and down in a constant rhythm to reduce the swelling which was also helped to clear the stuffy congestion. The soothing motion induced a clear discharge to run from his nose which he covered quickly with his hand to avoid further embarrassment. The medic didn’t seem to notice or mind considering she’d seen a lot worse in her 10 years of experience.

Justin’s eyes rolled back as he desperately battled with a tingling on the tip of his cute nose induced by her cold fingers. His body tensed as he quickly pulled his cupped hands to his nose before he snapped forwards to release a desperate “Huh-Chiiuh! *sssnnnfffff* ew gross!” which narrowly missed the medic who had pulled her hands away in time. Justin muffled a thick sniffle again before wiping his palms in his pants.

“Bless you. Right I think it’s safe for you to stand now….careful….lean on me for support,” said the medic as she slowly raised Justin to his feet. His breathing intensified as he struggled with his uneasy balance. His ears were blocked with cold, which contributed to this persistent problem. He felt like he was in a bubble as he slowly stepped out of the elevator into fresh air which he gulped gratefully. He was led to a small room along with his mother and the security team where he was greeted by a box of tissues. He sat on the chair and blew his nose thickly before rubbing his temple to try and cure his headache.

“Mbom?” asked Justin sleepily.

“Yes? I’m here, what’s wrong?” replied Pattie as she hurriedly crouched beside her weak son.

“You were right. This was a bad idea *snffle* ugh, mby nose is runnding againd and I ondly blew it a few seconds ago! *sniff*” whimpered Justin helplessly as he scrunched his nose and rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands.

“I know baby, I know,” cooed Pattie as she kissed his head soothingly. She stroked his hair as she questioned the medic.

“As you can see, my son is really sick so I’d like to get him home. Is it ok if we leave now? Obviously he can’t fly in this condition—“

Heh-Uut’Chiuhh! Ugh ndope” agreed Justin miserably.

“I recommend that you stay here for another 10 minutes at least because he seems very imbalanced. Then you’re very welcome to go home. I see no reason why not. I’ll let the pilot know you won’t be flying,” replied the medic as she left the room.

Pattie turned to face her pale, suffering son. His lips were an infected red which he pouted as he whimpered falsely.

“You’re having a time of it huh? Oh I forgot to mention, that Emily girl has been very concerned about you, I’ll go get her if you like?” said Pattie as she edged her way to the door. Justin’s eyes sparkled slightly at the sound of her name.

“Umb yeah. Will you please Momb?” smiled Justin eagerly.

Pattie nodded and exited the room, leaving Justin alone (well, with the security guards but to him that was alone). His nose started to run again before he rubbed his right nostril mercilessly. Why was it itching so badly?! He sniffed and scrunched his nose until he was moved into the next stage. For some reason, his body had decided that another aspect of this deathly cold would be to give him the need to sneeze…..without the actual sneezing part. He had been false starting, cupped hands at the ready for a few minutes before Emily entered quietly. She seemed a little nervous.

“Hello,” she smiled as she sat in front of him. “How are you feeling? You seem to be making a habit of getting hurt when I’m around. I must be you bad luck charm,*sniff*”

Justin pinched the skin on his hand to distract himself from his tingling sinuses.

“Umb, like crap really but hey, I thindk the dizzyndess has stopped so thadt’s sombethig? Ndo, ndo you’re ndot mby bad luck charmb *snffle* I dond’t thindk you are andyway….” smiled Justin warily. He did seem to get hurt around her….

“Aaww I’m so sorry, *sniff* well everything happens for a reason right? I mean it was like fate we met again…I just thought I’d come and check you’re ok. It was pretty scary seeing you black out like that *sniff*,” said Emily quietly as she stood up and took a step backwards.

“Yeah *snnnff* it was like fate! Thandk you for checking ond mbe, you’re so sweet *snff* aannd thandk you for sticking with mby Mbom earlier. I thindk she likes you *sniff* you’re awesombe…..Where are you g-goi—hah—“the tickle had returned with a vengeance. Justin blinked rapidly as he turned to face the brightest light. He breathed mechanically in order to induce the stuck sneeze. He held his mouth open slightly as he focused on reaching the climax instead of another feeble false start. Finally, he grabbed his shirt collar and pulled upwards to cover his scrunched nose.

Huh- Atchoo! Hhu-ETishuh! Eischew!! *sssnnnfff*

He wiggled his nose and flared his nostrils before dropping his shirt and facing Emily.

“Ugh findally! I hate it whend I need to sndeeze but mby body just says ndo,” complained Justin as he wiped his trickling snot in his sleeve.

“Bless you! *sniff* me too! It’s horrible! Happened to me earlier actually. Anyways, you’re very welcome. Aaww your Mom is so sweet, tell her thank you. And thank you too *sniff* I have to get back to work. Try not to get into any more trouble and please REST! *snfle* It has been really nice meeting you Mr Bieber….bye,” laughed Emily as her cheeks flushed with colour.

“Ndo wait a second, I dond’t normbally do this but …..cand I get your number *snff*?” asked Justin sheepishly as he directed his gaze to the floor.

“Haha umm, yeah sure,” laughed Emily, now blushing even more. She read out her number as Justin typed it into his phone.

“Guess this isnd’t goodbye forever thend *snffle*” smirked Justin as Emily reached the door.

*sniff* I guess not! Make sure you’re 100% healthy before you actually contact me, I don’t want you getting any sicker than you already are! *sniff*…..” smiled Emily before her speech was interrupted by a faint tickle within her sinuses. Her nose had been getting increasingly runnier for the past few minutes, but she didn’t want to seem gross in front of Justin. That’s why she was eager to leave him with a positive memory of her, however this was merely a faint dream as her body betrayed her longing mind. She quickly pinched her dainty nostrils and turned away from Justin before releasing a mousy sneeze.

heh-ngxx’Tchooh! *sniff*

“Bless you. Ugh I did give you mby germbs, I’mb sorry. You ndeed to get healthy againd too!” laughed Justin as he threw the box of tissues in Emily’s direction. She rubbed her nose before taking a tissue and scrunching it into her hand.

*snnff* Thank you. No it’s fine, I would have gotten sick anyway with everyone else infected. *Sniff* I will, don’t worry. Don’t forget to call me,” said Emily as her cheeks tinted a rosy pink. Then, she was gone. Justin smiled to himself as Pattie entered the room again.

“Aaaww such a lovely girl. We can go home now Justin, everything’s sorted. Come on,” said Pattie as she pulled her sleepy son to his feet.

Justin’s eyes were getting heavier as they reached the car. He climbed in slowly with his mother’s support and lay across the back seats where he fell into a deep sleep for the rest of the ride home.

Part 4

“Justin Scooter’s here!”

Justin coughed miserably as a response. He didn’t have enough energy to get up however he was very eager to see Scooter. He was a best friend, father figure and brother all in one. The door creaked open as the brown haired man stepped inside.

“I heard what happened at the airport. Still feeling like crap?” asked Scooter as he positioned himself on the edge of the bed. Justin sat up before doubling over into a harsh coughing fit. He grabbed a glass of water and sipped eagerly.

“Mmb-hmmb, yeah. I feel terrible, I thindk I’ll have to crash here for a little longer before I go hombe. I really dond’t wandt to get Momb sick though *snff*,” explained Justin as he pushed his blanket off of his sweaty body.

“Don’t worry about that. Your Mom wants you to get better. She wants to look after you. You can’t go home like this. I agree, you should stay here for a little longer. Is your fever getting any better?” asked Scooter in a very concerned manor as he picked up the thermometer. Justin coughed again.

“Ndope, still freakind high *sniff* and mby ndose still wond’t stop runding! *sssnnnnfff* *cough* ugh,” sighed Justin helplessly as he pressed the crook of his elbow to his face.

“Aahh man that sucks. I’ve brought some chicken soup for you which I’ve put in the kitchen aaannndd, I have….this!” exclaimed Scooter childishly as he pulled out a pot of Vapour Rub and handed it to Justin.

“Frick yeah! *sniff* We’ve rand out of this so thandks,” laughed Justin as he let the gloopy substance lubricate his fingers. He pulled his shirt down and massaged the Vapour Rub on his chest in a circular motion which instantly burned his sinuses and made his eyes water. He rubbed them with the back of his wrist before coughing again.

“You’re welcome. I think we need to do something about that cough of yours too. We don’t want you losing your voice,” said Scooter as he screwed the lid on the Vapour Rub which was apparently working miraculously on Justin’s stuffy nose. The right side had cleared.

“I kndow, that’s whatd I’mb worried about. *sniff* If I get sombe sort of infectiond thend we’re ind big trouble *sniff* I huh…huh-Et’SChiew! Ow, thatd hurt,” complained Justin as he held his chest.

“Bless you. Well I’m sure if you REST UP you’ll be fine. I’ve heard you were insistent on flying this morning?” provoked Scooter.

*sniff* Ok I admit, ndot mby best pland. I cand see that ndow but—“ Suddenly Justin’s voice cracked. He coughed a few times to get rid of the croakiness only to discover that he could not speak at a normal volume. He was forced to whisper.

“Oh mby god, I cand’t—“ he coughed again. “Mby voice is gonde. *sniff*” he hissed in a panic.

“Don’t try and force it, it’ll only damage your vocal chords even more. Ok I’m sentencing you to rest, that means no talking under any circumstances. I’ll get you some soup now and we can play video games if you want but you’re not moving,” said Scooter as he walked towards the door. Justin nodded feebly before another tickle irritated his sinuses. He quickly pressed his face into his pillow to muffle the wet sneezes.


Justin sniffed thickly and rubbed his pink tinged nose in the fabric.

“Ew gross, that’s not helping the whole keeping your germs to yourself thing,” teased Scooter before he left Justin alone. The star merely smiled and collapsed into a lying down position.

The next 24 hours were filled with sniffing, sneezing and painful coughing before Justin finally started to recover with Scooter keeping him entertained by playing video games. Pattie continued to care for her son until he was well enough to return home and eventually fly to the UK. His voice returned after what felt like gallons of honey thankfully and he was able to perform a few weeks later.

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THAT...WAS...AWWEESSSOOOMMMEEEE!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :boom::boom::boom:


That was so great. SO great. Just, gah!! Amazing!!

(P.S. you nailed Scooter :) he was perfect)

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