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Midnight Swim [Sam/Dean]


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Cleaning up some more stuff. Randomly wrote this one time and found it recently, don’t know what else to do with it. Kissing and stuff happens but the clothes (eh, underwear) stay on. Sneezing from both (one from Dean but mainly from Sammy).


It’s not often they stay at a motel with a pool, and if they do, swimming is the last thing on their minds, but it’s close to midnight and still feels like the sun is out and shining bright.

Sam’s stretched out on his back, dark gray boxer-briefs and nothing else except for the sweat covering his entire body. Dean’s half-hard at the sight of him lying there, one hand brushing his hair back from his own forehead while he rubs his stomach with the other.

“Think I ate too much,” Sam groans, his thumb making tiny circles around his belly button.

“You and pasta, man,” Dean agrees. “I was getting jealous of those noodles.”

“Mmm.” Sam smiles, closes his eyes and presses the heel of his hand into his forehead. Dean watches a bead of sweat drip from his hairline across his temple and licks his lips. He’s so hot he feels like he has a fever.

“Hey,” Dean says suddenly. “Let’s go for a swim.”

Sam opens his eyes and slowly looks over.

“A swim?”

“Yeah, there’s a pool here,” Dean grins.

“Dean, who knows what the fuck is growing in that pool. No thanks.”

“Oh come on, it can’t be that bad.” Dean stands and pulls of his t-shirt, then his shorts, leaving him in just his boxers. “I’ll race you there.”

Sam groans and rolls onto his side.

“I just ate.”


“So, you’re not supposed to swim just after you eat.” Sam rolls his eyes and sits up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. He spreads his legs, and Dean can see he’s not the only one half-hard. He watches as Sam slides a hand up his torso, over his pecs that are glistening with sweat, and-

“Fine, I’ll race you,” Sam’s shouting as he springs up from the bed and bolts past Dean toward the door.

“You bitch,” Dean calls after him, stopping only to close and lock the door. When he gets to the pool, Sam’s already in the water, so he jumps in and sighs at the water that’s cooler, barely, than the temperature outside.

Sam swims over and pushes him against a side, mouth hot and eager and sliding along his jaw before he presses his lips to Dean’s. Dean kisses back for a moment before he grabs Sam and spins him around so that he’s the one pressed against the wall. Sam’s hands are everywhere, legs on either side to bracket Dean’s, water slapping against the side every couple of seconds with their movements.

Dean sucks Sam’s bottom lip into his mouth before he pulls back, letting his hands slide from Sam’s hair. As he leans away, Sam makes a low whining sound, and he splashes water at Dean when he chuckles and takes a step back.

“Hey!” Dean jerks back, sputtering and snorting before he snaps forward with a quick sneeze that sounds more like a cough. “KSHFF!”

This time it’s Sam who’s laughing. He slaps the surface of the water again and dives underwater, pushing off of the wall and swimming across the pool to the deepest end. When he resurfaces, he sees Dean following after him. When he gets there, he lunges for Sam and dunks him underwater, holding him for a few seconds before letting him up.

“You asshole!” Sam yells when he comes up, gasping for breath. Dean laughs and tries to dunk him again, but Sam twists out of his grip and swims to the side of the pool, nose burning with water and the smell of chlorine.

“HTCHshuh!” Sam sneezes, almost going back under the water. Dean swims up behind him and presses against his back.

“Asshole,” Sam repeats before sneezing again. He scrubs at his nose and shakes his head a little. “You got water up my nose.”

“Serves you right, bitch,” Dean says against the back of his neck. Sam sucks in a shaky breath that Dean can feel against his chest, and then he explodes into a string of sneezes.


Sam’s not holding on to the side anymore, head dipping close to the surface with each sneeze, so Dean wraps an arm around his waist to hold him above the water. He kisses a mole between Sam’s shoulder blades and waits for Sam to sneeze all the water out.

Hchshuh! Ugh.” Sam sniffs hard and Dean feels him relax, shoulders dropping after he gives his nose one final rub.

He turns around in Dean’s arms, about to say something, but he’s cut off by Dean’s lips. They’re both treading water, slowly drifting to the middle of the pool, and Dean closes his eyes and leans to whisper in Sam’s ear.

“Bless you.”


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You posted two in one day again... YOU POSTED TWO IN ONE DAY AGAIN.

Can I marry you? I feel like I should marry you.

YOU MAKE COMING HOME FROM WORK THE AWESOMIST EVER. And you spoil me. Don't do it. I'll be expecting this kind of treatment all the time and I'll grow up never appreciating the value of... uh... fic. And stuff.

(Sometime I like fic a whole lot and it gets me a little bit over excited. But you know that. And hopefully it's okay)

AND I don't think I've ever read a SPN water/chlorine fic AND how cute are they with all the splashing the the dunking AND I love Sam being all 'well you know... here is a fact about swimming after eating' but then still totally doing it anyway.


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Unf. HOT brothers swimming, half-clothed, half-hard, sexy, kissing, HOT, sneezing, chlorine, HOT. I'm in love... This is too much for me. <3 I would enjoy night swimming with hot sneezy sexy brothers. Remind me to splash some water up Sam's nose...

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You posted two in one day again... YOU POSTED TWO IN ONE DAY AGAIN.

Can I marry you? I feel like I should marry you.

YOU MAKE COMING HOME FROM WORK THE AWESOMIST EVER. And you spoil me. Don't do it. I'll be expecting this kind of treatment all the time and I'll grow up never appreciating the value of... uh... fic. And stuff.

(Sometime I like fic a whole lot and it gets me a little bit over excited. But you know that. And hopefully it's okay)

AND I don't think I've ever read a SPN water/chlorine fic AND how cute are they with all the splashing the the dunking AND I love Sam being all 'well you know... here is a fact about swimming after eating' but then still totally doing it anyway.


hey bb we are already married!

also i think i wrote a salt water spn fic before but i need to do another one with sammyyyy...maybe i need a prompt... :)


*agrees with everything sexualoddity said*

Yeah, that's pretty much it.

she's a smart woman:) hahaha

thank you!!

Unf. HOT brothers swimming, half-clothed, half-hard, sexy, kissing, HOT, sneezing, chlorine, HOT. I'm in love... This is too much for me. <3 I would enjoy night swimming with hot sneezy sexy brothers. Remind me to splash some water up Sam's nose...

mmm hmmm

thank youuuu:)

Sammy is so cute!!! <3333

he really, really is. thank you for reading!!

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  • 7 months later...

I love the picture of sammy and dean racing each other in their underpants. That would be a sight.

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