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"Man I hate allergies!" A bit of Bieber here....


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Ok so I wasn't really sure how to go about this but it looked like a nice challenge considering I'm not a full on Bieber fanatic. Please give me some feedback in general so I can improve on my writing skills. Hope you enjoy tonguesmiley.gif

Written by me. Fan fiction? Is that right? Anyways...

“Are you guys ready to see Justin Bieber??!”

Stupid question really. Of course they were! An ocean of eager, desperate fans had been waiting for the hot 18 year old’s arrival for over 4 hours. What was taking him so long? Surely he hadn’t been preparing for this whole time? After all, it was only supposed to be a small meet and greet before he launched into countless interviews for his brand new album “As long as you love me.”

A deafening roar of screams pierced the warm, summer air as oestrogen levels soared. Chaos would be the correct term to describe the ferocity in which these crazed fans were begging for the arrival of the star. Him. The one.


Shrieking, screeching, shouting. The small car park became claustrophobic with suffocating intensity as the volume increased rapidly. Yes get on with it!


The air became like a bubble. The sound so loud that ear drums were shattered as the sexy, brown tousled haired artist approached the microphone at the front of the small stage. He was wearing a navy-blue, collared shirt accompanied by light brown chinos. He ran his masculine hand through his hair as he smiled at the adoring crowd.

“Hey guys! Sorry I’m a little late. So, how about I come down there and meet and greet all of you?”

The fans were under his spell, mesmerized by every word that flowed out of his perfect lips. Justin giggled and turned to walk down the steps. He rubbed his nose slightly as he descended to the madness below. Security guards covered him as he approached his seat behind a rectangular table. He rubbed his nose again with the back of his right hand as he sat down.

He’d been repeating the usual,


“H-Hey! Omg I love you! Will you sign my paper/hand/face?!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!”

For about half an hour before realizing that his nose had been getting runnier and runnier. He thought the allergy medicine that had been pumped into him earlier had stopped it. Evidently not. So….he was hours late for nothing.

He tilted his head backwards in an attempt to reduce the leakage before anyone noticed. This could be embarrassing. He pinched the bridge of his nose and rubbed up and down to prevent any more congestion from forming. He then pressed the back of his left hand so that his smooth skin rested against his slightly inflamed nostrils and sniffed loudly, catching the attention of one of his security guards.

“Are you alright Mr Bieber?”

Justin quickly rested his hand on his warm knee. He gave a shy smile before replying,

“Oh haha yeah sure I’m fine. Who’s next?”

A young girl dressed in a purple Justin Bieber t-shirt hurriedly stepped through the gate almost pushing the security guard over. Her sea-blue eyes bulged with eagerness as she nervously played with her blonde hair. Her perfume was quite strong…..No, it wasn’t quite strong, it was unbearably strong. She smelled like a garden of fresh, pollen riddled flowers as she drew nearer. Justin’s nose twitched.

“H-hello,” she beamed.

“Hey. *snffle* Cool shirt *snffle* You have perfume on?”

“Thank you!!!! Yeah I do! Plus I’ve just been sat in that field over there while I was waiting. The one with the flowers? They started cutting the grass so my friends and I had to move.”

Justin’s nose was getting itchier. Cutting the grass?! That’s why his hayfever was acting up so much! The tickle was growing, stronger and stronger. His eyelashes fluttered as he turned away quickly, his breath hitching. He held his cupped hands ready…

Heh….HEH ….He-EEiccshhiiieeww *snffle* He-attsshhiiuww…..ee-tchuuuhh *snffle* …Oh I’m sorry!”

He pinched his flaring nostrils with his forefinger and thumb as he turned to face the girl once more.

“Bless you Justin!!!! C-Can you sign my shirt please??”

Justin was still fighting the urge to sneeze. He had forgotten to bring tissues outside too. Typical. He scrunched his nose, desperately trying to contain his running snot that was dripping mercilessly because of gravity obviously as he bent over to reach his pen that had fallen earlier during his mini-fit. He flared his nostrils and sniffed loudly as he stood at full height again. He rested his right hand on the table and started to scribble over her stretched shirt with his left.

“ To?*snffle* What’s your name sweetie?” asked Justin as he turned his face away slightly to twitch his sloped nose.

“I-it’s Katie,” she replied hurriedly, glaring at the star in front of her.

“Ok… To Katie *snffle* Nice perfume, *SNIFF* Love Justin,” he read out as he wrote messily. He placed the lid on the pen quickly before the ever growing urge overcame him once more. He clutched the collar of his shirt and pulled upwards to cover his face as he sneezed harshly.

Heh-Eeiisshiuuww!!! Ugh mand! I’b sorry!” he apologized as he dropped his shirt and looked towards the girl who was still in awe of his beauty. His tousled hair had fallen in front of his eyes impairing his already teary vision. He ran his fingers through his hair once more as he looked towards the crowd. Fans were starting to get impatient, screaming his name as they tried to push into the closing gap between the security guards and him. How could he go on like this? His nose was stuffy, pink and streaming. His eyes were watering badly as he rubbed them vigorously. This must be so unattractive, thought Justin as his nostrils flared once again. The girl interrupted his thoughts.

“It’s ok!! Bless you!!!! Can I have a hug please Justin??!” exclaimed the girl as she lunged forwards, arms outstretched.

“UUbb yeah sure,” he replied reaching over the table. She buried her head into his shoulder so that Justin’s nose was pressed into her perfume covered neck. Oh no, not again he thought! The tickle in the back of his nose grew rapidly as he tried his absolute hardest to suppress the dreaded feeling. His nose was still streaming as he struggled to avoid getting snot on her smooth skin. Justin muffled a wet sniffle into her neck before tilting his head slightly to breathe in fresh air. No use, the sweet smell of cut grass only added to his desperate need to sneeze. The girl was still holding on tightly as he started to lose the battle.

“Thank you Justin! I love you! I listen to all of your songs every day!”

“Great *sniff* huh….That’s awesome heh…*sniff*” he replied as he quickly peeled the girl off of his convulsing body. He had just managed to remove her arms from his neck before he lunged forwards, directing his sneeze into his left hand while his right was still clutched tightly by the girl’s sharp fingers. He managed to cup his hand over his face which was dangerously close to her chest as the fit began.


He forcefully pulled his hand from the girl’s iron grip to cover his leaking nose. He had almost sneezed on her! This couldn’t go on for much longer. The security guard ushered the girl along as Justin gave a muffled,

“I’b really, really sorry! I thindk it’s your perfube *snffle*” through his still-cupped hands.

The girl was clearly unfazed and completely star-struck as she gave an apology and odd giggle before exiting through the other gate. Justin sniffed loudly, the congestion thick in his sinuses. He sat back down before launching into another attack.

uutt-Chiieew!! Eeii-chiuww!! H-huh- ETTCHSSIUGH! Ugh!” he groaned in his misery. He was usually pretty good at hiding his allergies from fans. Apart from those sneezes that had been caught in interviews twice he was pretty much in the clear. After all, would his fans still be around if they knew that every morning during summer he was a sniffling, sneezing, mess? Blowing and wiping his irritated nose before receiving doses of allergy medication? The make-up team always did a great job at hiding his pink, dry skin but they weren’t here at the moment and he was sure it had faded by now. Surely the fans were here because of him, his music, and wouldn’t care if he was gross?

Justin raised his thumb covered with the sleeve of his jacket that lay on the chair, up to his nose and dabbed lightly. He was breathing heavily through his mouth as a result of his congestion. He glanced up to see that his security guard had called for a break. He held out a box of Kleenex just in time as Justin grabbed one quickly to muffle another desperate,


He blew his nose thickly before reaching for another.

“Man I hate allergies!”

Edited by g123
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I love the Biebs, I wish this was longer sadsmiley.gif

(not ashamed, haha)

Haha I was going to make it longer but I didn't want to drag it out too much. Glad you liked it though :P

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Haha, I must say, I rather enjoyed this. Great job! biggrin.png

Aaaww thank you!!:D

Oh and I forgot to mention, I was supposed to say purpleninja not purple. I didn't realize there were two members with similar names blushsmiley.gif

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OOHHHH MYYY....... GAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I JUST got my power turned back on after the hurricane and I find THIS??

ILOVEYOUILOVEYOUILOVEYOU!!! MAN you are AWESOME!!!!! I would put emoticons, but they mess with my computer. Just imagine a bunch of the ones that blow up.

This was WONDERFUL!!!! Bieber or not, you're an amazing writer!

If you feel like continuing for any reason, trust me, I'll read it!

(btw you should've seen my face when I saw "Bieber" in the title. I just fangirled all over the place)


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OOHHHH MYYY....... GAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I JUST got my power turned back on after the hurricane and I find THIS??

ILOVEYOUILOVEYOUILOVEYOU!!! MAN you are AWESOME!!!!! I would put emoticons, but they mess with my computer. Just imagine a bunch of the ones that blow up.

This was WONDERFUL!!!! Bieber or not, you're an amazing writer!

If you feel like continuing for any reason, trust me, I'll read it!

(btw you should've seen my face when I saw "Bieber" in the title. I just fangirled all over the place)


Hahahahahahahaha you're very welcome!! biggrin.png I actually enjoyed getting into a bit of Bieber......

AAwww thank you SO MUCH!! Honestly that means a lot!happy%20crying.GIF

Umm I'm not sure yet. I might give it a go considering he still has to finish the signing aaevil.gif .......

Hahaha I can imagine! Well you're welcome again anyway!

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(I'm sorry if I go a little rabid, but this is like a drug to me now. I have read it over and over and over and over and over and thank you so so so so so so so so so so so much!!!!!!)

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purpleninja: Bahahahaha you're welcome!!

smalltownbieber: I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thank you!

So here we go, part 2. Pretty much comes to an end here but that's not a definite. :P

The next 10 minutes were a blur of tissues, chattering and powdered makeup brushes sweeping across Justin’s pink-tinted skin, only adding to his nasal irritation. Unfortunately he had to avoid most allergy medication for fear of overdosing. After all, he still had to meet and greet more fans as well as sing a song from his album. Joy.

After he’d been pulled and prodded, the most celebratory result was that his eyes had stopped streaming and his nostrils were slightly less inflamed. As for his thickly congested nose and voice….well….let’s just say the fans would have to be VERY star-stricken to miss these obvious factors.

A red-headed makeup artist in her twenties glanced at her watch quickly before approaching Justin who had his head in his hands. He separated his slim fingers slightly to look up at her. He used both hands to smooth back his messy hair and force a smile even though he was extremely miserable.

“How ya feelin’ hun?” asked the girl sympathetically while struggling to pull a tissue from her clear bag, crammed with unnecessary and unwanted products.

*Sniff* Like crap, by dose is stuffed up agaid,” he groaned while he heavily rested his cheek on his moist palm.

“Ok everyone!! Break’s over! Justin you need to be back out there in 1 minute. Your fans are getting impatient!” shrieked a middle-aged woman with a clip-board. Justin slowly stood from his chair, slightly dizzy with the congestion and unavoidable headache that was forming.

“No hold on Mr….Come here,” said the girl as she placed a surprisingly clean tissue over his leaky nose. “Blow please.”

Justin blew until he suspected she was getting grossed out from the moist material in between her slender fingers.

“I’b sorry, that’s gross,” he said as the pink tinge returned to his cheeks. She squeezed the tissue slightly and pulled it from his nose.

“Oh please, I’ve dealt with worse than a little bit of snot, now you’d better get going. Minute’s almost up. Oh and take these! That should do if you go into another sneezing fit,” she hurriedly replied while pushing other (less clean) tissues into his pocket.

“Thadk you. By sdeezig has slowed down dow though……Heh…”

As if on cue Justin’s eyelashes fluttered as a vague expression formed on his pretty-boy face. He fumbled in his pocket to pull out one of his newly received tissues before clamping it tightly to his nose.

Huh-IiisshhuuHH! Hah-eishieww! …Ish-huh!*snffle*

“Yeah it looks like it too. Now go on!” laughed the girl sarcastically as she turned him by his shoulders to face the exit. He sighed heavily. Obviously he wasn’t going to disappoint his fans, but surely they could empathize with him slightly?

He stepped out of his trailer to be welcomed by hundreds of flashing cameras like bolts of lightning, blinding him from walking any further for fear of tripping up. Unfortunately this didn’t help the fact that Justin was also a photic sneezer. The lights triggered a tickling sensation in the back of his nose near his teary brown eyes. He smiled through his struggle to supress the desperate need to relieve himself of the urge to sneeze. No, he wasn’t going to fall victim this early on. He pressed the left side of his nose with his knuckle and closed his eyes until the tickle morphed into a burning feeling that passed after a couple of seconds. A security guard led him back to his seat. The warm sun was still shining brightly in the sky as the rest of the signing began.

Gradually he survived the agonizing pain of his terrible hay fever. There were a few close calls where he had just managed to turn his head in time to release a number of wet sneezes along the lines of

“Hah-IIsshuuhh!! Heh…EEiisshuuhhH….IIishheeww!”

thankfully in the opposite direction to fans’ faces. He had to continuously sniffle and blow his nose through the meet and greet, transferring his germs from object to object. He felt helpless. He couldn’t breathe through his nose and the more he blew it, the more irritated it became, thus creating the need to apply more makeup. The red-headed girl cheered him up by saying it could be worse while covering up his inflamed skin but he was still pretty down-hearted.

He signed his last autograph to a young girl with her parents before sighing with relief. Only the performance to go. He drank a bottle of water to help reduce his headache as he followed a security guard to his position backstage.

“Ok Justin, the plan is for you to say a few words to your fans then go straight into an acoustic version of “As Long as you Love Me”. Ok?” asked the lady with a clip board as she fiddled with his messed up hair.

“Mbmm? Oh *snffle* yeah ok,” he replied drowsily as he handed his water bottle to a passing security guard.

“Are you ok? I know your allergies are messing with you today but you only have this to go. Get through this and you can go indoors for the rest of the day I promise.”

“*sigh* I kdow I’b just sick of blowig by dose and sn-sde…EiiShhiuhh!! Sdeezing!”

The woman sympathetically rubbed his shoulder before sliding him into position.

“Bless you. Only one more thing to do. Promise.”

Justin could see his fans buzzing with excitement as his introduction was given. Some were even crying….with happiness he hoped. The ringing returned to his ears as the screeching erupted. He approached the stool next to the microphone, the perfect height for his lips to reach. His adorable smile melted the hearts of fans before he even opened his mouth to speak. Unfortunately his desperate attempt to sound normal failed miserably.

“Hey so, I’d like to thadk you guys for turnig up here today. Without you I wouldnd’t be where I’b at dow. So I probise to keep mbakig mbusic, as long as you love me.”

The crowd exploded into a mass of cheers and screams as the smouldering 18 year old in front of them folded his hands around the microphone stand. He smiled and looked down as the guitar player started to strum the tune. Evidently, Justin had forgotten that his nose was still delicate and anything could trigger the dripping. A wet sniffle was caught loudly by the microphone and filled the ears of rabid fans. He rubbed his nose and tear-duct with his index finger before clutching the microphone tightly. Suddenly he caught sight of the girl from earlier. It wasn’t exactly hard to miss her distinctive features. She was pressed tightly against the stage, her arms reaching up to touch him. This time he could see that her friends were with her. The ones who had been sat in the grass… all day long….in a split second the realisation hit him like a ton of bricks, as well as the waft of sweet perfume that tantalized his nostrils. He could just about read her lips as she sprayed her perfume over her friends and towards him on the stage. “He likes my perfume”.

Justin was so caught up that he almost missed his cue. He focused his attention back on the song once more to find the lyrics jumbled in his distracted mind.

“As long as you love me...yeah… We’re under pressure, Seved billion people id the world tryig to fit id *sniff*. Keep it together, Sbile on your face eved though your heart is frowdig…”

The perfume molecules finally hit his area on the stage causing his nostrils to quiver. It was hard enough trying to sing with a completely blocked nose, now he had to sneeze too?! He caught the girl’s eye as he continued the war with his sinuses. She was innocently transfixed. He had to remind himself that it wasn’t entirely her fault. He did encourage her by complimenting her scent earlier. He continued to sing until the desperation became too much The tickle was unbearable. He turned his head and cupped his sneeze into his right hand as the other still rested on the microphone. This continued as he struggled to keep singing.

“As long as you love be, we could be starving, we could be hobeless ..…hah-aaTTChhuh!! …I’ll be your platinub, I’ll be your silver, I’ll be your gold- Heh- Eiissiiuhh! *snffle* As long as you la-la-la-la-la-la ...Isshiuhh!...”

Justin took a few seconds to catch his breath. He returned both hands to the microphone to support himself as he stood up. He glanced desperately towards the side of the stage for help where he saw the clip-board lady willing him to continue, pointing to her watch to indicate it was nearly over. He was getting irritated but he was a professional. He turned away from the audience to massage his right nostril in a circular motion with the back of his wrist before turning to continue.

*snffle* Sorry guys, my allergies are acting up,” he finally admitted as the guitar still strummed in the background.

The next moment reminded Justin why he loved his fans so much after all the invasion of his privacy. In unison they started to sing so that the star could catch up. He sniffled thickly and giggled as he pulled the microphone from the stand to sing what was left of the song.

“So dond’t stress and dond’t cry, we dodn’t need no wigs to fly *sniff* Just take by hand, As longg as you love be…”

He managed to finish the third verse before his desperate fit began. His breath hitched quickly as he cupped both hands (the microphone still in one of them) over his face in time while bending over, showing the top of his light grey boxers to the crowd.

Huh—ESSSHUH!! Eisshiieww!...Heh..heh..Heh-IISSHIIUGH!! *sniff*

He pinched his nose with his forefinger and thumb before reluctantly giving in to pulling out his tissue. Unfortunately he wasn’t quick enough as another bout of sneezing hit him. He directed them into the crook of his elbow as he struggled to keep his balance. He could hear the crowd screaming “Bless you Justin!” as he continued in his misery.

Att-CHuhH!! …Heh-atCCHUHa! ..*sniff*…*snffle* HEh-EICHIEWW!!!! Ugh mand!” The third was loudly picked up by his microphone that he struggled to hold onto through the whole fit. His eyes were misty and red as he turned to face the audience once again. Thankfully the urge had finally subsided. He hadn’t realized that he had been filmed throughout his whole fit. No avoiding youtube now, he thought.

“I’b so sorry you guys *snffle* by hay fever has beend really bad all day amongst other thigs that have made me a sdeezing mess,” he explained as he smirked at the girl who looked very guilty.

Much to his surprise, the audience began to clap and cheer, many screaming “BLESS YOU!” at the top of their voices.

“Haha thadk you. I hope you can still love be as buch as I love you eved though the perforbandce didn’t go exactly to plad *snffle* I love you all!”

He grinned at the dazed audience and waved before turning to walk off the stage where he was greeted by a box of tissues and more allergy medication.

“Let’s hope I wod’t have to do adother beet and greet outside,” he said before blowing his nose thickly.

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THAT...WAS....AMAZINGGG!!!!!!! You just made my day. I was having the crappiest crappy day ever, and you just turned that around :) THANK YOU!!!!!!


(and..uh..since we've uncovered a major talent here...more??? *adoring puppy dog eyes*)


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Wow you replied to that SSSOO quickly!!!!! AAaawww I'm glad I made you feel better :) Trust me, your comments made me feel pretty awesome too!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

Hahaha it isn't a definite yes or no because I'm going to be pretty busy with school and stuff soon. So I'm not sure yet but don't worry I'll keep it in mind! :P

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*gets down on knees and begs the fate genie to give you some extra time and loads and loads of inspiration*

And I will say it again, you are the BESTEST EVER!!!! I was honestly about to give up hope that anyone would do Bieber anymore :( And then I saw "a bit of Bieber here..." and I EXPLODED and fangirled all over the place. You're the best. Period.

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Purple :D

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Aw how cute :) Didn't think I would like a Biebs fan-fic, but this was SUPER cute.

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*gets down on knees and begs the fate genie to give you some extra time and loads and loads of inspiration*

And I will say it again, you are the BESTEST EVER!!!! I was honestly about to give up hope that anyone would do Bieber anymore sadsmiley.gif And then I saw "a bit of Bieber here..." and I EXPLODED and fangirled all over the place. You're the best. Period.

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Purple biggrin.png

AAaawwww thank you!!!!!!!! You are SO SO SO SWEET!! Bahaha we'll have to see about the time thing but I'm sure I can get hit with inspiration somehow. :P

Aw how cute smile.png Didn't think I would like a Biebs fan-fic, but this was SUPER cute.

I didn't think I would enjoy writing it too much either but I did! Thank you!!!! :D

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weeeeeelllllllllll, if you need some inspiration...cold fic??? pweeeaasssee??? up to you, though. I take anything with his name in it :D

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weeeeeelllllllllll, if you need some inspiration...cold fic??? pweeeaasssee??? up to you, though. I take anything with his name in it biggrin.png

Funnily enough, I actually started the first one as a cold fic but I wanted to do the perfume thing so I had to change it not to make it too tacky. Not that I'm stalking you or anything but I quote:

"I think my top would definitely be a hot guy (ahem justinbieber) with a really messy, miserable cold and he's just had a really, really crappy day and breaks down and starts crying and sneezing at the same time while I get to comfort him with tissues and the like. There's something about sick, miserable, sad, sniffly, sneezy guys (or..uh...guy) that make me melt all over the place. Angst. Angsty angst angst angst!!! And h/c and caretaking, of course. Plus fluff. Really any combination of that would be *wonderful*!"

Hmmm.....interesting whistle.gif I can't promise anything for a while though sorry.

Poor biebs -smirks-

Muhahahaha twisted.gif

Edited by g123
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OMIGOSH!! You *SAW* that?? YAY!!!! I was hoping and hoping that someone would see that and be all like "hm...." omg I'm actually hyperventilating a lil bit!! I don't care how long it takes you :) I'm not going anywhere :)

gah! I love you. You're the best. You're the bestest ever!

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i love this. <3

Aaww thank you :)

OMIGOSH!! You *SAW* that?? YAY!!!! I was hoping and hoping that someone would see that and be all like "hm...." omg I'm actually hyperventilating a lil bit!! I don't care how long it takes you smile.png I'm not going anywhere smile.png

gah! I love you. You're the best. You're the bestest ever!

Hahhaha yeah I saw it! I replied to that topic before you so I was still checking up on it to see what other people were saying and I was like "interesting......" hahaha I'm glad you don't care how long because I honestly have no idea how long it'll take me or when I'll fit it in but don't worry it's on my to do list :)

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