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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Starting from Scratch (another Faberry!) F/F


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this is....AMAZING!!! definitely one of your best stories!!! biggrin.pngbiggrin.png please please more!!!

hehehe, that's what you always say, weevill dear! but thanks, I really don't get sick of hearing it :) and yes, thanks everybody, more chaps coming...like I'd leave you hanging on a cliff like that! you must have me confused with ryan murphy ;p

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this is....AMAZING!!! definitely one of your best stories!!! biggrin.pngbiggrin.png please please more!!!

hehehe, that's what you always say, weevill dear! but thanks, I really don't get sick of hearing it smile.png and yes, thanks everybody, more chaps coming...like I'd leave you hanging on a cliff like that! you must have me confused with ryan murphy ;p

thats cuz its true!!! each one is better than the last :) i only speaks the truth my friend ;)

lmao ryan murphy...i still havent forgiven him for that cliffhanger last season :(

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thank you thank you, everyone! here is another chapter of utter faberry indulgence to brighten your day. enjoy! :D


Starting from Scratch

Part 5


In the morning, Rachel woke in a tangle of twisted sheets, pressed up against her girlfriend's overheated body with one arm thrown protectively over her hips. She yawned and rubbed her eyes as she sat up, leaning over Quinn's peacefully sleeping face to feel her forehead. It was still hot, though perhaps not quite as hot as it had been last night; which meant the antibiotics were working, which meant Rachel could dial back her three-alarm heart attack to perhaps just two alarms. Maybe.

The blonde girl still looked awfully sick, though, even as she lay there fast asleep; pale and sweaty and pink-nosed, her soft, congested breathing slow and even in the quiet morning air. Carefully, Rachel slipped out of bed and pulled on her robe, padding down to the kitchen and brewing a fresh cup of herbal remedy tea, sweetening it with a generous amount of honey; along with a cup of coffee with soymilk for herself, and two toasted blueberry muffins with vegan buttery-spread. She put the whole arrangement on a breakfast tray, along with a small saucer holding a fresh dose of Quinn's antibiotics, plus a prescription-strength decongestant/expectorant leftover from the last time she was sick, some Tylenol, and a handful of vitamins and homeopathic remedies. Finally, the dark-haired girl clipped a fat yellow daffodil from the back yard and stuck it into a bud vase. Satisfied with the whole effect, the little starlet crept back upstairs, resting the tray on the bedside table as she climbed back into bed with her sleeping angel, kissing her and stroking her hair until she groaned pathetically and opened her eyes.

“G'bordig,” Quinn croaked out softly; and immediately curled up on her side in a fit of congested coughing, the rattling sound so ponderous and deep that it almost seemed as if she was underwater, drowning at the bottom of the ocean. Rachel winced in sympathy, rubbing her girlfriend's warm back until it passed, and cooing softly to soothe her.

“Aww, angelfish, you sound horrible,” Rachel groaned, smoothing Quinn's sleep-mussed hair back from her face and passing her a tissue to wipe her nose, which had started to run while she was coughing.

“Thadks, Captaihd Obvious,” the blonde girl grumbled crankily, taking the offering and blowing her nose prodigiously. Rachel let the snarky tone go, knowing how awful her girlfriend must be feeling, and instead gave her another kiss. Quinn smiled weakly.

“Breakfast in bed, mademoiselle?” Rachel grinned back, reaching over for the tray and laying it across Quinn's lap once the blonde girl had pushed herself up a bit against the pillows. “I know food isn't very high on your list of priorities right now, but you've got to eat before you take your meds, or you'll just barf them all up again.”

“Lovely imbadge,” Quinn muttered darkly, reaching for the steaming mug of tea and taking a cautious sip. “Oh, God...that feels so good. Thadk you, baby...I'b sorry I...*snghf!*...I'b beihg such a brat. *Snf.*

“Aw, sweetness, you don't have to apologize...you're sick and stressed out, of course you're gonna be a little cranky. It's nothing you have to feel bad about, honestly. But if you really wanna make it up to me, eat your breakfast, okay? Then we can get you to the hospital for that X-ray, so we know for sure we're taking care of you right.” The dark-haired girl leaned in and kissed her sniffling girlfriend right on the raw pink tip of her nose, a habit she'd picked up over the last few months of Quinn's recurring bouts of illness. At first the blonde girl had freaked out every time and yelled at her girlfriend (or, tried to—it was hard to yell when your throat was on fire and your head was full of snot) that she was going to make herself sick, too; but it never seemed to happen, so eventually Quinn just gave in and enjoyed the doting attention from her girlfriend.

“Okay, starfish...for you, I'll eat breakfast,” the sick girl sighed softly, taking a small bite of her muffin, along with another little sip of tea. Rachel was so relieved, she suddenly realized she was hungry, too, and dug into her own breakfast. They ate quietly for a few minutes; and Quinn swallowed her saucer full of pills one at a time, without complaint. Then she sniffled, sucked in a deep, wheezy breath, and closed her eyes as her little nostrils twitched open, a thin dribble of discharge slipping down the divot in her upper lip. “Hhihchiiew!! *Snfl.*” Both hands wrapped around the hot cup of tea, Quinn sneezed breathlessly into her lap.

“Bless you Quinnie,” Rachel cooed, handing her girlfriend another tissue as Quinn hastily put her tea back on the tray, one hand cupped awkwardly over her face to cover the trail of snot oozing from her stuffy pink nose.

“Thag you,” the blonde girl croaked wearily, wiping her nose once and then folding the tissue over to blow, producing a hearty gurgle that proved, if nothing else, that she at least still had a decent lung capacity. “Fuck, I'b cold...will you get by hoodie?”

“Sure, baby,” Rachel grinned, hopping out of bed and fetching her girlfriend's favorite old Cheerios hoodie, soft and faded and warm, from her own closet (okay, it was Rachel's favorite, too) and gently helping her into it, zipping it up over her pajamas.

“Thadks, Rach,” Quinn smiled woozily, tilting her head up for a kiss, which Rachel happily delivered.

“Now, shall we get ready for your appointment?”

“Ohh...*snghf*...okay...hhh'tchxuh!” Quinn sneezed again, pressing the moist pink underside of her nose to the cuff of her hoodie, sniffling wetly as she swiped the dampening fabric across her nostrils.

“Quinnie, I know you don't feel good, but use a tissue. You're going to soak right through your sleeves,” Rachel sighed, passing her bleary-eyed girlfriend a fresh tissue from the bedside table.

“Thadks,” the blonde girl sighed softly; then she closed her eyes and let her features go slack, holding the tissue a few inches in front of her face as watery snot issued freely from the depths of her runny nose, making the rims of her pink nostrils glisten as they quivered and huffed in mounting irritation. “Uh...hhuh...” Breath hitching, she cupped the tissue right up to her trembling pink nostrils, squeezing gently to appease the unbearable tickle. “Uhhtchshiiew!! Ahh...ah'ashhiuh!!! *Snghhf.*

"Bless you," Rachel fussed, putting the box of tissues right in Quinn's lap as the one she held was already completely destroyed. The blonde girl just glowered, tired and shivering, and took several more kleenex from the box without comment.

"Knock knock," said a gentle voice at the bedroom door, and the two girls looked up to see Rachel's dad Jacob standing there and smiling warmly at them. "I'm glad you're both up, I was just gonna come wake you for the doctor's appointment. How are you feeling today, Quinnie?"

"Dot...*snghf!*...dot very good..." Quinn blinked woozily, pulling several more tissues from the box and holding them up to her runny nose as it quivered in fresh irritation, wet and pink and miserable. "Uhhh...uhtchOOoo!!! Hiih'hishhiew!!" The blonde girl sneezed desperately into the handful of tissues, soaking them instantly, and keeping them clamped to her face to cover the rattling cough that followed after. Rachel just rubbed her back silently, and handed her back her tea when she emerged breathless and whimpering from behind the crumpled tissues.

"God bless you, sweetheart," Jacob said gently, approaching the bed and feeling Quinn's forehead to check the status of her fever.

"Thag you," Quinn croaked weakly, taking a sip of the now cooling tea to calm her throat. "By dose feels like a brokehd faucet." She pulled out another tissue, and wiped it gently across her glistening nostrils with a soft, congested sniffle. By now, she had a sizable pile of crumpled tissues in her lap; and she'd only been awake for half an hour.

"Hang on a sec, I think I might have something that'll help a little," Jacob sighed with a small smile, ruffling the blonde girl's hair affectionately before he slipped out of the room and padded down the hall to his own bedroom, returning a moment later with a stack of neatly folded white handkerchiefs. "I know it's a bit old-fashioned, but I think these will get you further than a box of tissues...especially once we're out of the house. I don't want you to be stuck in some hospital waiting room with nothing to blow your nose on."

"Thadks, Dad," the sick girl murmured absently, picking one up from the top of the pile and folding it around her damp pink nose for a deep, hearty blow, rubbing her irritated nostrils in little circles through the soft cotton fabric. It felt much better than blowing her nose into the wispy paper tissues, which kept falling apart in her hands. Jacob and Rachel just smiled goofily at each other, both of them charmed to hear Quinn call her girlfriend's father "Dad." They had told her ages ago that she could, and there was no question that both Jacob and Michael thought of Quinn as a daughter; but she only actually said it when she was very sleepy, or sick, or otherwise disoriented.

"You're welcome, baby girl. Do you want me to bring you up some breakfast before we go?"

"Doe, Rachel already did...ahd she gave be all by...*snghf!*...all by pills, too."

"Good girl," Jacob smiled, ruffling his daughter's dark hair.

"Well, we're going to be on our own in New York soon enough," Rachel shrugged. "I thought it prudent to practice handling this stuff on our own as much as possible right now." She gave her sniffling girlfriend a reassuring smile; and the blonde girl grinned back at her woozily.

"True enough. Do you want me to come to the hospital, then, or do you wanna handle it on your own?"

"We can go alone," Rachel said decisively, looking to Quinn for confirmation that this was okay.

"Yeah," Quinn sighed, smiling weakly. "Rachel's right. We should...*snfl*...try to be as...hhuh...as ihdepehdant as p-possible, before we...*snghf!*...before..." This time, Quinn cupped the thick cotton hanky to her nose and mouth as a hitching, sneezy breath came over her, pressing the soft, clean cloth right up to her dribbling pink nostrils as they dilated ticklishly. "Uht'chiiew!!" She pitched forward, sniffled, and immediately closed her eyes again, head tilting back involuntarily as she briefly took the hanky away from her face a few inches. "Hhh...hh'hih..." Watery discharge issued freely from her glistening nostrils as they twitched and quivered, desperate for release, until she raised the hanky again, pinching it firmly to her runny nose as a desperately ticklish gasp escaped from the back of her throat. "Ehh'ESHHIEW!!! *Snfl*..."

"Bless you!" Rachel and her dad chorused together, while Quinn coughed and blew her nose again.

"Thag you," Quinn croaked softly, her voice becoming raspier by the second. "Ugh, you were right Jacob, this is way better thad paper tissues," she sighed, pinching and squeezing her moist pink nose through the soft fabric much more firmly than she dared to with the tissues, that fell apart so quickly in her hands when they became saturated with snot.

"Glad I could help," Jacob smiled, kissing the top of her head while she blew her nose again. "I'll leave you girls to get dressed-- make sure you're ready to go by ten, okay?"

"Okay," they both nodded, and he kissed them both once more on their foreheads before he left, closing the door behind him.

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awwwwww quinnieeee!!!! poor baby she sounds so sick!! :(( i think i can safely say that this story is fantastic!!! and i am so looking forward to this and any other stories especially with season 4 of glee starting back up again!! :D

awesome as always wbb!!

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Hey Gleeks! Thanks for keeping up the comments, they are always appreciated! Here's a new chap for your enjoyment. And after the season 4 premiere last week (which they somehow managed to pull off without quinn OR santana....quite a feat) I am thinking that after this chap we'll just jump ahead a week or so and see how they're adjusting in NYC.




Starting from Scratch

Part 6


Quinn and Rachel arrived at the radiology desk promptly at 10:30am for Quinn's appointment, and then commenced with the all-important waiting around in uncomfortable plastic chairs for her name to be called, the busy hospital humming around them. At first the woozy blonde girl was content with leaning her head on her girlfriend's shoulder and listening to her iPod, swimming in and out of a light doze while Rachel cuddled her and stroked her hair; but after a while, the overpowering air conditioning started to get to her, and her body tensed up with shivering, too much to allow her to rest. She zipped up her hoodie and wrapped her arms around herself, teeth chattering quietly, and pinched her chilled pink nose in the dampening hanky every few minutes as wheezy, breathless sneezes and rattling coughs seized her lungs in endless procession.

She never complained, though—whether it was a product of her strict Catholic upbringing, or the long stretches of time she'd spent in and out of hospitals since the accident (or both), Rachel knew her sweet girl wouldn't utter a word of complaint until she literally couldn't take it anymore. Rachel, on the other hand, had no such qualms; and after an especially congested hhh'tXCHeww!! bent the blonde girl's shivering body double in her seat, drawing a few accusatory looks from their fellow hospital patrons in the waiting area, the little starlet got up and indignantly marched to the front desk, where a bored looking middle-aged receptionist was doing data entry.

“Excuse me, is there any way you can turn down the A/C a bit? My girlfriend has a high-grade fever, and she hasn't stopped shivering since we came in here.” She nodded her head toward Quinn, who was now curled up miserably with her arms around her knees in her seat, locks of sweat-dampened blonde hair sticking to her forehead; but the receptionist didn't even glance up from her computer screen.

“Sorry miss, the thermostats are regulated by building maintenance. We don't control it from here.” The woman didn't sound particularly sorry at all as she typed away at her keyboard; and Rachel felt her annoyance jabbing her insides like hot pokers in her stomach, fed by worry, anxiety and exhaustion as she glared at the woman who was blithely ignoring her.

“Well is she going to get in for her X-ray soon? We've been here almost an hour, and she's very sick, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. This isn't helping.”

“Please have a seat, miss. I'll call you when it's your turn.” Rachel's face flushed furiously at the receptionist's cold indifference, and she felt an angry retort rising in her throat; but she bit down on it before it could emerge, knowing it wouldn't help Quinn any if she made an enemy of the hospital's administrative staff. Instead, she stomped back to her seat and pulled out her phone, dashing off a quick text to her daddy, who was working two floors down in the ER, and hoping he'd be able to respond to her request before the next blood-spurting emergency was rushed in.

“Are you bakidg trouble?” the blonde girl asked croakily as the little starlet sat down, with a weak attempt at a smile as she coughed into her elbow.

“Well someone's got to move this glacial bureaucracy along,” Rachel huffed indignantly, taking her seat and wrapping an arm around her girlfriend's trembling shoulders in an attempt to warm her. “I swear, you'd think the mission statement of this hospital was to keep their patients sitting around so long, they get better on their own just waiting to be seen.” Quinn chuckled softly, and coughed again.

“Ughh. I dod't doe how buch lodger I cad...*snghf!*...keep sittihg here, Rach...I'b so tired, I just wadt to sleep...and I'b really c-cold...” Snot rimmed her tender pink nostrils as they twitched open in irritation, watery rivulets leaking slowly down the divot in her upper lip as she raised the damp hanky to her face, eyes closed to slits in an instant as her lungs expanded involuntarily. Huhh...hh-heh...” She pressed the damp cloth to the dribbling pink underside of her nose as her eyes snapped wearily shut. “Ehhtchiuh!! Hhih'hechiiew!!! *Snf, snfl*...” Her shoulders jerked weakly, too worn out to stifle their congested force as her sickly sneezes expelled another noseful of germs and snot into her soaked hanky.

“Bless you, my sweet baby,” Rachel sighed sympathetically, rubbing the blonde girl's shivering back as she blew her nose again. “Here, I think you need a fresh one of these...” the dark-haired girl reached into her bag and drew out a fresh handkerchief from the stack her dad had given them, offering it to her sniffling angel with a sweet half-smile.

“Thadks,” Quinn sighed softly, dropping the sodden fabric into a ziplock bag in exchange for the fresh one, immediately folding it around her pink nose for a wet, stuffy-headed blow into the soft, clean cloth. While she was still wiping her nose, another shiver coursed weakly down her spine, and her eyes snapped shut again as a fresh gasp of wheezy irritation seized her lungs. “Ehh...eh'eishhiew!!! Ughh...” the blonde girl whimpered softly, and Rachel hugged her and kissed her warm temple, ready to get up and start raising a ruckus again, when her cell phone buzzed in her pocket. I'm on it, read the message from her daddy; and with a sigh of resignation she sat back in her chair.

“It's almost our turn,” she promised her miserable girlfriend, hoping it was true. Quinn closed her eyes and put her head back down on Rachel's shoulder, too exhausted to sit up straight anymore, while Rachel watched the reception desk like a hawk. After a couple of minutes, the phone rang, and the receptionist picked up; she was too far away for Rachel to hear what she was saying, but as soon as she hung up, she called Quinn's name. Rachel smiled triumphantly.

Once they got through the swinging doors, everything happened much more quickly. Rachel was able to stay with Quinn in the exam room, and help her change into the thin hospital gown; but once the orderly came in to wheel her into the radiology suite, the dark-haired girl had to wait behind. “I'll see you in a few minutes, baby,” she murmured, leaning over the gurney to kiss her girlfriend's hot forehead before the lab tech took her away. While she was waiting, she texted her father back a quick thanks smile.png and tried not to think about what it would be like trying to force through the bureaucracy of a busy New York City hospital the next time Quinn got sick like this, where she wouldn't be related to a top-ranking ER surgeon to help speed the process along.

While Rachel fretted in the hallway, Quinn dozed lightly on the thinly padded hospital gurney, grateful to be lying down, but shivering worse than ever now that she was stripped down to nothing but her underwear and a thin cotton hospital gown. She tried to convince herself she was better off now than she had been in the waiting room; at least they were almost done, and she could go home soon. She was wheeled into a cold, sterile room with a large X-ray machine, and a doctor with graying temples and a neatly trimmed beard came in studying her chart on a clipboard.

“Hello Quinn, I'm Dr. Fields. I understand your lungs have been through quite a lot in the past few months,” he said as he gently took her wrist to feel her pulse.

“You could say that,” she sighed stoically.

“Well let's take a few pictures and see how things look on the inside, all right? Then we'll know more.”

“'Kay,” Quinn sniffled, wiping her runny nose on the hanky still clutched in her hand.

“First I'm going to listen to your heart and lungs with this,” the doctor held up his stethoscope, fitting the rubber-coated ends into his ears. “Can you sit up for a moment?” The woozy blonde girl nodded, shakily sitting up and dangling her bare legs over the side of the gurney. Her runny nose quivered irritably, and she squeezed the hanky firmly around her damp pink nostrils with a hitching, congested gasp.

“Ah...” she pressed the soft cotton cloth a little harder to her dribbling nostrils as they flared ticklishly, drawing all the breath up from her lungs in a rush. “Ah-ahhshiuh!!” The breathless, stuffy sneeze was followed by a spell of sharply rattling coughs, one hand over her mouth while the other held the edge of the gurney to steady herself. “Ughh, sorry,” she sighed, wiping her nose with a soft snuffle.

“No need to apologize. This is a hospital, after all,” the kindly doctor smiled gently, warming the end of the stethoscope with his breath before slipping it inside the back of her gown, listening to each quadrant of her lungs for a few beats before moving on to the next. After that, she simply laid back down on the gurney and closed her eyes while the lab techs did their X-ray magic, only causing a few do-overs when she shifted involuntarily to cough or sneeze. She’d almost started to fall asleep on the table when Rachel’s gentle hand on her arm roused her; and she realized she was back in the exam room, and it was time to go home.

“Hey angelfish,” the dark-haired girl murmured with a crooked half-smile. “Did everything go okay?”

“I dod't have pndeumbodia,” Quinn announced croakily, with a weak but genuine smile. “The doctor said by ludgs look clear...he said it's probably just a...*snghf*...ad upper respiratory-tract idfectiond, or else brod...*snf*...brodchitis, like we thought.”

“Well that's good news,” Rachel smiled back, slipping her girlfriend’s soft red hoodie back over her shoulders and zipping it up to keep her warm.

“Yeah,” Quinn sighed softly, yawning and rubbing her eyes as she submissively allowed Rachel to dress her, and then steer her through the labyrinth of corridors out into the bright August sunlight outside.

“Hey, baby?” The dark-haired girl asked tentatively when they were safely back in the car again, and headed home.

“Uh-huh?” Quinn mumbled absently, not bothering to open her eyes as she lounged sleepily in the passenger seat.

“Remember when you were doing physical therapy, and I said acupuncture might help?”

“Yeah,” the blonde girl sighed, rubbing her eyes and looking over at her girlfriend with a weary expression. “I...*snghf*...I rehbehber...uhh’ishhew!!” Quinn cupped the damp hanky sleepily to her runny nose as her shoulders jerked her weakly forward in her seat.

“It really might help. A lot,” Rachel reiterated, resting one hand protectively over her girlfriend's knee as the blonde girl sniffled and sighed crankily. “I know we can't afford it around here, but when we get to New York next week, we'll have a lot more options, and some of them are surprisingly affordable. If it works, it's worth it, whatever the cost. I've been doing some research, and the testimonials really speak for themselves. I know you think I'm a flaky hippie about this stuff, and maybe I am; but if it works, I don't care what it costs or how dorky it looks. Will you just give it a shot, hmm baby?” Rachel bit her lip anxiously, wary of getting the same negative reaction she'd gotten from her girlfriend every other time she'd brought it up.

Instead, Quinn just sighed. “Yeah, sure,” she shrugged, rubbing her eyes with a soft yawn.

“Yeah?” Rachel asked, happy but surprised.

“Yeah,” Quinn nodded, with a croaky cough into her elbow. “What the fuck. I've tried everythidg...*snf*...everythidg else, right? Ahd if it doesed't work, I'll just blambe you.” The blonde girl gave her girlfriend a sleepy half-smile, and Rachel beamed back at her, delighted to see a little of the old mischievous glint in her tired hazel eyes.

“All right, then, it’s settled,” the little starlet nodded happily, tracing absent patterns on her girlfriend’s leg as she drove them home through the modest Lima traffic. When they got back to the Berry house, Quinn crawled straight into bed, curling up under the thick comforter with a soft, congested sigh of contentment as Rachel slipped in behind her, cuddling up against her back and rubbing her stomach in gentle circles.

“Are you...*snghf*...really goihg to take a ndap with be at 12:30 id the afterndood?” The blonde girl yawned, eyes already closed as she snuggled down into the blankets, her feverish body finally going limp with relaxation as she was surrounded by warm, soft covers and her girlfriend’s silky skin.

“Probably not,” Rachel admitted quietly, nuzzling her face into Quinn’s hair with a soft sigh of contentment. “But I will lie here with you until you fall asleep...and then maybe I’ll go down to the kitchen and make you some of that udon noodle soup you like...how does that sound, babycakes?”

“Awesobe,” Quinn yawned again, rolling over so her head rested on Rachel’s shoulder, cuddling up to her like a life-sized teddy bear. “Thadks for takidg care of be, Rach...I really...*snfl*...really love you...” The blonde girl fished the damp hanky out of her pocket under the covers as her leaking nose began to tingle and twitch, cupping it sleepily to her face just as her breath caught ticklishly in the back of her throat. “Hhh...hetchiiuh!! Aht’chsh!!!” Rachel hugged her girlfriend’s feverish body a little closer as she shivered and sneezed, and kissed the top of her head.

“Bless you, Quinnie-pie. And I really love you too,” the little starlet murmured, running her fingers through her girlfriend’s soft blonde hair as she sniffled and blew her nose sleepily into the damp hanky. “Shall I sing you a lullaby, hmm snifflebug?”

“Yeah,” Quinn whispered, her voice so soft and faint that Rachel could tell she was already teetering on the brink of sleep. With a sigh of peaceful satisfaction, the little starlet began quietly singing a slow, mellow version of “New York State of Mind,” thinking about their future that was now less than a week away...and after a couple of verses, she felt her girlfriend’s body go completely limp, her congested breathing soft and even in sleep. Rachel kept singing anyway, and when she’d finished the song, she reluctantly disentangled herself from her baby girl’s sleeping body, covering her back up with the blankets to make sure she was warm and snug. Quinn was still clutching her used-up hanky in one hand as she snored softly, and Rachel giggled quietly to herself, tugging the sodden fabric out of her girlfriend’s limp hand and replacing it with a fresh one, so she’d find it as soon as she woke up.

“Sweet dreams, angelfish,” she whispered, giving her sleeping girlfriend one final kiss on the damp pink tip of her nose before slipping out of the room, leaving the door slightly ajar so she’d be sure to hear if Quinn woke calling out for her. Then she skipped downstairs to make some hot, fresh soup, and prepare the next dose of her girlfriend’s meds. It certainly wasn’t what either of them had expected to be doing the week before they left for college; but Rachel wasn’t about to let Quinn’s health suffer any more than it already had as they prepared to move their lives across the country. If her perfectly-organized school supplies and seasonally sorted New York wardrobe had to get jammed into duffel bags at the last minute, that was okay. All she really needed to take with her was fast asleep in her bed, snoring gently with a soft smile on her sleeping face.

Edited by wannablessedbe
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oh...my....gosh. The literary talent!! I'm not even kidding, I am in legitimate awe of your writing skills. This is incredible!!! You're so good at phrasing things! Keep it up :D

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oh wow. oh wow oh wow. this is just priceless. its tender and sweet, loving and caring. i just cant stand it its too cute!!! poor quinnie...and i'm totally down to see how they're doing in NYC!!!

(seriously right? i dont know how they've gotten through two episodes without quinn and santana!! i mean santana was there for like a minute but i need them!! i need my fabray fix.)

please continue! :D

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Really you guys are so lucky! I mean in Quebec we're like in the first episode of the season three and i'm like ''Damn i want to know what happen next!'' but there is wannablessedbe here to give me hope!

-but i understand you weevill25, there's no glee without Santana and Quinn!-

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  • 2 weeks later...

i know our friend wbb is busy but i just wanted to throw my two cents in about continuing this story!! its one of my favorites :D

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