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Photic [Supernatural RPF (Jared)]


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Oh I need a list for this one. I'm even gonna attempt quote boxes. Check me out!

1. I had the shittiest day today. But then I came home and there were two stories from you and it was THE BEST THING EVER. True story. (Gonna read the alternative suggestible in a minute - very excited)

Jared takes naps like it’s his job these days.

LIKE IT'S HIS JOB! You know.

poor guy doesn’t get sleep at home anymore--

Oooh! Oooh! Baby reference?

“I hope you don’t say those words around your kid,” Jensen laughs. /quote]


“Fuck you-- htchSHUH! Ugh, seriously, fuhhhHTCHSH!

Hee! I love it when he sneezes and tries to talk

Jared rubs at his eyes, still trying to act like he’s annoyed, failing when his stomach grumbles loudly and he eagerly turns his attention on the food.

I love that he can't sustain the mad-act.

he jumps up from the couch with a level of enthusiasm that only Jared can achieve minutes after waking up.

THIS LINE. Why is it so awesome? Why?

Jared as he starts opening doors and cabinets until he comes up with a small pack of Kleenex. “I knew you had some,” Jared grins triumphantly.

Oh man, the triumph and the determination are so perfect for Jared. I don't know what the RPF version of in character is, but this is it, regardless.


Jensen doesn’t blame him-- poor guy doesn’t get sleep at home anymore-- but when he finds Jared in his trailer for the third time in a week, sprawled all the fuck out over his couch, drooling all over his favorite napping-in-the-trailer pillow, he has to roll his eyes. “Jared,” he says, loud enough to snap the man awake. He only feels a little bit bad about it, especially when Jared curses at him sleepily and throws the pillow at him. “I hope you don’t say those words around your kid,” Jensen laughs. He leans over and twists the blinds open, letting in a stream of sunlight that catches Jared right in the face. “Fuck you-- htchSHUH! Ugh, seriously, fuhhhHTCHSH!” “Brought you lunch,” Jensen replies, ignoring Jared as he grumbles for a tissue. He tosses a Styrofoam container toward Jared and gestures toward the door. “Tissues are in your own trailer.” Jared rubs at his eyes, still trying to act like he’s annoyed, failing when his stomach grumbles loudly and he eagerly turns his attention on the food. He sniffles, rubs at his nose a little, and, just as he’s about to take a bite of the sandwich Jensen so thoughtfully picked up for him, he jumps up from the couch with a level of enthusiasm that only Jared can achieve minutes after waking up. Jensen finishes his own lunch and watches Jared as he starts opening doors and cabinets until he comes up with a small pack of Kleenex. “I knew you had some,” Jared grins triumphantly. Jensen rolls his eyes, and reaches over to steal a slice of Swiss cheese from Jared’s sandwich.

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oh so very cute!

thank you!

Oh I need a list for this one. I'm even gonna attempt quote boxes. Check me out!

1. I had the shittiest day today. But then I came home and there were two stories from you and it was THE BEST THING EVER. True story. (Gonna read the alternative suggestible in a minute - very excited)

haha, thanks bb!

I am LOVING these drabbles, hon!! Sneezy!Jared is my favorite. wub.png

thank you, glad you're enjoying them!

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5. The Beginning


Jared winces. His face is burning. It’s the first day of shooting, first episode, and this is the fifth time they’re cutting the scene because of him.

“Bless you,” Jensen says to his left, and Jared gives a quick, rough rub to his nose, which is starting to itch.

“Thanks.” He takes a deep breath, nods to David that he’s ready, and they get back on their marks.

It happens again only half an hour later, thankfully when they’re between shots as Serge is getting a light meter reading, but Jared accidentally looks straight into one of the lights. He feels it shoot straight back to tickle at his sinuses and he already has a hand cupped over his mouth and nose before he inhales.


Jensen, who’s on his mark next to him, claps a hand on his shoulder.

“Bless you, man.”

“Thanks.” Jared blushes hard. He rubs at his eyes and then they’re getting reading to shoot, so he drops his hand and prays they’re done with the lighting for now. He’s already in love with playing Sam, but he’s starting to wonder at choosing a show with so many dark scenes.

Just then, someone adjusts one of the c-stands, and Jared is helpless to his body’s reaction when he catches a bright flash of light.


The sneeze is loud, echoing throughout set. Jared groans inwardly, and when he looks up, all eyes are on him. He feels himself blushing even redder.

“Um, I…” He looks around until he meets Jensen’s eyes. Jensen looks concerned, and he takes a step toward Jared, one hand rummaging around in his pocket.

“You okay?” He asks softly, and suddenly it’s like no one else is there but the two of them.

“Yeah. Sorry.” Jared nods, and Jensen comes up with a tissue that he hands to Jared. “Thanks.”


At first, Jared wants to say yes, but for some reason he can’t.

“Uh, it’s just the light.”

“The light?” Jensen frowns.

“Yeah, sometimes-- it’s this thing-- whenever I look at a bright light, or like the sun or something…” Jared trails off, rubbing a hand against the back of his neck. He takes a deep breath and stares at his shoes.

“Oh, yeah, like that photic sneeze reflex thing?” Jensen says.

Jared looks up at him, eyes wide, mouth falling open in surprise.


“Happens to my sister all the time. You gonna be okay though? You’ve been sneezing a lot…”

“It’s usually not this bad,” Jared laughs, feeling his worry begin to fade. “I’m just a little nervous, first day and all, and that usually makes it worse.”

“Yeah, tell me about it.” Jensen looks around and grins. “We should probably get back to work if we want our show to get picked up,” he laughs, and Jared joins in, immensely relieved. They take their marks, David calls for the camera to roll, and they finish the scene without a hitch.

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AWWW You're the BEST! I love this and man, Jensen is so nice and considerate and it's lovely cos they've only just met, and... and... I love the embarassment and the technical language (you could have made it up for all I know but it totally sounded impressive) and... and... poor nervous Jared but in the end it was all okay HOORAH!

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Oh, man. THREE new photic drabbles?? I have to read them all again 16 more times. I'm in love.

Haha, I totally never pictured how being a photic sneezer would have an effect on him every time he does the interviews! I love that he's just slightly embarrassed, and Jensen is joking and everyone laughs and blesses him, and it's just SO CUTE.

AAHHHH Daddy Padalecki! This is adorable. I love that you're like "he doesn't get sleep at home anymore" and that Jensen is joking about using that kind of language in front of his tiny baby! (WHO IS SO CUTE. I STALK JARED AS WELL. THERE AREN'T MANY PICTURES OF THOMAS, BUT I HAVE MY WAYS OF FINDING ALL OF THEM. I mean... whaat?) Cute sleepy sneezy Jared.

Awww nervous Jared on his first day of filming! And sneeeeezy. Everyone's just sort of like "What the hell." And Jared's like, "Whyyyy did I pick such a dark show?" Jensen is so sweet! Love it.

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