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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Photic [Supernatural RPF (Jared)]


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3rd post in 2 days? what up forummmmmmmmmm

so these are just some drabbles all around the same idea, Jared w/ a photic sneeze reflex. they're all pretty short so far, 500 words or less, but all in the same little universe, I guess. yeah. enjoy?

1. Good Morning

It’s a nice morning, sun shining bright after a week of rain, and Jensen’s wearing his sunglasses as they make their way through light traffic. He’s slowly nursing a giant cup of coffee and chatting with Clif about their wives, and as they pull in front of Jared’s house he pushes his glasses up onto the top of his head and rolls down his window.

Jared’s already coming out of his house, locking the door behind him, punctual as ever. He turns around with a little wave and then squints as he gets a faceful of sunshine. Jensen can’t help but laugh as he watches. He’s seen what comes next a million times.

At first, Jared just gives his head a little shake and continues toward the car, but after only a second he’s blinking rapidly and slowing a little, hand coming up to his face. He rubs his knuckles roughly under his nose, but it’s no use. When he’s a few steps from the car, he stops completely and holds up a finger toward Clif and Jensen, then turns slightly, chest heaving. His mouth falls open, eyes close, nose twitches, and then he’s snapping forward with a powerful sneeze that rings out through the sleepy neighborhood.


He catches it in the crook of his elbow, and he stays like that for a second, leaning forward with his face buried in his sleep. Then straightens to his full height, a look of slight annoyance on his face and he rubs his nose again. When he turns back toward the car, he laughs a little and waves again.

“Morning, guys,” he says as he opens the door. He’s answered with two bless yous, a cup of coffee, and a grin from Jensen.

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Ahhhh, you kill me. Like, it was one sneeze, but it was unbelievably cute. Photic Jared is perfect. And I love that Jensen is just like "This is normal." And laughs at Jared. And they both bless him.

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Thanks babes :heart:

2. Jared's Trailer

Jensen knocks lightly on the door of Jared’s trailer, but he doesn’t really expect an answer. After a few seconds, he opens the door and pokes his head in, and sure enough, the lights are all off and there’s no sign of movement from within. He goes up the steps and leans in the doorway, looking around for a second before spotting his friend.

Jared is on his stomach on the couch, making the normal-sized piece of furniture look tiny, his face mashed into a pillow and his girl Sadie asleep on his back.

“Jared?” Jensen says, closing the door behind him. It’s dark, and he waits a moment for his eyes to adjust before going forward into the trailer. Sadie lifts her head, tail thumping. Jared is silent, probably asleep, so Jensen walks over and hits on the armrest next to Jared’s head.

“Jared?” He repeats, nudging Jared’s shoulder.

“Nhmgh,” is Jared’s sleepy reply. Sadie stands and walks across his back until she’s practically standing on Jared’s head. She licks at Jensen’s hands, yawns, then jumps down and heads toward her water bowl.

“Wake up, sleepy-head.”

Jared snuffles into his pillow for a second before he turns onto his back, but his eyes are still closed and he doesn’t make any further moves to get up.

“Jared. Up and at ‘em. We have ten minutes.”

Jared fakes a snore. Jensen rolls his eyes, then stands and goes to the light switch.

“Jared,” he snaps, causing the younger man to jump and open his eyes just before Jensen turns the light on. Jared squeezes his eyes shut again and throws an arm over his face, but the effect is immediate.

HshSHUH! Heh-HTCHSHUH! Ugh. Thanks a lot.” Jared sniffles, pouting as he rubs at his nose. Jensen rolls his eyes again and taps the counter twice with his knuckles.

“Come on. Let’s get a move on it.”

“Fine, fine,” Jared says around a huge yawn as he sits up. “I’m coming.”

“Bless you, by the way!” Jensen calls, already heading down the steps.

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This...this is so perfect... JAAAARREED!!! He's so cute, and hot, at the same time. Great job on this!

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I LOVE DOGS. Is this real? Does Jared have a dog named Sadie? That's the cutest thing I've ever read! Okay, dog-moment over now.

Photic-Jared is just sooo... delicious. And very real. Like, if anyone, it would be Jared. I'm liking RPFs more and more! Especially if it's these two. Also, for some reason I though irritated-Jensen was cute. And sleepy Jared.

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These are wonderful. And sleepy Jared is awww. Of course, photic-sneezy Jared is also HAWT.

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This...this is so perfect... JAAAARREED!!! He's so cute, and hot, at the same time. Great job on this!

thank you:)

Love photic responses...so predictable and easy to manipulate. Well done!

me too! thanks!

These are wonderful. And sleepy Jared is awww. Of course, photic-sneezy Jared is also HAWT.

hee, thank you :heart:

I LOVE DOGS. Is this real? Does Jared have a dog named Sadie? That's the cutest thing I've ever read! Okay, dog-moment over now.

Photic-Jared is just sooo... delicious. And very real. Like, if anyone, it would be Jared. I'm liking RPFs more and more! Especially if it's these two. Also, for some reason I though irritated-Jensen was cute. And sleepy Jared.

Dogs are the greatest! And yes, he has a dog named Sadie, and yes, I stalk Jared Padalecki. http://www.supernaturalwiki.com/index.php?title=Harley_and_Sadie

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3. Convention

It’s dark backstage. Jared takes a drink of his water and waits until he hears his name before he pushes past the curtains and onto the stage. He’s met with flashing lights coming from all directions, but he raises a hand to his face, prepared.


He sneezes once before he makes it to his chair, and a dozen people call out blessings.


One more sneeze escapes before he pinches his nose, rubbing lightly at either side to get rid of any more lingering tickles. His face flushes a little, but he’s learned to smile past the mild embarrassment that this stupid photic sneezing reflex always seems to bring, and as he looks out at the crowd of fans, the smile is genuine. He loves this part of his job, getting to meet all of the people who love the show and make it possible with their support.

“Hey, everyone!” Jensen says as he comes out to join Jared. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a tissue, which he hands to Jared.

“Somehow you’d think he’d carry tissues of his own,” Jensen laughs into the microphone, and Jared rolls his eyes.

“It’s easier if I let you do it,” Jared replies. He turns back to the audience, ready for their questions, but before he does he mouths a quick ‘thank you’ to his friend.

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Um... so... Hey, would you be willing to take requests on this... cos I maybe have one...

*hides away*

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Um... so... Hey, would you be willing to take requests on this... cos I maybe have one...

*hides away*


okay bb, only for you :heart: come at me

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I just REALLY like embarrassed Jared (defintely my favourite little bit in the Convention one) and I was thiiiiinking maybe something from the very, very beginning so he has to explain himself. Like, something with the set lighting for the Pilot episode or some such thing. And he has to be, like, "Um... yeah, so, that might be a thing that happens sometimes" OR, if you prefer, the first time of it happening at a convention, or a photo shoot or any firsts really cos I just love the idea of him nervously trying to explain.

P.S. Totally open to fic swapping if there's anything you want in return.

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I just REALLY like embarrassed Jared (defintely my favourite little bit in the Convention one) and I was thiiiiinking maybe something from the very, very beginning so he has to explain himself. Like, something with the set lighting for the Pilot episode or some such thing. And he has to be, like, "Um... yeah, so, that might be a thing that happens sometimes" OR, if you prefer, the first time of it happening at a convention, or a photo shoot or any firsts really cos I just love the idea of him nervously trying to explain.

P.S. Totally open to fic swapping if there's anything you want in return.

ooooh i like that! okay. i might even have to do a separate thing...


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Let me astound you with my ability to multitask, lol.

bahahaha ok

where do you want 'em?

(i have more than one prompt so you can CHOOSE)

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ah, keep forgetting I have these

4. Jensen's Trailer

Jared takes naps like it’s his job these days. Jensen doesn’t blame him-- poor guy doesn’t get sleep at home anymore-- but when he finds Jared in his trailer for the third time in a week, sprawled all the fuck out over his couch, drooling all over his favorite napping-in-the-trailer pillow, he has to roll his eyes.

“Jared,” he says, loud enough to snap the man awake. He only feels a little bit bad about it, especially when Jared curses at him sleepily and throws the pillow at him.

“I hope you don’t say those words around your kid,” Jensen laughs. He leans over and twists the blinds open, letting in a stream of sunlight that catches Jared right in the face.

“Fuck you-- htchSHUH! Ugh, seriously, fuhhhHTCHSH!

“Brought you lunch,” Jensen replies, ignoring Jared as he grumbles for a tissue. He tosses a Styrofoam container toward Jared and gestures toward the door.

“Tissues are in your own trailer.”

Jared rubs at his eyes, still trying to act like he’s annoyed, failing when his stomach grumbles loudly and he eagerly turns his attention on the food. He sniffles, rubs at his nose a little, and, just as he’s about to take a bite of the sandwich Jensen so thoughtfully picked up for him, he jumps up from the couch with a level of enthusiasm that only Jared can achieve minutes after waking up.

Jensen finishes his own lunch and watches Jared as he starts opening doors and cabinets until he comes up with a small pack of Kleenex.

“I knew you had some,” Jared grins triumphantly. Jensen rolls his eyes, and reaches over to steal a slice of Swiss cheese from Jared’s sandwich.

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