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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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After reading everyone's Zuko sneeze fanfics, I wrote this series a few months ago, but I'm not that eloquent. Here's a part with sneezing. If you are interested in the fluff parts, see my fetish deviantart account.


".....Zuko hated sneezing, for it revealed his weakness. He continued searching despite the growing annoying prickle in his nose. Suddenly a gust of wind blew and grass and flowers flew everywhere in a wild flurry. A blade of grass swept under his nose, further tickling his already debilitated nose, and Katara giggled at his silly expression. Zuko flipped over onto his back and mumbled with a tone filled with anguish at himself. (So that even if he firesneezed, it would blast upwards when he buckled forwards) Oddly (and suspiciously), a flower gracefully danced from one nostril to the other, dusting his nose with sweet sticky pollen and finally landed on the tip of his nose, tips of the stamens lingering at the entrance of each nostril. He was so surprised that he just stared with wide eyes in bewilderment, his mouth agape. Katara laughed silently to herself as Zuko struggled with the build up of his impending sneeze.

It was inevitable."..ha.." his eyes watered."..heh.." his nose had of life of it's own. "..hih.." twitching " ..haah.." flaring "..eh.." and writhing. He couldn't stifle it."..haEH.!" (XD getting aroused? ahaha) Zuko braced himself, he knew he couldn't control the flame...it was overpowering him..." Huh-ITSSCHUUH!" The sky was illuminated as flames streamed out his nose and mouth, blowing him back a foot or two causing the flower to fly off. He got a glimpse of the flame and grew fearful of his lack of control over his nose, but no sooner had his eyes opened that they snapped closed again for the next sneeze. There was barely a warning, a slight prickle, and.." Heh-ETSCHUH!" he firesneezed, sending a larger flame blazing through the air, burning the flower and some floating grasses to a crisp.

Katara stared with wide eyes as flames burst from Zuko's nose, propelling him backwards and burning floating plant pieces to smithereens!

Sniffing, he sat up and placed his right index finger under his nose and gave it a little rub. He looked at the minor damage he had caused with fear and innocence, his tawny eyes darting side to side suspiciously and cautiously, for he was fearful that someone had heard or seen. Katara was surprised, was that an expression of fear on the firelord's face? She shifted behind the tree trunk quickly to prevent being spotted. She had to admit that Zuko was adorable when he sniffed..."

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