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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Being allergic to one of your best friends..


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(( Okay-dokey-lokey! Hello, I'm Calliope, former-lurker. To be honest, I've been rather disappointed with the lack of Homestuck on these forums, so I threw my hands up and shrieked 'WHY NOT'. Have fun with this, maybe? ))


Chapter one.

Tavros Nitram had been allergic to cats for as long as he could remember. He had stumbled across this fact over a game or two of Fiduspawn, his beloved creatures ending him up with a sore nose and itchy eyes. He was eventually persuaded to rid himself of them.. much to his disdain.

Nepeta Leijon loved cats. After all, how could she not? Her mother-figure was something of a two mouthed cat! She had grown up around cats, petting them, loving them, hunting them down, eating them and wearing their pelts for fun.. ah, memories. Not only this, but she quite resembled a cat in many manners, her hat proudly displayed a blue-tinted feline, a tail attached to the back of her long, green coat being of the same blue. Yes, cats had become a major part of her life.

With the trolls' entry of The Veil, the group of twelve were brought closer together than ever before. Yes, being shoved in a room and being advised not to wander through the meteor due to the monsters and who knows what, (Hell, there could be mutated robot monkeys lurking in the shadows or something!) were two things that brought them together. Like, really, really together.

After the eventual moving in and sorting everything out commenced and were soon after wrapped up, Tavros leaned against one of the desks, the feeling of being able to walk once more being far too daunting to take on at the one point in time. A certain cat troll sat on one of the desks, pulling her tablet onto her lab and scritching her pen across it's surface, messaging Terezi about roleplay, a certain boy that had caught both of their eyes, who knows? She never really took the time to notice that one of her friends - one of her best friends - who was allergic to cats - was standing a little bit away from her.

Tavros slowly looked over, eyes widening with each movement of his head. When his gaze fell upon the small cat-girl, he felt his stomach drop to his metallic feet.

"..oh no."


(( No sneezing yet, I'm working on it! ))

(( ~Calliope ))

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At last! More Homestuck on the forum!!! There's not much for me to say here except... I LOVE YOU!

(and your username... :3 )

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