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One Hell of a cold~ Kuro stuff


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Okay, so it's my first time posting fanfic...enjoy! And of course i had to torture poor Sebby. <w<


"Hetcheeeew", Sebatian annoyingly rubbed at his nose. He would be of no use to the young master in such a wretched state. He silently sniffled as he encouraged the horses pulling the carrage to pick up the pace. "Sebastian? How much longer?", muttered Ciel. "Not far, M'Lord--", he sniffed in a vain attempt to stop a sneeze, "Keh...getchoo!" He managed to cover his nose this time around, but was disgusted at the sickly green slime coating his white glove, "Disgustigg". "Was that...a sneeze, Sebastian?", Ciel was taken back by this thought, "Perhaps is hell's greatest butler getting a cold?", He smirked. "Of course not, M'lord. Merely an irritant, floating around the air", he smiled. They finally reached the morgue, already hearing the creepy chuckling of a rather different character. Sebastian opened the carrage door and, making sure to not use his messy hand, helped Ciel out of the carrage and holding the morgue door open for him. "Undertaker! We need your services.", huffed Ciel. "Ahh perhaps the queen's lap dog has come for one of my fine coffins today?", the undertaker chuckled. "No. I need to know if you've discovered anything strange about some of your recent clients. Such as ligature marks or toxins?" As, Ciel carried on with his interrogation, Sebastian was fiercly sniffling and stifling. "geh.....hehh..Kaxchew!", he silently blew his nose, but was taken by a rapid succession of sneezes, "atchoo!, keeechiiiii!, hehhhh..hehh'ttshi!" He sniffled and slightly blushed, adding more color to his already rosy face, at the sight of both Ciel and The Undertaker staring at him with a mixture of amused and stunned looks.



Short, i know, but this was to bait the water per say. Tell me what ya think :] If you guys like it, i'll continue.

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Thanks! I'm working on more now. Glad ya like it! :]

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Poor Sebby~ <33333 I'm totally NOT enjoying his torture or anything like that...ptttf, what makes you say that? (lol I love this XD)

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Lol glad ya like it Akahana xD i'm enjoying his torture too


"Um, Excuse me.", Sebastian softly smiled. Ciel squinted but dimissed any further thoughts,"So, as i was saying, have you discovered anything out of the ordinary?" The Undertaker creepily smiled," As a matter of fact, yes. If you would look over here you would notice that it would appear the victims were strangled, but upon even closer inspection you can see very small pin needle inflictions wrapping all around the victims necks." Sebastian sniffled and rubbed his nose on his glove, leaving behind a rather thick green slime,"Geh. How grotesque. How humans deal with this, i'll never kno--Hextchoo!" He quickly glanced up to notice if anyone had heard him, lucky for him, no one did. He sniffled, but managed to avoid another sneeze. "Hmmm, how interesting. Sebastian, what do you make of this", Ciel grumbled. "M'Lord, i'd's quite interesting indeed, I can't say i've ever seen anything like id before..", Sebastian sniffed. "I'll keep this in mind when i make a suspect list..come find me if you find anything else. Sebatian! We're done here.", Ciel commanded. "Yes M'lord." Upon returning to the Phantomhive estate, Ciel immediately buried himself in his notes and clues leaving Sebastian to return to his butler duties. Sebastian gently blew his red, and tender nose, producing disgusting, ungentlemenly mucus. "Ow..my nose is so sore..along with the rest of me..", he groaned. He looked around and being quite pleased that no one was around, he buried his face in his arms. "If the young master finds out i'm unwell...a cold will be the least of my worries.." He coughed and rubbed his irritated throat...*sigh*~ Ciel picked at his dinner, not showing any interest in it what so ever. "Is there a problem, m'lord?" Ciel glanced at Sebastian with that pissy look of his, "No, nothing at all. I'm tired and not overly hungry. I wanna solve this damn case, but no matter what angle i aproach it at, nothing adds up." Sebastian sighed and reassured Ciel, "Nothing is impossible for a smart young masder like yourself." Ciel rubbed his temples but didn't reply, merely stood up and left Sebastian standing there, somewhat worried. "Oh master.."


I'm working on making longer chapters but ya know, i like drabbling.

Poor poor sebby, a headcold and a moody master to boot~

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