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That awkward moment when...

Draco stops, suddenly realizing that he has been voicing all his thoughts.

Anyway, THIS! Dude, stop making me not hate Malfoy! It's unacceptable except for that part where you're awesome so it's kind of allowed! I don't think I'm gonna make any sense tonight, it's late. xD I actually don't mind that there's no sneezing in this one - fevers are just as well. :blush:

Just you SAYING that makes me want to write it, and I can't even write with the real actors in my head (I've never been able to write any semblance of real people). But if you wrote that? YES. Much of my happiness would be thrown at you repeatedly because between sick James and Sirius. Like. I can't. I mean, I can. But. Y'know.

Yes!! I was really kind of hoping that I wasn't the only one. xD You do write his insecurities well. Especially in this one, I wanna know what actually happened! I can't believe I didn't get to read it until now.

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yarrrr I'm being forgotten

but I have the final part of the Draco ficlet (joy for me, I can finally focus my attention elsewhere. like, say, James Potter)

and now for replies


@VividBubbles!: oh geez, you know I'll say anyway. :C my replies are all too predictable!


@ElementsofGray: Okay fine, I laughed at that. Set him up for that one, I did. ;)

Naughty thing you are, making me blush. also.....Feversssss! Fevers are wonderful! I can't not have those when I write (because torture to the max is my forte).

Heh, guess what I'm working on next? ;) Hint it's got something to do with James. Perhaps Sirius if I can manage more than two characters at a time LOL.

If you'll read on, here's what actually happens! (SPOILER: THEY ALL DIE. THE END)

@lovelovexoxo: ME TOOO! Totally my cup of tea and biscuits and cake as well!

/fanfare wheeee it's been a while since I've posted something, but it's a short one. well, now I've got a legit drabble. :D


“Headmaster, what are you doing?” Severus Snape’s voice demands vehemently. “You can’t be serious about letting him do it. The Dark Lord wants you dead. He does not care who does it!”

“Precisely, Severus. The boy cannot do it. You must be the one to kill me.”

“I refu—“

“You do not have a choice! You must do it.”

“I will not do it, Dumbledore!”

“YOU WILL! Swear it, Severus, swear to me that yours will the finishing blow when Draco Malfoy fails!”

“I—won’t—do it,” Snape growls between clenched teeth. “If the Dark Lord realizes that I am the one who has won the Elder Wand’s power, then it will be the end of your plans.”

“That is exactly why it is you who must inherit the wand! The boy will be killed the instant Tom comes to grasp that the wand is not simply taken, but won. Severus, you must promise that you will deal the final blow.”

“I have told you that I will not take your life,” snarls Snape angrily.

“I do not need an Unbreakable Vow to make you keep your promise, only your word.”

“And you shall not have it!”

Silence. Each man pierces the other with his own piercing gaze, one an icy blue, the other obsidian black. Finally Dumbledore breaks away and moves to the doorway. The stone gargoyles leap aside for him to pass.

“You will do it when the time comes.”


It’s deathly quiet. The eerie silence hangs like thin ice in the air, threatening to shatter at the slightest rustle.

Draco has crumpled onto the floor, shivering and muttering with delight at a scene only he can see.

“I’ve d-done it—hahPSHuu! I’ve k-killed hih-him—hiHKk’shha! Eh’iKHsch!” He lapses into a fit of delirious giggles, which is cut short by a greenish mist that envelops him and then disappears through his mouth. His head lolls wildly about his neck and his eyes roll upward, displaying the milky white sides behind his pupils.

“Ah, Severus, I knew you would come.”

“Only to collect my nephew. He has failed too many times. The Dark Lord is displeased.”

Dumbledore does not answer immediately and instead strolls over casually to pick up his wand. He pauses as he bends down to peer through his half-moon spectacles at Snape.

“You know that it is the only way, Severus,” he says softly.

“Then I will refrain from doing the deed until it needs to be done.” Snape’s black eyes glitter dangerously as he suspends Draco by his arm from a tightly closed fist. A sliver of moonlight reflects from a pale, glistening trail down his hard jaw.

“The barrier by the forest has been lifted. Take him and go.”

Snape gives a single, curt nod and with a deafening crack, he has disappeared, leaving behind only a brief, fluttering note that said simply, “I will be back.


meep. requests, comments, throw a knife at me because I suck at this, all ye come hither and speak!

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WAAAAH!!! You updated!!! I've definitely not forgotten you - every time I see that you've commented on something, I come back and check to see if this thread was also updated. XD

Draco's sneezing, I felt so awkward reading it (I don't know if it's my aversion to him or his delirium). :lol: I loved the entire thing, though, the construction of it especially. And and and, even better, you vary the sneezes. :D I always really like when they're spelled a little differently every time and the bold and italics and I don't know if I'm sounding like a total dork because every single time I comment you it's somewhere after midnight. XD Either way, awesome stuff you've got here and you absolutely do not suck at this!!

EXCEPT DID I READ SOMETHING ABOUT JAMES AND MAYBE SIRIUS?!?!?! I'm sorry, I got so distracted, I couldn't even form a decent comment about THIS drabble. OTL Fevers. And James? Maybe? Whatever you have planned, just infinitely pleased over here. It's JAMES.

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Oh my God what she said. Also, DRACO! And Dumbledore! And Snape! And Draco! :heart:

OMG, did I just read something about JAMES AND SIRIUS?! CAN I PLEASE HAVE THIS?! Yum.

Bye. :wub:

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I'm super sorry about not commenting on the past few drabbles. I'm horribly lazy and only somewhat busy. But, let me just say that I maintain everything I said in my first comment- these. are. amazing.

I'm another person who seems to practically mirror your preference in HP characters, and while I've never really like Draco much, you kept me completely interested. It was really, really good and I actually almost sort of cared about Draco for a second.

Also. JAMES? He is totally one of my favorites, and there is so little material on him! I am definitely excited to see this.

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@ElementsofGray: okay so I honestly kind of rushed to finish this so I would have something to offer as I reply to your wonderful reply that made me so totally happy like you wouldn't believe. And that whole Draco aversion thing -- I get it too. I feel weird calling him Draco LOL and that plus he's totally nuts because he thinks he's killed someone...yeah. biggrin.png And I do try my best with sneeze spellings! I've learned stuff over the years on this forum, picked up a few things from the masters here and there, but yeah, I'm still improving (or at least I hope I am heh.gif) And say hello to James, as he'll be starring in the next one or two drabbles biggrin.png and I shall tell you one more time that your comment made me beyond happy because one, I got literary criticism (YESYESYES heart.gif) and two, because I love you in general. heck I love all of you! have another heart.gif

@VividBubbles!: OH YES YOU DID READ SOMETHING ABOUT JAMES AND SIRIUS. This is mostly James though, although if it is requested, contagion *may* be an option here. Mehehehehe

@everest: DON'T BE SORRY! And thankyouthankyouthankyou! I think your reply/comment made my topic HOT and I was like totally ecstatic when I saw it. I also almost cared about Draco for a moment, so I'm glad I'm not the only moved by my own writing LOL (conceited much?) have some James! (although the characterization is probably going to be off for this one heh.gif)




“Oi, Prongs. You sure you won’t need that extra layer?” Sirius calls across the room, tugging on his best friend’s sweater. The sleeves fall a little short of his wrists and hug his arms a little too tightly for his liking, but nobody he cares about will see him in it and it will keep him warm. James insists he doesn’t need it.

“Nah, keep it. A little snow’s never harmed anyone.”

Remus Lupin frowns disapprovingly. “James, it wouldn’t kill you to walk up ten steps to get another sweater. It’s freezing out there.” He casts a sideways glance through a glazed-over window.

“We’ll be warm once we get moving,” James replies, grinning. He examines his hair carefully in the teaspoon he had been stirring in his mug of hot chocolate (although only a year ago he had been adamant on drinking coffee on cold days, claiming that hot chocolate was childish). He finally decides his hair looks much too tidy and promptly rumples it, leaving several strands of unruly black hair hanging in his face. (“It looks cool,” he had said hotly when Remus questioned this strange habit.)

Rolling his eyes, Remus continues, “I am just saying that there’s a possibility you will get sick from this. And when I see the first sign, I’ll have the right to say ‘I told you so.’”

“Deal. I’ll have you eat your words, but first, may we leave? That snow is simply begging me to have a go at it.”

“Really, can’t you just—“

“Forget it, Remus. He’ll have none of your mothering.”

“Are you two going to stand there and chat all afternoon? If you’d like, I can bring back a souvenir.” James is already disappearing through the portrait hole, Peter scrambling in hurriedly after him with his meaty bottom hanging over the edge.

Remus shakes his head but cracks a smile all the same at his friend’s impatience. He crawls out last and the Fat Lady swings closed behind him as all four of the Marauders break into a run through the castle.

“Last one there gets a yellow snowball in the face!”


“Banning magic on this one!”

“What? All right, fine – ARGH! James, you son of a—I THOUGHT YOU SAID NO MAGIC!

“Now when have I ever followed the rules?”


Several hours later, all four boys walk back into the castle, sopping wet. James is boasting loudly about his best attacks on each of them. A drop of melted snow zigzags down his long, rather straight nose. As it dances around the rim of his nostrils, it triggers a sudden, strong itch that instantly shuts him up. His hands shoot upward, and he clamps one over his mouth; the other hastily pinches his nose.


He had been the only one talking animatedly thus far, so now everyone is staring at him because had fallen silent. Remus gives him a knowing look.

What?” James rubs his nose. “Have I got something on my face?”

“I reserve the right to say ‘I told you so.’”

“Not yet, you haven’t. My nose was just…unbearably itchy just now.”

“I hope it’ll just be your unbearable itchiness bothering you tomorrow then.”

“Right, mother. Tell me that tomorrow morning when I’ve risen bright and early, happy, healthy, and handsome as always, won’t you?”

Remus clicks his tongue and shakes his head in annoyance. “Well, you better carry your own handkerchief around tomorrow as I won’t be lending you mine.”

Rolling his eyes, James continues where he left off recounting his afternoon’s victories.

As he climbs into his bed that evening, he feels decidedly more tired than the usual. He immediately brushes it off as a side effect from throwing so many snowballs and quickly drifts off.

Remus, who decides to turn in a bit later in favor of completing his transfiguration essay, comes up at half past eleven to hear the unusual sound of James Potter’s snoring.


“Oi, Prongs, get up or we won’t have any breakfast!”

Groaning, James emerges from beneath the covers looking thoroughly bedraggled.

“’m up.”

“Good, get dressed. We’re leaving without you.”

An annoying throb has nestled itself in his head and James tries to ignore it as he changes into his robes, but he has a small feeling that Remus was right after all.

It doesn’t mean he can’t keep it a secret though.

“Hurry up!”

“Just go on already then, if you’re really all that hungry,” James yells irritably, in perhaps a more ornery tone than he normally would have. When there is no answering retort, he determines that they’ve left and grumbles to himself, “Traitors, didn’t have to take me seriously.” He clears his throat several times, straightens his tie, then hurries after them.


why does it always look longer on Microsoft Word? ; n ; okay whatever drabbles are drabbles are short. TBC!

Edited by Emily
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Loving this very very much! And can I say, DO I SEE CONTAGION UP THERE?!roll2.gif OMG, JAMES AND SIRIUS AND DENIAL! LOOK AT WHAT YOU DO TO ME WOMAN!blowup.gif

Yeah, so, I'd like more please.

bfubfahsdshbfusafbdbsbdgnhgklgiytuigjfhetsrejyt. w00t.gif James.twitchsmile.gif

bye. :wub:

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Hahaha, I do that too, rushing to complete stuff so I can reply to you on my drabble thread that hasn't been updated in weeks. Haha, yeah, I actually was confused about that part at first and then I read it again and got it, and I really like that you made it something I had to think about. This forum is pretty awesome for learning sneeze spellings and things like that. For the first year or so I started lurking about, I just went through years worth of stories and looked at the spellings and emphasis with the bold and italics, and it's just my favorite when it's got those and is different almost every time, but still fitting with the character. It's a great skill. xD I love you and your awesomeness too, so much. :heart:

BUT SO MUCH JAMES I CAN'T WAIT TO READ MORE I HOPE THERE'S A CONTINUATION. And also, what VividBubbles! said - James-Sirius contagion? I'm all for it. If it fits into your scheme, that is. xD Really, just sick James!!! I'm so excited~~~~ If you never ever stop writing him and/or Sirius, you will not hear any complaints from me. :D


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@VividBubbles!: YES, YES YOU DO. (probably, maybe, if it's possible...)

@ElementsofGray: LOL My writing is so straightforward. I'm just reading Scion's stories and going all "wtf just happened..." and I think I'm so used to writing stuff directly now that I can't write those nice poetic phrases anymore sadsmiley.gif Gotta get back into practice. And yeah, my world was broadened so much from the customary, American "ACHOO" (which makes me shudder now, and if the way I wrote didn't just scream it out, yes, I am indeed 100% American LOL). The thing about learning sneeze spellings here is that I can't seem to pick up my own "style" of spellings, if that makes sense. The James continuation is coming! biggrin.png not in this one though hehehh, later this week. AND YAYY THANK YOUUU~ :3


It's short and stuff, but I kinda wanted to get this one off my chest cause it was just there o u o HAVE SOME RON


Hermione rapped the door lightly with her free hand. The other held a tray of hot tea and soup, if the receiver intended to take it. She heard no answer. Sighing, she turned the doorknob and entered the room. The door didn’t swing open all the way, but stopped suddenly as it was caught under the crack by an array of baubles that looked as though they had been tossed aside haphazardly because the user found them unentertaining.

“Honestly Ron, would it kill you to give me a proper reply?” The lump in the bed shuffled around guiltily, but it still didn’t turn around.

“Do I have to make you look at me?” Hermione flicked her wand sharply and a rather handsomely made wooden nightstand appeared beside the bed. She strode over and set the tray down, sitting down on top of the lump.

“Ged off be.” Ron finally turned around, exposing a mess of red hair, dark-shadowed eyes, and pale, cracked lips. “Ad I’b dot huggry.”

“I know you’re not hungry, but you better drink the tea.” Ron groaned.

“Everyode kdows you cadt make adythigg edible to save your owd life,” he said grumbling and sitting himself up clumsily. “If I die fromb this, tell Harry that I still haved’t accepted that he’s barried to by little sister.” He downed the tea in one gulp, wincing. “Bloody, that’s hot—huh’HEHEGSshh!”

“You idiot,” Hermione said, smiling. She reached out her hand to his forehead, and much to her chagrin, Ron pushed her hand away before it touched his forehead.

“I’ll be fine if you let me sleep it off.”

“You’re starting to sound like Harry,” Hermione answered reproachfully.

“If you kdew him for about ted years, you’d start souddigg like him too.”

“Ronald Weasley, you’ve just about lost your mind, haven’t you? I’ve known him as long as you have.” She shook her head and huffed in annoyance. She suddenly felt a hot, calloused hand cup her chin.

“Bloody glad you don’t soudd like Harry. It’d be like kissing my best friend every time I did this.” He pressed his chapped lips against her reddening cheeks.

“Ron!” she protested. She pounced off the bed and in three quick strides she was at the doorway. “Make sure you drink that soup later.” Then she added sheepishly, “Sleep well.” The door shut behind her.

“I don’t even get a kiss back. That’s what I get for falligg id love with a bookworm.” Ron heaved himself back under the blankets and fell into beautiful dream, most of which he wouldn’t remember when he woke up. The one part he did remember was a soft, ticklish feeling like snowflakes on his forehead where Hermione might have brushed gently with her lips when she came back to collect the emptied tray.


I am getting lazier and lazier with this sneezing business LOL shame on me.

Edited by Emily
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I'm smiling like an idiot right now. :D Just, Ron and Hermione together with their adorable bickering never fails to make me smile. They're just so adorable together! :heart: Ah, your drabbles are so adorable and amazing and wonderful! I can't wait for another! :wub:

BYE! :bleh:

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Haha, yeah, sometimes I wish I could write with that kind of obscurity, but I think straightforward style is just as good! Just write however you're comfortable! Chances are, no matter what style it is, if it suits you, it'll be good. Same (and I'm American too, so I know exactly what you mean)! For some reason, I actually don't like the ACHOO style in writing. Most of the time I use my imagination and make it something else. xD Ah, that's true. It took me a while because I started off copying a style (way before I joined the forum and just wrote my own never ending, plotless sneezefics) and then started adding elements of other styles in there, and then added my preferences so it sort of ended up my own style I guess?

AND IT IS TOTALLY OKAY THAT THIS ISN'T THE JAMES CONTINUATION BECAUSE ROOOOOOON~~~~!!!!! I can't even tell you how surprised I was to see this, and pleasantly so. :D So cute~ I just...I mean...you! Ron! Here! You wrote him so well, too, and I love how he just forgets he and Hermione have known him for the same amount of time, that part just made me smile a little. xD

P.S. I'm glad I'm not the only one who forgets the sneezes in the drabbles. xD I love this and can't wait for the James sequel~ :heart:

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  • 2 weeks later...

@VividBubbles: eeyup 8D canon pairings aren't too bad either I guess heheh.

@ElementsofGray: heart.gif Dude, you're awesome. biggrin.png Haha, I think most of us here don't enjoy the usual "Achoo" because that is most certainly not what most sneezes sound like (I do have one friend who sneezes like that LOL). Anyway, style grows with a writer heheh guess I'll just keep writing until I have one! Also, have another Ron one o 3 o James is being naughty and I don't know how to continue the drabble LOL /stuck

Guise halp I am losing motivation to continue this thread ; n ; I'll update much less frequently now because I'll only add something if an idea strikes my fancy o 3 o which may be no time soon because I am forgetting how to write stuff for the real world LOL so I'm practicing writing other non-fetishy, non-HP things ; __ ; /crai meanwhile as I complain, I humbly offer this sacrifice to appease the procrastination gods.


Ron wakes up, his head hanging a little heavily. He wonders if he should attribute the pounding headache to the fire whiskey Fred and George had wheedled him into trying last night. However he doesn't know how to reason the running nose and intermittent dry cough into that theory.


Or the sneezing. Ron coughs gingerly into his shoulder, mentally congratulating himself for his hygiene. Hermione would have been proud. As he runs his daily routine in the bathroom, he feels his nose fill up.

He grabs a wad of toilet tissue and blows heartily, glad that it’s so late that nobody is here to hear his gurgling blows. He sniffs and tosses the use tissue away. the undersides of his nose are already turning red. He catches his reflection in the mirror as he is leaving, and hastily tries to fix a few uncooperative cowlicks.

“Ron, you’ve been ages in there. Hurry up or Umbridge’ll give all three of us detentions.” Harry appears in the doorway and glances at Hermione cautiously. She is looking at him expectantly, her arms crossed firmly over her chest.

“Er, he’ll be down in a second.” He turns to Ron and mouths, “Hurry!” before scrambling down the stairs.

Ron’s nose is filling up again, even more quickly so since he’d emptied it. He squints his eyes as he pauses briefly and lifts his shirt to his face.


“Ron!” Hermione calls impatiently.

“I’m comigg!”

He takes one last look in the mirror before hurrying off to join his waiting friends, rubbing his leaky nose with his pale knuckles as he leaves.

Edited by Emily
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Haha, that's true, I've only ever met a few people who actually sneeze that way. I used to think "Achoo" was fine, mostly because it was so rare that I found sneezes in writing, so I just kind of jumped on it, no matter how it was written. xD But since I found this place, I've gotten so much pickier. ^^; Yup, that's the best way to find it! :D Woohoo, more Ron!!! That's okay, take as long as you need. :) I totally understand writer's block! Then again, I think most of us probably do, and since I've been having the same problem with my drabbles, losing inspiration and everything, I can't fault you. xD But if there's any possible way I can help bring your inspiration back, let me know! Even if you wanna bounce ideas off me or something, I love messages and talking about story ideas. XD

ANYWAY. This was so awesome!!! I like the snippet-y feel to it, how you can get a sense of the goings-on (and holy crap, having a class with Umbridge while you have a cold would be absolute torture!) without needing excessive details. There's SO much room for imagination, and I really enjoyed the little piece here. It was easy for me to read all at once instead of having to come back to things later like I sometimes have to do. ^^; But seriously, I'll take Ron fics all day long.

Ron coughs gingerly into his shoulder, mentally congratulating himself for his hygiene. Hermione would have been proud.

Also, this line made me grin a little bit, partly because of your adjective use for Ron's coughing (I have a feeling that wasn't intended as a pun xD), and partly because that whole thing is just so...Ron. :D

By the way, I should probably tell you exactly how excited I am every time I see that you've updated this thread, even if it's just with replies to our comments. Reading these is wicked awesome, and it's always great hearing from you. :heart:

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OMG I can't help myself from replying because you noticed my pun LOL yes it was totally intentional and I giggled to myself like the nerdy little pun-lover I am when I wrote it. :heart: You're awesome and I'm glad I'm not the only one who appreciates puns (intentional OR unintentional!) Ron and his snark comments heheh

I'm just running out of fuel from school ^^; I've joined the fanfiction club in my school this year though, so hopefully ideas will come from there. Since I've started writing seriously this year, I've been writing other things (some of which will probably appear as a fetishy spin-off here heheh) so that kills time for fanfiction as well. I'll still update eventually, no worries 8'D and this sounds way formal, but thank you so so so sooooooo much for supporting me cause, well you know how it feels to have people like your writing. I love coming back to this thread after I've posted and seeing a reply and I'm always glad to talk to you too! (speaking of updating threads, ahem ahem, I think Train wants some love ;)) I never finished reading it though LOL

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Hahaha, now I'm pretty pleased that I noticed it because normally I'm the one writing or saying little puns no one notices. I'm so glad someone else appreciates them, and you're awesome for including that. :D

Your school has a fanfiction club?! That's so awesome, I didn't even know those existed! I'm kind of hoping my anime club does something with fanfiction at some point, but all my writing has been completely uninspired. OTL I hear ya about school eating life and free time. I think that's why all my writing's been neglected too. Plus, I just haven't been in the mood to write fetishy stuff. It's like every time I try, it comes out really terrible. :lol: Hopefully I'll be able to update the thread for you...soon...ish. But what you said about serious writing fetishy spin-offs? I'd absolutely love to see that, and I've been doing the same thing! I've got a novel idea I've been working on for a long time, and I've got a whole set of drabbles on my computer for it (and I actually got a whole new character and subplot from one of them). xD But yes! Let's revive our drabble threads together! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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Okay, so I came back from an exhausting trip to an amusement park (SO MUCH FUN!!!) to find that you've not only sent me the next part of our story, but you've also updated your drabbles too. I think I may have squealed. Like, loud. And Ron! Hehehe, "gingerly". I didn't catch it the first time but after I read it a second time I was like "Oh, you clever little pun maker, you."


Anyway, wonderful, amazing, awesome drabble! I'm gonna go read your story part now. :wub:

BYE! :bleh:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Can you pleaseeee make one where Harry is stifiling and hiding he's sick and trying to hide it then he gets caught and Ron and hermione have to teach him how to not stifle! :) kind of like the story you and vb wrote :) I would love that :) <3

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  • 1 year later...




*error* *error*

Way to go, Woman. You've killed me.


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I was so surprised to see one of my old threads bumped back up. You just made my Christmas, you did. <3

I still owe a bunch of people things so I will probably not continue with this drabble thread until I start, like, college or something. LOL But thank you for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed them!!!

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I was so surprised to see one of my old threads bumped back up. You just made my Christmas, you did. <3

I still owe a bunch of people things so I will probably not continue with this drabble thread until I start, like, college or something. LOL But thank you for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed them!!!

:D :D :D no prob. you and me, we think alike in terms of Harry fic <3

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I'm just wondering how I have never read these before!!!! Woman, you have a gift. An incredible one at that. These are AMAZING. Everything is so in character (apart from the boys saying 'sweater' - that made me giggle!) and you instantly bring us all into whatever atmosphere you want. Your craftsmanship is just astounding. So thank you, thank you, thank you for the thread! And I think I'll just have to go quietly stalk you :P

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  • 4 months later...

Oh would you look at that. THIS THREAD LIVEEEEEES!


Ron looked up and caught his friend just as his pale knuckles were leaving his nostrils. Their eyes locked.


“Why do you do that?”

Harry blinked uncomfortably, then his eyes glazed over as he twisted his head away from the table to once again clamp his fingers on his nose.

Hh’hehuKktt-uh! Don’t give me that look!” Harry’s face burned, a rugged pink creeping across his face. “I can’t help doing it.”

“That’s ridiculous, mate," Ron snorted. He reached over the breakfast table with a large hand. "Here, lemme help-"

"NGkk-cH! You git, you were just eating with that!-" With the brilliant reflexes from all his years of Quidditch Harry expertly swatted the greasy hand away as he ducked into his shoulder, flinching painfully into it once again.

"Oh, come off it Harry, that looks bloody painful," Ron replied, taking a huge swig of pumpkin juice. After he stuffed both his cheeks with sausage he attempted to gargle some sort of jumble that instead invoked exasperated glances from both Harry and Hermione.

"Honestly Ron, how many times have I told you to swallow before you speak?" Hermione grumbled in annoyance. Flicking her hand pointedly, she aimed at Ron's mouth and after a second, the swelling decreased to his normal size again.

"Oi, I was going to eat that!" Ron protested. He helped himself to another mouth enlarging bite, but finished it silently this time, or as silently as he could while scarfing an egg and two sausages before trying again.

"...so Harry. Why do you do that?"

Hermione lowered her gaze and sighed, muttering something incomprehensible. Ron ignored her and continued prodding on.

"Do what?"

"Y'know. That."

"What?" Harry stared at him, desperately trying to evade the question, until his nose pricked again and he resigned in irritated surrender. "hhHKkktt!"

"That," Ron said without missing a beat, observing the uncomfortable flush creeping along Harry's face.

"Dunno, it's just- I'm embarrassed alright?" Harry darted his eyes away from the table and settled for purposefully wiping his mouth with a nearby napkin. "Think I'll head back to the common room now. Forgot to finish up a bit of homework." He tried to slide away without making eye contact with Ron or Hermione.

"Harry, oi, wait!"

"Oh, have some tact, Ron!" Hermione said disdainfully.

"Harry, you don't have to be embarrassed about something as stupid as that, I mean at least with us. We're your friends."

Frozen at the edge of the table with his back turned, Harry bended his neck again and brought his hand to his mouth. "hh'HEH-huh'HIHshh!...See you two in a bit."

Ron grinned. "Bless you, mate."


^^; I tried. It's been a long time, but I'm officially back in action. Not_Telling, if you're reading this, you inspired me with your inspiration to do HP again! So thank you! :D

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Ooh, I found some of your writing! Das good, jah! I can appreciate some HP *ahem* MAGIC ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...

^^; I tried. It's been a long time, but I'm officially back in action. Not_Telling, if you're reading this, you inspired me with your inspiration to do HP again! So thank you!



Dawww, I was mentioned :D I feel special.

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