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I honestly can't remember if I've ever started a drabble thread. And this isn't even part of the 100 prompt challenge LOL it's just a place for me to post random Harry Potter things that I feel I must write in order to give everyone more pain and trouble and angst. also to ship the pairings that never were

And why does nobody seem to like the main character? I am positively infatuated with my Harry and I do not think I could possibly love a book character more than I love Harry Potter. Honestly, I am not and never will be a Snape fan. NE-VER. there goes 99% of the people who might read this = w = and I bash Ron whenever possible.

if anyone cared to continue reading my ramblings, I'll take requests (if you'll give 'em, of course...) provided that I can write them well enough to be presentable

this is the first for now! o u o


Harry is sitting by the lake again, leaning against the giant oak tree and staring blankly ahead. Sometimes he’s thinking, but he is more often just sitting there and watching the sun inch across the sky.

He pulls his knees toward him. It’s getting chilly.


Harry almost jumps up, the quiet repose of the evening breaking. He swipes the back of his hand across his eyes quickly before facing the voice.

“What’s up Hermione?” he says hoarsely. He tries to grin, but only manages a sort of crestfallen grimace.

“I- er, you looked cold so I’ve brought you something to help you warm up.” She bends and drapes Harry’s cloak over his shoulders.

“Thanks.” Harry wants to say more, but he’s afraid that his next words will come out broken because his voice threatens to crack at any moment. Hermione sits down next to him.

“Y-you don’t have to—“

“I want to.”

Harry shuts his mouth and smiles genuinely for the first time since the Ministry event. He leans back into the tree, eyes shut. A few minutes later, Hermione feels a light thud on her shoulder. Harry has fallen asleep. His mouth is slightly ajar, and he snores softly.

Before she can stop herself, Hermione finds her hand on his forehead, pushing back his unkempt black hair and tracing his lightning-shaped scar. She frowns. His forehead is warmer than it ought to be. He shouldn’t be out here right now. Hermione looks intently at his face, which is thin and sallow. His eyes are ringed with dark purple shadows; he hasn’t slept well the past few weeks. Ron often tells her in hushed whispers about Harry’s waking up suddenly at night and his frequent fits of thrashing.

Hermione really doesn’t want to wake him now that he is in a peaceful slumber. She battles the notion of letting him rest with her practicality. She gives him a lasting gaze, then sighs and decides on the compromise to let him sleep for ten more minutes before waking him.

Harry jolts suddenly against her body, facial features crumpling. “No, Sirius, don’t!” He grinds his teeth against each other hard and clenches his fists. Another nightmare about the battle. Hermione strokes his head and whispers to him soothingly. His knuckles turn white from his tight grip. He lets out a shuddering gasp and his eyes wrench open, bright and wide with fear. Breathing hard, he pushes himself away from Hermione’s side.

“I-I-sorry, just a dream,” Harry splutters, blinking rapidly.

“Oh Harry…” Hermione pulls Harry’s shivering body close to her and wraps her arms around him tightly. She feels every tremor and heartbeat against her chest. She rubs his pats his back rhythmically until she can’t feel his heart pounding madly out of his ribs. She withdraws, looking Harry straight in his green eyes. “I don’t know what I can do to do make things better for you, Harry, but—“ she pauses, thinking “—you don’t have face this alone.”

“Yes, I do,” Harry swallows. “It was my fault, I put him danger, I put you in danger, I could’ve gotten us all killed—“

“This is exactly what I mean!” Hermione retorts, eyes spilling. “It’s not your fault! Every single one of us is to blame!” She glares at him hotly, lashes thick with tears. “Even Dumbledore admits that it was wrong to lock him up like that. We all know how S-Sirius was like…he wasn’t meant to be tied down and he was bound to find a reason to escape sooner or later—“

“If I hadn’t gone to the Ministry then he wouldn’t have had a reason! He wouldn’t have had to come to save my backside, he wouldn’t have—“ Harry bites his lip, unable to go on. His face is drained of color, dotted with beads of sweat. His chest heaves heavily as he struggles to catch his breath. Finally, in a low, hoarse voice, he says, “You don’t understand, Hermione.”

“Harry,” Hermione begins gently, “you’ve got a fever. Let’s head back inside so you can rest.”

As if on cue, Harry coughs wetly in a close fist and collapses tiredly against the giant trunk.


“You go back. I’m staying.” He locks his jaw stubbornly, refusing to look at her. Hermione glares at him for several long moments and surrenders, sitting back against the tree. Harry raises his eyebrows, a faint smile playing at his lips, but does not comment.

hhEKhNGt!” Harry sniffs softly; the only indication that he had disturbed the peace is his hand leaving his nose, fingers uncurling from their expectant position.

“Harry, you’re cold.” It’s not a question.

“I’m fine.” He tugs his cloak around his body more tightly.

“Really now,” Hermione says exasperatedly. “We’re going back now before you get any worse.”


“Come on!” Hermione stands and yanks Harry to his feet. He staggers a ways and promptly sinks back to the ground. A faint blush spreads across his face.

“I’ll come back up later,” says Harry quietly. “Go on, it’s getting cold. Ron’ll be looking for you.”

“We are going back together,” Hermione tells him firmly. Without a word she bends and slings Harry’s arm over her shoulder. “You can lean on me if you must.” Hermione is concerned about how easily she can support him.

Harry feels an uncomfortable heat rising to his face.


“Don’t be. I can’t just leave you there if you’re so ill that you can’t stand on your own two feet—“

“No, I mean sorry for putting you in danger. I shouldn’t have let you lot come with me—“

“Don’t be silly,” Hermione cuts in sharply. “If we hadn’t come with you, you would have died.”

“Better me than—“

“No! Harry, your life is worth as much as mine or anyone else’s!” Hermione continues walking furiously, taking long angry strides. Harry chuckles.


“Oh don’t start—“

“—I love you.” Hermione’s annoyance melts and her face flushes, coloring her cold cheeks pink. She slows and smoothes Harry’s untidy mop of hair back, revealing his thin scar. She presses her lips against it softly and smiles, then continues down the path to the castle.

Harry is nearly unconscious when they have reached the great castle doors, but he smiles briefly when he hears an almost inaudible “Me too, Harry.”


that awkward ending.

that shameless Harry/Hermione shipping.

as always, comments and feedback are welcome and glomped with very wide open arms ; u ;

Edited by Emily
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So cute! Despite me not being that big a fan of shipping anyone in particular in Harry Potter (for some reason, I just like all the characters by themselves, I have no idea why), I really like this and you wrote Harry x Hermione well. :D I like them kind of better than Ron x Hermione because that means I can have Ron all to myself. I can't wait to see more of these! I don't like Snape either - not in sneezefics anyway - so you won't be losing me as a reader. XD

I dunno if your Ron-bashing extends to the entire Weasley family, but if not I would love to see Fred or George or Bill (please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks he's totally awesome?) or anything anime at some point. Wow, that sounds so demanding, I'm sorry. :lol: If you don't like them, that's okay, anything you do will be great! :heart:

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ElementsofGray:i GET WHAT YOU MEAN OHMAHGAW 8D I'll eventually venture out past Harry, I mean this is what this thread's supposed to help me do, expand my puny horizon...YES, I KNEW I COULDN'T HAVE BEEN THE ONLY ANTI-SNAPE-FETISHER. :D No, no I love my Weasleys. I do plan on doing a Fred/George drabble (although I can't guarantee anything amazing simply because I haven't tried it before) and Bill is so cool! In my mind he's one of those gangster looking nice guys in anime. And I guess I don't really hate Ron after all. :D I'll try my hand at your requests then! (It'll be well after two or three weeks though, because I'll be going on a looong vacation starting this Saturday.) Thanks for reading and commenting! :D

Daisoku: HE'S SO MUCH FUN TO ABUSE. HE'S LIKE A READY-MADE LITERARY PUNCHING BAG. = w = and yet he's so adowables...

Thank you for reading and commenting! 8D

derp, hope this ain't going to discourage any prospective readers...but er the next update won't be up until I get back from vacation in three weeks. o 3 o;

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Haha, well, however long eventually is, I'll enjoy the Harry stuff while it lasts. :D I can't do fetishy Snape stuff at all, not even young Snape. xD I'm also not that big on Lupin either - definitely more of a Sirius or James person if we're talking that group, and usually their young selves, save Sirius. Sweetness!! Yeah, take your time with it, and I'll love it just because it's any of THEM. Hahaha, I'd never really thought of him that way, but I can see now you say that. I just thought he looked cool when I looked up pictures of him. xD Have fun on your vacation!! I shall await your lovely drabbles while I miss you! :3

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Oh Emily. :wub: This was awesome! I'm so not into Harry/Hermione (I just love the original pairings too much to mess with them) but this was just woven together so well and so adorable that I couldn't help but love it love it love it! :lol:

I can't do fetishy Snape stuff at all, not even young Snape. xD I'm also not that big on Lupin either - definitely more of a Sirius or James person if we're talking that group, and usually their young selves, save Sirius.


BYE! :bleh:

Edited by VividBubbles!
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Another person here who doesn't like reading Snape fic at all. I ADORE Lupin, but I'm definitely happy to read Harry! And you write him so well! Thanks for the lovely drabble and I look forward to more :)

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Yeah okay, so I wrote another one to satisfy my angst needs. Shoot me, I'm a teenager.


ElementsofGray: I'll be into HP for a while, I think. biggrin.png I started on a post-7th year fic, but I can't find a way to include Ron in it (and I admit it, non-lovey-dovey moments are kinda awkward without Ron there being all sarcastic and stuff). OH MY HOLY GOD DUDE, WHAT VIVIDBUBBLES! SAID. ALL THREE OF US ARE LIKE THE SAME DOPPELGANGER. I can't fathom why James fics aren't more popular...okay he's a bit of a prat and I'm not a a fan of his attitude, but without that snarkiness, he's just not James. I'm totally with you on that Lupin and Sirius thing. biggrin.png (not really big on boy-love fics, go figure.) Sorry this one isn't about Bill, Fred, or George, but the idea suddenly pounced on me and well...yeah.../finishes lamely.

VividBubbles!: Thank you! :'D I'm glad my shameless shipping worked its way into your heart! I'm glad I'm not alone on my views on Snape. biggrin.png

Dusty15: Awww thanks! biggrin.png I'm not big on Lupin or Snape myself, but I can experiment. wink.png

Anyway, here's the next one!



It’s a quiet night. There’s nothing threatening out here tonight, but these days nothing is what it seems. Hermione’s wand is, as always, out and at the ready to strike, although she has made sure that she cast every charm she knows around the little clearing where their tent is. It will take quite a bit of work to find this place.

She rummages in her bag to dig out a book to read for the rest of her watch. Frowning, she plows her arm in deeper. Where was that book…her fingers brush against the edge of a photo. Sighing, she slides it out of her bag and smoothes it over. The corners are bent from the weight of everything else she has thrown inside. In the light of her wand, the smiling faces of her parents beam at her.

Her shoulders shake and wet droplets splash across the photo. Hermione clasps her hands over her face, stifling the choked sobs. She’s making too much noise; Harry and Ron will hear her, and they shouldn’t be out of bed. Clamping one hand over her mouth tightly, she tries to stop. Her tears fall thicker and faster as her entire body wracks with the effort to remain silent.


She feels a warm hand on her shoulder.

“I-it’s-hic-it’s nothing. Go back to bed, Harry.”

“It's not nothing if you're crying. Is it your parents?” He kneels down beside her. She guiltily stows the now soggy photo back in her purse.

“I’ll be-hic-fine in a few m-moments. Just go to sleep.”

“Haved’t slept id ages. I’ll take over watch.” A wide yawn betrays him.

Hermione sniffs and looks at him. “Just go to bed and rest then-hic-alright? The sooner you and Ron get well, the better.”

“Go id add take care of Rod, thed. I’b about recovered dow adyway—hhih’tCHuu!” Hermione brushes away the last of her tears with the back of her hand and conjures a handkerchief.

“You sound ridiculous,” she smiles, pressing her hand to Harry’s forehead. “And I’ll continue watch. You’re still warm.”

“I’ll be fide.” He pushes her in the tent and resumes her previous position. Hermione scowls at him; she’ll come back for him in a few minutes after she’s checked up on Ron, who is huddled under a mound of blankets, his flushed face as red as his hair.

“Hermione,” he rasps suddenly. Hermione nearly jumps a foot in the air.

“Ron, do you need anything?” He shakes his head and motions for her to come closer. He reaches a shaky arm out and touches her tear-stained face.

“You were crying.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“I’ll worry about whatever the bloody hell I want. What happ—“ Ron is interrupted by a series of deep, unhealthy coughs.

Aguamenti.” Hermione helps him sit upright against his pillow and hands him a glass of water. “Drink it slowly.”

Ron’s face is as pale now as it was fiery red moments ago. His lips are dry and cracked, and his red hair is plastered wetly over his sweating forehead.

“Hot,” he croaks. He clumsily attempts to unbutton his shirt, but to no avail. Hermione gently pries his fingers away and begins to undo his buttons. Ron’s ears color darkly.

“I’ll help you cool down. Just stay still, Ron.”

Ron blushes harder, muttering something that sounded like “I can wipe down my body myself, thanks.”

“Honestly Ron!” Hermione waves her wand and a bowl of water and a towel appear. “Lie down—oh, for god’s sake, there’s nothing embarrassing about this!” She dips the towel in the bowl and proceeds to dab at his torso, a faint blush tinting her cheeks. He whimpers at the sudden coldness and automatically sucks in his stomach. “Do you want to feel better or not?” His stomach expands again and he sighs.

“Right modest girl you are, Hermione. Rubbing a man’s chest.”

“Sickness not sapping any of your sass, I see.”

When Hermione has finally finished wiping Ron’s sweaty body and let him drift off to sleep, she remembers with a jolt about Harry, who is still outside with a fever.

“Damn it!” she whispers. She exits the tent flap angrily and finds Harry nearly asleep. He wakes with a start at the sound of her footsteps.

“S-Sorry, how’s Rod doig?...”


“Thed go ged sobe sleep.”

“Not unless I want you falling dead asleep in the middle of your watch. Go back in, Harry, please,” she added.

“But you—“

“You can take over my shift as much as you like once you’ve recovered.”

Harry opens and shuts his mouth, defeated. He steps slowly toward the tent.

“Call if you need me.”

Hermione nods and waves him off. When his footsteps are safely out of earshot, she crouches and sits back down where she was prior to her outburst. She takes out her wand.



mehehehe mischief managed.

Edited by Emily
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Yay!! Not only an Emily drabble thread but an Emily Harry Potter drabble thread!!! Excitement abounds!

Anxious to read more!

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Cute so far! Hermoine and Ron snarkiness is super cute. I am one of the cluster that enjoys watching evil men being brought down by a measly little head cold... so Request/Compromise: Draco, possibly, when and if you have the inclination. Thank you in advance and these are marvelous thus far!

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Great thread! I don't have any massive issues with Snape etc, but I definitely prefer Harry and co. Looking forward to more!

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Feverish Ron and sick-but-wanting-to-help Harry are like two of my favoritey favorites. :heart: Oh, I just reread your first drabble and found a little mention of requests. Well, humm, I do like denial. And fainting. So if you could work those two into a drabble I'd probably be your servant forever. :lol:

BYE! :bleh:

Edited by VividBubbles!
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Okay, so this is amazing. Like, seriously. It's fantastic. There's so much depth to these little stories, even though they are fairly short. You've managed to create an entire picture so well that I feel like I have a good idea of what happened to these characters before you even starting writing the scene. Not to mention, you're doing that without using the actual novel's storyline as a crutch, but still combining enough elements that it doesn't start to feel like a different set of characters.

I really, really like this. There isn't much that I like more than a well thought out, well written story, especially if it caters to my own interests. And these deliver. On so many levels.

Edited by everest
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Yay!! Not only an Emily drabble thread but an Emily Harry Potter drabble thread!!!

I really have nothing to add to this, except "YAAAAAAAY AWESOMENESS!!" Oh, and I also don't like Snape-fic that much...

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Just so you all know, I've read your comments like so many times over that I could probably recite them. Except I won't because I'm running short on time right now and this really will be the last drabble before I go. biggrin.png I'd love to reply to you all more fully I really seriously wanna but alas time forbids so much sadsmiley.gif THANK YOU AND YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU ALLLLLL

Everest, not to single you out or anything, but your comment made me grin all day and I was so happy and I kinda exploded in rainbows, your comment meant so much to me because I didn't even know I was doing all that! THANK YOU SOOO SOO MUCH

>< I promise, cross my heart and hope to die, stick a cupcake in my eye, IT'S A PINKIE PIE PROMISE, that I will reply to you all individually when I can!

without further ado, Draco Malfoy, for coldcure08! (note, I'm not doing these in any particular order ^^; sorry ElementsofGray, yours will come, promise!)


Draco Malfoy hisses in pain as his head throbs viciously. He’s failed to kill Dumbledore this time, even though he had been so sure that his plan would work. If only that stupid Bell girl had just gone straight back to Hogwarts. Why didn’t she just bring it back to the old Muggle-loving fool and finish him off? He had been certain that his Imperius curse was strong enough to control her, but of course Potter had to come and save the day and play the hero. And now Snape is on his case too.

Draco dumps his head between his hands and heaves a long sigh. He kneads his knuckles into his temple, willing the throbbing to go away. If this keeps up long enough maybe he could go ahead and be the next “Boy Who Lived.” He immediately scoffs at the idea, loathing himself for even thinking it. He is doing an important mission for the Dark Lord; he has to finish it quickly.

“Draco, what’s wrong?” Pansy Parkinson croons as she enters the Slytherin common room. “Has your headache gotten worse?” She takes a seat beside him and motions to her lap.

He accepts, adjusting himself so that his long legs hang over the side of the sofa and his pale, pointed head is propped against her thigh. His immediate thought is that she has put on a bit of weight, considering how soft her thigh is. He almost voices it, but at the last second puts a stop to his fuzzy train of thought.

Draco closes his eyes and sighs again. The prickling in his head is not showing any signs of receding; furthermore, an annoying itch has lodged itself in his nasal cavity. He pinches the bridge of his nose and yields no positive results. The itching intensifies and Draco, quick to catch on, shoots upward into a sitting position, away from Pansy Parkinson and clamps his nose shut.


His head launches forcefully, white-blond hair growing more tousled with every violent pitch into his waiting fingertips.

NGt-uhh!-gKTt! EhNNtu! Huh’NGksh!-NGSxt! Ugh…” Malfoy’s head hammers and he can’t distinguish between Pansy’s voice and the loud buzzing in his ears. He desperately wants to just call it a night and head off to bed, but he has to think of another way to get rid of Dumbledore. It’s already January; he’s running out of time.

“Draco?...” Pansy’s voice is so far away that he wants to ask her to come closer and say it to his face.

Malfoy blinks his eyes in an attempt to clear his swimming vision. The already-dark dungeon seems to be pitch-black. He suddenly feels a sharp edge whack against the side of his head. The world is sideways, he marvels. The green rugs slide in and out of focus and Pansy’s arm appears to be a long wriggling snake. It feels like centuries have past before Draco’s eyes close, shutting him out from the blood pooling from his head, Pansy Parkinson’s crazed screeching, and the Dark Lord’s voice urging him to kill Dumbledore.


super short, gotta go, bye, thanks for reading and commenting! heart.gif

Edited by Emily
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Ohmigawd! What just happened?! I do not understand! I mean, it was freaking awesome but I don't understand! Emily, out of all your drabbles, this is the one that I'm crossing my fingers (and toes) and praying to God that you'll continue. It was just so awesome, and kinda confusing, and so well written, and, above all, so in character! Wow, just wow.

BYE! :bleh:

P.S. OMG, his stifles! :heart::wub::heart:

BYE! Again. :bleh: :bleh:

Edited by VividBubbles!
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Yay, finally someone who writes Harry!!! He is completely my favourite, so relatable but also sooooo angsty... I totally agree about the Snape thing, I find his plotline throughout the series fascinating but I don't heap mounds of adoration on him or read fanfic either...Lupin is different, I see him as a total woobie and love him for it :) But if you ever do a Marauders one, James would be awesome as well :) I have read some very cute allergic!James and it is awesome.

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Draco stifles! DRACO STIIIIIIFLES!!! (<--sorry, it's late here and I've had a long day...)

I'm now going to try to add an intelligent comment: I really like the way you make all the drabbles tie into the plot of the books. Like, not just the overall arc but specific times and events. Because then if when I reread the original book, I can't help but have the drabbles pop into my head...

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I love these so much omg because

A) you. Write. HARRY. I love Harry!!!!!!

B) you just wrote Draco so in character that I can't even

And c) request?! well I'm the biggest James potter fan that there is, hence my name >:)

(I've also read some allergic!james and it was goooood)

*end ramble* Okay these are just lovely. Cant wait for more and hope you have fun on your vacation!

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Please excuse me while I marvel like an idiot.

Okay, this might be kinda long because I've been gone for days and didn't get to read either of them or your first reply to me and I just have to comment on every single thing all the time. xD

I KNOW DUDE! Why is James so unloved?! And even Sirius! Nothing horribly against Remus or anything, but he kind of dominates the Harry Potter sneezefics and I need me some James or Sirius now and again. XD I'm good with boy love sometimes, but only with some stuff. Harry Potter isn't really one of those things. No worries, though, do them when or if you get the inspiration for it! Both of these were awesome anyway!!

I'm so happy you included Ron. TT^TT Even if he didn't sneeze, I still really really loved it! I think everest covered it - you write these deep stories in such a small space. All the characters are wonderfully IN character and they interact just like I'd picture them to, and how I'd want them to.

The one with Draco, you have amazed me. Ordinarily, I'm not a Draco sneezing fan at all, but I enjoyed this one quite a bit. Something about the way you describe these things, and I'm not even sure I can pinpoint it exactly, but you just made it seem so FITTING for him. Just headache, and then stifles and then just...just this is exactly what would happen. In my head anyway. You're so awesome, I didn't think anyone could actually make me actually LIKE Draco fics. XD I can't wait for more!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Even though I was back yesterday and read all your comments (and reread old ones) and reread them again just now, and this is one long run-on sentence that I'm not sure how to end FORGET GRAMMAR I LOVE YOU GUUUUUUYS I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUUUCH ; u ; this will take me like an hour to reply to LOL OKAY STARTING NOW

VividBubbles!: o 3 o yeah I thought I kinda just left that one hanging so I worked on a continuation of it (although I had less time to write on my vacation than I thought) I'll get back on our story right away, sir! /salutes

MusicaDiabolos: I ABSOLUTELY ADORE HARRY. MAIN CHARACTERS ARE MEANT TO BE LOVED AND HEAPED UPON WITH FANTASIES. :') no can-do about Snape and Lupin here though. somehow, Lupin just doesn't really click with me, even though he's totally lovable in the series, I mean I just can't find myself writing a sneezefic for him :( I'm sorry

DogLover: OMG YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY I AM. HAVING SOMEONE THINK OF MY WRITING WHILE READING THE ACTUAL SERIES MAKES ME TOTALLY OISFDUAUFDIOSAUFDASFDNHJK w00t.gif and on a more intelligent note on my part, I do try to make them tie in with the actual plot (albeit, in a sneezier and cold-ridden fashion)

Prongs: hoooo~ looks like I got Draco spot-on from all the comments about it heheh I've never written him before so that's just what I thought would happen with him and I'm so glad it's passable 8D James will come someday, eeyup. more Harry first though LOL I would dearly love to make him feverish and stuff while battling to the death with Voldemort, but I'm not quite at that level yet LOL

ElementsofGray: EXCUSED, BECAUSE I TOTALLY GAWKED AS I READ YOURS AND EVERYONE ELSE'S REPLIES (like over and over again, part of the reason it took forever to reply even though it's the second day I'm back) don't worry, I looked equally, if not more idiotic.

Also this will be just as long as your comment cause I have much to say. :'D

Can I just say that we are totally cut from the same cloth? I always felt that way about Remus too! I mean, I get the motherly nature thing and blahblah that makes them all wanna make him sick and then take care of him but come on, even the arrogant James needs some love once in a while. Plus, Remus just doesn't really make me feel anything like the others do...kinda like how Ron doesn't do anything for me LOL (sorry! I will dedicate a Ron fic for you in the near future :lol:) Btw, not to bring your hopes up or anything, but I started one about Bill and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere honestly. I'm just jumping around and writing whatever the heck floats my boat right now so I don't know if the one with Bill will ever start progressing...

I strive for in-character-ness! Glad to see it's all paying off, and even having you guys saying they're deep! It's all self-satisfying angst, mind you. Like I said, Ron will come for ya one day. ;)

Yeah, me neither. I don't like Draco and he is, pardon my French, a total bastard beyond my sympathy but something possessed me that night at like 11PM (night-before-vacation jitters, I'll bet) and I just went and wrote it and when I was done I was pretty damn pleased with myself so I went ahead and posted it. eh people liked it, they were happy, I was happy. o _ o totally didn't know I set loose a sick-Draco monster, but I'll be setting loose (hopefully another) with the next Draco drabble :D


next one will come in the next few days after I done everything I've been procrastinating on (oh how I hate summer homework TT ___ TT) reality will slap me in the face so damn hard, I know it.

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Yes! I can't even recall a single James sneeze fic (if there's one out there, please direct me to it), and there are so unsatisfactorily few Sirius fics, it just disappoints me. xD The arrogant (but not mean) characters are most fun to read about for me! I read in one of your other replies that there will someday be a James drabble? Yes? Yes. I hope? Yes. Like I'm more excited about reading him than any Weasley. If you're not inspired to write Ron or any Weasleys for that matter, don't worry about it a bit. I'm honestly just loving what you've posted thus far, so if Bill or Ron or anyone isn't working out, don't do it unless you feel like it. I'd rather read what you want to write - it's more enjoyable for you, and it'll turn out better because of that. :)

Haha, the best kind of angst! I shall look forward to that day. xD But like I said, always no pressure!

Really? Then that's really kind of awesome of you. Totally agree with you about Draco. And I was just thinking now, that it always feels weird calling him Draco, myself. It's like Draco and Malfoy are two totally different characters - Malfoy is the canon series character and Draco is the fanfic character that people actually like in my mind. xD

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So I got carried away and totally forgot this was a contribution to the SFF until the end where I hastily stuffed some woozy Malfoy in. = 3 = No sneezes this time, sorry. Heads-up for the sneeze-only readers (cause I know I sometimes just skim writing for sneezes :lol:) There's a TBC attached to this one! ;)


ElementsofGray: Oh my god I did read an allergic James fic last month when I was searching the forum. When I get the chance to I'll dig it up for you (or if you're impatient, you can just search Harry Potter in the stories forum :D). I am so drawn to bad boy Sirius LOL What I'd like to see is a reluctant Lily caring for a sick James while they are still in their omg-I-hate-you period. If it doesn't happen I'll write it but I'm not so confident about writing characters I feel like I don't know very well. :(

Whoa once again you have shattered my thoughts of "I thought I was the only one!" I feel weird calling him Draco too! In my mind he's Malfoy and he's one cowardly and stuck-up son-of-a-gun who is just like his father in his dastardly ways. I mean he's not evil, just misled and a lot of a bully, but ugghh he gets on my nerves. Why did I even write him LOL I confuse myself. If I am honest with myself (and everyone else) I write about him because he's insecure and exposing insecurities is fun. :D /sadist.


and without further ado, a real update!


“How very disappointing, Draco.” The voice is cold, indifferent. “I had expected you to capable of carrying out so simple a task for me. I did not think it would be so...difficult.” A hint of a smile. Scattered laughter breaks out hurriedly. “Perhaps a little lesson shall teach you the basics…”

Draco Malfoy screams himself awake. His sweat-drenched blankets are tangled around his body and his pillow is thoroughly soaked with feverish perspiration. A fierce pounding in his head brings his clammy white hands to his temples.

“Bandages?...” Draco blinks. Slowly, the pain in his head subsides, ebbing away to a dull throb as confusion takes over his clouded mind. He is not in the Slytherin common room anymore.

“Ah, Draco, you are awake.”

The pale boy turns sharply at the voice, but even as he croaks in his most demanding tone, “Who is it?” he knows it is the very man he dreads seeing most.

As per his usual silent manner, Albus Dumbledore has appeared seemingly out of nowhere beside Draco’s hospital wing cot. He is seated comfortably in a flowery pink armchair with his hands folded patiently in his lap, looking as though he has nothing more important to do that to wait for Draco Malfoy to wake up.

“What do you want?”

“That is just what I would like to ask you. That is, if I didn’t already know.” Dumbledore’s eyes wrinkle as he smiles sadly.

Draco begins to panic. He knows? Have his attempts all year been futile, even childish? Has Dumbledore just let him do as he pleased to, perhaps, get a laugh out of his failures? Maybe he and Potter are both wrapping him up in some grand scheme to humiliate him, make a perfect fool out of him. It is entirely possible, probably true even, given that the glorious, oh so heroic Harry Potter is the headmaster’s favorite boy. Landing him, Draco Malfoy, the enemy, in the hospital wing, unconscious and completely defenseless must be all according to their plan. Potter must be waiting around now—

“Draco, remain calm.” Dumbledore is still sitting, hands folded, though his eyes are alert and stern.

Frozen in panic and fear, Draco’s pallid face turns an even sicklier shade of gray. His heart smashes against his thin ribs, begging to leave. It’s his chance. He can do it now, yes. He’s practiced the killing curse enough times on small animals and insects. He can do it now and be done with it. He’ll be a hero. He’ll restore his father’s former glory. His cracked lips spread in a crazed grin. The Dark Lord will be so pleased.

“Wand, wand, where—“ Draco stops, suddenly realizing that he has been voicing all his thoughts. He stares at Dumbledore, eyes wide and fearful, thin blond hair sweaty and matted. He gapes, unable to form words. He doesn’t know what to think. His hands are still frantically searching his blankets for something he can’t remember anymore.

“I am not here to hurt you.”

Finally, he remembers what he is looking for, but he can’t recall where it is. It’s nowhere near him. He’s finished. Dumbledore can just snuff him now, or maybe he'll let him live, watch him struggle a bit longer. Maybe enjoy having someone else do the dirty work for him. Potter. He must be around. Draco’s eyes dart from corner to dark corner. One of the lumpy shadows behind the drawn curtains moves.

“Harry Potter isn’t with us at the moment, I’m afraid. He has matters of his own to attend to, though I daresay you are glad of it.” Dumbledore nods at the door.

Draco twists his head wildly to stare at the firmly closed doors of the hospital wing. He is expecting Potter to jump out any moment now, yelling in that ridiculously loud voice and brandishing his wand in that unsightly manner.

Several uneventful minutes pass as Dumbledore examines his fingernails thoughtfully and owls hoot as they hunt beneath the cloudy night sky.

Drawing a shuddering breath, Draco demands hoarsely to know why he is here.

“Miss Parkinson was rather faint as she led Professor Snape and me to find you unconscious with a nasty looking head wound that you had acquired due to your unpleasant fall against the edge of the table. Rest assured, it appeared much worse than it was. Madam Pomfrey patched that up quite well. There is, however, not much she can do about your fever unless you can calm yourself. Although I am certain that what I am about to do will do nothing to put you at peace.” He gives him another sad smile. “That said, I am certain you would like to know why I am here.”

Draco remains silent, his sullen gray eyes stubbornly averting Dumbledore’s blue gaze.

“I shall perceive your silence as assent for my continuing. I am here to give you a chance.”


A wand, his own, materializes slowly in front of him.

“Take it.”

He obeys, plucking it with shaking hands from the air, eyes boring into it furiously in a futile attempt to pick out a flaw with it. It is indeed his own wand of hawthorn and unicorn hair.

“Kill me.” Dumbledore rises and his chair disappears. He spreads his arms wide. There is no sign of any anxiety in his face. “I will give you one chance to kill me. It only depends on whether or not you can do it.” He tosses his wand casually across the waxy floor, sending it skidding down at least ten feet away, impossible to reach if he were cursed right now. “There. I am unarmed. Kill me, Draco!”

“M-mad, senile, c-completely insane—“

Draco glares at him. This must be a ruse. He can’t possibly give him an opening like this unless someone was there to back him up. Potter must be hiding somewhere. They’re both laughing at him. He shivers violently as fearful chills wrack his body. The dull throb in his head roars back to life, claiming nearly the last of his small strength. He can’t let this stop him. Even if he is strolling straight into the senile old man’s trap, he won’t have this offer gone to waste. Holding his wand as steadily as he can through his fading vision, he steels his gaze and pushes himself off the bed. Stumbling, he points his wand at Dumbledore’s chest.

Avada kedavra!”


this ain't over yet! :D I love Dumbledore :heart:

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Wow............ :heart: :heart: :heart:

More please. :drool:

DRACO! :hug:

bye. :wub:

Edited by VividBubbles!
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