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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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I read prisma's fic yesterday, and after freaking out over how amazing it was eek.gif , I just had to write one of my own. Thanks for inspiring me, my friend!

By the way, I love OCs, so I hope you guys can deal with mine. More to come for her in the second chap. turned.gif

And now, on with the first chapter~ Even More Unusual


Dr. Frank-N-Furter was very confused.

He had woken up and immediately gone to his laboratory, a normal beginning to a normal day. However, there were a few subtle changes in his routine: for one, he had opened his eyes to feel a horrible throbbing behind them. Believing it was just an aftermath reaction to the lovely night he had passed, courtesy of Magenta, he had thought nothing of it, and had gotten dressed and donned his crazy makeup as usual.

The second, and perhaps more startling to Frank, was that he had been walking up the stairs to the second floor when suddenly, his head spun madly, and he had needed to claw his way up the stairs using the banister as a support system.

And the third, the most startling of all, was that the moment he had arrived in his lab, he had sneezed. He had been under the tank housing his latest project - a lovely new playmate for whom he had not yet devised a name - when suddenly, he had let out a "HUT-chisSHEW!" The beginning of the sneeze had been strong and deep, but the ending had been so high-pitched, it was almost feminine.

Not that the sneeze was a complete scientific anomaly (I mean, Frank had thought to himself, holding a shaking and surprised hand over his strangely moist nose, everyone has to sneeze from time to time), but it was certainly strange. Come to think of it, he didn't remember having sneezed since his departure from his home planet of Transsexual.

And now, about ten minutes or so later, he had found himself too dizzy to even contemplate working on his precious creations. So he stumbled back down the stairs, crashed through his bedroom door, and fallen flat on his bed, ensuing in a sneezing fit of about six "HUT-chisSHEW!"s.

Frank grumbled into the pillows, frustrated that he felt so...human.


That word stimulated Frank's foggy brain. That lovely girl, the one whose name had escaped him, the one who'd wandered into the mansion's yard the other day, the one to which Riff had opened the door and just about jumped his fool head off, the one who looked like she was possibly the most beautiful girl in all the universes...could she have something to do with this?

"Riff raff!" he bellowed. Well, at least, he wanted to think 'bellowed', it was more like 'croaked'.

But Riff heard him anyway. "Yes, Master?" he asked, opening the door. A look of surprise spread across his face. "Um, Master...are you well?"

"No, you idiot," Frank answered exasperatedly, "I am not. Fetch the girl for me."

"Which one?" Riff inquired.

"The pretty one."

"Which pretty one?"

"The one that stumbled to the door the other day, the beautiful one!" Frank shouted (groaned). "Fetch her for me, now!" he ordered.

"Yes, Master." Riff left.

Frank turned and growled weakly into the pillow, and then whimpered as he realized that he'd probably smudged his makeup.

"Master?" Wow, I don't remember Riff raff ever being that quick. I must really be ill, Frank thought. "Permission to enter?"

"Yes, yes, cob id." What?

Frank heard Riff snicker softly as he entered the room, accompanied by the lovely girl. "The girl you requested, Master."

Riff bowed and left the room, leaving the girl to lean against the door with her arms crossed.

Frank sniffled, and looked over at his bedside table for a handkerchief. Dismayed, he found none. When he looked back, he almost fell out of the bed in surprise, for the girl had somehow come to the other side of his bed, and was holding one in her hand.


First chap done! I promise there will be more sneezing in chapter 2, I just needed to introduce Frank and then my OC at the end.

By the by, does anyone have any suggestions as to what I should name her? I'll probably come up with something, but if you guys have any thoughts on it...?

heart.gif Thanks for reading! I need at least one reply before I continue, so make me happy!

Love, H

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yay! a rocky horror fanfic! i am loving this so far please continue!

My wish has been granted! Thank you very much for reading; typing chap 2 now!


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Sorry, sorry! I was typing yesterday and then my mom came home and then I had some other stuff I had to do....so time got away from me. Here's the new chapter~


Frank scooted backward in the bed, startled by the girl's sudden presence. His quick movements activated his nose, and like last time, the sneezes were uncovered. "WhhhHUT-chiSHEW! Hut-chiSHEW!"

The girl gave him a reproachful look and dangled the handkerchief in his face. He took it, glaring, and honked his nose rather unattractively. As he tended to his nose, he heard another cackle from outside.

"Riff raff, I'll gib do-!" Frank snarled (moaned), moving to throw himself off the bed and out the door.

But the girl had other ideas. "No," she hissed quietly, catching Frank by the shoulders and shoving him back into the bed. "Leave it to me." She put a finger to her lips. Frank raised the hanky to his face in anticipation, watching the girl closely.

She approached the door with a catlike gait, pressed herself flat against the side of the door, and then, opened it with a force and a speed quite disproportionate to her build. "Ha!" She screamed with laughter as she successfully nailed Riff in the...um, in the private area. Frank cracked up as he heard Riff whimpering like a puppy as he slunk away.

The girl shut the door and brushed off her hands. "You know, that guy really scares me," she mused.

She sat back down on the bed and finally introduced herself. "I'm Althea."

"Fradk," Frank replied. He blushed at his voice.

"Don't be ashamed," Althea told him. "I've heard worse."

Frank scowled. "I bed do deber hab dwrose."

Althea's mouth twitched. "I take that back." She rose to her feet. "Aren't you some sort of scientist?"


"Well then, you'll take it without complaint....but I've got to find it first..." She lifted a bag Frank hadn't noticed until that moment, dug through it for a few minutes, pulling out a strange manner of things - frightening-looking instruments, an assortment of bagged spices, and other items - and finally, extracted a box of bottles, filled with a strange but very familiar purple liquid.

Frank stared. He hadn't seen one of those bottles since he'd left Transsexual. It was a bottle of remedy, and the serum inside was so powerful that it would cure just about anything. There were rumors that it had come from another planet; obviously, this validated them. However, since it was so effective, it was drastically expensive; therefore, Frank's family had only ever had one bottle in their possession.

"How d'yo hab dathhhHUT-chiSHEW!" His face crashed once more into the hanky.

"I've had a few boxes of these for a while. Never had to use 'em, though. "Althea unstoppered the bottle, and the smell wafted out. It was quite lovely, but also strong, and it set Frank off on a very long fit. "HUTchiSHEW! HITSHISHEW! HIT-SIHEW! SHEIW!"

Althea leapt into action. As Frank succumbed to his sneezes, soaking the hanky, she positioned herself near his head, and when the slightest pause in the fit arrived, she shoved the bottle into his mouth and tilted his head back. "Swallow, Frank, hurry; or you'll choke," she commanded.

Frank did as she asked. After gulping the drink, he sniffled experimentally - completely cleared. "Hm..." he said. He looked Althea in the eyes and smiled. "Thank you, love."

"Althea," Althea corrected him quietly.

Suddenly, they both jumped at a reverberating noise from outside: "HAARSSHHEW! *Sniff*. Dabbit..."

Althea and Frank eyed each other meaningfully, and then burst into laughter.

"Riff," Frank gasped in between hearty chuckles.

Althea nodded, tears of glee running down her cheeks.


Well, that's Frankie cured! And we all know Riff deserved it. Should I continue with Riff? Or should I just leave it? Please let me know! I'd love to continue, as I've never written Riff before and I'd love to try. :)

Love, :heart: H

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Uhhh.............OF COURSE continue. I am sooooo shocked and happy that my story has inspired you. I swear I will have to try and upload my other sick fic about Frank. I wrote a few of them years ago. Thank YOU for writing this. I never "get sick" of RHPS!!!!!!!!!

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Uhhh.............OF COURSE continue. I am sooooo shocked and happy that my story has inspired you. I swear I will have to try and upload my other sick fic about Frank. I wrote a few of them years ago. Thank YOU for writing this. I never "get sick" of RHPS!!!!!!!!!

Yesss!! I was wondering when you'd find it. thanks so much for inspiration :heart:

And please please do upload your other sick fic, I am totally in love with the way you made dear old Frankie so helpless....*drools*

AHem. Anyway, thanks again!

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Okey doke! Here's chapter 3!


Althea took a deep breath and wiped the tears of mirth from her cheeks. “So…should I?”

Frank looked at her. “Should you what, lo – er, Althea?”

Althea smirked at his correction. “Do you want me to help – what’s-his-name? I need your permission, cuz after all, he is your servant.”

Frank thought it over. Riff was a real PIA sometimes, but he did hang around Frank a lot, and Frank was definitely not re-catching that cold. “I suppose you should,” Frank acquiesced. “But,” he added, catching her wrist as she moved to get up, “be careful. He’s rather uncouth.”

Althea laughed. “I think I can handle him.”

Frank smiled. “Bon voyage, love.”

Althea left the room, picking up her bag and the box of bottles on the way. Before the door closed behind her, Frank realized that she had not corrected him.

Hmmm… he thought.


“HAAARSHHEW!” Riff fell back against the wall, hand over face, and dropped the tray of food he was holding. “Damb,” he snarled, marveling furiously at the cleaning he now had to do. Couldn’t master have asked for this food before he gave me this infernal sickness?

He swiped at his nose and began to scoop up the fallen plate of cinnamon toast that had scattered along the wooden floor.

“Let me do that,” a voice said from above Riff’s head.

He froze. He knew that voice. He looked up, very slowly, and of course saw that the speaker was Althea.

“Mmmrrrph,” he growled, scooting back on his rear end so that Althea could do the work.

Riff sat, his knees up and legs slightly splayed, and watched Althea clean the food and neatly set it back on the tray. Frequently, Althea glanced up at him and smiled kindly, but he only looked back with a scowl. He had resigned himself to the fact that he would get through the cold alone, for he would not have a woman help him. In fact, he wasn’t even sure she was a woman. She was a girl.

“You haven’t got a hanky or a cloth, have you?” Althea’s question broke Riff out of his musings.

He threw the starched handkerchief from his inside pocket at her unceremoniously.

“Thank you, Riff,” she said politely. Riff grunted in reply.

“To think, you were happy and laughing moments ago, when your master was ill,” Althea thought aloud, wiping up the residue on the floor with neat strokes. “And now you’re being a right ass.”

Riff was about to retort when he felt his nose twitch. Oh, shit, he thought, beginning to pant.

Althea recognized the look on Riff’s face, and realized that the fit building behind that face would not come quietly. She stood up and positioned herself behind him, hoping that he would think she had simply deserted him.

He did. Oh, she’ll help master, she’ll do it for master, yes, Riff thought savagely, panting harder, but no, I’m just the damn servant!

The first sneeze exploded energetically, and it continued the pattern of uncovered sneezes. “HhhhahhGHAARSHHEWW!” Riff’s head cracked forward with the force of it.

The second and third sneezes were even more forceful, but to Riff’s surprise, they sounded more like “HHSSSHHFFF” because a cloth, strangely smelling of cinnamon and wood polish, had magically appeared atop his face, blocking the disgusting spray.

Becoming dizzy with the magnitude of his fit, Riff did not register the fact that someone had grabbed him under the shoulders and lifted him to his feet, and he did not see the route along which the person was gently pushing his annoying sneezy self…


Sorry if Riff was a little OOC, but I mean, wouldn't anyone be a..ahem, well, a Brad Majors...if they were that sick?

Hope you likey! Tell me what I should do with Riff next, it's actually more fun to watch him suffer than Frank GASP did I just say that?!?!? Well..it kinda is, I mean, he wouldn't be as pampered as Frank would, being a servant and all...

Love, :heart: H

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Does anyone know is it possible to scream without making a sound?

Well, I should try, because all my family members are asleep.

Yes, yes, yes YES YES YES YESYESYESYESYESYESSSSSSS!!!!! Another RHPS fic! Yes! Oh, yessss!!!!

Thank you, hails, you brightened my evening, night and probably a tomorrow morning, too.

And prisma, please, do write more. "More Then Sniffles" was really... mmm... no, my vocabulary is too small again.

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Does anyone know is it possible to scream without making a sound?

Well, I should try, because all my family members are asleep.

Yes, yes, yes YES YES YES YESYESYESYESYESYESSSSSSS!!!!! Another RHPS fic! Yes! Oh, yessss!!!!

Thank you, hails, you brightened my evening, night and probably a tomorrow morning, too.

And prisma, please, do write more. "More Then Sniffles" was really... mmm... no, my vocabulary is too small again.

Ahaha, thanks Loca. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :) Next chapter is to come soon later today........I've been thinking, who should my next victim be??

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Hehehe...chapter 4...hehe...:D


Riff was furious way before the handkerchief was removed from his face, because he had realized who had been guiding him about five seconds after his sneezing fit began.

“HAAARRSHEWW!” Riff sneezed violently into the hanky. His face beet red from both his fit and from embarrassment, he blew his nose into the cloth with a much more impolite honking than Frank’s.

“Sit down, Riff,” Riff heard Althea order.

Another voice, one he’d much rather hear, agreed with her: “Listen to her, Riff raff.”

*SNrrrff* Bagedta…” Riff whimpered, blushing yet again at his weakness. The cloth was finally removed from his face and he found himself in the dining room. He fell into a chair Althea had pulled out for him.

As Althea tried to rub Riff’s shoulder comfortingly, Riff swiped her hand away, growling rudely (congestedly).

“He’s never this upset,” Magenta commented softly.

“What do you mean?” Althea asked.

“I do the cleaning of the floors around the house,” Magenta explained, “’cause Riff’s got a, well, aversion to the wood polish…”

“Well, I’m a jackass,” Althea laughed, ashamed. “I used this same hanky to clean up the food he’d spilled.”

Magenta snorted. “Nice going.”

Althea rounded on her. “Don’t you be a smart ass, sweetie, because you’re probably next.”

Magenta made a rude gesture at Althea, ran her hands through Riff’s hair, and stalked out of the room.

“HAAARRRSHEWW!” Riff sneezed freely.

“Okay, Riff,” Althea said, suddenly businesslike. She held up the bottle.

“Doh…” Riff tried to refuse, but as she had done with Frank, Althea shoved the bottle into Riff’s mouth, forcing him to swallow.

After a moment, Riff sniffled, and Althea was happy to hear his clear airways.

Riff smiled sheepishly. “Thanks,” he muttered grudgingly.

“You’re…” Althea started to say, but they were interrupted by a loud noise from a distant hallway: “HAAAPPSSHEW!”

Wide-eyed, Riff squirmed in his chair to face Althea. “That wasn’t…”

Althea nodded grimly. “I warned her.”


YES!!! MAGENTA!!!! I've been waiting for her!! Magenta is the second-to-last victim and the biggest pain in the ass, because she thinks she's the lady of the house and doesn't need any mollycoddling....or so SHE thinks.


Love, :heart: H

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Oh Lord! :lol:

Thank you for another part. And I forgot to mention I like you started to "torture" other characters. Looking forward to another chapter, I have a bad girl crush on Mags.

Moral of the story: never, ever answer the door to hot girls.

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Oh Lord! heh.gif

Thank you for another part. And I forgot to mention I like you started to "torture" other characters. Looking forward to another chapter, I have a bad girl crush on Mags.

Moral of the story: never, ever answer the door to hot girls.

Ahem...me too...:blush: I love torturing my RHPS amigos!

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This chap is dedicated to my new pal Loca :heart:


“Hhuuuhh…hhhaaAAAPP-SSHEW!” Magenta whipped her apron up to her face just in time to catch the monstrous sneeze. She sniffled wetly and dabbed at her streaming nose.

Althea stepped out of the dining room and faced her, crossing her arms. “Didn’t I tell you?”

Magenta snarled at her and made to retort, but the strange growling noise she made ended in a coughing fit that sent her sprawling to her knees. She curled up into a fetal position, her stomach suddenly shooting with pain.

“Oh, come on, Magenta,” Althea said quietly, approaching her slowly.

Magenta whimpered in reply, and sneezed freely. “MmmmmhhhhhaaAPPSHEW!”

Althea paused and thought for a moment. She listed everyone who had been sick so far: Frank, Riff, and now Magenta. She had a feeling there were probably going to be more. She also noted that the symptoms seemed to be more intense with each victim. Frank had just been sneezing; the dizziness showed up with Riff, and now the coughing and stomach pains with Magenta. What the hell next? Althea thought morosely.

“HAAPPSHEEHEWW!” Magenta sneezed freely again, and her stomach lurched. Seeing the pained look on her face, Althea’s eyes widened and she scooped up Magenta in her arms, dashing through the dining room and past Riff, to whom she pointed at and ordered, “Don’t follow me no matter what, and if there’s anyone else in the house, tell them to stay the hell away from me!”

She saw Riff nod and run out of the room, and he gave her free hand a high-five as he ran out, smirking.

Althea smiled.

Suddenly, a door opened ahead and an unfamiliar female head poked out. Oh, shit! Althea thought. “No, no, move!” she cried, streaking through it, Magenta’s flopping ankles smacking the doorframe.

A slim, lovely, redheaded figure flattened herself against the wall as Althea flew past her and arrived at her destination: the restroom. No sooner had she placed Magenta gently on the floor did Magenta throw herself over the toilet and be violently sick.

“Oh, shit,” Althea muttered, putting a hand over her mouth and leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

The redheaded female tentatively poked her head in the room. “Um…is Magenta gonna be okay?” she asked. “I’m Columbia, by the way.”

“I’m Althea. She’ll be fine; just stay back,” Althea told her. “I don’t want anyone else catching this.”

However, the retching sounds coming from the bathroom nullified Althea’s warning. Columbia shoved past Althea and knelt down next to her friend, rubbing her back. “It’s okay, Mags, I’m here, I’m here,” she murmured soothingly.

“Columbia, you might want to leave,” Althea began, but Columbia made a rude gesture at Althea over her shoulder and ran her fingers through Magenta’s hair.

“Okay, no more Miss Nice Healer,” Althea growled to herself, and strode into the bathroom. She pushed Columbia rudely out of the way, flushed the toilet, pulled Magenta’s head back, and thrust the bottle into her mouth. “Swallow, sweet cheeks.”

Magenta choked and obeyed. After she had swallowed, she became the third person to sniffle experimentally – clear.

Magenta looked up at Althea with a look that was both grateful and embarrassed.

“You’re welcome,” Althea told her.

Althea opened the door wide for Magenta to leave, and no sooner had she stepped out herself than she heard what she had predicted: “HhiiIIT-CHEW! *Snnff*…”


Ha! Columbia, she warned you too! This just keeps getting better and better~

Love, :heart: H

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This chap is dedicated to my new pal Loca :heart:


Being able to read both yours and prisma's stories at the same time (and knowing there is MORE [more, more, more]) really fills me with joy.

P.S. Is the "rude gesture" what I think it is? As you can see, I am full of maturity. :D

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This chap is dedicated to my new pal Loca heart.gif

happy crying.GIFhug.gif

Being able to read both yours and prisma's stories at the same time (and knowing there is MORE [more, more, more]) really fills me with joy.

P.S. Is the "rude gesture" what I think it is? As you can see, I am full of maturity. biggrin.png

If the gesture you're thinking of involves the middle finger, then yes ;) and I'm glad I make you happy.

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Okey doke! Last chapter for today, and warning: the F word is in the first sentence. Sorry, but I mean, the movie's explicit, so.....

Anyway, enjoy~


Columbia dragged the back of her hand across her suddenly dripping nose. “HhhiiiIIITSSSchew! Ahh, *snnrrrff* fuck me…”

“There’s no need for language, Columbia,” said a soft voice behind her. She whirled around, and she saw Althea for a split second before the breeze from her sudden movement set her off. “Hh..hhh…huhhhIITSS-CHEWW! ITSHEW! ITCHEW! HuhhHITSHEW!”

Althea moved to take Columbia by the arm to guide her to a place where she could see out her fit safely. “Come on, honey.” Althea held out a hand.

Columbia sniffled and wiped her nose again. Althea winced horribly when the hand Columbia had used to wipe her nose was intertwined with her own. They were almost out of the room when suddenly Columbia’s eyes rolled back and she dropped to the floor in a faint.

“Oh, my God!” Althea shrieked. She whipped Columbia into her arms as she had done with Magenta and streaked back to the dining room. Worst symptom yet, hands down, she thought frantically. I wonder who’s next.

“Riff raff, Magenta, somebody, help!” Althea screamed. She didn’t have to wait long – Magenta appeared suddenly at the door to the kitchen and let out a yelp.

“What do you people do to wake up people who’ve stopped breathing?” Althea demanded shrilly.

“Us people?” Magenta repeated quizzically.

“You know, you guys that aren’t humans!” Althea said.

Magenta paused, because she didn’t know that Althea knew they weren’t human. “We might not be human, but she is,” Magenta answered, pointing to Columbia.

“Oh,” Althea gasped. She slapped Columbia around the face. “Columbia!” she shouted. “Come on, Columbia!” She tried pounding on Columbia’s chest to clear her airways, but it didn’t work.


Althea took the bottle from her pocket – there was just enough left to cure Columbia. She put the bottle in Columbia’s mouth and positioned her head for her to swallow it down. After an agonizing two minutes, Columbia took a deep breath and coughed.

“Are you okay?” Althea asked immediately.

“I-I think so,” she said slowly. “Um, thanks.”

“No problem,” Althea answered, smiling.

Suddenly, Riff and Frank crashed into the room. “Columbia, what in the world?” Frank thundered.

“She stopped breathing and passed out,” Althea explained. “I gave her this.” She held up the bottle, now empty.

Frank stared. Riff said it for him: “Thank you, Althea.”

Althea smiled. “Well, I’d better go now, seeing as I need more of this.”

“But you have a whole box of it, I saw it,” Frank said.

“This is the only bottle I have of this particular liquid,” Althea explained. “Those others were just the basic cough syrup, feverfew tea, and the like.”


Althea said good-bye to everyone, and she was walking toward Frank to hug him in farewell when she suddenly stopped. She put a hand to her chest.

“Althea?” Riff said, concerned. He grasped Althea’s wrist in anticipation.

“I…” Althea turned to look at Riff, took a deep, rattling breath, and dropped like a brick.


Uh oh....!! Until tomorrow, friends!

Love, :heart: H

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"Fuck me" sounds like a sort of... request. :lol:

And Althea is like the female version of Bad Luck Brian in this chapter. Poor thing fainted BEFORE she got a farewell hug from Frankie!

Is there going to be any more?

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Yes oh yes, my dear Loca, there will be more...much more :))

Last chapter~


All four of them cried out at the same time.

“What do we do?” Columbia shrieked.

“Okay, just…stay calm,” Frank said quickly, but as he did, Althea convulsed madly and started to wheeze as if her life depended on it.

“Oh, shit,” Frank groaned, terrified. “Um…uh…”

“The bottles,” Magenta offered. “The other bottles. Do you think they could help?”

“She said that they were only basic,” Riff said, lifting Althea’s body and placing it on the dining room table. “I think we’ll need something with a little more power in it.”

Riff’s words flipped the scientist switch in Frank’s brain. He remembered the first time he’d seen Althea with the bottle, and tried to recall where he had put his own, which he had only seen once or twice in the time he could remember.

“Frankie, you’re thinking,” Columbia said slowly. “What are you thinking?”

“I have my own supply of that serum Althea gave all of us,” Frank explained. “But I’ve only got one bottle. Do you suppose I’ve got any left…?”

He immediately dashed out of the room and up the stairs. Riff was close on his heels, and Magenta and Columbia followed suit.

“Wait!” Riff thrust out an arm outside the door to the lab. “You got sick in here, master, so the virus must still be…”

“Riff, Althea saved all our lives,” Columbia said quietly. “Um…can’t you just hold your breath?”

“I don’t –” Riff started to say, but then, Frank took a deep breath and crashed into the room. He began to rift through drawers at a mad pace, as the other three watched with hands pressed over their noses and mouths.

“Frankie, you idiot!” Columbia said, his voice muffled.

Frank made the hand gesture over his shoulder, and then he cried out. “I found it!” he cried.

“Don’t talk, you’ll breathe in!” Magenta shouted.

Frank ran out of the room and coughed, gasping for breath. Magenta immediately went to him and slapped him on the back.

“Stop it,” Frank said when he could breathe again.

Magenta scowled.

Frank ran down the stairs and almost flew down the hall and back into the room where Althea was, and before the other three could arrive with him, they heard him scream.

“What is th – Columbia!”

Columbia shoved the other two aside and entered the room first. “What – holy shit!”

Althea was whiter than snow and her eyes were wide open.

“Oh, man,” Riff muttered.

Riff approached Althea, lifted her head, and inserted the bottle into her semi-gaping mouth. He put pressure on her throat to cause her to swallow.

“Come on, Althea,” Magenta murmured. Columbia crossed the fingers on both her hands. Frank stared, wringing his hands.

They continued to watch for at least ten minutes. At the twelfth minute, a tear slid down Columbia’s cheek.

“What if…” she started to say, but Frank made a fist at her.

“She is not,” he growled. Riff nodded fiercely in agreement.

At exactly the thirteenth minute, Magenta propelled to her feet. “Her eyes just closed.”

“What!” Frank stood and strode to Althea’s body on the table. He touched her throat and paled. It was his turn to allow a tear or two to escape his eyes. “That’s the weakest pulse I’ve ever…”

Suddenly, Althea took a very painful breath and coughed deeply, turning onto her left side, facing away from the four others.

“Althea?” Riff laid a hand on her head, smoothing her hair back from her face.

Althea didn’t respond. For one heart-stopping moment, the four thought she’d died, but then she turned back to Riff and smiled. “Hey,” she croaked.

Frank laughed and cried at the same time. Riff and Magenta hugged, and Columbia clapped her hands.

“Thanks for saving me, Riff,” Althea whispered hoarsely.

“It wasn’t me, actually,” Riff explained, “it was…”

But he didn’t get to finish, because the person he was about to indicate was in the middle of doing a happy dance when suddenly, he began to pant again… “Hhhh…hhuuhh…HUT-chisHEW!”

Riff groaned. “Of course.”

Frank, in the process of searching for his hanky, made the rude hand gesture at Riff. Riff returned the kindness.

Althea smirked, and as Frank was getting ready to sneeze again, Althea handed him a hanky from her pocket. He took it without really realizing who’d given it to him and sneezed at least six “HUTSHEW!!” s into it. When he was finally finished, he honked his nose and vigorously wiped it, sniffling forcefully. Then, the hanky still pressed against his face, he slowly turned to face Althea and smiled, laughing sheepishly (congestedly).

Althea also smiled and laughed with him, thinking, Well, I guess I can’t leave yet…


SEEEQQUUAALL!!! OMG i can't end it with just everybody being happy, there has to be more! Loves and I'll be back soon with more!

Love, :heart: H

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Sorry, dear, it's me again. :blushing:

Thank you for another part. And for more sneezing (Frankie, Frankie! Yeeeeey! :clapping: ). And for more middle fingers. :D

Frank, in the process of searching for his hanky, made the rude hand gesture at Riff. Riff returned the kindness.
This cracked me up probably more then it should.

Plus, I found Frank being afraid for Althea's life (and crying) and his "happy dance" so adorable. I love him dearly, but he is really a selfish, spoiled little brat... so him being grateful to someone is... just.... :cryhappy:

Keep going!

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Sorry, dear, it's me again. blushing.gif

Thank you for another part. And for more sneezing (Frankie, Frankie! Yeeeeey! clap.gif ). And for more middle fingers. biggrin.png

Frank, in the process of searching for his hanky, made the rude hand gesture at Riff. Riff returned the kindness.
This cracked me up probably more then it should.

Plus, I found Frank being afraid for Althea's life (and crying) and his "happy dance" so adorable. I love him dearly, but he is really a selfish, spoiled little brat... so him being grateful to someone is... just.... happy crying.GIF

Keep going!

Sadly, this is the end for a while because I'm starting school on Monday, but whenever I get a free second I will definitely spend it thinking about where I can take this.

And I give you permission to begin the sequel if you wish... :D

Love, :heart: H

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Sorry, dear, it's me again. blushing.gif

Thank you for another part. And for more sneezing (Frankie, Frankie! Yeeeeey! clap.gif ). And for more middle fingers. biggrin.png

Frank, in the process of searching for his hanky, made the rude hand gesture at Riff. Riff returned the kindness.
This cracked me up probably more then it should.

Plus, I found Frank being afraid for Althea's life (and crying) and his "happy dance" so adorable. I love him dearly, but he is really a selfish, spoiled little brat... so him being grateful to someone is... just.... happy%20crying.GIF

Keep going!

Sadly, this is the end for a while because I'm starting school on Monday, but whenever I get a free second I will definitely spend it thinking about where I can take this.

And I give you permission to begin the sequel if you wish... biggrin.png

Love, heart.gif H

I am sorry to hear that... My school also starts soon, pity, I just got used to sleeping until 11 am. :)

I don't think I can start the sequel because I have problem with writing something using other person's style.

I have already posted a Rocky fic here, and I have a draft for another one in my head since July, but it is sorta Christmas themed (I am totally a winter type) so I guess I will post it in December...

See you around and lots of love!

Edited by LocaLocaBoka
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Ummm...I've been thinking about the fic, and I've kinda decided i'm not gonna do a sequel because school started for me today and it's kinda hard for me to keep a sequel plot in my head with all the rigors of my classes as well. HOWEVER.....I am going to be back very soon with a different RHPS fic. I def fell in love with the rich weirdos at the hunting lodge!!

PS...I have a major love for Columbia so she's probly the one that's gonna suffer. Sorry Frankie fans...maybe he'll catch it? Any ideas? ...Loca?? :lmao:

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Sorry, dear, it's me again. blushing.gif

Thank you for another part. And for more sneezing (Frankie, Frankie! Yeeeeey! clap.gif ). And for more middle fingers. biggrin.png

Frank, in the process of searching for his hanky, made the rude hand gesture at Riff. Riff returned the kindness.
This cracked me up probably more then it should.

Plus, I found Frank being afraid for Althea's life (and crying) and his "happy dance" so adorable. I love him dearly, but he is really a selfish, spoiled little brat... so him being grateful to someone is... just.... happy%20crying.GIF

Keep going!

Sadly, this is the end for a while because I'm starting school on Monday, but whenever I get a free second I will definitely spend it thinking about where I can take this.

And I give you permission to begin the sequel if you wish... biggrin.png

Love, heart.gif H

I am sorry to hear that... My school also starts soon, pity, I just got used to sleeping until 11 am. smile.png

I don't think I can start the sequel because I have problem with writing something using other person's style.

I have already posted a Rocky fic here, and I have a draft for another one in my head since July, but it is sorta Christmas themed (I am totally a winter type) so I guess I will post it in December...

See you around and lots of love!

I read that fic, and I want to commend you on your English. The only way I found out that you weren't native was because you said so! Congratulations! I swear I'm not a creeper, but I read in a topic that you're from Europe? What country? I have friends in Sweden and the UK. And I've always wanted to go there lol!

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Oh, dear... I don't know where to start. :lol: *nervous laugh*

I am glad you decided to do another fic... and I personally have nothing against Columbia being the "centre of events". If Frank and/or the others catch it... even better. :)

As long it is Rocky Horror themed and has sneezing in it, I am happy as a piglet in the mud.

Also, thank you for reading my fic and for the compliment about my knowledge of the language.

Yes, I am European, from a rather small south eastern country called Croatia. I don't know if you ever heard of it.

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Coolio. I'm glad you like the idea; I was kinda freaking out about a sequel because to be honest, I wasn't too fond of using Frank as the love object. I wanted to go with Columbia much, much more, because her voice just calls to sneeze in the most adorable way :heart: And the others will suffer as well, no worries there :lmfao:

Wow, Croatia? Awesome! I've heard of it once or twice, but from what I have heard it sounds pretty cool! :)

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