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[[[sorry for such an intense delay of the reply, had a hard week in health and preparing my fiance' for school on Wednesday. Also, I had a draft well written, but it didn't save for some reason .-. So I'll be doing this in memory up until around halfway through. Once again, thank you everyone for such positive feedback! It means the world to me to know people enjoy reading my stories biggrin.png]]]

Rin half expected the room to be empty, or at least just stay a regular room with the members inside. But once the light and flurry of petals faded, she saw what the room had become. It seemed as if spring had arrived only for them. There were bouquets, shrubs, even a few trees behind the group of brightly dressed Host Club members

"Tamaki," she started, the doors shutting behind her. "What are you doing?!"

"I imagined you'd be here today," he said with an unchanging smile. "Why don't you make yourself at home?

"How about you stop avoiding the question?" Rin stormed over for him, her fists clenched at her sides, her notebook falling by the door. She stopped in front of him and met his eyes with a glare. Tamaki merely smiled back up to her as sweetly as he could.

"Sorry if I embarrassed you, but I had to get you here somehow~" he said with a tilt of his head, leaning back into his large chair. He reached his arm around the armrest and kept it there for a moment, his look never changing.

"Why? Just what benefit is it to you that I'm here?" Rin growled, pulling back and glancing around to the other members. They were each in a different, brightly colored outfits, the red haired twins a little farther away than the others, Kaoru still with a scarf around his neck and lower face. She couldn't help but feel her heart flutter when he rubbed at his nose. She brought her face back to Tamaki, which was suddenly behind a small bouquet of roses that he had hid next to his chair.

"The benefit is...expanding our horizons~" he started, bringing his eyes over the roses. "You see, the girls here are all like these roses," he held them to his chest, looking to them and running a hand over the top of them. "They're mostly all the same...they like the same things that we do, and as long as we keep feeding them what they like, they'll stay happy, viberant and contented...but you," he reached into the center of the roses and carefully pulled out a small daisy, the one Renge had kept on her earlier. "You're like a daisy in a rosebush...what the others like, you don't need...and what you need, they won't accept. Am I wrong?"

Rin had listened to what Tamaki had to say up until that point, her embarrassment just growing that much more. But she couldn't help but think he had a point. With mild reluctance, she shook her head in response, allowing him to continue.

"What makes it embarrassing for you is, you don't think there are others like you, at least not among the group around you. You're scared that if you come out of your shell to make yourself happy, you'd stand out much more than you'd feel comfortable with," he said, bringing the daisy back into the bouquet, a little bit above the others to show the contrast. "No one needs that kind of embarrassment. Just know that, while you're here," he held the daisy and tossed the roses aside, holding out his hand as Kyoya stepped up next to him and handed off an equally large bouquet of daisies, bringing the single one with the group. "You're among equals...you will never be judged here."

Rin looked to the daisies, then to him, instinctively blushing at his slowly reddening nose. She looked away, trying to think of just what to say next. At the corner of Tamaki's eye, the young looking Honey tugged a little at the stoic Mori, looking to him worriedly.

"H-Hey, hey, isn"t he allergic to those?" He muttered up to him. Mori merely nodded a little and held a hand to Honey to quiet him.

"What...do you mean by 'among equals'?" She asked finally.

"Because, you have a rather unique...fetish, if I may use the word," he said, waiting for her to nod before continuing. "Well, so do we...all of us have a fetish..." As he started to speak, he leaned back into his chair and held out his arms. "The knowledge of making someone's day just a little bit brighter, no matter what. The thought that someone would remember what we did with a smile and a hint of a laugh. The feeling we get when a girl squeals in delight. To put it simply...we have a fetish...to make everyone happy~"

Rin's eyes widened once he finished. She was still embarrassed, no doubt, but she couldn't help but agree with him in what he meant. They weren't different at all. She looked away, blushing worse but smiling a little in spite of herself.

"Well...sure, you may be right there, but...did you really have to go to this length to make me happy? I'm not...I'm not that special," she said just barely above a whisper.

"You looked like you were having an off day today," Kyoya said, leaning against the side of the chair. "We figured we would give you a day to experience just what the club is all about."

"Don't worry," Haruhi said with a soft smile that eased Rin a little more."If you're uncomfortable with anything, we'll stop and allow you to leave."

"U-Uh..." Rin looked to them a little nervously, unsure of what they meant. "S-Stop what?"

"Oh, things like this~" Tamaki smiled before bringing the daisies up to his face and just barely touching under his nose. He shut his eyes and inhaled deeply, his nostrils instantly twitching. He instinctively turned his head away quickly and brought a hand to his face, breath hitching rapidly. "Ihhh-hiihh...Hee-Tchuu!! Kchu! Kchuu!!" he sniffled and rubbed beneath his nose once he stopped, smiling a bit as he turned to see her face, which had turned a brighter red from the sight.

"U-Uhm..." she started, unable to keep from smiling a little. "I-...If you guys feel uncomfortable, too...y-you don't have to..."

"Oh, it's fine with us~" he chuckled, gesturing over to the twins briefly. "Though it might already be just a little uncomfortable for some."

Almost as if on cue, Kaoru sniffled harshly into the scarf around his neck. His brow twitched with a building tickle in his sinuses and he quickly squirmed an arm out from beneath the quilt wrapped around him.

"Ihhh...h-haa..." Quickly, Kaoru brought his hand to his face with the scarf, shooting into it twice. "Ihh-Kchu!! Hah-...Hee-Chuu!!" he groaned slightly, sinking into the quilt once more. Rin's expression was that of an attempt to hide delight and replace it with sympathy.

"Are...you sure? I don't want to...exploit all this..."

"No worries, Rin, honest," Kyoya began to say, walking over to behind her and grabbing the notebook on the ground. "And after this, if you don't leave happy, you don't have to do anything...but if you do," he handed it back to her with a smile beneath his glasses. "You have the permission to write about your little...experience."

She blushed furiously, just realizing they had known that was what she was writing about. She clutched the notebook close and looked to Tamaki. However, all he did was smile and bring the daisies beneath his face once again, breathing in deeply. She felt herself smile as well and sat down to center herself about the others.

"A-Alright...go ahead..."

Edited by OinaGirl
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Have I said how much I love this yet? I need to say it again. Over and over again because you're awesome. I love your characterization, especially with Tamaki. His speech there was my favorite part, and it actually touched me and made me feel good. ^^; It reminded me a little of the forum, too. :D But really, if I walked into a place that did this for me, I would never, ever leave. :heart:

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*jaw drops through the floor*


"You're like a daisy in a rosebush...what the others like, you don't need...and what you need, they won't accept. Am I wrong?"

^THIS! ;u;

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AHAHAHA! This story makes me so happy!!!~ Let the juicy juiciness begin! :3

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It's so interesting to read a story about a fellow fetishist! I can't imagine how awkward it would to be this girl in the host club. I feel like I'm in her position and get embarrassed for her, and yet I keep reading. Too good!!

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Oh My gods... You have no idea how much that inspired me. I have to try and rez one of my unfinished Ouran fics now... lol. Please continue... because you rock at life.

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For some reason, Ouran fics were never my thing...OH GOD HOW THINGS HAVE CHANGED!!!!!!!

This fic is my new love.

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HOLY SHIT that was beautiful!!! That speech was amazing and beautiful and more true and Tamaki probably understands XD I'm so embarrassed reading this, because I end up placing myself in that situation without trying, but it's so awesome I can't stop reading!!! AHHHHHHAJPHEGLIFYUGSYWUGVYU!!!! :DDD Can't wait to see what happens next!! <333

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Hey, don't leave us hanging too long girl~ biggrin.png

^^ I'll try my very best not to. I'm currently also pretty behind on a couple of FFN stories due to life x.x But I do have two more chapters planned for this, and I'll post the next one some time during the next week. Once again, thank you all for such amazing feedback and support. It's always great to see people liking my stories. That's the best inspiration I can get to keep writing :D

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Hey, don't leave us hanging too long girl~ biggrin.png

^^ I'll try my very best not to. I'm currently also pretty behind on a couple of FFN stories due to life x.x But I do have two more chapters planned for this, and I'll post the next one some time during the next week. Once again, thank you all for such amazing feedback and support. It's always great to see people liking my stories. That's the best inspiration I can get to keep writing biggrin.png

I cannot wait!!! :D

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Hi there! I'm new here and I wanted to say, one of the biggest reasons I wanted to finally register after lurking for ages was so I can leave a comment on this story. The scenario is just so completely perfect, such a wonderful original idea, and reading your Tamaki makes my heart flutter in a way I should really be too old for. You're amazing! Well done!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

You can count me as one of those fans... I don't think I've commented on this yet, but I really like this story! :D Please do finish this, it's really intriguing.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

OH MY GOD. How have I never thought of this??

This fic...this is officially my favorite fic EVER. It's perfect! It's insanely perfect! It's perfect in so many ways to even list - I can't even describe it, just PERFECT!!!!

Oh my god. Oh my god. This is amazing. This is so freakin' amazing!! The thing with the rose bush and the daisy, and all the hosts, and the journal, and EVERYTHING is amazing!

I seriously can't even describe how amazing is. You have a fan, my friend. You have a fan. :D

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