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Sick sneezy sammy brotherly fluff


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I got a new laptop, and thought what better way to celebrate than a requested drabble for Zwee's birthday. And since I apparently am completely incapable of writting drabbles, it's more of a ficlet. Figure no one would mind.

Anyway on to brotherly fluff (not slash) set early season one.

"Dean, we don't have to stop."

"Have you forgotten the rules about hunting while sick?"

Sam coughed into his arm, and rummaged around the glovebox for a napkin.

"No... people are getting killed.... heh hi'TSHH. Buck up."

"The other one bitch. Like hunting sick gets you killed."

"Hunting period gets you killed." Sam leaned against the blissfully cool window and swatted Deans hand away before it got to his overheated forehead.

"Hey, you wanted to focus on finding Dad, right? Besides, we could both use some sleep."

"Whatever." Sam coughed into his elbow again before continuing his pout. Dean counted it as a win.


"Sammie... sammie....samanthaaaaa?"

"Id's Sab."

"Sab huh," Dean chuckled, "Well Sab, get your pansy ass out of my car before you drip snot all over it."

Sam opened his eyes and sniffed as he ran a wrist under his nostrils leaving a thin trail of slime.


"Here. I made a quick stop." Dean nudged an open tissue box towards his brother before grabbing their stuff from the back.

"Sam blew his nose which only seemed to irritate his nose further."

"eh'KTSHHHuh. Ugh."

"Are you coming or what?" Dean called back over his shoulder as he slid the key into their rooms lock.

Sam breifly contemplated leaving the balled up mucous filled tissue on his brother's seat before depositing the mass in his pocket. Snatching the tissue box with one smooth swipe of his hand he stretched as he got out of the car that was definitely a few sizes to small for his body. After a moment of stretching, which did little to ease the aches that seemed to permeate his body more than normal, he shuffled his way to the motel and dropped himself firmly on the bed. The only bed. Wait, what?


"It's the only room they had available; some bike rally or something."

Sam looked out at the near empty parking lot. There were a couple of motorcycles, and it was early, but Sam suspected the room choice was more to try and ease the embarrassment from the boys becoming an instinctively clingy mess when sick.

Dean had always been the protector, and having just gotten Sam back he wasn't about to let his kid brother suffer alone. Sam, used to curling up in Dean's arms many a times when they were kids, found it natural to cling to Dean when he got sick. Besides, it wasn't his fault his emotions went a little haywire when sick.

"Hey," Sam looked up to sparkling green eyes and a hand being removed from his for forehead. "You're feeling pretty warm, you sure this is just a cold."

Sam's eyes fluttered in response and Sam pulled his shirt up over his nose just in time.


"Bless you." Dean cringed at the wetness soaking through the thin tee, and handed over a tissue which his brother grabbed immediately, turning slightly as he burbled into it.

"Thags." Sam looked down and noticed the wet spots, and let out a heavy sigh.

"Hey, you needed to get cleaned off anyway. Now get in that shower before I decide to use all the hot water." Dean smiled cheerily, knowing it's what his Sammie needed.

Sam nodded and wandered off to the bathroom, closing the door which did little to block the sounds of his coughs and sneezes muffled only by the water.


"Feeling any better?"

A moan punctuated a weak cough as Sam pulled on the sweats and tee Dean had left out before curling under the covers.

"That bad, huh?"

Sam couldn't help but look up like it was the stupidest question in the world. For the first time Dean was really able to take in his brother's pinkend nostrils, the fever spots high on his cheeks, and the tears lining his sunken eyes.


Sam nodded, nostrils flaring into a puff of tissues.

"heh hE'K'TSHH, k'TSHH, TSHH he'MPFSHH!"

"Jesus, bless you." Dean passed over another couple of tissues to replace the shredded mass of yuck that Sam dropped into the wastebasket already placed beside the bed.

"Thags." Sam sniffed thickly before letting out a honking blow from his inflamed sinueses.

"I know it's pretty early, but are you okay with Nyquil."

Having already given in to his achy body's sickly protests, Sam nodded before snatching up another batch of tissues to let out several far less forceful sneezes into.

"Bless you." Dean called out as he poured a sasquatch sized dose of the flu meds into a cup.


With Sam finally settled in a medicated comatose, Dean was finally able to relax a little. This motel had been chosen for a very specific reason, aside from being cheap; diner on one side, pharmacy on the other. Yup, he felt like a genius.

After checking Sam's temp with his hand for probably the millionth time in the last hour, he grabbed the keys and headed out.


Sam slept well for the first couple hours, actually the best sleep he'd had since Jess, but it wasn't long before fevered nightmares filled his head. Feeling the flames lick at his face he bolted upright croaking out "Jess" before crumpling forward with a forceful cough, body eager to expel a lung.

"Whoa, whoa." Dean was curled up against his brother within a second, keeping him from doing a nosedive. "Shhh, it's okay buddy. I'm here. Just breathe. It's going to be okay." Dean held on tight and grabbed a tissue, holding it to his brothers mouth. He knew this was going to happen eventually, although he hoped it would have been later rather than sooner. Sam continued to cough into the tissue, grabbing for it as his breathing slowed and he was able to spit out some of the crap that had drained into his lungs.

"There we go. That's it." Dean eased his brother into his arms, propped against his chest. Teary eyes returned his gaze as he watched Sam's lips mouth Jess' name.

"I know bud. I know."

Too exhausted to do anything, Sam let a few tears drip down his cheeks, which Dean wiped away with a tissue before easing Sam into a more comfortable position against him.

After a few minutes Sam cleared his throat and croaked, "Sorry." Having briefly drifted off, Dean's eyes opened and he ran a hand through his brother's hair as he registered what had been said.

"Don't worry about it." Dean stretched a little and Sam allowed himself to be slid off. "Ready for some more meds."

Sam nodded before groping around for a tissue which Dean pushed into reach. Blowing pushed uncomfortably at his sinuses, so Sam gave up the effort and tried to wipe the moisture from his nostrils.

"k'TSHhhh!" So much for that.

Dean chuckled at how much Sam looked like a little kid, scrubbing at his nose, before handing him the refilled cup of blue goo.

"Thanks." Sam gulped the stuff down like a pro, it was nice that he didn't put up a fight against meds, something Dean was well known for.

"Okay now, scooch over." Sam rolled to the side allowing Dean to settle in next to him and propped his head up against his brothers well toned abs, running a finger along them.

"College got you flabby huh, guess we'll need to work on that. Sam playfully stuck his tongue out before sucking in a breath and sneezing a double against Dean."

Dean just smiled and rolled his eyes before handing over another tissue.

"Bless you, now get some sleep, 'kay tiger."

Sam nodded and smiled as he drifted off, knowing everything would be okay as long as Dean was there.

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N'awwww. There's something EXTRA lovely about SickSeasonOneSam. I think because they're back together and although all the caringness is obviously still there the dynamic is kinda sweet and tentative.

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Oh my god, this is TOO cute. Thank you thank you thank you! You're amazing! What a perfect present! Sick Season 1 Sam is just about the best thing ever. Thank you!

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