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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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You know what you do to my brain right? XD

Neji! Ohhhh ze Neji one was just so cute!! <3 He's one of my biggest crushes, I just love him. Poor baby~! I love that he spent all that time cleaning, and didn't notice that the pollen count was high. xD That just seems so HIM. heart.gif

Lol I used to have a major thing for Kiba. He's still so awesome, and that was adorable. Lol Tsume, I love her too! She's so great, looking out for Kiba while still managing to be tough. 8D

AND FUGAKU~ I never noticed how cute/handsome he was till I read this. He's so sweet caring about his kiddies. XD I'm glad I was able to help with it because it turned out so very awesome! I love how Mikoto's just like "Okay, I'll do it" and then he keeps going like he has to explain things to her. xD ..... Um. Cutest, most believable married couple. <3 biggrin.png


... Sasori maybe? XD There's just not enough of him, I know it doesn't make a whole lot of sense with him being a puppet and all, but meh. I'm addicted to him. <33

THANK YOU FOR YOUR WRITINGS~ biggrin.pnghug.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, sorry this one took a little while, I was visiting my mom, and there was no way I could access the forum, or write anything like this! But here's a new batch. Hope you enjoy! As usual, if you'd like to see a particular character or concept, let me know—and that applies to everyone who's reading!

@ DeathNoteOwner: Thanks a lot, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

@ Jgirl911: Thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to tell me.

@ Starry_Screamer: Thank you once again for your enthusiastic comment!! I always love hearing from you about my work. Anyway, yeahh...I kind of picture Neji as a control freak/neat freak, so I kind of wanted to torment him a bit in that last batch. In this one, poor thing gets a cold. And I never really liked Kiba particularly myself, but I feel like he's really good for fetish purposes because he relies so heavily on his sense of smell...having anything wrong with his nose could be really upsetting.

Thanks again for helping me figure out how to rewrite the Fugaku drabble. And yeahhh he's not a character I think of all that often, since he's only shown up a couple of times, but he can be pretty fun sometimes. And I do like the idea of him trying to protect his kids, even if it's from something as minor as a cold. Yeahh, I like writing poor communication, it makes things more realistic sometimes~

Your wish is my command! Sasori drabble, coming up!

Series: Naruto

Characters: Deidara, Sasori

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 7 – Misplaced

The shimmering stone catches Sasori's eye. He scoops it up. Instantly, an unfamiliar feeling zaps through his face. He isn't used to any sensations besides wood rot, and even that doesn't feel like much. His torso pitches forward, and a small tunnel of air shoots from his nose. He's forced to vocalize. It sounds like a sneeze. It happens thrice more, then stops abruptly when he drops the stone.

“You found it!” shouts Deidara. “I didn't think it'd make a puppet sneeze. It's my newest art project. A sneeze is a tiny explosion, and each is unique and ephemeral.”

Series: Naruto

Characters: Sai, Naruto

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 32 – Fall

“It's funny that you're the only one not to get sick this fall,” says Sai, sniffling. “I guess it's true what they say, idiots don't catch cold.”

“That saying is wrong!” huffs Naruto, arms crossed. “Idiots hang around sick people and don't take care of themselves. Smart people, like me, avoid germs!” Naruto has done nothing to intentionally avoid germs.

“Honestly, I'd rather be an idiot.” Sai blows his red, chapped nose, and frowns at the tissue's contents. “Right now, I feel bad enough that I'd gladly trade in my intelligence to be rid of this cold.”

Series: Naruto


Word Count: 100

Prompt # 53 – Blanket

Eghh-KHHCHH!” The sneeze catches Neji off-guard, and he doesn't get a tissue in time. The spray hits Hinata-sama's arm. Sighing heavily, he says, “I'b sorry Hidata-saba. Snff. Please forgive be.” He blows his hopelessly congested nose, and leans back on the couch.

“That's okay,” says Hinata, rubbing the misted spot with a tissue of her own. “Um...are you okay? You don't sound well.”

After a brief coughing fit, he says, “it's just a cold. D-dothig you deed to...w-worry...snff...abou...HKK—CHOO!”

Hinata leaves, then comes back with a blanket, which she drapes over Neji. “If you're sick, you need to stay warm.”

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Eeeeee. What have you done to me, I must be in heaven~...

ICANNOTEVEN... cannot brain.... XD


*then starts flailing a million times*

How is it that you top yourself every time?! 8D Sasori's was perfection~! It made me giggle so much because it's just the best concept ever. (And Sasori is sexy as all get-out. XD) *bats her eyelashes* Oh Deidara-kuuuun... may I pwetty pwease borrow that stone~~? *not thinking devious thoughts at all MWAHAHAHA*

And Sai is just... hilarious and adorable and EVERYTHING. I love his comments about idiots not being able to catch cold. XD Oh Sai, you have such charming wit. xD And Naruto... tsk tsk tsk. You should listen to Sai. *huggles Sai* Ohhh, don't trade your intelligence. I'm perfectly happy with you this way kukuku~ <3

OhmaiGod Neji~!! He never stops being one of my absolute favs. This made my brain explode. Like seriously you don't even know. It was so adorable!! <33 How sweet Hinata is, caring for her cousin. And Neji, not wanting her to worry. *flails happily*


Squee, they're all so awesome! LOVE them so hard~~

As for requests... uhhhh... *shrug* ... Kimimaro? He's one of my favorite characters in the whole entire series and I think I might just comment-die if you wrote something with him. <3


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone! I'm back with another batch. As always, I welcome suggestions for which characters to work with in the future, and what concepts you'd like to see. If I get a request, I'll try to make it a reality.

@ Starry_Screamer: I'm definitely going to have to make use of Deidara's stone in future drabbles. XD; It's too fun of a concept not to use. In my GX drabble thread I had a Virus Card that made people sick, and in my Death Note drabble thread there was a thing called a Cold Note. I like in-universe methods of making people sneeze. Because I'm a weirdo. Writing Sai was fun, although it was difficult to write him and have him NOT comment on the size of anyone's penis XD; And Neji...I just love making him suffer. I like the idea of Hinata being caring and kind toward Neji, and him doing the same to her, since they have both had to work pretty hard to overcome the Hyuuga family issues. So these were all really fun to write. Thank you so much for your enthusiastic comments! I hope that you enjoy the next batch, which includes Kimimaro as you requested!!


Series: Naruto

Word Count: 100

Characters: Shikamaru, Ino

Prompt #71 – Floor

“What are you doing on the floor?” Ino kicks Shikamaru in the ribs. Wincing, he mutters that she shouldn't be so violent.

“I'b tryig to...snff...s-stay...snff...a-away...frob the window. HRRHCHH! There's probably less...snff...polled od the...the...HPPCHH! CHH-HH! Floor.” He blows his nose forcefully, then throws the tissue into a pile of used ones.

“Like that's going to work. Aren't you allergic to dust? You haven't cleaned your room in months.” She stops talking when Shikamaru starts sneezing again.

“Do you wadt to trade noses? You'd be prettier sdeezing thad I am.” Ino isn't sure why she blushes at this.

Series: Naruto

Word Count: 100

Characters: Kimimaro, Kabuto, Orochimaru

Prompt #25 – Mistake

“Kimimaro-san is suffering from a severe cold. He is expected to recover, but there is a significant risk of secondary infection, so he will need close monitoring.” Kabuto sighs, and tries to ignore the urge to clear his own clogged, runny nose. Kimimaro is ill due to his own mistake—he should never have gone into Kimimaro's room with a contagious disease. The last thing that he wants is to call attention to his condition and remind Orochimaru-sama of his stupidity.

“I see,” says Orochimaru. “And you, Kabuto? Will you be well enough to participate in the next experiment?”

Series: Naruto

Word Count: 100

Characters: Gai, Neji, Rock Lee, Tenten

Prompt #92 – Victory

“The goal is to see who can avoid sneezing the longest. As ninja, you must suppress your bodily functions to avoid detection. Begin!” Gai-sensei dumps a bag of sneezing powder over his student's heads.

Neji sneezes instantly, and doesn't stop until he douses his face with a water bottle. Lee sniffles violently, eyes streaming, hands waving in front of his face. Despite his efforts, he explodes into a screeching fit. Tenten's nose is on fire; she lets go seconds after Lee does.

HYAAHHHCHIEW! In your face! I...hppCHIEW! I won! One of you losers better get me a tissue!”

Edited by Natto
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My mind. It's completely blown. I can't even... how... how do I cute anymore? XDDD


I'm starting to really like ShikaIno now. XD They're so adorable~ And this just emphasizes that, Shikamaru's so funny. And Ino blushing was a nice touch, of course she'd be embarrassed lol. THE CUTENESS. You've got me hooked on them. <3

And the Kimimaro one... WAS EVERYTHING I HOPED AND MORE. *snrk* Nice going, Kabuto. I'll go find a frying pan to beat Kabuto with, then take care of Kimimaro. XD I can just imagine poor Kimimaro. ... Can I take him home with me? .... Please? I would love to have a Kimimaro of my very own... heh.gif

Team Guy made me grin so hard. I think I really love the ones you do with the teams because the ideas you have for them are so clever and make so much sense. Is it bad that I read the part about Neji like five times before moving on? XDD And Tenten. That's just the kind of thing she'd say! X'D

Looking forward to the next set, and these were AWESOME! You top yourself with every new batch~!

Lots of love~! <3

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These are so, so, so cute. I'm so sorry that I don't comment much, but I am lazy person. Oops. Could I suggest something if you don't mind? Could you do a dog allergy drabble, please? :)

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It's okay! Thank you very much for commenting this time around. Hmm...any particular preferences regarding character? Kiba is the obvious choice since he's constantly surrounded by dogs, but it doesn't have to be him.

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Hello everyone! Welcome back. Thanks to everyone who commented. If anyone else is reading, I'd love to hear from you, and I'd love to hear some more requests!!

@ Starry_Screamer: Sick!Gaara at your service! Thank you so much for your lovely in-depth comment last time. Your comments always make me so happy. And I'm slowly converting you to my OTP, mwahahaha! You wrote them so well in your fic for me, so this makes me quite pleased. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this batch!

@ greetingsfromboston: Your wish is my command! The last drabble in the batch is about Kiba's dog allergies. This is probably the third one now. XD; I need to give the poor kid a break...or give him a cold. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

Series: Naruto

Word Count: 100

Characters: Gaara, Kankuro, Temari

Prompt #35 – Breath

“It's his first time being sick without the Shukaku's immune system,” says Temari to Kankuro. “So we'll take over his duties as Kazekage, and he'll stay in bed.”

“You don't need that, do you dude?” Gaara shakes his head, sniffling and rubbing his nose.

“No, listen to the way he's breathing!”

“He's breathing like he has a cold.” Kankuro slaps his forehead in annoyance. “Stop treating him like a baby. Gaara, what do you want to do?”

Both siblings stare at him, awaiting a response. Instead of answering, Gaara ducks his head in a small, squished sneeze.

Series: Naruto

Word Count: 100

Characters: Iruka, Mizuki

Prompt #43 – Contagion

During lunch break, Mizuki thunks down at the table next to Iruka, and picks up his half-empty box of tissues. “You've been blowing your nose all day. You sick?” He knows the answer already. He's been collecting sick kid's tissues and rubbing them on Iruka's lesson plans. Iruka nods, coughing. “Well, then, you shouldn't be here,” he hisses. “You're going to get all your students sick, you selfish asshole. Go home!”

“Half the class is sick adyway...” rasps Iruka. Mizuki scoffs, and rolls his eyes.

“Go home,” he says. “You're a shit teacher. No one will miss you.”

Series: Naruto

Word Count: 100

Characters: Kiba, Akamaru

Prompt #41 – Run

“Oh, god, gross!” Kiba blows his nose violently, soaking the tissue. He's been pouring snot all day, and his room is littered with tissues. He could stop it if he shooed out Akamaru, but he doesn't want to do that. Absently, he scratches his dog behind the ears. This dislodges some dander, which flies straight up his nose and makes it itch so bad he wants to tear his face off. Finally, he explodes into a huge, heaving sneezing fit. “D-damn Akamaru...AHHHCHKKH! CHHRHH! N-nice...jutsu you got there. HRHHCHAA!”Akamaru whines in sympathy, and Kiba gets up to wash his hands.

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You hear that? That's the sound of a fangirl's foghorn. XD

Actually it's just the sound of my brain being too overloaded by the awesomeness to be coherent. heh.gif

THAT GAARA ONE. THAT IS THE MOST ADORABLE 100 WORDS OF MY LIFE I'VE EVER READ. <3 Temari and Kankuro XD Should have asked Gaara what he wanted in the first place... which reminds me. POOR GAARA! *hands Gaara tissues* Get well soon, Gaara!! ..... Or not.... XD

... MIZUKI. YOU MEANIE. Mizuki's such a big bully!! I would go kick his ass for that if I wasn't busy drooling over sick Iruka. Maybe I should be thanking Mizuki. What he did was SOOOO WRONG... but... it gave me sick Iruka... CONFLICTING FEELINGS!! Fine, I'll leave Mizuki alone for now... but only because it resulted in Iruka sneezing. XD

Awwwww Kiba~ Must be horrible suffering for something you love so much, but he does it! What a brave little soldier. *flails* I'm sure my heart was melted before thanks to the other ones, but this one just... turned my heart into soup. XD And Akamaru was so adorable, he knows what Kiba's doing for him. heart.gif

Aaaaaas for any requests...

I'm going to be totally selfish and want more Jugo if ya can. biggrin.png Can't get enough of him and the way you write him is brilliant.


Keep on truckin', these are so awesome~~ LOVE YA! <3

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Welcome back, everyone! In this update, I tried to focus on character that I hadn't mentioned before. I've found myself circling back to the same characters over and over again, but Naruto has such an interesting and diverse cast. So in this update we have Team Taka, Omoi, and Chojuro. All of these characters show up in Shippuden. For those who don't know, Team Taka is a group that Sasuke forms, Omoi is a ninja from the Lightning Village, and Chojuro works for the Mizukage.

Once again, I'm always happy to take requests. If there any characters or concepts that interest you, let me know. I know I've written mostly male characters, but you can request drabbles about female characters, too.

@ Starry_Screamer: Thank you once again for your awesome, nice, and supportive comment!! You're the main reason I'm motivated to actually write these things, you know that? Anyway, here's your Jugo. He's kind of squished in with some other characters because just writing him alone wasn't working out, but I'll come back to him eventually. I'm glad you liked the last set--I love writing about Temari being overprotective of Gaara and Kankuro thinking that's ridiculous, and I love writing about Mizuki being a creepy jerk. And Kiba being allergic to Akamaru is just too sad. XD; So of course it has to happen. Anyway, thanks again for your awesome awesome comment!! Love you too~!

Series: Naruto

Word Count: 100

Characters: Suigetsu, Karin, Jugo, Sasuke

Prompt #72 – Remedy

“I thought you were sick too, asshole!” croaks Karin, hitting Suigetsu with a pillow. Karin's nose is as red as her hair, Jugo's sneezed over thirty times this morning, and Sasuke's hacking like a smoker. Suigetsu seems to be symptomless, but he insists he's caught their cold. “How are you doing that...Hakk-SHOO!”

“I got the perfect built-in remedy,” he says. “I turn my sinuses and throat into water and wash the crud out whenever I want. Y'all wish you had my powers.” Jugo sighs heavily, and Sasuke kicks him in the shin, which dissolves into water on impact.

Series: Naruto

Word Count: 100

Characters: Omoi, Karui

Prompt #55 – Ruin

“I'm going to die,” rasps Omoi, draping himself across the couch and moaning. Karui tells him he's being ridiculous. “Either my cold is going to turn into pneumonia and I'll die from that, or I'll go on a mission after I'm feeling a little better, and my concentration will be off and I'll be murdered by the enemy. Either that or Bee-sama will catch my cold and then the Raikage will have me executed!”

Karui sighs, and hands him a tissue. “You're in greater danger of ruining the couch with your snot than being murdered. Blow your goddamn nose.”

Series: Naruto

Word Count: 100

Characters: Chojuro

Prompt #49 – Sweat

Chojuro rips another handful of weeds out of the Mizukage's garden. He shouldn't have to do this. He's one of the seven swordsmen, damn it, he isn't here to do the Mizukage's chores. She didn't ask him to do this, Ao did. This despite the brutal heat, and Chojuro's allergies.

After an hour of weeding, sweat is pouring down his back, and his nose is completely stuffed. “Stupid Ao bakig be do this garded worgk,” he mutters, sniffling. “I...hnnnkCHHOO!” He wipes his runny nose on the back of his hand. “I'll leave weeds id the rosebush. That'll show hib. Srff.”

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Awww I'm glad I can motivate you~! biggrin.png



Dawwww poor Jugo. I just want to cuddle him, and... Suigetsu, you jerk. XD Sasuke was right to kick him, I would have too! Although it makes sense, lol... stupid Suigetsu and his stupid powers. "Y'all wish you had my powers" XDDD Is it wrong that that made me laugh? heh.gif

Ah I don't know much about Omoi, but he seems cute. His relationship with Karui seems funny and adorable at the same time! XD Oh Omoi, so overdramatic. You're not going to die! Just take care of yourself lol... or let Karui take care of you...

Awwwww poor Chojuro!! He's so cute... poor thing. XD How dare Ao use him like that! Meanie. I think he should totally get back at Ao... in the most fetishy way possible, of course. MAKE HIM SUFFER LIKE YOU DID, CHOJURO~~

... Ehehehe have I gone too far? XD

Oh well. I loved all of these~! *Especially Team Taka and Chojuro mwahaha*

Requests... uhhh... would it be horrible if I asked for Sakon and/or Ukon? XD They're so minor but I can't get enough of theeeeeem...

YOU ROCK KEEP WRITING I CAN'T EVEN I LOVE YOU~~ *vanishes into the night*

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  • 2 months later...

I cannot believe that I forgot to comment on this! Well, for starters, I loved the drable you did for me! It was so cute and allergic. *swoons* I als loved the last two of the last batch. I love Ruin because Omoi is being such a big baby and Sweat because of the allergies!

I love this, lady. Thank you for updating!

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Welcome back everyone! I'm sorry it took me so long to update. I recently became obsessed with Free! and Attack on Titan, and those two obsessions have eaten into my motivation to write Naruto stuff. Now that both series have ended, I feel more able to actually work on this thing. This batch focuses on siblings! Because sibling relationships are fun, and having themes is a good idea sometimes. As usual, I'd love to hear what you think, and if you have any requests, please ask, and I'll make sure to fill them!

@ Nicolias312: Your wish is my command! Thanks for the comment!

@ greetingsfromboston: I'm glad that you enjoyed it. Kiba isn't a character who I have too much experience with (and for that matter, neither are Omoi or Chojuro), so I'm glad it worked out. Omoi is a HUGE baby...he always thinks the worst will happen, his catastrophizing is so ridiculous it's almost fun...though I've got to feel bad for him to some degree. Oh, this edition includes allergies too, so hopefully, you'll like that. Thanks for the comment!

@Starry_Screamer: As always, your comments are magnificent and I love them and I love you. Thank you so much for all the lovely things you've said! I wrote a Sakon-and-Ukon one as promised, so I hope you'll enjoy it. About the Omoi thing...he really is that overdramatic in canon. Everything is going to end in catastrophe, and that catastrophe centers around him.

Series: Naruto

Characters: Hashirama, Tobirama

Word Count: 100

Prompt #78 – Shut Up

The sneeze tears out of Hashirama like a thunderclap. Then another, and another. Tobirama claps his hand over his brother's mouth and hisses, “shut up!!” In response, Hashirama sneezes again, “ARRHHAHH-KCHHHIOUUU!!!”

This is a problem. Right now, they're hiding from a roving pack of Uchiha warriors, waiting for the right moment to hit them from behind. Hashirama's roaring sneezes will give them away.

“I'm sorry Tobirama-chan,” Hashirama whispers, breath moistening Tobirama's already wet hand. “I don't know where that came from.”

Tobirama removes his hand, and wipes the mist off on his pants leg. “Whatever. Just...learn to stifle, alright?”

Series: Naruto

Characters: Ukon, Sakon

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 19 – Promise

“It's hard for me to fight with you draining all my chakra,” snarls Sakon. “Do you really need that much?”

Shifting so that his head rests on Sakon's shoulder, Ukon sniffles and rasps, “I'b sorry. Snff. I deed a lot bore chakra whed I'b sick. I cad't really codtrol how buch I take. J-just...snff...snnf...promise you won't throw me off during a fight, okay....Hkk-CHH!

“What a stupid request.” Sakon rolls his eyes, then reaches around to press a tissue to his brother's dripping nose. “Of course I won't. If you die while you're sucking my chakra, I'll die.”

Series: Naruto

Characters: Sasuke, Jugo, Karin, Suigetsu, Itachi

Word Count: 100

Prompt # 30 – June

“We deed to fide by brother before the bonth is ove...ov...hhyehh-kshiu!” Sasuke drains a bright red nose into a wrinkled, fan-patterned handkerchief. Karin shrieks a “bless you!” and Jugo asks if he's alright. Only Suigetsu asks him why.

“Don't you think it's stupid to go after him while you're sick?” he says.

“I'b dot sick. Snnf. It's allergies...by brother has theb t-too...too...HYEHSHU! His allergies peak id June, so we should fight hib while he's sdeezing too buch to fight properly. HYEKCHH!”

No one knows how to tell Sasuke that's he won't be able to fight properly, either.

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I... don't really have much to say this time... you kind of killed my brain. drool.gif Sakon and Ukon... look, they're so adorable... xD

The Sasuke one was really good too, kind of funny which I like! ^^

They were all really nice though~ My favorite was definitely Sakon and Ukon, I just love them and I don't even know why...

I don't think I have any requests this time around... and I'm sorry my comment is so short this time... XD

Keep on bein' awesome though~! <3

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That...that Sashirama...I think my brain is dead. Again.



EEEEEEE! *rolls on the bed* I love you so much! You're so talented, I could just die!!!

(u-uhm...could I ask for Yamato or Kotetsu, please?)

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Here's a new batch, courtesy of my not wanting to do my homework!! The third one contains an actual pairing, which I don't think I've done yet...the pairing is Kotetsu/Izumo. As far as I'm concerned they're basically canon. Anyway, there's some kissing. The second drabble is more plot/emotion heavy than sickness heavy, and it's about Madara. I'll come back to him with more sneezy details though, I swear!

As usual, requests are welcome. If you have any character or concept or theme that you'd like to see me write about, I'll see what I can do to make it happen!

@ Starry_Screamer: It's fine sweetie, you leave such long reviews most of the time that you've spoiled me, there's no need to do that every time. I'm glad that you enjoyed the Sakon/Ukon one, and I'm glad you liked the Sasuke one even if you're not a huge fan of his. <3

@ Hearts4Love: Thanks for the comment! I'm so glad you're enjoying my drabbles! Please don't die, you won't be able to read any more. XD; I wrote a Kotetsu one, and one that included Yamato, but where Kakashi ended up being the sneezy one. I'll make Yamato suffer later, I promise!

Fandom: Naruto

Word Count: 100

Characters: Yamato, Kakashi

Prompt # 70 – Confession

“Yabato. Snff. I have a codfessiod to bake.” Tissues are poking out of Kakashi's mask, soaking up a constant stream of thin, clear mucus.

“What's that?” asks Yamato, his chakra shaping the fleet of rosebushes he just sprouted from the ground.

“...I dow I said I'd help you with your garded, but as id turns outd...snff. Snnf. Ahh-shuoh! As you cad see I'b...ahh-chh!

“You're allergic to the roses?” asks Yamato. Kakashi nods, swiping at his red, streaming eyes. “You should have told me earlier,” he says. Instantly, Yamato swaps the roses out for hydrangeas. “Better?” he asks.

Fandom: Naruto

Word Count: 100

Characters: Madara

Prompt # 75 – Heartless

The cup of tea is thrusted into Madara's hands so quickly that he spills some of the hot liquid on his hands. He doesn't see who gave it to him, and while he's soothing his burnt hands in the stream, he doesn't care. Once he actually inspects the tea, he sees a damp note tied to the cup. It says, “feel better soon! ~Uchiha Kenji” This is his nephew, Izuna's son.

Madara crumples up the note, and steps on it. He drinks the tea to soothe his burning throat, but he doesn't thank Kenji, or forgive the Uchiha's heartless betrayal.

Fandom: Naruto

Word Count: 100

Characters: Izumo, Kotetsu

Prompt # 1 – Kink

“Can you describe your symptoms to me?” Izumo is perched on the side of Kotetsu's bed, where Kotetsu is huddled under a messy pile of blankets, coughing into his pillow. “Only if you're in the mood,” Izumo says, leaning down to kiss Kotetsu's neck. “If you just want to go to sleep, that's okay.”

After sneezing violently into his blankets, Kotetsu says, “ughh...I cadn't breathe through by dose. Snnf. Ad...hkk-CHOO! Well, you cad hear be sdeezing...ad by throat hurts. Do you like that, Izubo?”

“Yes baby,” croons Izumo, kissing Kotetsu's forehead, stroking his hair. “You know I do.”

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Oh...oh I like that.

I like that...a lot. ewe Tee hee~

And that's perfectly fine! Thank you very much for the Kotetsu one! Imma just go and giggle now~

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@ Hearts4Love: I'm glad you enjoyed it! This update has a Yamato, as per your request. If there's anything else you'd like, just let me know.

Fandom: Naruto

Word Count: 100

Characters: Ino, Choji

Prompt # 60 – Bike

Ino had been really excited about giving Choji a bike. First of all, it took forever to save up the money. Second, Choji had been pining after it ever since the Yakiniku place announced a biking contest—the first person to log 5,000 miles got a free meal. So she bought the bike and walked it over to his house. He opened the door in his pajamas, and he had a wad of tissues pressed against his red, chapped, sniffly, runny nose. “Um...happy birthday!” chirped Ino. “I guess you're probably not going to be using this anytime soon, but...here you go!”

Fandom: Naruto

Word Count: 100

Characters: Yamato

Prompt # 50 – Gentle

Dizziness anchors him to his sleeping bag, though there is much to be done and no time to rest. This is the sixth day of his ANBU infiltration mission, and the fifth day of his raging upper-respiratory infection. He hasn't slept at all, preferring instead to focus on the mission. Lack of sleep is making him sicker, now he's running a fever, now coughs spill endlessly from his raw ravaged throat. If he doesn't rest, there will be consequences, perhaps a secondary bacterial infection. He needs to stay here in the sleeping bag. He needs to be gentle with himself.

Fandom: Naruto

Word Count: 100

Characters: Ten Ten, Lee

Prompt # 6 – Squint

The air is thick with pollen, and Ten Ten is walking around with her eyes half shut and her mouth hanging open, constantly preparing to sneeze. Her stuffed-up nose itches fiercely, but nothing happens. Breath hitching, she asks her teammate, Lee, to grab some flowers to help her coax out a sneeze. He thunders toward a patch of grass, and pulls up a fistful of dandelions. “Are you suuuure you want me to do this, Ten Ten-san?? Might this not make your allergies worse??”

“Ugh, j-just...hnnahh...do it...hghh...” Her nose twitches. Lee thrusts the flowers under her nose. “Ahh....HGAHHCHH-shiuu! Snnf.”

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Eh?! Ehh!?! AHHH SHE DID IT AGAIN! surprise.gif

I have three words for you: Ho. Ly. CRAP!

EEEEEEEE you have no idea how much I love you~~~~~~~~


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello hello, here I am, back again! As always, feel free to request anything you want to see, characters or concepts. I always love hearing about other people's ideas and interests. This batch features Inoichi, Sakura, and Orochimaru, characters I don't think I've tormented just yet in this thread. Enjoy, and please do comment if you're reading.

@ Hearts4Love: I'm glad that you're enjoying it so much! Thank you for commenting. <3


Series: Naruto

Characters: Inoichi, Shikaku

Word Count: 100

Prompt #84 – City

“You know Inoichi, this doesn't exactly make you look like a competent ninja,” says Shikaku, sighing and unscrewing a bottle of antihistamines. “You knew you were allergic to maple trees, and you knew that we were going to a place called Maple City, and yet you failed to realize that that might mean there would be maple trees.” He passes a pill to his sniffling friend, who gulps it down gratefully. “Lack of foresight is not a particularly prized trait.”

Inoichi nods, then pitches forward in a fit of five sneezes, just barely catching them in his cupped hands.

Series: Naruto

Characters: Kabuto, Orochimaru

Word Count: 100

Prompt #10 – Cough

Orochimaru somehow caught a cold three days ago. Kabuto knows it's a cold, because he took a viral sample an analyzed it. It's a cold, probably dragged in by some new experimental victim. It's not serious, but it comes parceled with periodic coughing fits that sometimes drag on for minutes at a time. This terrifies Kabuto, because one of the signs that Orochimaru needs to switch bodies is coughing. Each time he switches bodies, he needs a new one sooner a bit sooner. It's only been three months, so there's nothing to fear, but Kabuto can't always be completely reasonable.

Series: Naruto

Characters: Sakura, Naruto

Word Count: 100

Prompt #51 – Milk

“Darudo, I appreciade you bridgid be a dridk, but...hot chocolate? Snnf.” Sakura accepts the steaming drink, then sets it down next to a box of pink tissues. “I'b producig a lot of bucus. Snnff. Bilk will just bake it worse, dodn't you thigk? Snnff.”

“Sorry Sakura-chan, I just thought you'd want something warm to drink...” Naruto's smile falters, and Sakura sighs, picking up the drink.

“I'b sure itd's fide,” she says. “Thangk you Darudo...hhkk-shiiahh!” Sakura drops the hot chocolate, dousing her unprotected lap. “FUCKK!!” she shrieks. “This is your fault, asshole! Gedt be sobe paper towels, dow!”

Edited by Natto
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Inoichi-san! Inoichi-san! Hehehehe, thank you so so much, Natto-senpai! You're work is perfect as always~!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm lovin' what I'm readin'! :heart: Sasuke was so cute, I loved the one where he wants to fight Itachi but no one will tell him that his allergies would get in the way of fighting him :drool: And AAAaawwwwwwwwwwsssss ..... Madara..... :wub: anyway you could write another Madara, possibly in battle with Hashirama?

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  • 1 month later...

These are amazing!! Like, AMAZING!! The Deidara ones were just---I mean---just--oh god--no words to describe!! I love all of these so much!! They are so awesome!! Could you maybe please make another Deidara one? They are just so adorable!!

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