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Roadrunner and Coyote fanfic


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As for why I wrote this story, I noticed there were no Roadrunner/Coyote sneezefics out there, so I decided to write my own. Before posting it here, I earlier posted this story to sneezefurs and fanfiction.net. Well, here it is.

One Little Spice, Countless Big Sneezes

Wile E Coyote was up-to-date in his plans to catch the Roadrunner. He had failed a ridiculous amount of times to catch and eat him, but now he was hoping that he wouldn't fail this time. He had used a lot of ideas, but there was one he hadn't tried yet: attempting to make the Roadrunner sneeze.

The starving coyote stood behind a rock, a shaker of Acme Black Pepper in his hand. His plan was to shake the pepper into the middle of the road and hope that the Roadrunner would run into it and begin sneezing, so the coyote would finally catch and eat him.

Wile waited and soon heard the Roadrunner's only words, "Beep-beep!" and then the coyote shook half of the pepper into the middle of the road. He then waited a few seconds, expecting the Roadrunner to run into the cloud of pepper, but he actually stopped. The Roadrunner took a deep breath and blew the pepper out of his way--directly into Wile's face, a small amount of it getting up his nose--before the Roadrunner ran away in the opposite direction.

Wile began to feel a fit of sneezes coming, but he refused to sneeze. He rubbed his twitching nose a few times, whilst taking a few breaths through his nose. This did nothing but bring more pepper into his nose, increasing the power of his sneezes. Despite this, Wile still tried to fight his sneeze. "Ahhh..." the coyote started to inhale as he tried to fight his sneezes, but they were getting stronger by the second. "Ahhh... ahhhhhh... ahhhhhhh... ahhhhhhhhhhh..." The coyote brought a finger up to his nose in an attempt to hold his sneezes back. Unfortunately, his finger was covered in the pepper that was trying to make him sneeze and thus made his sneeze a lot stronger than weaker.

"Ahhhhhhhhh... aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh... aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh..." Wile, feeling how strong his sneezes were getting and that his finger wasn't doing any good, finally gave up fighting his sneezes and removed his finger, afterwards letting his sneezes take over him.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh... Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

Wile sneezed powerfully, enough to blow him backwards a mile and onto the ground. He rubbed his nose, hoping not to sneeze again, but he wasn't even close to the end of his sneezes. "Aaaaaaahhhh... AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH-CHOOOOOOOOOOOO! AAAAAAAAAH-CHOOOOOO! AAAAAAAAAHHHH-CHOOOOO! AHHHHHH-CHOOO!"

He sneezed uncontrollably, each sneeze sending him in a different direction. His sneezes were loud, very powerful and impossible to believe. The coyote let out a lot more sneezes, around 10, until all the pepper had left his nose, so he wouldn't sneeze again. At the end of his sneezes, poor Wile just lay on the ground, completely worn out from sneezing so much. His latest attempt to catch his prey had failed once again.

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