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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Glee Faberry (Futur Fic)


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Hi everyone, this is my second post on this forum, i'm new. Im sorry me english is not very good...''Je suis québecoise''

;) I hope you like my fanfic! I'm a fan of glee, and faberry ^^ Here's the first part!


It was a cold November day, Quinn was at the grocery store whit her five years old daugther. She knew someting wrong when she asking to Rachel to come with her and Kayla,instead the diva wanted to take a nap. Normally, she would choose what to take to the store...But this time, she refused.

''Mommy!'' Moaned Kayla by pulling the sleeve of her mother sweater.

''What honey?'' Asked the young lady before sigh. The little girl muttered someting and start crying. Quinn sigh another time, her daughter was whining all day... ''Kayla, stop crying, tell me what wrong with words!'' The little girl took a deep breath before talking.

''Mommy my throat hurt...'' Quinn put his hand on the forehead of her daughter to take her temperature.

''Hmm...You're a little bit warm sweetie...I think you caught the virus that circulate.'' She put the jacket to her daughter and headed for the exit after paying. ''We will go home to give you something for your fever sweetheart.'' She explained to the little girl by tying him in the car.

''...I think i need a tissue...Huh...!'' Admitted the child with a finger on her nose. Quinn start to laugh at the expression on his face, she was about to sneeze.

''Tsschooo...ahh atsschooo...'' Quinn opened her handbag and gave him a tissue.

''Bless you baby, here...Blow your nose.'' The little girl muttered someting before putting the tissue on his little nose. ''Keep it and if you have to sneeze, cover your nose.'' The child shook his head before blowing.

* * * * *

when she enters in the appratement, automatically Quinn saw Rachel lying on the couch.

''Mom!'' Screamed Kayla out of the embrace of the blonde.

''Shush sweetie. Mommy sleep!'' Whispered the girl by placing the bags. But the child didn't notice what her mother say and and run to see the sleeping woman. Quinn approached, kissing the head of his girlfriend.

''Mom, i want to sleep with you!'' Screamed Kayla again. The brown haired girl opened her eyes and coughed. Quinn rubbed the back of the girl until her cough calm down.

''Are you okay honey? You are pale as a sheet...'' Asked the blonde girl but her girl friend turned his head and let out three stiffled sneezes.

''...Nngxt, Nngxt-chew...Eh, eh...Hengxt-chew...Ugh! S'cuse be!'' But before she can add something, she sneezed again. ''Eh...Nngxt, Hengxt-chew...Huh...'' The two girls blessed her.

''Poor little one! seems you're sick like your daughter...'' Said Quinn taking place at his side.

''It's okay mom, Mommy Quinn will take care of us!'' Exclaimed kayla by hugging the brunette. Rachel turned her head again trying to sneeze away from her daugther. ''Mommy i want a kiss please!'' Asked Kayla seeing that his mother was not looking him.

''One minute honey...Eh, eh...'' her eyes snapped shut with a hazy flutter, then she sniffled again. ''...Nngxt, Nngxt-chew...Eh, eh...Hengxt-chew...Eh...Quidd, cad i have a...Eh...Nngxt, Hengxt-chew, a tissue?'' The blonde girl start giggling.

"What?" She teased before gave him a tissue.

''Stop laughing, I feel like shit...'' Rachel groaned softly, hunched forward with her hands cupping a damp tissue to her face.

''Okay, bless you my love...'' Quinn kissed her girlfriend's feverish temple while Kayla was playing with her hair. ''And i'll get you some Tylenol for your fever ladybug.'' Said the blonde before touching her daughter's nose with her own finger. The little girl closing her eyes and settling back against the stomac of her other mother.

''Are you gonna sneeze honey?'' Rachel frowned, blinking at Kayla with a slightly more lucid look of concern in her eyes.

''Huh..Eh...Ugh...My nose tickling.'' Quinn grabbed a tissue and gave it into her daugther hand.

''Blow your nose ladybug, i will come back okay, stay with mommy.'' Kayla

shook his head with a hazy flutter look.

''Ahhh, atissoo, tissoo, ehh...Ehhh Tshsssoo!'' The child blowed her nose.

"God bless you..." Rachel sighed sympathetically, tucking a lock of blonde hair back behind the little girl ear. Quinn returned with two bottles of water and Tylenol.

''Before i give you that, i need to take your temp.'' Explained the blonde girl but the child start crying.

''...No! Mommy first!''

''Okay...'' Rachel nodded, smiling sleepily. Quinn took her temp. It only took a moment to beep, but before she had a chance to pull it back, Rachel nose started running again.

''Heh...Heh...Nngxt, Nngxt-chew...Eh, heh...Hengxt-chew.''

''Bless you!'' Quinn and Kayla chorused affectionately.

''You need something for that fever too, love. 102.2...Poor thing!'' Rachel sighed, Quinn stroked her daugther hair and kissed her forehead, managing to slip in the ear thermometer without disturbing her. The little girl laid her head on Rachel's shoulder. ''Don't move honey.'' Whisper Quinn but Kayla just closed her eyes.

''I think someone should go to sleep...'' Said the brunette.

"Me too, Rach," Quinn agreed, turning to kiss her forehead. After the ear thermometer beep, the blonde girl moans. ''102.9...Kayla sweetheart stay awake you need medicine.'' Rachel lifted the child's head.

''Heu...Quidd cad you hold her?...I, i need to sdeeze...'' She had no time to add something she stifled two sneezes. ''Hengxt-chew...Hengxt-chew!'' Quinnt ook her daughter in her arms trying to wake her.

''Bless you my love!'' Rachel’s breath quivered as she raised her hands searching for some tissue.

''Heh...Nngxt, Nngxt-chew! Ugh...Sorry...'' The brunette girl whimpered behind her hands.

''You should not stifle your sneezes like that...You're gonna hurt your ear's...'' Said Quinn while she gave medecine to her daughter.

''Hmmm...Mommy i want to go to bed...'' The dark-haired girl smiled,

''You're gonna sleep with me and Mommy Q sweetheart!''Rachel murmured, stroking a lock of blonde hair back from Kayla’s flushed face. She wiped her nose on her arm and opened her eyes.

''...Kay, mom grab her medecine before.'' Said the cute little girl while Quinn gave him some water. The night would be long...



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PLEASE continue! That was SO cute! I'm a big sucker for future!Glee fics and this was just so adorable :D I like where it's going, please continue!

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Part 2


It was 6:04 Am when Quinn heard Kayla crying between her and Rachel in the bed. She automatically took his daughter in an embrace whispering words to calm her. Rachel opened her eyes, turning her head.

''Shush...Sorry honey I did not want her to wake you...'' Said Quinn with a pout.

''Hmm...It's okay what's the batter?'' Asked the girl with a stuffy voice. Quinn

murmured something, stroking her daugther's soft blonde hair and leaning down to kiss her forehead. The little girl looked up.

''Mommy...I hate behing sick...'' Moans the child .

"Here, baby, you need a tissue..." Quinn said sleepily, pulling a fresh tissue from the box on the bedside table and passing it to the sniffling little girl. She gives one to Rachel. The diva giving her nose another vigorous blow as she sat down on the bed. ''What are you doing love?'' Asked Quinn while her girlfriend wiping her nose on her sleeve as it began to run again.

''Heh...Heh...One binute hodey...'' The dark-haired girl shivered woozily, bringing both hands slowly up to her face. Quinn smiled kissing her cheek.

''You know that you're so cute when you're about to sneeze?'' She giggled, while Rachel wiping her nose on her sleeve.

''Ugh...Thats dot fuddy!''The dark-haired girl sighed, with a yawn. ''Heh...Hngxt-chew, Nngxt, Nngxt-chew...Hahh'' She sighed woozily, rubbing her eyes.

''Bless you honey!'' Said Quinn before kissed her girlfriend hot forehead. ''You should go sleep now, i'll stay with Kayla...'' She cooed, stroking a lock of hair back behind the dark-haired girl's ear.

''Heh...Hngxt-chew!'' Rachel turned her head to the side abruptly, cupping both hands to her face to cover the sharp sneeze that rattled her feverish body...''Nngxt-chew...Nngxt.'' She sighed, wiping her nose on the back of her hand.

''Bless you mom! You sound like a little mouse!'' Kayla teased, giggling behind her crumpled kleenex.

''Thang you sweetheart...Heh...Hngxt-chew! Huh...''Rachel sighed and closed her eyes.

''Do you have a headache my love?'' Quinn asked worries. She approached her girlfriend, hugging him and her daugther. Then Rachel felt Kayla tense up, sucking in a sharp, quavering gasp of air a second before she jerked her head to the side, with a cute;

''Hatissoo!'' Her eyes snapped firmly shut again. ''Tissoo, ha...Hatissoo...Ugh! The little girl sneezed so hard her whole body was shaking. Quinn tightened his embrace concerned.

''Bless you sweetie, are you okay?'' Asked Rachel kissing her cheek but the little girl shook is head with a pout as she sniffled and wiped her nose on the back of her hand. Quinn gave him a tissue while her eyes fluttered helplessly. ''Kayla honey, if you have to sneeze, do it in the tissue...We don't want mommy catch our germ's okay?'' Rachel sighed and blowing her nose vigorously while Kayla head tilted back in anticipation.

''Hatissschoo...Hmm, mommy!'' The child whimpered.

''Bless you sweetheart, i know you don't feel good...'' Quin said sympathetically, reaching out a hand to rub her daughter back while she sniffled and rubbed her nose more vigorously. ''We'll go on the couch and let mom sleep okay?'' Kayla wrapped her arms around Quinn's body.

''Sleep well mom...'' She shrugged, rubbing her nose absently against her palm again. Rachel turned away from Quinn and Kayla and sneezed dazedly into her hands.

''Heh...Hngxt-chew, Nngxt, Nngxt-chew...Sorry girl's...'' Rachel said, wrinkling her nose. Then, Quinn stand-up with his daughter in his arms.

''Bless you starlight!'' She cooed, Rachel tensed, looking like she was going to sneeze again.

''Look! Mommy has a sneeze in her nose!'' Exclaimed Kayla. Quinn kissed the forhead of her girlfriend.

''Cover your sneeze mommy!'' The blond girl giggled with a wink. Rachel sighed, sniffled wearily pulling a fresh tissue on her nose.

''Nngxt-chew...Nngxt...Heh...Hngxt-chew!'' She shivered, bowing over with the force of trying to stifle her sneeze. Rachel sniffled, taking another tissue and wearily blowing her nose.

''Bless you...Go back to bed and sleep well, I'll come see you in a few minutes. Just enough time to give medications to ladybug'' Quinn smoothed Kayla's hair back to feel her forehead, first with her hand, then with her lips.

''Do you think mommy is gonna be okay?'' Asked the little girl, then she took one hand under her flaring nostrils with a hazy, unfocused expression. ''Ahh-Tisschoo, tisschoo...Ugh!'' Kayla whined, reaching up to tug impatiently on a handful of Quinn’s shirt.

''Dont worrie about mommy sweetheart, just relax...'' The blond girl cooed, stretching out beside Kayla on the couch and pulling the blanket up around them both. ''I love you sleepyhead!'' The child immediately snuggled up against her, pressing her face into her mommy’s neck and wrapping one arm securely around her hips. Quinn heared Rachel sneezed from the bedroom.

''Bless you Rach!''She yelled after kissing the top of Kayla’s head. Quinn felt her daughter’s body go completely limp...


Hope you like it, tell me what you think!


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Part 3 (little short i know)


Quinn waited patiently for her little girl falls into a deep sleep before getting up to see Rachel. Kayla nose was running again, but she seemed too sleepy to notice so, Quinn took a tissue and lightly wiping the slick of Kayla's upper lip and pinching her nostrils. She smiled sweetly at her sleepy girl on the couch. She kissed him again on the cheek before leaving. Walking to the room she could hear his girlfriend coughing terribly. She was lying on his side, his face in the pillow. The blonde approached, pulling the sheet down, she sighed, gently rubbing the back of his girlfriend.

''Rach, you're burning, you need some medecine...'' She whispered in her ear. Rachel turned to her girlfriend, taking a deep breath. Quinn went in the bathroom for cough syrup and a glass of water...''Here you go sweetheart, you're gonna feel really good after that...'' She handed him a small cup containing a red liquid. Rachel grimaced when swallowing.

''Thangs.'' She snuffled, with a congested cough. The diva closed her eyes and squeezed her pink nose firmly with her hands, desperately trying to hold back another sneeze. Her fluttering eyes fell shut as her lungs sucked in a little, hitching gasp of air.

''Honey don't trying to hold back your sneeze, it's not good for you...'' Quinn nodded with a smile stroking a lock of messy black hair back from her girlfriend.

''Ugh...Atchew...Ah, ah..Atchew! Nngxt-chew...'' Quinn lay alongside the girl and then kissed him on the cheek.

''Bless you sneezy-girl!'' Quinn mumbled burying her face in Rachel's hair. The diva stepped back.

''Do not get too close, you'll get sick too!'' Quinn wasn't at all surprised to feel her breathing hitch a moment later.

''Rach don't worrie, i spent the day wiping the nose of kayla. I probably have germs on me anyway...Let me take care of you.'' Rachel sighed in forlorn agreement. She laid her head on the chest of the blonde then observed drowsily. ''I love you Rachel Berry!'' Said Quinn with a kiss on her forehead.

''You're the best Quinnie...'' Rachel nodded, blinking sleepily. ''Ughh...I have to sneeze again!'' She croaked weakly then sighed, sniffling softly. She raised his hand to her face and trying to lean away from Quinn a little as her breath hitched weakly. The blond girl laughed. ''Heh..Heh...What?'' Rachel mumbled grumpily, blinking drowsily and scrubbing a finger under her nostrils.

''Kayla has the same face as you when she needs to sneeze...It's cute!'' Answered Quinn with a wink. Rachel muttered something as her eyes snapped shut.

''Hatisschew, Tisschew...Ngxht-chew...'' She sneezed into his cupped hands.

''Bless you sweetheart...'' Whispered Quinn

''Thangs...'' Rachel snuffled laying his head on Quinn that were crinkling adorably as she took her hand away with a vigorous sniffle and a soft, hitching breath.

''Are you gonna sneeze again honey?'' Asked the blonde while the dive wiped her nose hastily on the back of her hand, but it was too late to quell the tickle that was blooming in her wet, flaring nostrils. Quinn gave him a tissue that was on the bedside table. ''Blow your nose Rach.'' She chirped sweetly.

''Hatisschew, Tisschew...Ugh..Sorry...''

''It's okay, i have to check on Kayla, i will come back...If she's not awake...I love you Rach...''



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