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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Avengers/Thor fic: Desirable (M)


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A/N: This was intended for the Avengers drabble thread, but because it's a little long I thought I'd seperate it. Ermm... I'm pretty sure it's not 18+. There's no sex in it, it's just a bit suggestive about things... not even that, really... I d'know.

I’d like to do a whole series of fics with sneezing as a cornerstone of Asgardian culture, but I reeeally don’t have the time. I'm amazed I finished this, really.

Warning for Mess (it's very messy by my standards so I though it deserves a warning, but it may not be so much for others).

Anywho, Enjoy.


Thor wasn’t sleeping well, concerned about his younger brother and the illness that he had clearly displayed during their evening dinner. While laying awake, he had heard someone slip past his room in the middle of the night and Thor knew that it was his brother from the thick sniffling that echoed through the halls.

Asgard had particular views about illness, and while it was a welcomed fact that men fell ill, how one’s body reacted was said to reveal one’s strength, and the lack of sneezing Loki had shown at dinner worried Thor. It showed his body was too frail to expel the illness that was plaguing him.

Slipping from the room, Thor followed the sound of Loki’s footsteps around the palace balconies. After several turns they approached the billowing steam of the bathing pools, deep baths that were usually utilized to help relax after hunting trips. It was on one of the highest plateaus of the palace, and was reserved for only an elite few, overlooking the glittering lights of the kingdom.

Normally, any encouragement one’s body to purge the illness was frowned upon. If someone needed help in order to become well again, then he was seen as weak. A strong Asgardian body should be able to expel the virus without aid, but it was clear that Loki was attempting to spur the purging of his illness using the heat and steam; a shameful act.

Loki circled the pool, stripped the tunic from his body to reveal the thin, muscled and shivering form beneath. He worked to remove all layers of clothing before he cautiously approached the steaming water.

Thor kept himself in the shadows of one of the pillars as he knew Loki was self-conscious about his sneezing. It was a wide spread belief that the product of a sneeze was an indicator of fertility, something which was greatly desirable in an Asgardian mate.

However, Loki always sneezed into a handkerchief whenever he was around others, and it had become a point of contention amongst their group. The Warriors Three took it as a personal insult, as if Loki felt them too weak to be able to handle the contagion. It also did the service of concealing his nose and sneezing, which many dismissed as shame about his expulsions.

No one outside the royal family knew of Loki’s multiple impregnations, and even though Thor was aware of the children Loki had produce he had never see the nasal proof of his brothers fertility. He could admit to himself that he was shamefully curious

Loki had sunk into the hot water up to his neck, his head tilted back and his red, chapped nostrils were flaring. The sensations always seemed to tease his brother mercilessly before granting him release. Thor blushed and looked away briefly, ashamed of spying on his brother in such a vulnerable and intimate position.

He looked back just in time to see Loki raise cupped hands to his face, the marble floors echoing the soft, yet intense sounds.

Hih... ... Ishhhh! Kishhh! Hihhh... ... Hih’Tizshhh!”

Thor’s eyes widened as he saw the thick drip of thick liquid running from the cupped hands and curling around his brother’s wrist. While he didn’t have a good angle on Loki’s face, only viewing the sharp featured in profile, it was clear that the ejections had left him panting as he quickly dipped his hands beneath the depths of the water.

The thunder god found himself impressed and, quite frankly, a little jealous.

Loki sighed, head still resting on the edge of the pool with his nose held high, and he used a long, thin finger to stroke his septum with a delicate touch, clearly trying to coax the sneezes and illness into leaving his body.

“...hih... ...” he paused, hands raised to be poised and hovering. “... Itttchhh! Hih... ....Het’Tishhhh! Husshhhh!!”

The spray spirted between his fingers, with moisture running down his knuckles between the slits.

He coughed thickly and lowered himself fully into the water for a moment before resurfacing while rubbing at his tired face.

Thor flushed. There had been many maidens that had tried to impress him with their fertility, his midnight trysts, which were a prince’s privilege, were often peppered with the sneezes of women trying to prove themselves a worthy future queen and potential mother of his children. However, he had never quite seen such a clear, virulent display from a fellow man.

While he didn’t feel the same pull of physical arousal that he got around the sneezing women (as, after all, the display was coming from his brother) he found himself intrigued by Loki’s physicality. He was not the most muscled of Asgardians, and such did not display many of the qualities sort after by the women of their land. However, Thor couldn’t help but think that if the fairest sex ever caught sight of Loki in such a display, then he would undoubtedly be desired by women across all the worlds.

He was impressive and, if Thor was to be honest with himself, quite beautiful.

Loki let out a pained moan, and a hissed swear as his dark eyebrows angled up in distress, his nostrils flaring and quivering, visible even from the distance that Thor was watching.

“Hih... hiiihhhh... ... Hih ...” he blinked, and disappointment spread across his fine features as he scrubbed viciously at his nose, “cobe od.” He hissed between his teeth, congestion binding his silver tongue.

He dipped himself beneath the water once again, and pushed his hair back once he resurfaced. He rested his hands on the back of his neck for a moment, fingers still tangled in the ends of his hair, before he swam over to the edge of the pool.

Loki hoisted himself up, his arms supporting his upper-body, with the edge of the water just shy of the curve of his behind. His shoulders trembled, struggling to support his weight in his weakened state, much less when the tight muscles in his back contracted and expanded as he hitched.

Thor moved around to the other side of the pillar he was hiding behind to get a better view, unable to look away.

Itshhhh!” Loki’s head pitched forward, his whole upper body dipping for a moment as thick tendrils fell to the marble, “Hetsshhh! Hih... Hit’Kishhhh!” he paused for a moment as the appendage continued to dribble his essence even after the ejections had passed. His arms shook as he panted from the expulsions and lifted himself from the bath.

His wet, pale skin glowed in the moonlight and he wrapped his arms around himself, shivering violently as he padded and dripped his way over to his pile of clothes. He fished in the folds of clothes for his handkerchief, which he dipped into the hot waters to clear the mess he’d made on the edge of the pool before he returned and gathered his garments in his arms.

Thor was going to wait until Loki had left before returning to his quarters, let he be caught spying on his brother’s intimate moment. However, the younger prince turned to look where Thor was standing, his lips pale and chapped but pulled into his characteristic smirk.

And he winked.

“Sweet dreams, brother.”

Edited by Mercury
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You know, I haven't really been interested in Loki fics but you may have converted me :) This is delicious! Thanks for sharing <3

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Oh, wow, that was amaaaazing! <333 I love all the lil details about the Asgardian world~ Especially the fertility one. Oh, Loki. <333 So, essentially, everyone has a sneezing fetish there? XD <3333


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The idea of sneezing being something so important is really interesting, and I definitely like thinking of Loki's sneezing as an "intimate moment".

Very cool idea, and very VERY hot story.


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Nngh why do you do this to me!!!

Ugh just so....yuuuuuuuuummy!!!!

I can't even..... *dies*

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Um, wow. Just gorgeous. I may be one of the only people I know online and off who hasn't seen the Avengers yet, but all the fics on here are making me desperate to do so :P

I love the whole sneezing fertility thing. :D

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Squeak! This was just so.....DELICIOUS!!!! Me wants to go to Asgard now! Or at least spread this custom to the rest of the universe.

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Wicked! Literally -- I love Loki at the end. Is there a fan around here, because oh lord is that hot. I love imaging foreign/alien cultures that prize sneezing, or use it religiously -- there was a gorgeous one of Nermal's that involved a bit of that -- so this is quite attractive. I've never imagined sneezing as an indicator of strength or fertility, so I found that an interesting take that makes sense when I think about it. Guuh I love how that affects Loki's reveal at the end, that he's intentionallly putting on a show for Thor. Annd of course I love all the physical descriptions of his voice being congested and the muscle flexing and the vicious nose scrubbing... Lovely piece, thank you for writing and sharing <3

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I'm gonna start doing sneeze fetish Asgard RP on Omegle.

Under the tags: Sneezekink!Asgard. Feel free to join me~ ;)

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  • 6 months later...

asdfghjkl;'THIS is wow, just WOW! w00t.gif

I'll have you know this fic itself is very desirable! ;) Great visualizations!

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