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  • Zwee


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  • sneezychick93


Yes. Yes. Yes.

Sick!Dean worrying about Sick!Sam who's too busy worrying about Sick!Dean which just leaves his cold to fester and get worse until it's something really bad like bronchitis or a really -really- bad cold. I love it. I could use a little bit more of that reality.

Thanks for the update--please post more soon!

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@SexualOddity: Would I LIKE a giftfic?? I'd LOVE one! You write sneezy Sammy so well! <3 Also: UM. You're so nice you may or may not have made me start crying over your amazing comment! What! I do that getting really excited and writing down every single detail thing too, but I haven't done it much on here, and I've never had it done to me, so that was just like... the best experience ever. Also, just like the fact that you even found 41 things to love and mention from my story made my entire life. Thank you! You're so perfect!

@VividBubbles!: NUZZLE is such a cute word! And nestle and cuddle and... no, stop me before I tell you all the cutest words. Thank you! Banter is my favorite ever, but I never thought I was very good at writing it... I've probably been watching too much Supernatural lately. But when has that ever been a bad thing? ;)

@sneezychick93: YOU MUST watch from the beginning! The first few seasons are the best ones! Thank you SO much!

@Akahana: He IS. Thank youu!

@Glue09: Ahh, thank you! <3

@Jamison Leigh: I'm afraid I haven't posted super soon, but I always come through eventually! Thank you so much! I just really like worried brothers and caretaking. What can I say? Thank you!

@LunaMay: Wow! Thank you! You're awesome for replying! I'm so glad you like it!

Edited by Zwee
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Yes, yes, I know. It's been sort of a while since the last chapter. But I have more!!

This will probably be the last chapter. I hope you like it!


Sam couldn’t draw breath. He wheezed, coughing harder than he could ever remember doing, but actually breathing in was a ragged, painful affair. He pressed his head into his pillow, trying not to wake Dean with his coughing. He really just wanted his older brother to get better, and waking him up in the middle of the night was not how to get that done, so Sam suffered in silence.

After about an hour of sleeplessness, his nose began to itch. He couldn’t wake Dean up. His breath hitching, the younger Winchester grabbed a jacket, pulling it on over his T-shirt and sweatpants. Were the walls not so paper-thin, he would have just confined himself to the bathroom, but Dean needed sleep.

Once outside, he sat on the covered stairs, scrunching his nose at the cold air and gasping; the need to sneeze was so intense, yet it still wouldn’t come.

HuhhhHihhEhhhhHuh-huh-huh-huh-!” He groaned quietly, scrubbing at his face in annoyance. “Ihh-hih! HETSCH’uhh! Heh-ehh’TSCHHchsh! Huh-hhtschCHOO! Ehh-hetsch! Huh’kkitschh! Hih-itsschh-uh!” Finally, he burst quite suddenly into a fit of desperate-sounding sneezes, pitching forward into his hands cupped in his lap. He shivered. Icy gusts of wind aggravated his lungs, making him cough loudly and roughly. He wished he had thought to wear warmer pants, or pull on a hoodie under his coat. It was cold outside, colder than he’d remembered.

Deciding he was done for the moment, the sick Winchester stood up and went back to their room. He stared at the doorknob for a full ten seconds before he realized he didn’t have a key to get back in.

“Shit.” He whispered, trying the knob in vain. He checked the pockets of his coat for a lock pick, but he knew his kit was in the duffel with the rest of their supplies. He didn’t even have his cell phone to call the front desk.

He now faced a decision. Either walk through the pouring rain, all the way down to the lobby to get himself a new key, or simply wake up his brother. And deal with the repercussions.

He raised a tentative hand and knocked softly.

Inside the room, Dean stirred, bewildered. He began to cough, glancing in irritation at the door. Who the hell could be bothering them at 2 am? He looked over, and, upon seeing Sam’s empty bed, jolted up, fear, concern, and anger running through him immediately.

The door swung open and Dean’s sleepy, angry face appeared.

“Sam. What. The. Hell.” He growled huskily, gripping the doorway so hard his knuckles were white.

“S-sorry.” Sam mumbled. “I d-didn’t want to wake you. You’re s-sick and—“

“Dammit, Sam! You’re sick, too. Why the hell would you go outside in the cold? Are you trying to make yourself worse?” He grabbed his little brother by the arm and yanked him inside.

“No!” The younger one was indignant. “I d-didn’t want you to lose any sleep. You just need to get b-b-better. So I went outside. I swear, I was only out for like t-ten minutes.”

Dean glared, furious. “Get in bed. Now.”

Sam was quick to comply, feeling sheepish but stubborn. He had done the right thing. But, it had backfired.

Hih-hitsch-UH! Huhh’ETSCHshh! HatschSHUH!” He sneezed into his sleeve, hard.

“Sammy…” Dean’s anger was rapidly dissolving into pity and concern. “Sam, just—“ He sighed heavily. “Are you okay?”

Sam shivered, nodded. “M’fine, Dean. It’s just a cold, promise.”

“Doesn’t sound like a cold.”

Sam was trembling. His eyes were shining so brightly that Dean thought for a moment that he was crying. Then he realized.

“You’ve got a fever.”

“No, I’m cold.”

“No, you have a fever.” Dean pressed his hand to Sam’s forehead. “Yep, definitely a fever. Shit! You’re really warm!”

“I wish I was warm.” Sam curled up tighter, coughing into the sheets.

Dean couldn’t believe he was unobservant enough not to notice his brother’s fever. He strode over to the table where the medicine was, digging for a fever reducer, cough syrup, cold medicine, anything he saw that might help. He mentally kicked himself for letting it get this bad.

“Okay, Sammy. You’re gonna take this medicine, and then you’re going straight to sleep.”

“I don’t want to, Dean.” His younger brother muttered into his pillow.

“Why not?”

Sam answered under his breath, and the only word Dean caught was “nightmares”.

“Hey. I’ll be right here the whole time. You won’t have nightmares if I’m here, because I’ll shoot them before they even get close, got it?”

Sam nodded, smiling slightly before taking the medicine with a grimace.

Dean settled down in his own bed once more, taking some medicine himself, and pulling the blankets around him for warmth.

In moments, both Winchester brothers were sleeping soundly. Later, Dean would ensure that Sam was really on the mend, and Sam would ensure that Dean wasn’t prolonging his illness by constant worry. But for now, they slept.


We got some bad Sammy and some worried, angry Dean in here!

I guess since this wasn't like a PERFECT ending, I could write up a quick epilogue, but that's only if you guys want me to. Thank you all so much for reading, and especially replying to my story. You are all brilliant and I can't thank you enough! <3

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Ohohohohoho~ Oh dear, what do we have here~? This is getting good, but I'm glad Sammy didn't walk through the rain...we aren't that mean!! :D This was awesome!!!!

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Inside the room, Dean stirred, bewildered. He began to cough, glancing in irritation at the door. Who the hell could be bothering them at 2 am? He looked over, and, upon seeing Sam’s empty bed, jolted up, fear, concern, and anger running through him immediately.

The door swung open and Dean’s sleepy, angry face appeared.

“Sam. What. The. Hell.” He growled huskily, gripping the doorway so hard his knuckles were white.

“S-sorry.” Sam mumbled. “I d-didn’t want to wake you. You’re s-sick and—“

“Dammit, Sam! You’re sick, too. Why the hell would you go outside in the cold? Are you trying to make yourself worse?” He grabbed his little brother by the arm and yanked him inside.

^ That part up there was wonderful! and cute :D

(Oops, I feel weird for liking angry Dean and sick, considerate Sammy... ^^ )

And the ending was fine! :)

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It was lovely and your ending was fine, but I will never say no to more sick sammy.

^This, LOL. Zwee, you. Are. Awesome. Mmm, I love considerate Sammy and pissed off Dean. And then you made Sammy all feverish too! Have I mentioned your awesomeness yet? I have? Well, now I triple it. You are triple awesome. :heart:

BYE! :bleh:

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This is fantastic, the entire thing!!

Inside the room, Dean stirred, bewildered. He began to cough, glancing in irritation at the door. Who the hell could be bothering them at 2 am? He looked over, and, upon seeing Sam’s empty bed, jolted up, fear, concern, and anger running through him immediately.

The door swung open and Dean’s sleepy, angry face appeared.

“Sam. What. The. Hell.” He growled huskily, gripping the doorway so hard his knuckles were white.

“S-sorry.” Sam mumbled. “I d-didn’t want to wake you. You’re s-sick and—“

“Dammit, Sam! You’re sick, too. Why the hell would you go outside in the cold? Are you trying to make yourself worse?” He grabbed his little brother by the arm and yanked him inside.

^ That part up there was wonderful! and cute biggrin.png

(Oops, I feel weird for liking angry Dean and sick, considerate Sammy... ^^ )

And the ending was fine! smile.png

Also, I second all of this ^. I really liked the ending, but if you wanted to write an epilogue, I certainly won't object. :D

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So... this is my favourite bit. I love this bit. Sam all stubborn and sneezy and Dean just can't stay mad and Sam when he's all sick.

Dean glared, furious. “Get in bed. Now.” Sam was quick to comply, feeling sheepish but stubborn. He had done the right thing. But, it had backfired. “Hih-hitsch-UH! Huhh’ETSCHshh! HatschSHUH!” He sneezed into his sleeve, hard. “Sammy…” Dean’s anger was rapidly dissolving into pity and concern. “Sam, just—“ He sighed heavily. “Are you okay?”

And I LOVE the end. It WAS a perfect ending. I love Dean tucking them into bed, and having to take some of the medicine himself, and I love your last line it's so peaceful and tender and lovely. Definitely 5 stars for ths one. Thank you for sharing it!

Hmmm... now... giftfic... Any favourite scenarios? Or likes or dislikes that you want me to include/not include?

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@Akahana: No, I couldn't put him through that much misery! Plus I'd much rather have a worried, angry older brother give him a piece of his mind, until he realizes Sammy's too sick to continue. Thank you so much!

@calliecat23: Ahhh, thank you! That's okay... You aren't weirder than me, if I wrote it!

@ickydog2006: YOU'RE lovely. Thank you!

@VividBubbles!: Haha, thank you! Feverish is the BEST. :) Triple Awesome?? That's the best thing I've ever heard! Thank you!

@ElementsofGray: The entire thing? Thank you! I'm glad you liked the ending.

@iluvsneezes: Thank youuu. I'm in the process of writing an allergic Sam story, but it won't be nearly as long as this one was. I hope you like it!

@SexualOddity: 5 Stars?? That's amazing, thank you so much! Hee, that was my favorite bit to write, too. At least, for that chapter. So, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Hmmm... favorite scenarios? My favorite scenario is... everything you write. Seriously!

@27jaredjensen: Sneezy Sammy is the best. :)

Thank you all for your lovely comments! I'm happy you enjoyed my story, and I love all of you! Seeing as I've already come up with like 3 new ideas and have my hands full writing a new story as it is, I probably won't write up an epilogue. It seemed like you all liked the ending anyway. What's better than sick, sleeping Winchesters, pretty much at peace for the moment? Anyway, I hope you all have wonderful days! Thank you!

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