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@VividBubbles!: Oh my gosh thank you! Yes, snuggling... Hahaha, I love YOU for your reviews! <3

@mads3rv3r: "Buddy"-calling is my favorite! Especially because it works and is cute for either brother! And I'm a huge sucker for singing. It's a problem.

@The Sneezter: Don't worry! Sammy will catch it BADLY. And he'll be showing signs in the next chapter. You've been very patient!

@fraggle: Yay, thanks so much! Next part, here you go!

@sneezychick93: Thanks! Here's some more for you.

@LovelyLinda: YES Hey Jude. I'm in love. Thank you so much!

@ichixshiro: THANK YOU <3

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  • Zwee


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  • sneezychick93


Hello lovelies! I'm sorry to have kept you waiting! Take some Part 4, why don't you?

I actually did some hardcore research for this part. I was so proud, I felt they should recruit me. Or just send me an Impala already, jeez! I've been waiting a while! ;) (In my dreams.)


Sam woke up with a pain in his chest and a headache. Probably from sleeping all night with his head at a strange angle, he decided.

Dean sat up blearily when Sam pulled away, sneezing roughly into his cupped hands and groaning. “EhSCHCHOO! Dammit!”

“How you feeling?” Sam asked sympathetically, rubbing his chest and standing up.

“Sort of… shitty. But better than yesterday, so I guess that’s good.”

“That is good. You freaked me out last night.”

“Sorry.” Dean muttered.

Sam pulled on his coat. “I’ll get you some tea. After that, it’s research time.”

Dean grumbled something about not wanting tea, and Sam thought he could catch him mumbling about “only girls” drinking tea, but he couldn’t be sure.

“What? Did you say, make it a 20 ounce?” he grinned. Upon stepping outside, he let his face fall with exhaustion. His nose tickled from the cold air, and sneezed quite suddenly, only able to hastily throw up and elbow before it was upon him. “Kktschh-uh!” He sniffled, shook his head, and proceeded to the coffee shop.

When Sam came back, he found that Dean had actually pulled himself out of bed and gotten in the shower. He heard the distant strains of a hoarse-sounding rock ballad, which made him smile. He yelled in to his brother that the tea was on the table, and then got to work on his laptop.

Dean emerged a few minutes later, enveloped in a cloud of steam, already fully dressed, and toweling the top of his damp head.

“Hey,” Sam said quietly, clearing his throat. “So, I take it you’re feeling better, then?”

Dean grabbed his tea from the table, rubbing his nose. “I’m fine. EhhhEhhh’HuptSHAH! Ugh. Except for that.”

“Bless you.” Sam pushed a box of tissues across the table at his brother without looking up. “That tea will be hot.”

“Son of a bitch!” Dean winced hard, sputtering and coughing. Sam’s warning had come just a moment too late. He sank into a chair, sniffling.

Sam slipped some cough syrup out of the pharmacy bag and pushed that too at his brother, scrolling the screen with the other hand.

“Hey. I think… I think I’ve got something.”

Dean swallowed the medicine with a grimace and tried the tea again, rinsing the taste from his mouth. “What?”

“You know the legend of La Llorona?”

“No.” Dean said bluntly, pulling a tissue from the box to blow his nose.

“It’s a Latin American story, meant to warn kids away from the river. The most common version tells of a beautiful woman who drowns her children to be with her lover. When he rejects her, she’s cursed to wander the river for eternity, crying for her children. She can lure any kid by the water into its depths just like she did her own kids.”

“Sammy, these aren’t kids disappearing. They’re grown men. Huh’ESSCHH!

“Well, there are many different versions of the story. One says her children were murdered while she was away, and in her grief, she commits suicide. Another one,” Sam looked up at his brother, eyebrows raised, “says she found her husband was cheating on her, and out of pure rage, drowns her children so they will never feel the sorrows of life. After that, consumed with regret, she must search the river in vain for her kids, killing any unfaithful man that crosses her path.”

“Didn’t one of the guys… uh, Moss? Wasn’t he found dead in the river?”

“Yeah. I think we’re on to something.”

“Well, how do we ice her? If it’s a legend that crops up everywhere, there’s probably not a body to burn.”

“Well, the thing is, she’s not really a ghost. She’s a legend, which means I can kill her. I need a knife made from iron, and some salt to keep her contained. She may be solid, but she’s supposed to be a ghost, so I’m guessing salt will still work on her.”

“Whoa, whoa, not this again. Seriously, Sammy. I’m fine. You can’t do this without me!”

Sam rolled his eyes. “Dean, no. You were too sick to do interviews, there’s absolutely no way you’re hunting this thing. You’re like a liability at this point.”

You’re a liability.” He grumbled, before adding, “No way in hell I’m letting you hunt alone.”

“I’m not ten years old anymore, Dean. I can do this by myself.”

“Sam.” Dean’s slightly bloodshot eyes met his younger brother’s blue-green ones. “No. It’s too dangerous. If I’m not going, you’re not going.”

Sam heaved a sigh. “People are dying, Dean.”

“Then we’ll both go. I’ll let you do all the heavy lifting, I swear.” Dean grinned at him, eyes lighting up.

Sam couldn’t help a small smile. “Fine. But I’m serious. Go easy on yourself.”

“Oh yeah. So easy.” Dean had stood up, already halfway across the room to where he kept the weapons. He shrugged into his leather jacket and tossed Sam his coat with more enthusiasm than Sam had seen in days.

The younger Winchester merely rolled his eyes again, chuckling lightly.


<3! Have great days, everyone!

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A hunt you say? With a river nearby? And the hunt includes two sick, extremely hot Winchesters? Oh boys, you are in for a rough for hunt sure. :laugh: Love you lots, Zwee! :heart: Can't wait for the next part!

BYE! :bleh:

Edited by VividBubbles!
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Yup I was right. Definitely good. I am excited to see what will happen with this river. I agree with Bubbles! this is going to be a rough hunt.

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This is amazing. I'm never disappointed when there's sick Winchester boys involved. I just love how descriptive the sneezes are. Dean's able to let loose therefore they're a lot louder as opposed to Sam who doesn't want any attention on him so they're quieter. Thank you and please update soon! :D

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Your congested shower-singing Dean has definitely contributed to the goodness of my day! Thank you thank you!

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@VividBubbles!: Yes! All of those things! A rough hunt is right! <3 Thank you!

@Alexys52: Wow, thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying!

@Jamison Leigh: That's exactly what I was going for and how I pictured them, yes! Thanks!

@mads3rv3r: Yay! That's my ultimate mission! Thank YOU.

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Hi all! Have some wet brothers, some sneezy Sammy, some sneezy Dean, and a rough hunt! As promised:


It had begun to rain again. The squeaking of the windshield wipers erased any other sound in the car. The dark clouds cast a heavy shadow over everything, making the afternoon nearly as dark as nighttime.

Sam had insisted on driving, and forced his older brother into extra layers because of the weather. Now, as the torrential rain fell on them, cascading down the sides of the car, he wished he’d done the same. Dean hadn’t fixed the heater in the Impala from when it had broken down a few weeks previous, and the dampness of Sam’s clothes was making him shiver.

He twisted away suddenly, feeling the need to sneeze. “Huh’tschh!

Dean’s eyes moved immediately toward his brother, expression hardening. “Shit.”

Sam sighed. “I’m fine. I sneezed once. It’s cold.” He shifted in his seat, uncomfortable under Dean’s stern gaze. “Dean! Seriously.”

Dean glanced away, but his face remained the same.

Since when had Dean been this observant anyway?

A few minutes later, Sam was pulling up in a small empty lot beside the river. A few feet to their left was a ramp for boats, and a shallow area for swimming was open to their right.

“Alright, Sammy. Let’s kill this jealous bitch.”

Sam nodded, slipping a knife from his belt, seeing Dean do the same beside him. They each had guns filled with salt rounds as well, for precaution.

“She’ll be by the river. We’ll go over there, and I’ll summon her with this.” Sam produced a piece of crumpled paper from his pocket and a flashlight, frowning when the paper was soaked in minutes from the pouring rain. He began to read, barely stumbling through the words, thanks to his High School Spanish class.

In moments, the woman appeared. She wore a white dress with a ragged shawl, and her long black hair was woven in a braid, with loose strands hanging about her grief-stricken face.

Ay, mis hijos!” She wailed. “Mis hijos! Mis pobres hijos!

Her voice made the brothers’ blood run cold. As she turned on them, they froze, unable to move. Her dark eyes narrowed to slits, and she appeared immediately before them, arm outstretched.

Sam struggled to raise the knife, while Dean coughed harshly beside him. Sam felt a pang of guilt, this cold air was doing nothing for his brother’s health.

Aquí están mis hijos,” the Weeping Woman said, her voice icy, and gestured to the river. Suddenly, as if pushed by a freezing force, Sam and Dean were thrown toward the black, thrashing waters. They plunged into its depths, cold water assaulting their bodies upon impact.

Sam’s chest tightened, unable to move under the water. Dean kicked behind him, breaking surface and gasping. Sam stayed under, fighting against his stiff limbs to rise.

“Go to hell, bitch!” Dean hurled his knife at the evil figure, and she cried out, voice puncturing the night air like a frigid dagger. “Mis hijoooos!” She screamed, dissipating to nothingness.

The elder Winchester had reached the shore and pulled himself up, glancing behind him and saying hoarsely, “Sammy, you okay?”

No answer came.

Sammy!” Dean was back in the water within a millisecond, flailing around for his brother. He collided with something solid, and scrabbled around for fabric. He pulled with all his might, and Sam’s head surfaced.

The younger one coughed and spluttered, reaching out for Dean as he heaved in breaths and shivered more violently than Dean had ever seen.

Dean let out a string of curses. “You friggin’ scared me. I know you can swim, idiot.”

“I… c-c-can, it’s just… sh-sh-she wouldn’t l-let me.”

“Okay, okay. HHPSHHCHH! Ugh. Let’s get you out of this water.”

Sam nodded, arms shaking as he gripped the edge of the bank.

“Who the hell would ever want to swim here?” Dean was saying as he helped lift his brother out of the water.

“I’m sure it’s w-w-warmer in the s-summer. Hh-ktsch! Huh’atschsh!

Dean had found a towel in the trunk, and offered it to his younger brother, who shook his head stubbornly.

“You’re the one who’s s-sick.” He insisted, thrusting it back at Dean and climbing into the driver’s seat.

Dean let out a moan of protest, lamenting his baby’s precious leather seats.

“Oh, shut up. She’ll be f-fine.” Sam muttered. “I’m more worried about you. How’s your chest? All that c-c-c-cold air and r-r-river water can’t have d-done your cold any good.”

“I’m fine.” Dean said, although his voice wrecked, and the squeak was back.

When they reached the hotel room, they both needed showers and warm, dry clothes.

Dean was so exhausted that he barely protested when Sam made him warm up first. He really did feel awful. He had been improving that morning, but he should have known that a hunt and a dip in a subzero river was a bad idea.

He saved some hot water for Sam, and climbed out of the shower, wrapping up in a warm towel. As he dressed in the steamy bathroom, he could hear his little brother coughing hard outside, and winced.

“You alright there, Sammy?”

“I’m fine.” Sam replied as Dean emerged into the room.

“Well, you’re up next. Make sure to keep it room temp at first—“

“Dean. I know. Huh-huptschew! Hih’kitshchh!” He rubbed at his runny nose, grabbing a towel and a change of clothes. “You g-go straight to bed and warm up and sleep off your c-c-cold.” He said, feeling guilt pushing against his chest at the fact that he’d let his sick brother come with, only to be dunked in a freezing river.

When Sam had finished showering twenty minutes later, he came out to find Dean, huddled under the covers, sleeping soundly.

“Night, Dean.” Sam muttered, climbing under his own blankets. In moments, he was out as well.


Thank you all for your lovely reviews! In the next chapter, poor Sam will get hit hard! Yay! I mean... what?

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He twisted away suddenly, feeling the need to sneeze. “Huh’tschh!

Dean’s eyes moved immediately toward his brother, expression hardening. “Shit.

I laughed so very hard at this. :laugh:

So Sam's gonna get hit hard, huh? How wonderful! Oh, I mean terrible! Yeah, terrible. :heart:

Anyway, great story so far and I have a feeling it'll get even better. In the next update perhaps? ;)

BYE! :bleh:

P.S. WINCHESTER CONTAGION!!!!!! Sqeeeee!!!!......Sorry, I had to hold that back to write a comprehensible comment. :laugh:

BYE! Again. :bleh::bleh:

Edited by VividBubbles!
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@VividBubbles!: I can't even begin to tell you how flattered I am to be quoted! Winchester contagion is THE BEST. If by "better" you mean, Sam gets hit hard as promised, then, yes, I should hope so! Thank you!

@sneezychick93: Wow, thank you! Have some more, then!

@ickydog2006: How did you know brotherly snuggles were coming? <3

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Well, okay! Since it's my birthday, I figured I'd give you guys all a present for being so nice and amazing! I can't thank you enough for all your nice comments and just for reading! I hope you like it!


Forcing his eyes open felt like the hardest thing Sam had ever had to do. He blinked in the half-lit room, attempting to stop himself from sneezing as he searched around for a sense of the time of day, or, more accurately, night.

Dean slept on in the next bed, just a softly snoring lump of blankets. This was probably good, Sam decided. He needed to sleep off whatever this bug was, especially considering the activities they had gotten up to earlier.

Thinking about his dip in the river made Sam tremble. His chest ached, and he felt utterly exhausted. He knew he’d probably come down with what Dean had, and that swim hadn’t made things any better for him. He just hoped Dean would be unobservant enough to let Sam worry about only him for a little longer, at least until he was on the mend. His nose gave a sudden tickle, and he couldn’t stop a quick fit of sneezes that left him breathless. “Huptschh! Huh’ESCH’uh! Huh’hitchoo! Hht’ktschsh!

A groan came from his older brother’s bed, and the mound beneath the covers began to move. A slightly disheveled Dean poked his head out. “Sammy?” He asked hoarsely, squinting his eyes at his little brother.

Sam tried to answer, but his voice caught, and he began to cough hard, the sound echoing in his chest and around the room.

“Shit.” Dean mumbled, sitting up and repeating himself with more force. “Shit.

“What?” Sam sniffled, pawing at his pink nose with one hand, reaching over for some tissues with the other.

“Okay. My turn, I guess.”

Sam could only sit there, his head aching too much to try to make sense of what Dean was saying. “I don’t…”

“You’re sick, Sammy.” Dean cleared his throat. “So that means it’s my turn to look after your sorry ass until you get better.”

“I’m not—Hhh-tschoo! Uh.”

“You were saying?” Sam thought he caught a twinkle in his older brother’s eye as he swung his legs off the bed and padded over to the table for the cold supplies. “Here.”

Deeaann…” Sam’s voice was practically a whisper, but he still managed to moan at the idea of medicine.

“Hey. Shut up. You made me take them.”

“But I—“ Sam was coughing again, which allowed Dean to pour some cough syrup into a little plastic cup. By the time his little brother had recovered, Dean was able to force some down his throat, much to Sam’s dismay. He spluttered and glared and sniffled indignantly.

“Take the medicine, Bitch.” Dean tossed him some pills. He noticed Sam’s eyes had drifted out of focus and were welling up, and his chest rose and fell with little gasps, so he tossed his brother some tissues as an afterthought. Just in time too, as the younger one began sneezing as soon as his fingers grazed the top of one.

“J-jerk--Atschch’uh! Huptschoo! HuhETSCHhhuh! Hih-ihh-ihhtschsh! Huh’ktschh! Hht-KTSHH’uhh!

“Bless you. Jesus. It’s starting already.”

Tears were streaming down Sam’s cheeks as he recovered from the fit. A faint blush fanned over his cheeks from embarrassment. He scrunched his nose and sniffled. “Well, you should take some medicine too. You’re still not completely better.”

As if to prove his brother right, Dean’s energy abandoned him. His knees buckled, but he managed to make it on to his bed in a sitting position before he was left panting and coughing. “Yeah, fine, I’ll take some friggin’ medicine.” Dean grumbled irritably, holding his hand out so he could dose himself up as well.

Sam tossed the supplies onto his brother’s bed and shivered hard, sliding back under the blankets. All he really wanted was some tea to warm him, and to numb his horribly sore throat, but he couldn’t ask that of Dean. Not when Dean was feeling so poorly. He couldn’t seem to stop trembling, though.

“You cold?” Dean had noticed, evidently.

“Sorry, I just… c-can’t stop.” The younger Winchester had tucked his knees up, and was now curled up, looking more like a pitiful, shivering puppy by the minute. Just when Dean thought he couldn’t take the puppy eyes any longer, Sam actually whimpered. Dean was torn between feeling his heart being torn to shreds by sympathy, and bewilderment at the fact that his little brother had actually made such a sound.

“Okay, what do you need?”


“You’re shaking harder than you were last night, and you just whimpered. What do you need?”

“Huhh-kktchsh! Ugh. I’m fine. I j-just need… to get warm.”

Dean sighed. “Dammit, Sammy. Fine, come here.”


“Come here. It’s plenty warm.”

Sam brightened considerably, almost smiling as he sat up, sliding out of his bed. As soon as he stood, however, the room swam before his eyes, and darkness fringed his vision. It began closing in when he took a step forward, and he toppled onto the bed dizzily.

“Hey, hey, hey! Stay with me here, buddy. It’s warm in here, but I can’t pull you.”

Sam nodded, pushing himself up and slipping under the covers next to his brother. He curled up at first, but as the warmth washed over him, he felt himself relax considerably.

Dean smoothed strands of his baby brother’s hair away and sighed. This kid was a pain in the ass, but he loved him a lot.


Hope you guys liked it! Have a good day, for me! :D

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:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

BYE! :bleh:

P.S. Happy Birthday, Zwee! Hope you have a Supernaturally epic B-day! ;)

BYE! Again. :bleh: :bleh:

Edited by VividBubbles!
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Ok so OH MY GOODNESS! AWESOME!!!! Love this part so much! Poor Sammy aaevil.gif

Best Part!!!! Makes me so excited for more!!!

It’s starting already

Happy Birthday!

Edited by sneezychick93
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HOLY SHIT puppy Sammy is tearing MY heart to shreds!!! Poor baby~

Can't wait for more <333

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Sooooo awesome, I love it! dlfakjsdfkj blowup.gif I can't even form enough words, it's too late and you're too wonderful and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! heart.gifbiggrin.pngheart.gif

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I have all the love for this fic. All the love and then some. There is absolutely nothing better than two sick Winchesters.

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@VividBubbles!: THAT'S SO MANY HEARTS. I FEEL SO ACCOMPLISHED. Thank you for the birthday wishes!

@sneezychick93: Poor Sammy! I love to hear that! aaevil.gif It IS starting! Thank you!

@Akahana: I really enjoy writing puppy Sammy! Although I hope your heart is okay! Because there's more...

@ElementsofGray: Wow! I mean, the explosion says it all. Thank you so much!

@fraggle: There IS more to come. Two more chapters, possibly three!

@shygreeneyes: All the love and then some is SO much! Thank you a lot!

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Hi all! Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! You're so sweet and I love all of you!! I love you so much that I'm giving you another chapter!!



Dean woke with a start, sitting up quickly. He’d come to learn that Sam’s sneezing varied. Sometimes they were strong, painful-sounding ones that seemed to leach away all of his little brother’s energy in one fell swoop. These only occurred when he was sick. Most of the time, they were softer, and more polite. And, as much as Dean was embarrassed to admit, they were actually sort of cute. And by ‘cute’, of course he meant ‘annoying’.

HHPTCHUHhh! HUH’ETSCHH! Kttshch! Ahh’tschh!

For a moment, Dean couldn’t find the source of the noise. The place where Sam had slept that night lay empty, as did the other bed. His eyes roamed until they fell on his younger brother, leaning exhaustedly against the counter in the bathroom, door wide open, with a handful of toilet paper in his cupped hands as he braced himself for more sneezes.

Hitchoo. UhhhHhht’schhew. Ehh’etschoo! Kptschh! Heh’ETSCHhuh!

“Bless you.” Dean croaked, then cleared his throat. He noticed his brother was shivering. “Christ. You know, there are tissues over here.”

“No… I think you used the last of them.” He sniffled.

“You sound horrible.”

“So do you.” Sam said, grabbing the roll of toilet paper and taking it with him back to bed.

“I sound fine.” Dean retorted, rubbing his throat. The next thing he knew, however, he was bent with two, harsh sneezes, as if to remind him that he still wasn’t recovered. “HUTCHOO! Hh’TSCHH’choo!

Sam smiled sympathetically, climbing under the covers of his own bed and yanking them around himself to bring him warmth. He coughed hard into his cupped hands and moaned, massaging his throat.

Dean looked over to see that his little brother had curled around the roll of toilet paper, clutching it with one hand, rubbing at his irritated, runny nose with the other. He chuckled lightly. “What are you doing with that toilet paper? Snuggling with it?”

Sam’s eyes fluttered open, glancing over at his beloved roll and then back at his brother. “No. I’m just… keeping it. I’m gonna need it later, and there aren’t any tissues left.” He nuzzled it a little, pouting.

Dean sighed, then swung his legs out of bed. He slowly changed into jeans and pulled on multiple jackets, then grabbed his keys.

“Where are you going?” Sam sounded pitiful, his lonely, feverish eyes shining up at his older brother upon this sudden abandonment.

“I’m going to get you some tissues, Sammy.” Dean answered, suppressing a smirk.

“Oh! Really? Thanks, Dean.”

“You’re welcome. Get some sleep.”

By the time Dean returned, Sam was sound asleep under his mountain of covers. The roll of toilet paper was empty, and crumpled toilet paper littered the floor around the overflowing wastebasket. At least he’d made an attempt to aim, Dean mused. He pulled the empty cylinder out of his little brother’s grasp and replaced it with the box of tissues.

Sam gave a contented sigh and nestled his face into the top tissue, still asleep.

Dean snorted, gave the top of Sam’s hair a rustle, and felt his forehead.

Satisfied that all was fine for the moment, Dean retired to his own bed, taking a dose of medicine to make Sam happy.

The younger one stirred, sniffling, and moved his head upward, mouth falling open just a little as he slept.

Dean decided he could risk some TV while Sam was out, and retrieved the remote from the depths of his covers where he’d stashed it earlier that week while he’d been confined to his bed.

As soon as the slightly fuzzy picture appeared on the tiny screen, Dean pressed the mute button.

“… haven’t explained what the hell Dr. Swan’s lace intimates were doing in the on-call room either!

“Shit!” Dean’s exclamation was far louder than the sound on the T.V., and Sam jerked awake with a small sound of protest.

Huh? Dean—?”

“Shit.” Dean repeated, slightly softer this time. “Sorry, Sammy. I guess the mute button’s broken on this stupid remote.”

Sam tried to answer, but his sick, husky reply was interrupted by the sound of a deep voice coming from the television.

Please, Dr. Piccolo. I’m about to save this young boy’s life. If you can’t control yourself, I’ll have to ask you to leave the O.R.

Dean was hastily turning down the volume, trying to prevent his brother from hearing anything else.

Sam gave a sleepy laugh, which turned into several coughs. “Dean, why were Dr. Swan’s ‘lace intimates’ in the on-call room? You must have seen the previous episode. Hh-hh-hhtschoo! Hut’SHHhhew! Don’t leave me in suspense!” He smirked.

“Shut up.” Dean could feel himself getting red. “I’ve only seen like two episodes.”

Sam chuckled some more, but the nasty cough was back and kicking, and Dean was eager to change the subject.

“When was the last time you took something for that?”

Sam groaned. “Dean, seriously.” His breath was hitching again, and he grabbed a tissue just in time to catch four shuddering sneezes into it. “Hhp’TCHUH! Huh-huh-huh-ETSCHHOO! Hup’CHUH! Huhhh-ESSCHH-ew!” As soon as he finished, he began coughing again, the sound chesty and harsh.

Dean realized he was chewing the inside of his lip a little in concern. “That sounds really bad, Sam.”

“S’fine.” Sam sniffled. “I’ll survive.”

“You’d better.” Dean switched channels, finding a soccer game to please his brother.

Sam seemed to perk up a little at this, even smiling a bit when his team scored a goal. After a few minutes, he was out once more, head half-buried in his pillow, his brand new tissue box tucked under an arm.


Good old Dr. Sexy! <3 Hope you all enjoyed this part!

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I LOVED this. I keep meaning to actually properly sit down and write a decent comment for this cos I love it so much and I want to give you ALL the feedback, but then there's always MORE (although obviously this is a good thing, lol).

I'm gonna try leave a proper comment tonight, I'm gonna make notes and everything so that I can properly tell you how awesome you are.

I'm such a geek.

Happy birthday for the other day, hope you had a great time. (Blatently inspired by IckyDog but...) would you like a giftfic?

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So... I don’t think I’ve done this on the here before, so perhaps I should probably explain that sometimes I get really excited and feel the need to trawl through a fic and tell you EVERYSINGLETHING I like about it. And I’m reallly excited by this fic.

1. I love that before anything is even said, Sam is noticing symptoms and planning out getting supplies for Dean. He’s not gonna make a big deal out of it, but he’s got Dean’s back.

2. I like grumpysickDean.

3. I like taking-matters-into-his-own-hands-business-like-Sammy.

4. The squeak. Hee!

5. “Whoa, whoa. When you go interview people? What am I gonna do, knit?” Haha! Love this. So very Dean.

6. Sleep-deprived Sammy. And the delightful effects that that will have on his immune system.

7. Soaking Sammy. See point six.

8. Sam going to BED soaking. Even better.

9. Bossy-sick Dean.

10. Sam in the BAD WEATHER. (You may begin to notice a theme here. You wound me up a little there with all the lovely anticipation)

11. Plotplotplotplotplot. I LOVE plotfic. *Dances*

12. “Gesundheit. You been taking medicine?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Dean snorted.”

Again, OH SO Dean. I love the way you capture the banter

“I’ll be back in a minute. I think the cheating thing is more of a lead than Millie would have been, anyway.”

13. Sam is soaked again. Yep. You do all the things to me.

14. ‘“Lay here now.” He looked so pitiful, that Sam had to comply. “Now sing Hey Jude like Mom would.”’

AWWWW! And also.., good choice, Mary.

15. ‘Sighing, Sam cleared his throat and began the song.’

This maybe wasn’t meant to be anything. But I noticed it. Yes I did.

16. ‘Sam woke up with a pain in his chest and a headache. Probably from sleeping all night with his head at a strange angle, he decided.’

Oh you tease! I must admit, I love the first-first-first symptoms of a cold. And you REALLY new how to drip feed it and make me want mooooore!

17. “Sort of… shitty.”

There’s something so hot about Dean admitting that he doesn’t feel well.

18. “What? Did you say, make it a 20 ounce?”

Ahhh the banter! You’re so good at it!

19. Sam’s little sneeze when he steps outside. Oh, the anticipation!

20. “He heard the distant strains of a hoarse-sounding rock ballad, which made him smile.”

N’awwww! Bless!

21. “I’ll let you do all the heavy lifting, I swear.”

DEEEEEEEEAN! You are so good at their dialogue.

22. Dean all excited to be going on the hunt! Aww!

23. ColdSammy. I want to bundle him up.

24. Sam’s sneeze in the car and Dean worrying. And Sam denying it! All so wonderful!

25. I love SpanishspeakingSammy. Yay.

26. Doesn’t even need saying really but SICK BOYS IN THE COLD AND THE WET!

27. SickSam insisting that SickDean take the towel. Eeeeee!

28. The squeak! It’s back.

29. In a similar point to #29. SickSam making SickDean warm up fiiiiirst!

30. Sam blinking to try not to sneeze! That’s one of my favourite things!

31. “Bless you. Jesus. It’s starting already.”




34. “Dean woke with a start, sitting up quickly. He’d come to learn that Sam’s sneezing varied. Sometimes they were strong, painful-sounding ones that seemed to leach away all of his little brother’s energy in one fell swoop. These only occurred when he was sick. Most of the time, they were softer, and more polite. And, as much as Dean was embarrassed to admit, they were actually sort of cute. And by ‘cute’, of course he meant ‘annoying’.”

Analysis of Sam’s sneezing? Oh yes, please!

35. “leaning exhaustedly against the counter in the bathroom, door wide open, with a handful of toilet paper in his cupped hands as he braced himself for more sneezes.”

THIS image. Ugh!

36. Sam is soooo sneezy. And it’s such a bad cold. And you are so awesome.


38. Sammy taking the toilet roll to bed and cuddling it. YES.

“You sound horrible.”

“ I’m gonna need it later, and there aren’t any tissues left.”


39. The image of all the used up toilet roll and Sam still holding the roll. AWW!

40. Sneezy-sick-teasing Sam!

41. SoccerSam reference!

YOU ARE AMAZING. So, so glad you decided to start writing! :D

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Jeez Oddity! Well, I guess all I can say is ditto! I also enjoy the banter, and the no tissues, and the sneeze analyzing, and especially the cuddling toilet paper Sammy! I mean, he nuzzled it! That is seriously like my favorite word EVER! More more more! Please and thank you! ;)

BYE! :bleh:

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I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! such a good chapter. I absolutely love sickly Sam. I'm actually getting ready to start watching the show from the beginning because of fan fictions like yours! Amazing job!

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