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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Homesick (Rocky Horror fan fic)


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So, I haven't written anything for myself for a long time. This summer I've decided to do it again, because my Croatian teacher told me that I have to write during the summer. It took me only a day to write this, which means quality probably isn't something.

But anyway, PLEASE review this. I would rather read: "Oh my God, what a piece of shit!" that stare at a blank page.

It refers to my favorite movie, and it has some connections with Revenge of The Old Queen (the script for never made Rocky sequel) and a bit with prisma's fic More Than Sniffles (love it too much to stay away from it).

P.S. Prisma, sorry about this. I will give you my address in inbox in case you want to murder me. :)

And guys, sorry about any grammar mistakes, I am not a native speaker & and I was too tired to do the spellcheck.


“Magenta, will you polish my nails, please?“ Columbia asked. It was still very early and the Moon was spreading kinda eerie lighting all around their bedroom, but as Magenta was looking at some photo, Columbia knew she was awake. Magenta put the photo in a drawer in her night table, stood up, turned on the light and took a red nailpolish , all that without saying a single word. She learnt something from being Frank’s servant: people usually don’t want to know what’s on your mind, doesn’t matter if it is something smart or totally stupid. She sat back down and tapped couple of times next to the place where she sat with her hand, showing Columbia where to sit. As Columbia sat down, Magenta started to polish her nails.

Columbia was also very quiet. She was worried about something. Frank didn’t seem to like her “skills”, although she was really trying. He was a sort of alien Holy Grail to her, while she was…well, just… a human. Last night he started talking about making of artificially made man. What if he got bored with her? She didn’t want to be replaced with some biochemical experiment, she loved Frank too much. Just thinking about that made her nervous. She moved her hand fast, forgetting Magenta was doing her nails. Magenta just sighed, took nail polish remover and a tissue and fixed Columbia’s nails. That is one more thing she learnt with Frank: to be patient.

“Here”, Magenta said blowing on Columbia’s nails softly. Then she stood up and took a mop: she wanted to start early today, to spend some time with Riff afterwards.

Columbia decided to check if Frank was awake. She was wearing only her undies, since it was quite hot. She smiled to herself; maybe she will get lucky.

Well, she didn’t. First she just listened, trying to realize was he sleeping or not. As nothing could be heard from his room she knocked quietly. Then a bit louder.

She decided to risk and open the door. As she turned on the light, Frank sneezed. “Haa-shoo!” Columbia quickly apologized: “Oh, sorry Frankie! Bless you.” He looked at her: “Turn…off…that…dadb… light.” Columbia noticed his eyes were watery and he was congested. She quickly did what he asked her. This was all very weird, he never seemed as a photic. Frank blew his nose and sniffed. “Do you really have to be here?” he asked rudely. Columbia felt sorry for him. “I am really, really sorry. I just wanted to check are you awake,” she said, sitting on the other side of his bed. Frank definitely didn’t feel like chatting with her: “I guess you got I ab by dow. Why dod’t you just go away dow?” Columbia rolled her eyes: “Okay, I’m leaving.”

Frank grabbed her hand: “Wait. Dod’t go.” Columbia really didn’t know what’s wrong with him. She laid next to him and touched his forehead. “Frankie… you’re hot”, she said. “Thadk you very buch”, he said sarcastically. Columbia sighed: ”No, really! I think you have a fever. How could this happen? You were good yesterday.” Oh yes, he was GOOD yesterday. He was good indeed. J

She kissed his nose, causing him sneeze twice more: “Hee-shoo! Ishoo!”

He kept coughing and blowing his nose. It was unbelieveble who miserable he was. Columbia hugged him, letting him to lay his head on her chest. She sobbed every now and then: “Frankie. Oh Frankie…” Frank looked at her: “Will you please shut up? It addoys be. “ “Wow. This was… insulting”, Columbia thought. But she didn’t blame him. He had to be exhausted and she knew her voice isn’t very comfortable. So she decided to be quiet. The problem was, she didn’t know how did he get ill. No one actually was recently and last time he was out was two weeks ago (shopping). “He is a bit under the weather, that’s all”, Columbia thought.

Frank sneezed three times, all over her nude stomach (and breasts, but she had a bra).

“Sweet lord”, she thought. She stretched to get him a tissue, but the box was empty. “Frankie, excuse me, but I got to try to find more tissues.” She let him out of her hug gently. Frank’s throat was too sore to answer. He just tried to fall asleep. “Descartes is dead. Einstein is dead. Archimedes is dead. Tesla is dead. And today I don’t feel well…” he thought. It seemed hard to kill that man’s vanity.

Oh, by the way, there were no tissues in a bathroom. Columbia then almost clapped when she remembered those which Magenta used to remove her nailpolish.

She entered the room and looked into Magenta’s drawer. She knew what was she looking for, but something else caught her attention. It was a photo. Columbia thought it was the most beautiful picture she has ever seen. Much prettier than that scary farmer picture at the ground floor. Or the blue Mona Lisa replica. It was a photo of two kids making sandcastles. But it wasn’t the thing that caught Columbia’s attention (she hardly even noticed them) It was the Moon. Moon which seemed shinier and bigger then the one she sees almost every night. It was literally trowing around its beautiful silver light. The picture looked old, briefly 20 years because it had that marvelous old smell and it was a bit yellowish on the other side. But that was impossible, because the photo had quite a modern color spectre.

She heard Frank weakly calling her name, so she put the picture in her bra, grabbed the tissues and ran into Frank’s room.

She gave him a tissue, then hugged him again and then they both fell asleep.

Next morning Frank didn’t seem to be better. He had a runny nose, suffered from sneezing and coughing fits all the time, his throat was sore and his head was splitting..

“Oh, god… Ha-eshoo!... Ishoo! Haa-sho! Hashoo! Shoo!”

“Bless you, Frankie”, said Columbia. She was dead tired, she didn’t take shower since yesterday and she was worried. Were Riff Raff and Magenta trying to poison him again?

He blew his nose. Tissue was soaked with sticky green goo. It looked absolutely gross. But Columbia remembered one thing her mother told her once, and, at least in her case, it was always true. You can judge is the illness caused by virus or bacteria exactly by that color. If that is so, than usual antibiotics should help. She rushed to the bathroom, opened the cupboard and took the “magic bottle”. She took the spoon which was packed with the bottle, filled it with the medicine and gave it to Frank. “Are those…” he started, but Columbia said: “Shut up and drink.” He felt too weak, so he did what she said.

Soon Frank felt much better. Those were the strong ones. He should drink the syrup for the next four days. At least that was written on the medication. In the afternoon he took one used tissue out of the trashcan and went to the lab. “What are you doing?” Columbia asked, but he didn’t answer. He came back after one hour, looking pale. “I will kill that little bitch.”

“What?” Columbia asked. Frank replied: “Magenta. The bacterias were transported from Transexual. Now leave me alone.” Columbia was shocked. She watched him lying down on bed. And then she rushed downstairs.

Magenta was cleaning the kitchen floor. Her back hurt like hell. “Soon, it will be over”, she was calming herself down: “We will go back home.” She didn’t understand how did their mission to find life on Earth turned to the new era of slavery. Little prince wanted to find life on this shitty planet. Mummy gave him a general and his sister to follow him. That’s what her brother was! A general! Not a servant!

She looked up as Columbia ran in, catching the breath. “H-h-ow could you?” she accused her.

Magenta asked: “What?” Columbia was merciless: “Don’t play tricks. You tried to kill him. But he is good now, thanks to me.” Magenta was dead serious by now: ”He is good?” Columbia said: “Yes, he is.” Magenta looked on a side: “You don’t understand”, she whispered, “You don’t understand.” Columbia looked at her, realizing that she is fighting against tears.

Magenta ran to the bedroom and Columbia followed her. She didn’t want her to escape. As she was in a room, Magenta started to look for something in the drawer. She trew on the floor half of the things which used to be in there. “Where is the photo?” she asked. Columbia got the photo out of her bra. “Looking for this?” she asked. Magenta took photo from her. She put the finger on the spot between two kids. “THIS! I didn’t plan to kill that son of a bitch. I wanted him to came back home to look for the medicine. I don’t get horny because he is coughing his spirit out! I WANT TO COME BACK HERE! I WANT TO BE HAPPY! NO ONE EVER HIT ME THERE! I FELT I WAS LOVED!” Columbia was shocked. It was like she turned into a stone, she just couldn’t move. She was staring at the kids. She watched at that beautiful Moon a lot recently, and she never noticed how wild, red hair had that tiny girl. Or how thin was the blond boy. She looked back at Magenta. By now she cried helplessly, sobbing. The two little streams of her tears, black from her makeup, were flowing down her pale cheeks. Riff Raff probably heard her crying, because he came and hugged her. She was shaking in his lap. Riff was talking to her. Stuff like that they are going to find the way to come back. But he sounded the way that sounds mother of a child with cancer, telling her kid that everything will be fine; he sounded like a person who doesn’t believe in the words he is saying.

It took about an hour for Magenta to calm down. She fixed her make up and knocked on the door of Frank’s bedroom. Door opened. Frank was standing there with whip in his hand. Magenta entered the room. Only heavy breathing when the whip hit could be heard. No crying, no sobbing, no begging for mercy. It was Riff’s turn to cry this time.

Columbia couldn’t say a word. For the first time, she was terrified of Frank.

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I cant believe you wrote a rhps fan fic. and it only took 13 years!!! HA Thank you!

also thank you for likeing mine so much! there is another fetish rhps fic written on tatotgals site. called rocky horror part 2 i think. check it out

Edited by prisma
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I cant believe you wrote a rhps fan fic. and it only took 13 years!!! HA Thank you!

also thank you for likeing mine so much! there is another fetish rhps fic written on tatotgals site. called rocky horror part 2 i think. check it out

No, thank YOU!

About an hour after posting something up on Internet I always get that "Oh God, why I posted this stupid shit" feeling, which still didn't vanish. So when I saw you commented I burried my face in towel and whispered: "I am not here!"

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  • 4 months later...

I cant believe you wrote a rhps fan fic. and it only took 13 years!!! HA Thank you!

also thank you for likeing mine so much! there is another fetish rhps fic written on tatotgals site. called rocky horror part 2 i think. check it out

No, thank YOU!

About an hour after posting something up on Internet I always get that "Oh God, why I posted this stupid shit" feeling, which still didn't vanish. So when I saw you commented I burried my face in towel and whispered: "I am not here!"

Loca, this is in no way, shape, or form shit! Its amazing!!! And the potion thing...sounds familiar! Perhaps we could co-write, adding in Althea from my story to your plot?

And also I started an RP forum called "Open RP forum!" Original eh? :lmao: it's in General Discussion. Hope to see you there!

:heart: H

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And the potion thing...sounds familiar!

Hey, hey, hey- don't accuse me for copying you! :P Because, as far as I know, I have posted this in July, and you published yours in August... :rolleyes:

Nah, I am messing a bit with you. If you ever wish to co-write with me, I'll be around.

And I have been writing another little fic which I will maybe post. Maybe. Maybe.

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And the potion thing...sounds familiar!

Hey, hey, hey- don't accuse me for copying you! :P Because, as far as I know, I have posted this in July, and you published yours in August... :rolleyes:

Nah, I am messing a bit with you. If you ever wish to co-write with me, I'll be around.

And I have been writing another little fic which I will maybe post. Maybe. Maybe.

I wasnt! I totally wasnt accusing you of copying. I just noticed it. :heart:

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