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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Avengers Fic - Tony/Steve - Untitled


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WOAAAAAAAAAAAAH! HOW did I not see this sooner?!

*huggles fic* OMG I LOVE the premise~.. FANTASTIC idea <3

Light S&M stuff is always a good time >w>

*points finger to the heavens* GENIUS, Bittersweet, GENIUS I SAY~! <3

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...Oh my oh my~ I usually avoid all the stories with sneeze kink characters but now I just thought that what the hell, lets give it a try... And gosh. It really, really was worth it. u___u~<3 I LOVE this fic. Love it. Where's more? xD ...for some reason I got this weird feeling that I should try drawing the second chapter of this. xD LoL I dunnooooo Hmmmmmmn, RP? Guh, I'd love to find you in Omegle for that reason but... yeah. I don't think I'd even had the time, LoL. Maybe I would have. But hey, if you don't find RPing so that the other character is some random OC, male or female, human or some random humanoid, please, let me know? xD

ASDFGHJKLASDFFFFFFFFFFF. -FLAIL- You really want to draw stuff for this? You have permission. All kinds of permission. Ever. If you do, I'll love you forever.


So, here you go, guys. I'm sorry it's kind of short, it was slightly rushed because you all seem to be really enjoying this little fic. Also, it was influenced by a lovely RP I had going on, and wish to continue. I won't point out who it was, because I don't know if they'd be super comfortable with it. The beginning is slightly descriptive. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Also, still no beta. Alrighty, I think that's it.


Steve's chest rises and falls gently as he sleeps, slight flush high on his cheeks. Tony looks on at him, a gentle smile playing at his lips as he pushes his fingers through blonde locks. Steve's breathing through his mouth, and has been for a while, the amount of snot in his nose stopping him from breathing properly. Tony considers waking him so he can blow his nose and breathe again, but part of him finds finds Steve too adorable like this. A smaller part of him tells him to wake him up, he sounds like he's going to drown in that ocean of mucus, for Christ's sake. The biggest part of him, though, finds itself scraping his fingernail against Steve's septum.

Steve scrunches up his face in his sleep, giving sleepy a “Mmnnh,” in protest. Tony grins and gently traces the arch of Steve's left nostril, down, then up his septum, and then the arch of his right nostril. Steve's eyes flutter open, and then to half-mast as a tickle materializes in his sinuses. “Heh-eehh...” Tony felt the heat and tingles fill the pit of his stomach, and hums a husky,

“Good morning.” Tony backs off after he blows a stream of steady air onto Steve's nose, assuming he didn't need any more coaxing. Steve's nostrils flare under Tony's breath, and but the tickle doesn't budge, and Steve's just left with hitching breaths and then nothing.

“Id's stugk,” Steve says, congested, and rubs fiercely at the underside of his nose with the heel of his palm, groaning. “Thangs so buch.”

“Heh,” Tony laughs, grinning. “I could fix that for you,” he says, and straddles his lover.

“Tody, I jusd wogk up,” Steve says, flinching at how he sounds. But Tony's mind is completely blown at how sexy and attractive it is for Steve to say his name like that. He fumbles for the tissue box next to the bed, eyes latched with Steve's pink nose, hands the slightest bit shaky.

Tony eventually gets a handful of tissues in his grip, and folds them around Steve's nose. “Blow,” he commands, lips at Steve's ear, then latches his teeth onto his earlobe tightly. Steve gasps lightly, eyes fluttering shut at the sensation, and hesitantly complies, filling the tissue with a warm rush of air and snot. They repeat the process again, and Steve's voice is finally clear.

He sighs, and says, “Thanks. I don't have to sneeze anymore.”

Tony grins. “Now that just will not do, will it?” He tosses the used tissues off of the bed, uncaring as to where the trash bin was. Steve sighs.

Apparently not, he thinks, but goes along with it, watching as Tony plucks a tissue from the box and twists it around. “Tony, what're you--”

“Shush,” Tony murmurs as he tilts Steve's head back, slowly inserting the twisted tissue into his nose. Air hisses through the soldier's teeth, the sensation supremely unfamiliar. “Relax,” he hums into the blonde's ear, and pushes it in a bit further, tickling the walls of Steve's nose.

A-ahhh--!” Steve's back arches up and off of the bed slightly, and he grips Tony's hip tightly.

“Relax, tiger,” Tony says again, then slowly twists and wiggles the inducing tool inside of Steve's nose, and runs his fingernail around his other damp nostril, the arousal hot and heavy in his nether regions.

Steve's breath hitches slowly, and Tony twirls the tissue inside Steve's nose encouragingly. Tony's never felt this excited, this turned on, and the sneeze seems to be taking a while, driving him absolutely mad. Finally, though, Steve's sinuses release an entire fit.

Iiihhh... Hehh... Heh'tch...sheew! Hehh... Ep'tchuu! Heh'shew! Ah'tchoo! Ehh-SHEW!” Spray settles on Tony's bare abdomen, and all the way up his right arm. He removes the tissue and throws it to the side carelessly.

Shit,” he moans in Steve's ear, then buries his face in the other man's neck, biting the tender skin there until Steve lets out his own moan, slightly breathless from the fit. “I love you so much right now,” Tony tells him.

“I love you, too, Tony,” Steve whispers, and brings his hand up to pet the other's dark brown locks, smiling.


By the way you guys, I'm still on Omegle under those tags.

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Holy freaking Moly I LOVE THIS. SO MUCH, IT'S NOT EVEN THE SLIGHTEST BIT FUNNY YET I'M GIGLLING LIKE A FANGIRL (which, coincedentally I am but, nevermind that).

Steve scrunches up his face in his sleep, giving sleepy a “Mmnnh,” in protest. Tony grins and gently traces the arch of Steve's left nostril, down, then up his septum, and then the arch of his right nostril. Steve's eyes flutter open, and then to half-mast as a tickle materializes in his sinuses. “Heh-eehh...” Tony felt the heat and tingles fill the pit of his stomach, and hums a husky, “Good morning.” Tony backs off after he blows a stream of steady air onto Steve's nose, assuming he didn't need any more coaxing. Steve's nostrils flare under Tony's breath, and but the tickle doesn't budge, and Steve's just left with hitching breaths and then nothing.
Holy CRAP that is hot. Tony is so, so naughty in the morning, isn't he? >:)
Apparently not, he thinks, but goes along with it, watching as Tony plucks a tissue from the box and twists it around. “Tony, what're you--” “Shush,” Tony murmurs as he tilts Steve's head back, slowly inserting the twisted tissue into his nose. Air hisses through the soldier's teeth, the sensation supremely unfamiliar. “Relax,” he hums into the blonde's ear, and pushes it in a bit further, tickling the walls of Steve's nose. “A-ahhh--!” Steve's back arches up and off of the bed slightly, and he grips Tony's hip tightly. “Relax, tiger,” Tony says again, then slowly twists and wiggles the inducing tool inside of Steve's nose, and runs his fingernail around his other damp nostril, the arousal hot and heavy in his nether regions.
OHGODOHGODOHGODOHGODOHGOD!!! You are my hero right now. This is absolutely amazing. Keep it up! :) Btw, im finally on Omegle lol. Edited by Grey on a Sunday
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OMG! *puts hand over heart* I came back from a whole week of camping and found an update and an ADORABLE picture and just freaked! Dude, this is just awesome and I love that "Tody" part with Steve and the stuffie talk and just


MOAR! :heart:

bye. :bleh:

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OMG! *puts hand over heart* I came back from a whole week of camping and found an update and an ADORABLE picture and just freaked! Dude, this is just awesome and I love that "Tody" part with Steve and the stuffie talk and just


MOAR! heart.gif

bye. bleh.gif

Aw, shucks, you're the best. <3 If you haven't seen it, I put up a drabble on the collab thread, it's more sneezekink!Tony with sneezy!Steve. But my computer spazzeed so it's in really small letters.

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Oh my gosh, I just found this and I'm HOOKED!!

Seriously, I love every bit of it!!

You write Tony (and Steve) soooo well, I feel so spoiled *_*

Thank you so much for writing <3 <3

You know what? You're AWESOME!

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Oh my gosh, I just found this and I'm HOOKED!!

Seriously, I love every bit of it!!

You write Tony (and Steve) soooo well, I feel so spoiled *_*

Thank you so much for writing <3 <3

You know what? You're AWESOME!

Awh, thanks! Maybe I'll spoil you some more when my muse comes back, huh? And thank you, you're awesome!

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ALSO, I am still on Omegle under these same tags:

  • Sick!Steve
  • Sneezekink!Tony
  • SFF
  • The Forum
  • xXBittersweet LoverXx

BUT, I will also play Bruce if you'd rather RP ScienceBoyfriends, 'cause I'm a multishipper. <3

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

My this was juicy! :drool:

I'm on Omegle too kekekeke :) i am in LOVE with Sick!Loki and also love to RP so let me know Bittersweet if you want to RP with me

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uhoh.gif Woah... So awesome! And now I'm just tempted to find you on omegle! Curses because I cannot play Steve or Tony to save my life. I'll practice then try to find you! *runs off to my friend for help*
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uhoh.gif Woah... So awesome! And now I'm just tempted to find you on omegle! Curses because I cannot play Steve or Tony to save my life. I'll practice then try to find you! *runs off to my friend for help*

Oooh I hope you're talking to me because I love Steve AND Tony..... :)

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uhoh.gif Woah... So awesome! And now I'm just tempted to find you on omegle! Curses because I cannot play Steve or Tony to save my life. I'll practice then try to find you! *runs off to my friend for help*

Oooh I hope you're talking to me because I love Steve AND Tony..... :)

Urgh, freaking of course i have to have this happen right after i get all excited to do some boss Sick!Loki

I had a rather interesting (bad) experience today in which a stranger asked me the Question of Death: "asl." Needless to say I will no longer use Omegle.

Not that anyone cares, but sorry.

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With the right tags, and you guys on at the same time, you shouldn't run into that dreaded question. Uuuugh.

Still though... *curls up safe under Doctor Who blanket* :scared:

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  • 1 month later...

uhoh.gif Woah... So awesome! And now I'm just tempted to find you on omegle! Curses because I cannot play Steve or Tony to save my life. I'll practice then try to find you! *runs off to my friend for help*

Oooh I hope you're talking to me because I love Steve AND Tony..... smile.png

Yes, hello... I've practiced... So um I'll put in my username and your username into Omegle some time watsup.gif I also have The Form on there

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