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Avengers Fic - Tony/Steve - Untitled


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Sneezekink!Tony Stark/Sick!Sneezy!Steve Rogers


So, this is my first shot at these two, besides my endless Omegle RPs. I really hope I got everything right. It's shown in here that Steve also has a little kink of his own, but that won't be messed with too much. Tell me what you think, or if I should continue. No sneezing yet, just setting things up with this part. There'll be inducing and other little fun things after Steve figures out that it wasn't just a science experiment, and somewhat of a sexual favor for Tony. An established relationship, sad attempts at Tony's character, and love for these two will be found here.




I also have no beta. My apologies.


Steve doesn't know why he even agreed to do this for Tony, and 'because he loves him' is so far off right now, because it's hard to feel very loving towards him as he pokes and prods him with all of his (Bruce's) medical toys, cold and hard against his bare skin. Tony mumbles different things as he scribbles notes down. “Alright,” Tony says, and grins up at him, pecking his lips lightly, bouncing on the balls of his feet excitedly. He grabs a container and shakes it up, asking Steve, “You sure? 'Cause I'm sure that it'll suck being sick for the first time since the Serum, bud.”

“Yeah, Tony, you said it was an experiment, right? I like to help you with your science stuff,” Steve answers, shrugging.

Tony grins, and tells him, “Alright, you agreed. Did it to yourself,” he says as he steps closer, and puts a hand to his cheek. “Tilt your head back. It'll feel weird, but remember to sniff, okay?” Steve nods, and does as he's told. Tony gives him a soft kiss on his cheek as he inserts the little nozzle inside Steve's nostril, and caresses the side of his face. The Super Soldier makes a sound of discomfort as the cold, purposefully-mutated string of rhinovirus is sprayed inside of his nose. Tony removes the nozzle and Steve sniffs, hard. They repeat the process with the other nostril, and Steve sniffs again, frowning.

“You're pretty screwed now, babe,” Tony says, washing his hands in the lab sink. He looks over to Steve. “You, uh, got some,” he tells him, motioning just underneath his nose.

Steve frowns again, giving a long, hard pull, the trail of the virus disappearing. “Tony,” he starts, “You better hope nobody wants to cause trouble while I'm out of commission,” he says, almost huffily.

“I will personally make sure nobody ruins my fun,” Tony deadpans, completely serious.

“Only you would think that giving somebody a cold is fun, Tony.”

“It's science, Steve.”

“It's sadism, Tony.”

“Does that make you my little masochist?” Tony asked, grinning, running his fingertips down the middle Steve's broad chest. He huffs, crossing his arms.

“No, Tony, I am not masochistic. ...I just like doing things for you,” he murmurs, blush creeping up to his cheeks. Tony nuzzles into Steve's neck, laying kisses there, making Steve gasp, and tilt his head to the side, inviting Tony for more. Instead, Tony bites down, not too hard, and grins as Steve gasps again.

“You're such a strange little soldier,” Tony says, and turns away, laughing.

“You can't do that to me, Tony!” Steve protests.

“I can do anything I want to you, Stevie. You proved that by letting me shove that up your nose and infect you,” Tony says smugly. And he's right.


Continue or no?

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I definitely would love to see you continue. I am dying to see what Tony does to Steve while he's sick.

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Awh, shucks. You guys are so sweet!


I'm working on the next part right now, and it will doubtlessly be posted today.

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How is this even a question? YESYESYESYESYES....oh and YESSSSSS.

Continue please ill love you forever xD

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Dude, I've been living on Omegle since the Avengers came out in theaters. :laugh: I wonder if we've come across one another. Do you have a tumblr by any chance? But yes! This looks super interesting. I can't wait to see what happens. :twisted:

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​Alright, part two as promised. And I'm really enjoying this. But I still feel a little thrown with their characters, so please tell me anything that I could do for them. Tony's snark always gets me, I just can't really find myself being witty or snarky like that. Also, no beta, so if you didn't throw flaming bookcases at me, it'd be greatly appreciated


Tony actually goes to sleep at a decent hour that night, Steve's head resting on the inside of his shoulder, hand covering the arc reactor, just like every night. He says it's because the light bothers him, but the truth is, after hearing about Stane, he's unbelievably protective when it comes to the reactor. He can't help it, and Tony doesn't mind.


Steve is still asleep when he wakes up at twelve-forty-two P.M., and Tony grins. Progress, he thinks, and runs his fingers through Steve's blonde locks, who sniffles in his sleep, and Tony is just so smug. Sweet, sweet progress. He basks in his success for a little while longer, before deciding to wake him. “Steve. Steve, wake up,” he coaxes gently. He doesn't shake him, or nudge his shoulder, learning the hard way that you just don't wake up people with the kind of training he has like that. It's painful.

No, Tony. It's too early.”

Steve. It's nearly one o'clock,” he informs him, with the utmost joy.

That wakes him up.

What?” he shouts, bolting upright and throwing the covers off of himself. Tony latches onto his wrist and pulls him back down, and onto the bed.

It's fine, Steve. There is nothing to do today, anyways.” I made sure of that.

But I had to go grocery shopping,” Steve protests, but sinks back onto the bed anyways.

Natasha and Clint have that covered.”

The laundry--”

Thor just loves to watch the washer run. So I taught him.”

The dishes are--”

Washed and put away.” Steve glares for just a moment, then gives in, sighing.

You really thought this through, huh?” Steve mumbles, curling against Tony again.

Tony grins a hungry grin. “Every last detail, darling.” He looks down at Steve, and feels his cheek. Not warm at all. He purses his lips curiously. “How do you feel?”

Steve sniffs lightly. “Not bad. But my nose is all runny.”

Hmm,” Tony hums, eyes narrowing. “Maybe it didn't work as well as I planned.”

No, I'm sure it will. I was always like this, took a while,” he tells him, eyes closed, and sniffs again.

Anything else? Besides this?” Tony asks, and pokes the tip of Steve's nose. The blonde's eyebrows furrow, and he wriggles his nose.

Hehh—Don't do that,” Steve says, frowning. Tony smirks. He takes his index finger, and runs his nail up Steve's septum.

What? That?” he asks, feigning innocence.

Iiihhh... Y-yeah,” Steve says shakily, and brings his hand up to bat Tony away. In a flash, Tony's straddling Steve, arms bound against his side by the genius' knees. Tony brings his finger to the underside of Steve's nose again, and traces his left nostril, his fingernail softly scraping against Steve's skin, encouraging. “Hehh--!” Steve's chest expands, lifting Tony up a bit, one hand bracing himself in the middle of it. “Tony...” Steve begs, eyes watering.

Hmm? What's the matter, Steve?” he asks, the tingles pooling in the pit of his stomach.

T-Tony, you kno-oooohhhh.” Tony circles the other nostril lightly. His love's nose is running profusely now, and he's careful to avoid the mess. He bites his lip, suppressing a groan as Steve's breath hitched, and his mouth parted slightly, chest rising, rising—and then Steve jerked his head to the side, letting out a desperate, “Heh-tchoo! Ehh... Eh'tchew! Snff! ...Hept'chuu!”

Mmm. Done?” Tony hums, the spasms and jerks of Steve's body beneath him strangely pleasant. And then with Steve's fit, he's just surprised he hasn't already stripped them both down. Steve shakes his head, chest expanding one more time.

Heh... Hn'SHEW!” Steve pants, nose and eyes streaming, face flushed. Tony stares, because even sick and snotty, Steve's beauty is incomparable, unmatched. “Could you at least give me a tissue?” he growls. Pulled out of his reverie, Tony plucks a few out of the box from the bedside table, and makes Steve to face him again, gently. He wipes away the thin, clear fluid, careful not to irritate Steve's nose again.

Feel better?” he jokes.

That was awful, Tony. I have literally not sneezed in seventy-plus years, and then you go and do that. Cruel,” he mutters, letting Tony clean him up. He caused it.

It couldn't have been that bad,” Tony says, and presses his lips to Steve's forehead. “Hmm?”

...No. It wasn't. But my point still remains.” Steve answers.

And what's that?” Tony asks, nuzzling into Steve's neck, still straddling him, but lets his arms loose.

That it was mean. ...And weird for you to even want to do. Ick,” Steve pulls a face. “Why would you even?” Tony stopped and tensed a bit. “...Tony?” he asks, putting a hand on the other's head, petting. He doesn't respond. “What's the matter?” he asks softly.

'Ick,' huh?” Tony mumbles into the other's neck, his tone telling everything.

Tony, what—oh. Ohh. Oh?” Steve sort of asks.

Oh,” Tony confirms, nodding, still hiding. “Gross, right?”

Steve is quiet. Long enough for Tony to get the message, removing himself from Steve, getting ready to leave, unable to look at him. “I get it. I can dig it.” Tony snaps his head up to look at Steve. The blonde holds open his arms, saying, “I'm already sick, somebody's gotta enjoy it.” Tony practically tackles him in his joy and relief, grinning like a maniac. Steve wraps his arms around Tony's waist, and then they are both laughing, warm, and true, and bubbly.

I love you,” Tony says, forehead resting against Steve's. But, before he could reply, Tony orders, “JARVIS, temp reading.” And honestly, Steve's surprised at how low it is for him, with the way he feels now and his old tendency to reach unbelievable fever spikes and hold them for days on end, leaving him hospitalized, all over again. 100.3 is a genuine surprise. Tony looks pleased with himself, and Steve figures that it has to do with the way the virus was strained, because he doesn't feel too terribly bad. Except for the fact that his sinuses are buzzing, and he feels congested, and snotty, and runny, all at the same time.

I love you, too,” Steve whispers, and snuffles thickly, grimacing at the sound, but when Tony shudders, a smile playing at his lips, he doesn't feel so gross and sick. He feels like he's doing something great for Tony, because he can distinctly remember all of the rare occasions that Tony does something for him and his kink, and he actually hopes that this could be a thing for them.

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Dude, I've been living on Omegle since the Avengers came out in theaters. laughing.gif I wonder if we've come across one another. Do you have a tumblr by any chance?

Yes, actually, I do. I'm not very popular, but I'm love-to-write-write-to-love.

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This is like, the best thing ever, okay?

The OTP fetishy love!!!

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Mmm, I've never really been a fan of fics with a character who has a sneezekink, but this? Total, raw awesomeness. Like, seriously, irrefutable, undeniable awesomeness. Wow. Just wow. :heart::heart::heart: More soon I hope!

BYE! :bleh:

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SO much love for this right now. Everything is just lovely. Btw, your Tony is GREAT!

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Mmm, I've never really been a fan of fics with a character who has a sneezekink, but this? Total, raw awesomeness. Like, seriously, irrefutable, undeniable awesomeness. Wow. Just wow. heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif More soon I hope!

BYE! bleh.gif

Bubbles, I am dead. I really, truly am and I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ARE EVEN. UGH. Excuse me while I ASDFGHJKLASDFFFFFFFFFFFF.

I come back from a Sonic Convention and I find this.

Night made. <3333 This is just all my heavens, okay? <3333

Okay. Can I just... loveyouforeverandwhyareyouhereyouperfectpersonyou.

SO much love for this right now. Everything is just lovely. Btw, your Tony is GREAT!

SO much love for YOU right now. And thanks so much, you're all just being so wonderful to me. <3

Honestly, all of the people I absolutely love on the forum are here, on my thread, complimenting my work, and I just can't stop shaking and THANK YOU SO MUCH.

Can't even think straight right now. I'll go work on that next part now. ASDFGHJKLASDFGHJSDFGHJFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.blowup.gif

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By the way, I'll be RPing on Omegle as Sick!Steve under the tags:

  • xXBittersweet LoverXx (Space included, though I'm not sure if it really matters.)
  • The Forum
  • Sneezekink!Tony
  • Sick!Steve

I'll be looking for you guys, if you'd like to come and find me. <3

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Um WOW. This part:

T-Tony, you kno-oooohhhh.” Tony circles the other nostril lightly. His love's nose is running profusely now, and he's careful to avoid the mess. He bites his lip, suppressing a groan as Steve's breath hitched, and his mouth parted slightly, chest rising, rising—and then Steve jerked his head to the side, letting out a desperate, “Heh-tchoo! Ehh... Eh'tchew! Snff!...Hept'chuu!”

*melts* so lovely.

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Um WOW. This part:
T-Tony, you kno-oooohhhh.” Tony circles the other nostril lightly. His love's nose is running profusely now, and he's careful to avoid the mess. He bites his lip, suppressing a groan as Steve's breath hitched, and his mouth parted slightly, chest rising, rising—and then Steve jerked his head to the side, letting out a desperate, “Heh-tchoo! Ehh... Eh'tchew! Snff!...Hept'chuu!”
*melts* so lovely.

I know somebody quoting a part of my story shouldn't make me so unbelievably happy, but it does. And it's never happened before. So just ASDFGHJKLASDFFFFFFfff. Yes. BUCKETS OF LOVE FOR YOU, DUSTY, BUCKETS OF LOVE.

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*has been too busy to check the forums for a few days and came back to this*

...THIS! *melts*

((I use Omegle too, lovie. I use the tags SFF and Panda buddies. :D ))

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IT'S OKAY. I figured it wasn't your fault.

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By the way, you guys, I'm still on Omegle, and will be for quite some time, so come find me? I'd really appreciate it.

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I'm the person who was RPing with you earlier, but omegle d/c me and I couldn't find you again after that D: I'd love to continue it now if you're still on, just let me know :3 By the way, I completely adore this fic! Keep it up :D

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Yes, I'm still on. I thought I scared you away.

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...Oh my oh my~ I usually avoid all the stories with sneeze kink characters but now I just thought that what the hell, lets give it a try... And gosh. It really, really was worth it. u___u~<3

I LOVE this fic. Love it. Where's more? xD

...for some reason I got this weird feeling that I should try drawing the second chapter of this. xD LoL I dunnooooo

Hmmmmmmn, RP? Guh, I'd love to find you in Omegle for that reason but... yeah. I don't think I'd even had the time, LoL. Maybe I would have. But hey, if you don't find RPing so that the other character is some random OC, male or female, human or some random humanoid, please, let me know? xD

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