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Where did you get those pajamas? (Hiddlesworth)


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Just a cute little fic I wrote, based on an RP. I was Chris, and my friend (who is not a fetishist, and asks that her name be kept private) was Tom.

Not sure if there are any Hiddlesworth fans on here, but I figured I'd give it a shot anyways.

The RP itself got a little racey so I had to tone it down a bit for the story. I would post the racey version to the Adult Board, but the thing is, I'm not an adult. heh.gif I might upload it to FF if I actually have the time to write a second version, but for now, I'm sticking with this.

BTW AU: Elsa Pataky and Chris's daughter India do not exist. LOL.


Tom's reading was interrupted by the buzzing of his phone. It was Chris. He loved it when he called.

"Hello?" he asked, trying to sound casual to cover up his excitement. He was greated by a series of harsh coughs, and a raspy, "I'b dyidg, Tob. Save be." Tom rolled his eyes.

"Chris, we've been over this. You're not dying, it's just a cold-or flu," he explained, chuckling softly. "But if you're really that needy and alone, I can come over there and keep you company."

"EH'SHHHHHT!" Chris sneezed directly into the phone, nearly popping Tom's eardrums. "Save be."

"Bless you," Tom said, chuckling. "I'll be over there in about half an hour, alright? Do you need anything? Cold/fever tablets? Tissues? You're not blowing your nose on the bed sheets again, are you?" he asked.

"Do," Chris said, chuckling. "But I'b albost out. Add I rad out of pills the last tibe I was sick. Rebebber?" he asked, sounding congested.

"Yes, I do. I'll be over in about half an hour. Alright?" he asked, and almost immediately hung up when Chris's response was "I'b dyidg" again. He and Chris's apartments weren't that far apart, but he stopped by the super market and pharmacy before getting there. He bought the tissues with the lotion in them, the best chicken broth for soup, and the hardcore cold/fever tablets that they needed to check your license for you to buy. Only the best for his Chrissy.

Bahaha, so short. That's nowhere near the end of it, I promise. It's just really, really, reeeally late here and my parents are screaming like banshee/demon hybrids at me to go to bed. :lol: So I'll be continuing this later, soon hopefully. Hope you guys enjoy it!

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Life = Complete

Let me love you?

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Hey guys I'm really sorry but I can't continue this one for a while. :/ I got into an accident a few weeks ago and I'm getting physical therapy to get over paralysis. Everything below my neck was paralyzed, but my neck came back and my arms/hands just started coming back to me and my doctor told me I could type and use my hands a lot but my doctor just told me he decided it would be best for me to lay off the constant typing for another week.

Don't worry though I can still write it on paper but it'll take a long time. I don't have anywhere on my comp I can save writing too, so I can't continue it in short bursts and then just copy/paste it. So I'll just have to write it. But I promise next time I update will probably be a nice, long update, that will be about half or a third of the story.

I would post the entire thing when I get the chance but I want it to be more suspenseful and I might get some good feedback so...

:/ sorry guys. I feel really bad. :(

((and i'll still do omegle rps but if at some point i start cramping or freezing up during them i'll have to stop just letting you know))

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