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Danny Phantom does NOT get...too late


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You and I have a problem

Green was all over the ghost’s white body. Big, bad, and in charge, Walker was one of the toughest ghosts in the ghost zone. The very air was green here, and swirls and mysterious purple floating doors were scattered everywhere. One skeleton tried to grab his leg, but Walker crushed it with his foot like it was some kind of bug. “That ghost punk better show himself soon. I hate waiting…that should be against the rules.” The punk he was talking about was none other than the famous Danny Phantom. He was just a teenager that just happened to have an accident…an accident that changed his life forever. His parents, Jack and Maddi, were professional ghost hunters. Ghosts plagued the real world through portals that were not just in Jack’s house, but other places as well. The easiest way to enter the human world, however, was through Jack’s house. The big idiot oftentimes showed his portal to whoever he could, opening and closing the portal over and over again some days.

Danny had a lot of enemies, but Walker was one where he had some of the roughest challenges. No one knows how Walker became the head of the police force, but he was well capable of doing everything he set his mind to.

First Danny fought him over a anniversary present he accidently fired into the ghost zone. Then there was the wolf and Walker himself came into the human world and had himself and his policemen get into every person Danny cared for to make his life miserable. That plan failed too, but this time Walker had his own turf to work on. It was so easy to persuade the lame villain called the Box Ghost to do what Walker told him to do. Walker hated giving a month’s freedom to the Box Ghost and a clearing of every break against the rules, but it would be worth it to get that ‘punk’. “Let’s see you get out of this one boy.”

Meanwhile, Danny himself was yelling at Jazz, his older sister. “Would you QUIT IT?”

“I can’t Danny. I didn’t do anything.” Jazz usually never raised her voice, but Danny was very irritated today. This was the 7th time today something of his had been stolen, and all evidence was pointed at Jazz. All of the stuff was in her room after all! Suddenly, his ghost sense came out of his mouth, signaling to him that there was a ghost nearby. The Box Ghost phased through the wall of Jazz’s room and dropped another of Danny’s personal belongings into a pile that he had formed in her room. Danny’s expression turned from one of anger into one of grudging annoyance.

“Guess I owe you an apology Jazz.” Looking right at the Box Ghost Danny said, “going ghost.” In a bored tone of voice. Almost instantly his transformation took place. “Look, what are you going? I’m so not in the mood today. Why don’t you just fly away and bother someone else who has more boxes than me.”

The Box Ghost chuckled and grinned. “I am the Box Ghost! Beware. For you will be shipped to your doo..."

"H...ha...HATCHO!" Danny's sneeze startled both him and the Box Ghost. A light feverish color was visible on his cheeks, which was confusing. Why was he sick as a ghost? He wasn't sick. Not at all. He was feeling completely fine just a few minutes ago!! However, his flush on his cheeks got more visible and his head was feeling woozy. "I am not sick. Just annoyed more than usual over him. Get out of here would you? I ha...have t-to...ah...ha...AHtCHO!"

(I'm sorry for this being so short, but I'm going to continue this when I come back...sorry Emily if this isn't what you wanted sadsmiley.gif. This is PART of my end of a trade with Emily smile.png. It will be a long, long time before I can even see what the reply to this is sadsmiley.gif)

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Aww, I liked this! :D I can't wait to see the next part! And you just reminded me to finish writing the next part to my own story...

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I miss this show so much! I think I forgot most of the characters already...

...except for the Box Ghost! XDDD Everyone loves him.

Looking forward to the continuation!

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Woohoo! More Danny Phantom! More soon I hope! :heart:

BYE! :bleh:

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This sounds interesting, Walker, hmmmm ;) it's been a long time since I've heard his name. looking forward to next update yay!

erm speaking of which, I still haven't started on the Paulina story yet eheheheh....^^; can I blame it on summer school?

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  • 10 months later...

This show was do good :c miss it . So continue?

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  • 2 years later...

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