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A Shadow Trade


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Even The Ultimate Life Form Has an Off Day

(This is the starting part. No sneezing here, but there will be a LOT of it later ;))

Racing through the wind faster than any car ever made, a blue blur streamed by everything in sight as he was off running into another place. The blue hedgehog never could keep still for more than a few days it seemed like every day was like an adventure if he could make it that way. “Nothin’s going to catch me today! I’m feeling even more speedy than ever…huh? Whoa!” Skidding to a screeching halt, Sonic saw something pretty common…and yet unusual. Unusual meaning it wasn’t him who caused it. Eggman’s signature egg machine he used to fly everywhere he went was completely in ruins, smoking black smoke. Whatever did this to him must have done it not long ago.

Eggman was Dr. Robotnik, a genius who could organize hundreds of machines at a time and had a passion for trying to take over the world. He was a sore loser, pretty obese (even though he HAS lost weight recently. Working out each day does wonders, even to a fat guy like Eggman) The doctor himself was knocked out cold about ten feet away from his machine. His two clumsy robots were also in pretty bad shape. Sonic whistled.

“Someone need a trash lid Eggman? You’re all wiped out.” Sonic sighed, actually missing the tantrum that Eggman would usually throw at the taunts Sonic told him. Suddenly, a black form appeared from out of nowhere, odd green light was illuminating from his eyes.

“…You are not what I came for. Get out of my way you blue pest. These fools were kind enough to tell me where the person I seek is…after I persuaded them.” Sonic was looking at the black figure with a confused glance.

“Even when I save the universe I’m not known. Figures. Heh, let’s rumble!”

“…I do not wish to shake in rumbles. I want HER.” The black figure looked incredibly odd to Sonic. There was no defining shape to this guy. He almost looked like a black Chaos, even having the same kind of eyes and the liquid look to him, but his body was shaped like Espeo’s (the purple chameleon). “No need to tell my name to the likes of you…Sonic the hedgehog.”

“I’m flattered! You do know me after all...” Sonic’s eyes narrowed annoyingly. He couldn’t think of any words he could use. He wanted so much to call him ‘big guy’, but the figure wasn’t that much bigger than Sonic was. He was only a few centimeters taller than the first form of Chaos.

The figure disappeared in a blink of an eye. The hedgehog got in a fighting stance, knowing that this was no chaos control. This was a totally new kind of teleportation. Suddenly there was a black hand slamming into the side of him. Sonic fell to the ground, cringing with pain. It was like that half of his body suddenly fell asleep and couldn’t move!

“Nice of you to finally listen to me with my persuasion. You are just like that other hedgehog…Shadow.” With that Sonic, even with half of his body asleep, charged right for the figure. As soon as Sonic punched the mysterious creature, his arm became numb. “Just like him…heh heh heh. First lesson of fighting a new opponent Sonic: don’t charge at me without thinking. My name is Viro…and I’m certain we will meet again. I am looking for her, and nothing will stop me. Blaze is not capable of coming into this world now, so she is of no threat to me. Heh heh heh…” With that the black figure disappeared again, teleporting 20 feet away. Sonic watched the whole thing and discovered that he wasn’t as mysterious as he looked. He didn’t completely fade away when he disappeared…it was like he turned into a thin, fuzzy looking cloud that the eye couldn’t see without staring at where it was moving to.

“Come back here you…you…” Sonic then fainted, wondering what in the world Viro meant. No one had seen Shadow for two full months now. This must have meant that he survived…but where was he? This was the last thing Sonic thought of before he collapsed, numbness filling his entire body.

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Ah, I love the "Sonic the Hedgehog" series! I really wanna see where this is going!

You are just like that other hedgehog…Shadow.
Wahahahaha, who's the faker now!? XDDD
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Viro smirked, now not even bothering to hurry until a voice came from his tiny machine on his right arm. “Hurry it up Viro. That girl will become a threat to us if we leave her alone. Get going…if you please.” The black creature frowned and then became very focused.

“He is right. I can’t become any more distracted.” With that Viro ‘disappeared’ and started to move quickly towards his target.

Sonic groggily woke up just in time to feel himself being punched in the face. “About time Sonic. I was beginning to think you were too weak while I’ve been gone.” Sonic gasped and looked up at the guy who was standing above him.

“S-Shadow! You’re alive!”

“Well of course I am idiot. Dr. Robotnik found me floating in space unconscious after Dark Oak’s final attempt was destroyed by me…and a little help from you. That punch I gave you felt oh so satisfying.” Shadow paused to rub his nose, which Sonic realized was twitching like crazy. “I’m going to let you go Sohni…ihh…a…ah…Ah’Tkhooo! H’TSchoo!” The black hedgehog looked confused. “…What was that?”

Sonic realized he could move again, but he was too amused at his rival’s confusion to get away from him now. “What’s the matter Shadow? Got a tickle in your nose?”

“A…as a maa…a…matter of fact, I do. I don’t like it.” Shadow rubbed his nose more earnestly now, tints of an embarrassed pink on his cheeks. This has never happened before! He was the Ultimate life form. Nothing could overpower him other than Sonic…so why was his own nose fighting him? This tickle…it was small, pathetic, WEAK!!...and yet it never left and got stronger and stronger a tiny bit at a time. Shadow’s red eyes looked cross-eyed at his nose, looking as the first twitch brought on two more in its place. The more he rubbed his nose, the more his nose tickled. Sonic had a sly grin on his face and a gloved hand came up to him.

“Here Shadow. Let me help ya fix that sneeze you got stuck…or are too stubborn to just let go.” Sonic flicked the tip of Shadow’s long nose with two fingers, then he sat back and watched as Shadow froze as the tickle intensified way too quickly to be quenched by mere rubbing. “Ahh…haa…ehh…hehhhh…HEA’ksho! H…hehh…ahh…Haa’TShoo!” Shadow actually growled in annoyance. “How odd. This…sneeze as you call it is terrible. What is the purpose of my body d…doh…doing thi…ihh…HiaaTSShk!” The black hedgehog pressed a hand over his nose, making this sneeze partly stifled. This was too much. “AAGH! What is wrong with me?” Sonic burst out laughing.

Shadow ended up kicking Sonic right in the stomach. Grunting, Sonic still was laughing, even though it hurt with each second he was laughing. “You…you’re serious? This is the first time you have ever sneezed?”

“…Do I LOOK like the guy who jokes around Sonic? Hmph. Pathe…ehh…a…” He hated his nose right now. This tickle just wouldn’t go away!

Meanwhile, Viro felt a nagging prick in his hand. “Heh heh heh…like what I did Shadow? You care too much for the blasted Revolutionists. It was easy pickings to find you on that planet giving flowers on their graves.” Closing his eyes, his body glowed for a fraction of a second before returning to normal. “5, 4, 3, 2, 1…”

“Ahhhh…haaaaaa…” Shadow flinched and felt his head tilt forcefully backwards as this…sneeze grew completely out of control. It was like his whole nose became lined with ice water and pricked all along the inside of his most sensitive parts of the nose. “HAATSShooo! H’TSCHOO! H…hah…ahhh…hait’kssHO!” Just as suddenly as his nose itched like crazy, the tingling sensation completely faded. Viro smirked and felt his power recede.

“It was fun while it lasted Shadow. Now for the real reason why I came…” Viro came to a complete stop and faced the place where Eggman told him where his target was…Tail’s workshop. Bursting through the door, the black creature was met by a stunned yellow fox with two tails. Just as Tails was about to ask who he was, Viro slammed into him and Tails was knocked out by a wrench that landed squarely on his head. “That’s better. Wasn’t expecting him to be in the way. Now then…here we are. Heh heh heh..." moving over to the window, a tiny green seedling was sprouting. Putting his hand over it, small black specks began to cover part of the leaves of the tiny seedling. "Mission accomplished. Time for me to go...huh?" Looking at the shop, he saw a tiny red shard...a shard that resembled a necessary thing needed for the project LIFE...a shard of Cosmo.

(This is NOT finished. I ran out of time :(. Forgive me for not doing exactly what you wanted :(, but I hope you like it so far ^^. I WILL finish this when I return :D Thank you both for commenting too! *I hardly ever get comments 0_0*

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Aaaah, Cosmooooo! <3 Also, loving the lack of Chris. XDD

Oh, Shadow~ :drool: His utter cluelessness mixed with his reputation(and the idea to uphold it) as the ultimate life form is just perfect. <333

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Too cute~! Shadow is a silly one. I guess you miss out on a lot when you're frozen for fifty years.

I watched every episode of "Sonic X," but I guess I wasn't paying attention during the parts with Cosmo and the Planet Eggs, 'cause... I don't remember, like, any of it. ╮(─▽─)╭

Awww, I liked Chris... XDDD

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