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Natsuko's "Hetalia" thread


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Yeah, they were released here for a time, but...

So my volume 1 and 2 are worth about £100 each, and god knows how much 3's worth.

Ohgodiwantthemsobadly seriously the 4th one has 'the centennial gift' strip in it and England's sick <333

AND YES THE TRAVEL GUIDES ME WANTY (especially england's one ahaha) <33

But me has no money so </3

Oh yes life is good for hetalia at the moment, the 5th manga, the 5th season... Himapapa's back, I'm so excited!



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Holy buckets. Oh thread, how I've missed you. <333

Yeahhh, sorry for the wait. I've been really busy since I started my SENIOR YEAR of high school. Which, don't get me wrong, I'm super excited about. I expect to have a lot of fun this year. :D But look at it this way; now I update at about the same rate as all of you guys do!! ;)

Like most of my others, I've had the idea for this story in my head for quite some time and just decided to finally write it out. But this one was meant to be just a quick, silly little thing (but they're all pretty silly, aren't they??) XDDD Enjoy~!

Title: How the Awesome Me Saved My Awesome Friend -- On an Airplane!!!

Series: Axis Powers Hetalia

Characters: Prussia, Japan

Notes: In this story, Prussia and Japan are not used in a pairing. I already had an idea of how I wanted the plot to go, and they just best fit the roles that I wanted the characters to follow. So, "Sorry~!" or "You're welcome!", depending on who you are. :) Besides, this was written by Natsuko; you should know that nothing was gonna happen anyway. I'm also continuing to challenge myself by writing characters I haven't done yet.

“Doot doot doot, gettin’ on the plane~! Hum hum hum, gotta find my awesome seat~!” Prussia sang to himself as he made his way down the aisle. When he finally located his spot amongst the many rows of seats, the albino shoved one bag into the overhead compartment, threw the other on the floor by his feet, and cheerfully plopped himself down into his upholstered, tackily-designed chair.

“Kesesesese~!” he giggled loudly. “Aww, yeah! This trip is gonna be so mind-numbingly awesome~! I’m so glad that my lil’ bro realized the importance of the Awesome Me accompanying him! I mean, he’d be totally lost without his big brother supervising!”

~ a few days ago ~

“West. Hey, West. Weeeest. Yo, West, you listenin’? We-est~? We—“

His pestering was interrupted by a long, grumbling sigh. “Hmmmph… What could you possibly want now, Brüder?”

“Well, West, I care about you. Very much. So much so that I’ve decided to shoulder the heavy burden of looking after you while you attend that upcoming world meeting. It’s a huge sacrifice, I know, but no need to thank the Awesome Me.”

A gloved hand flew up to meet Germany’s aching forehead. “Brüder, you can’t come to the meeting because you weren’t invited. I know all you’re going to do is meet up with France and Spain afterwards and get rip-roaringly drunk, among other unspeakable sins. And besides, I don’t need you to take care of me. I’m perfectly capable of—“

“No, no. I insist, West. Anything for my cute little brother. Some things just simply can’t be helped. In this case, it’s you! Kesesesese~!!” Prussia cackled as he walked off.

“Ughhh…” the blonde let out another groan. “Well, I guess I’ve got to go buy TWO plane tickets, now…”

“Mmm… fufufu…” Prussia giggled in his sleep. “Lookit all the beer… and it’s all for the Awesome Me…!”


“Unh? Blarghh…” he muttered as he shifted in his seat, disturbed by a faint noise.


Prussia grumbled sleepily as his crimson eyes fluttered open. “Eh? Where’s all my beer…? Aw, bummer… it was just a dream. Hey! Who dares interrupt the Awesome Me’s awesome nap!?”

Hearing no reply, he got up from his seat and proceeded to walk the aisles and scan for the source of the sound that had so rudely awakened him. When the Prussian heard another sharp “--chuuu!!” come from behind him, he quickly whipped his head around to get a good look at the offender.

To Prussia’s surprise, he saw his good friend Japan seated a couple rows over, his petite nose buried in a wad of tissues.

“Oi~! Hey, Japan~!!” He waved to the Asian as he began strut over, receiving more than a few annoyed looks from the other passengers.

Japan glanced up, his dull brown eyes curious as he took notice of all the commotion. “Eh, Prussia-kun? Oh, I didn’t expect to see you here. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? How have you been?” he asked politely, his voice slightly congested.

“To tell you the truth, buddy, not too great. I mean, of course I’ve been awesome as always; like, duh. But just a little while ago, I was having this epic beer-filled dream when it got interrupted by some—“

“Hahk-shouun!!” Japan’s head pitched forward as he caught a sneeze with his tissues. “…h-hek-shuuu!! …uuhn…” he sneezed again before giving a little sniffle.

“Japan!?” Prussia gasped, an overly-incredulous look spreading across his face. “You’re the one who ruined my awesome nap!?”

“D-did I…? Ahh, please excuse me, I’m very sor… s-soh… haaah… iik’schouu…!!! …s-sorry…” the Japanese managed to say.

“Geez, Japan, why are you sneezing so much? You’re not sick, are you?? ‘Cause that would be totally not awesome.”

“N-no, Prussia-kun. Thank you for your concern, but I’m not ill.” Japan took out a few fresh tissues and blew his nose as he continued to explain. “You see, the nozzle that controls the air-conditioning above my seat is broken, and all the cold air coming down has been making me… huuh… ahk-chuuu!! ‘Schyuuun!!” As he sneezed, Prussia noticed that his body was shivering a bit.

“Oh, I see…” he murmured, a look of concern that was rather rare for the Prussian settling into his deep, red eyes…

…until those very eyes lit up with an air of wicked brilliance that could only derive from the great and mighty Prussia having a most excellent idea.

Without warning, the albino’s hands shot out, grabbing at Japan’s pelvic area.

“A-aahhh!! Prussia-kun! W-what are you doing!?” the Asian demanded, his face instantly turning scarlet. “I request that you stop this instant!!” he huffed as he tried to slap away the probing hands.

“Oh, chillax, Japan,” he responded casually. “I’m just takin’ your seatbelt off.” And with that, Prussia swiftly lifted the metal buckle that was confining the Japanese man to his seat. He also proceeded to hoist Japan up completely out of the chair, who was really squirming now.

“Prussia-kun! I beg you to stop this! Right now! This is totally improper behavior to display on an airplane! Or anywhere else, for that matter!! Are you crazy!?”

“Don’t you see what the Awesome Me is doing?” Prussia asked as he gently set Japan down in the aisle. “I’m saving you! Like a good friend should!” Assuming the spot previously occupied by Japan, the Prussian gave a proud, devilish grin. “Now that I’m sitting here, this nasty cold air won’t bother you anymore!!”

“A-ah, I see now.” The Asian breathed a sigh of relief, not to mention gratitude that his personal space was no longer being violated. “But while I appreciate this most virtuous endeavor, it is not necessary for you to—“

“Nope, nope. I won’t have it, Japan. I can’t just stand aside while my friend continues to suffer. Underneath this criminally handsome exterior, I’m just that nice of a guy. Who knew? Kesesesese~!!!” Prussia laughed and shrugged his shoulders in mock disbelief.

After a quick bow of thanks, Japan left to awkwardly ask a flight attendant to help him find Prussia’s former seat number.

“…dang, this seat really is chilly…” Prussia muttered, hugging himself in an attempt to warm his shivering body. “HAWEKACHOOYAHEYYY~!!!”

A voice piped up angrily from somewhere inside the plane’s cabin. “Hey, some of us are trying to sleep here, you know!”

“Ughhh… so totally not awesome… the Prussian moaned.

Well, it’s not easy to be the good guy, after all.

But you know, someone’s gotta do it.

- end -

YES, I just copy-and-pasted Prussia's sneeze from that "Counting Sheep" volume. Don't judge me. But come on, there is NO better spelling for that sneeze than that one. XDDD

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omg no I'm going to stop I'm going to put too much spam here if I continue omg I just want to take kiku and bite his nose and hug him pls oK I JUST--

here's more of me spamming if you want my actual reaction omg omg what if I want to draw it now dear god airplane sneezing yes

I'm going to just go continue fangirling in a corner

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New rule of the internet: Prussia truly has the most awesome sneeze of anything, ever. No expections.

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Daisoku - Ah, thank you! <333 "Slow-updaters crusade," eh?? I like that. :)

Vongola - I know, right!? Very legit. XDDD And hey, welcome to the club of crazy fangirls! I'm looking forward to seeing you around here some more. I like your name, btw.

Kushami-tan - Ahahaha~ I had a feeling that you'd like it, but... wow. XDDD I'm really glad that I could make you (and everyone else, of course!) happy. <333 And I LOVED your spam; you wouldn't believe the smile it put on my face. :D Since it's because of you guys and your stories that I started this thread in the first place, it amazes me that I could get a reaction like that. Thank you~!

I really do try to write in-character, but my method of doing so is by COMPLETELY OVER-CHARACTERIZING. LIKE, TAKING EVERY LITTLE IDIOSYNCRASY OF THESE GUYS TO THE MAX. I mean, seriously, I used the word "awesome" in that story, like, TWELVE TIMES OR SOMETHING. I guess what I'm saying is if it ever gets to be TOO MUCH, please tell me. ^^; I'll try to tone myself down, if need be.

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  • 5 weeks later...

So, there's this one tumblr that I check often...

1.) It's an "Ask China" blog. (Come on, what else would you expect?? XDDD)

2.) No, I don't have my own tumblr.

3.) Quit your judging.

I really love the person who runs this tumblr; they're extremely funny and make very nice art. Maybe some of you know her already! Well, I was looking around her personal tumblr, too, and found that she posted this:



There is so little of China sneezing out there (trust me, I LOOK), so I just get sooo excited when I find a little treasure like this~ :D I should submit something to that blog...

In other news...

Currently working on stories for some future trades. (I've got a whole paragraph written, yaaaay~)


Cheers, guys.

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omg I reblogged that when she posted it

how could I resist it omg

It made me start thinking about how that AU could be used ... //insert images of Kiku following England and America and taking shippy pictures// 6w6

//is friends with Sam 9v9//

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you say sam

i think of my sam? @o@

Ah, no, Sam is the person who drew the Yao and ghost!Ivan AU uwu

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Pffft. What are you guys doing, herp-da-derping all over my thread? ...well, this IS the place to do it, so it's all good~ biggrin.png

Recently, I read through all of the stories that I've written so far, and...

...hahahaha. I still laugh, like, OUT LOUD. At my own jokes. Isn't that, like, the saddest thing ever?? XD

I think that one I wrote about Euro 2012 has some of the best lines I've ever come up with. "that sweet Spanish ass..." and "Damn that potato-bastard! I should've ripped off his fucking leg muscles when I had the chance!!" ALWAYS makes me giggle. I'm sooo simpleminded... XDDD

As I reread these, I also hope that I kinda-sorta-maybe have improved??

Edited by Natsuko
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ok so

sorry for spamming your thread but

so I'm going to Japan

and the person organizing the trip was explaining how the plane ride is going to be cold

and so of course, a certain drabble came to mind... //stares intensely at Natsuko//

(and it's like an 11 hour flight so maybe I'll have time to write more drabbles or something-- ehe)

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Yeah, I realize I was probably writing from experience... XD

Wow, you're going to Japan!? That's awesome!! :D

I've been there only once, during the summer of 2006. Holy buckets, it's been six years already!?! 8O Do you know where you'll be traveling? I stayed a few nights in Tokyo and a couple more in Niigata (there was an onsen and super-good seafood at that hotel, like omg), but mostly stayed around the Osaka area (growing up, my mom lived in Kobe for about 9 years).

Sorry, but I gotta ask: how's your Japanese? Like, reading and speaking? 'Cause lemme tell you, when I went, I really didn't know anything. ^^; (I was almost twelve years old... wow.) Then I bought a whole bunch of manga and learned to read my katakana. XDDD Since then, I've started taking Japanese in high school and watching copious amounts of Japanese television with my mom, so now I'm... not horrible. :P

I hope you have a safe trip and TONS OF FUN!! <333

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yep, in a week uwu it's an exchange student program and I'm going there for 10 days.

Ahh... I know I'll be in Tokyo and Kyoto and Shiso... I'm not sure if that's all though 6w6;

Cool ~ I hope it'll be really fun ahaha everyone's telling me to try green tea ice cream...

Um... I don't really know anything?? I can read some katakana and hiragana and of course I know some random words and phrases, but... it's not like I'm even close to fluent uvu; I should survive fine though... 9w9;

ahh man I wish my school had Japanese... they used to teach German, but now it's only Spanish and sign language. uvu

thank ~ uwu

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Oh, niiice. My high school has a sister school in Osaka, so every couple of years our students get to go and stay with a host family and likewise for them. So actually, the summer that I went was when my older sister did her stay with her class. They visited for about 10 days, too, then the rest of my family came, picked her up, and stayed for another two weeks.

AAAAHHAHRRHGHAH I love green tea ice cream so muchhhh. But I can't really get it where I am, and the one Asian foods store that does have it is really expensive. Apparently, Orange Leaf has a green tea flavor, but I have yet to see it in the stores. *RAGE*

My family might go back to Japan this coming summer, but we're not sure. It's gonna be my grandparents' 50th anniversary and they might like to do something special for it. Actually, my Japanese class is going on their trip this summer, too, but I kinda decided that I don't wanna go with them. It's crazy to turn down, I know, but being half-Japanese, yet born in America, then being surrounded by Japanese students... it kinda makes me have, like, an identity crisis, you know?? But you didn't need to know that... ^^;

ABSOLUTELY, you're welcome~!! :D

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I really love your writing! I've been reading this thread since before I joined the site, and it's one of my favorites! Great job!

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IfSoGirl - Whoaaa, thank you!! That really means a lot! XD Do we have another "Hetalia" fan on our hands?? That's awesome to hear.

That's funny of you to say, 'cause I started out reading a bunch of people's wonderful stories before deciding to join and start a thread myself. To think that I could make someone else feel the same way... it just blows my mind. :D Thanks again!

(Also, holy buckets, this thread got real active all of a sudden. XDDD)

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Thanks again for all the birthday wishes~!! That was really sweet of you guys. <333

Here's yet another thing that has nothing to do with anything... XDDD

Basically, I got bored one day in study hall and decided to doodle. I'm actually rather proud of this pen doodle and just wanted to share it.


Naturally, I just love girl China! She's sooo cuuute~ X3

And to all you people on tumblr: how can I submit this (anonymously) to that "ask China" blog that I stalk follow? I don't see anything that will let me attach files... Forgive my technological incompetence. tonguesmiley.gif

That is all.

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Fem!China is really cute !! * v *

... ohoho... is it Sam's ask China blog? eue

I'm not sure, but I think if you log out then try to submit it it should be anonymous (although they can see your email and name that you put). I just tested it and I'm pretty sure that's how it works..

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Thanks! But I still wanna figure out how to just put the picture on my post really big without people having to click on it. Augh, technology~!! D: After thinking about it, I guess I've never drawn anything for you guys, huh? ...don't ask me to; I can't draw like that.

...yes. ( #/ ω \#)

No, see, I don't even have a tumblr. So yeah, I really don't know what I'm doing here. As far as I can tell, I can submit written messages, but cannot attach files. So, I'd have to upload it to some website first?? That's too much trouble for me... XDDD Thanks for your help anyway!

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I can't answer how to get around the forum, because this is the only forum I use and I've never been a forum user

I don't know how to get technical with posting or anything xD

sam's art style is really great you know? ugh I love it so much omg

.... her china wanted to eat my ask blog you know that-- //shot

oh ohhh you should make one I would follow you

ehh no?? at the top of the submit box where it says "submit a text post", you click on it and it gives you options like "submit a photo", "submit a link", "submit a quote" and stuff, and then from there you put "submit a photo".

//oops I spend all my time on tumblr these days//

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No worries, this is the first and only forum I use, too. :D

I knowww, she has a great style! All her serious pictures are sooo gorgeous, and her silly posts make me laugh so hard. XDDD It's just great.

Ohhh, the snake Kiku one, right?? That was cute. <333

*Sorry, but I'm definitely not making a tumblr anytime soon. I'm way too busy with school work and I already waste my life away on other parts of the interwebs. OTL

WHAT. I don't see any of that "submit a" stuff. All I see is a box to type a message, the option to "ask anonymously" or "login", and a huge ASK button. On my sister's tumblr, I can "add a new comment" and include an image there... So, would I have to make my own tumblr?? *see above lol


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