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Natsuko's "Hetalia" thread


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I have been searching for him for years. <3

Dsjhnjflsjdhfhfdkjd COMPLIMENT OF THE CENTURY <33333

Ohonhon, of course~ Any specific pairing?

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skalfdjaslhldsa YOU TOTALLY DESERVE IT <333

If you really need some direction, well, everyone already knows that I like IggyChu~ But it really doesn't matter to me. You can use your drabble prompts and count it towards your goal, or completely make it up; I really don't care. I'll be fine with anything you do, as long as China is front and center! :D

But seriously, I am so psyched that you're up for this. <3

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Just asking, I know people like to multi-ship. XD


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All right, time to get this thread back on track (at least for the moment). XD

So, this one's gonna be a two-parter (although I'll be honest; Part Two is being written very slowly OTL). I'm also changing up the characters being used, just for a little fun. Hope you find it interesting. :)

I know that this is incredibly late, but this story was inspired by (and is dedicated to) the Euro 2012 tournament that took place just this summer. HOWEVER, I don't actually know much about the tournament because I was in Vietnam while it was going on. chinese.gif Granted, Vietnam DID have its own coverage of the games, but I was visiting relatives, going on road trips, etc. and was overall too busy to watch on a regular basis. Trust me, I wish I could have... I'm also American, and we really don't follow international soccer tournaments unless, of course, we're playing. XDDD BUT IT'S OKEY, RIGHT? (∂ ω <)

Also, I'm leaving to go to an anime convention in a couple of days and won't be back until early next week. So, Part Two won't come until then (if it's even finished, lol).

Here we go~!

Title: Winners

Series: Axis Powers Hetalia

Characters: Romano, Spain


Firstly, you guys may have noticed that I try not to use offensive language in both my stories and my posts. Well, Romano is the main character here, and COME ON, it just wouldn't be the same if he wasn't calling someone a jerk every other sentence. XDDD So, here is your official warning: THIS STORY CONTAINS COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF SWEAR WORDS. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. NO OFFENSE INTENDED.

Second, I wanted to keep this story as close to a "European" point of view as possible, so I refer to the aforementioned sport in which you kick a ball with your foot as "football." But I and my American ways wanted SO BADLY to call it "soccer." Apologies for any confusion and any ignorant mistakes that may occur.

Lastly, with Romano and Spain as the two main characters, how could this story NOT contain Spamano to some degree? My sister and her good friend cosplay these two abnormal lovely boys, so my mind's been wired to think a certain way when these two get together... Oh, come on, it's practically canon. XDDD

Euro, Euro, Euro, Euro…!!!”

The chant could be heard all across the world. It was referring to, of course, Euro 2012; the major football championship being hosted by Poland and Ukraine. As Europe’s best football players gathered to compete for many honors – including the Henri Delaunay Trophy, the high prestige of becoming world champions, and international bragging rights – millions of others tuned in eagerly to cheer on their favorite team and country. The very air itself teeming with excitement and tensions high, exhilarated fans could hardly contain themselves. It seemed as though the entire world could not wait for the tournament to begin…

“Haaaghh-schouuu!!! CHIGIIIIII…!!

Well, except for maybe one person.

Now, don’t get this wrong. Romano loved football as much as the next non-American. In fact, he was even playing for the Italian team (alongside his idiot of a little brother, Veneziano. How the hell did that even happen!? Seriously…). So, he actually was looking forward to the games, you jerk. It’s just that, well…

Agh, this was so embarrassing, but he started having sneezing fits almost immediately after arriving in Poland for the Group C stage. “Stupid Polish air,” Romano muttered as he rubbed at his itching nose. “Why did we have to come all the way to fucking Eastern Europe? Haa… haaaa… hehh-kshuuu!!”

“Oiii~! My lil’ Romanito~!” The Italian cringed at the sound of his not-boss’s cheerful voice. Sure enough, when Romano looked up, he could see Spain running towards him, waving his arms around like an idiot. After pausing to catch his breath, the Spaniard began speaking very excitedly. “Heeey! I’m glad you arrived safely! How exciting is this!? I just can’t wait to get started! You know, I’m going for my THIRD TITLE in a row! Isn’t that absolutely, completely insane!? What do you think you’ll—“

Hagh-shouu!!! …ugh…

Spain flinched as he was interrupted by a sneeze. “Uh, Romano!? Are you okay? Ehhh~ Your face looks kinda red! And your eyes are watering! You’re not crying again, are you? Is something wrong?”

“It’s about freakin’ time you noticed! And I’m not freakin’ crying, you tomato-jerk!” Romano screeched. “It’s just… I have… allergies, or something, damn it…” he said, suddenly quieting down. An embarrassed blush began to spread across his cheeks.

“Aww, Romanito~ Your face looks like a tomato again~” Spain cooed.

“For once in your sad life, could you just shut up!? Would it even be possible for you to quit… huhhh… ahhh… hahk-shuuu!! Ahh-schyuuu!!” Romano hastily buried his face in the crook of his elbow.

“Oh, wow, this is serious, eh? You’re not joking around?”

“Do I ever joke around? Lemme help you; the answer’s ‘no’, you tomato-bastard!”

“Well,” Spain continued, completely unaffected by the barrage of insults, “is there anything Boss can do to help you?”

“Yes. Leave me the fuck alone. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a football tournament to win.” And with that, Romano stormed off, leaving the Spaniard with a concerned look on his face.

“And you’re not my freakin’ boss, damn it!!”

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omg omg omg omg omg



aaaaAAAA But really omg the way you spelled his sneezes was somehow so in character I read it in Spain and Romano's voices and the spellings were adorable at the saME TIME EHEHEHE...

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Aaaaand this thread is gonna swerve in a horrible direction again but I don't care 'cause I'M BACK FROM THE CON!! XDDD

Ohh, you guys, it was sooo much fun, I can't even. XD I went with my big sister and all of her friends, and we cosplayed it up for three straight days. The first day, we did a "Professor Layton" group (with no one to actually be Hershel Layton lol), and I wore a Granny Riddleton costume that I made all by myself. It's really not as impressive as it sounds, considering I got nearly everything from the local Goodwill and only had to add little things, but it's the first that I've made completely on my own, so I'm very proud.

The second day had a "Hetalia" photoshoot, so I used my costume of China from his character CD cover. That one, my sister actually sewed last year, but it's too beautiful and I just love it. <333 Sister and her friends did "Homestuck" later that day, but I'm not into that comic and probably won't be any time soon (too busy for it, sorry~).

The last day, we did some more "Hetalia." During the past couple of weeks, my sis was working on matching Chibitalia and Chibiromano dresses for us, and they came out ADORABLE. That was definitely the most times that I've been stopped by other people to have my picture taken. Also the first time for me to wear a wig for an extended period, but it went awesomely. Don't worry, I'm sure sister will eventually put up photos on her deviantART; I'll direct you guys to them then, if you'd like to see.

Actually, I think we all had the most fun during the car ride home. What went down was essentially what would happen if Romano, China, France, and England all went on a road trip with Spain driving. The five of us were, as they say, ON A CON HIGH, and it was just magical. XDDD Let's just say that our France declared our England (who became a drunk businessman) pregnant with a new strip of Antarctica named "New Frengland." And yes, we're all girls. XD


Okay, here's a little bit of story so that this post isn't a total waste of space. :) It doesn't particularly belong anywhere and doesn't add to the plot, but I just HAD to include it.

Yo, dude! Hey, yeah, you! Italy’s brother, right?”

“CHIGIIII~!!!” Romano flinched when he heard the American’s voice calling out to him. “You stupid jerk! I have a name, and it’s sure as hell not ‘Italy’s brother,’ you bastard! It’s ‘Romano,’ damn it!” the Italian replied in a rage.

“Oh, sorry, bro. I was just wonderin’ if you could help me out. See, England invited me here to watch a football tournament, but I ain’t seeing any football players! Or even a field, for that matter. Just pictures of soccer balls all over the place.”

Romano face-palmed. “Jeez, how goddamn stupid are you!? What your sickeningly oblivious culture calls ‘soccer’ is known and respected as ‘football’ in, you know, the entire rest of the freakin’ world!! How can you be so fucking ignorant?”

“’Cause we’re good at it!”

“…oh my god…”


Writing for America is SO MUCH FUN; I get to channel my American-ness. I also LOVE that part when America and China get stranded on the island together, and that one line in the English dub just about killed me. XDDD

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kfjhajfhgj that sounds amazing! I don't have any cons local to me *sob sob* but OH MY GOD THAT SOUNDED EPIC

also ppsshhahaha AMERICA


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I know I said this story was a two-parter, but like always, I wrote way more than I expected to. So, consider that a lie; it's actually gonna have three parts. ╮(─▽─)╭

Also, I got really, really lazy on this part. Expect the last one to be lazy, too. I AM having a bit more fun writing, however, after my sister and her friend Spamano'ed it up for a whole weekend.

↪(ò⫎ ó ) < Shut up! I hate that Spain!

Lastly, I WILL be getting busier with the start of August, but I hope to remain at least somewhat active during my school year. This whole thread was actually something of a summer project (which I would've started earlier had I not been in Vietnam), but I've been having so much fun sharing with you guys that I really do want to continue. Basically, thanks for all your support, and thanks for reading and enjoying these silly, silly stories of mine! :D

Here's Part Two!

Due to the sudden appearance of his sneezing fits, Romano was withheld from playing in the Group C stage. Well, no matter. He’d just have to show off his awesome football skills later, during the finals. Luckily, the rest of the team was able to make it through to the quarter-finals even without him (and his stupid little brother had been playing, too. That was just how good the Italians were, baby!).

Although, what the hell was up with tying against Spain!? He was really serious about winning again, wasn’t he? That bastard. Always irritatingly cheerful, but now he was so competitive. It was really fucking annoying! Romano had seen him sprinting across the field after the ball, the most dimwitted-looking smile you’d ever seen plastered onto his sun-kissed face, gorgeous green eyes wide and glowing with excitement, and, even through the uniform shorts, that sweet Spanish ass…

Uh, n-not that Romano was w-watching that tomato-bastard, or anything! Like, who would be stupid enough to even waste thoughts on that guy!? He’s a creepy idiot who probably gets his kicks from dressing up boys in pink maid outfits and is quite possibly into tomato porn. Look, would you stop bringing this up and just let it go, already, damn it!!

Let’s get back to how great of a football player Romano is and praise him, bitches! Err, he was good at football, wasn’t he…?

It was Italy versus England in the quarter-finals. Romano had finally gotten ahold of the ball (those greedy English bastards!) and was running as fast as he could – which, considering he was an Italian, was pretty darn fast. Outpacing everyone, Romano could see the goal quickly approaching when he felt a tickle in his nose. “Crap,” he thought, eyes fluttering shut. “Hagh-shouuu!! Aghhh!!!”

Momentarily blinded, the South Italian had bolted right into England, sending them both tumbling across the field for several feet. A few seconds after coming to a stop, Romano finally opened his eyes again and saw the British hovering over him. Like a true gentleman, he asked, “Are you okay?” while holding out a hand.

“Hyaaaa!! Don’t you dare touch me! Stay the fuck away, you scone-bastard!!” Romano promptly picked himself up and ran off, though he could still hear a muttered “bloody wanker…!” come from behind.

In the end, neither team had scored, but some nice penalty shots allowed Italy to advance. Sure, Romano hadn’t taken any of them, but he was still being incredibly helpful, right…?

It was Italy versus Germany in the semi-finals. Romano had finally gotten ahold of the ball (those greedy German bastards!) and was running like the wind. But again, just as the goal was in sight, he felt the overwhelming urge to sneeze.

“Hehk-schouu! Damn it!” This time, he managed to keep running, but soon realized that he no longer had the ball. When he looked back, he saw that Germany had stolen it and was passing it to a teammate. “Damn that potato-bastard! I should’ve ripped off his fucking leg muscles when I had the chance!!”

Pssh, whatever. As long as Romano was on the winning team, it didn’t matter, right? …shut up, you reader-jerk.

It was Italy versus Spain in the finals. Romano had finally gotten ahold of the ball (those greedy Spanish bastards!) and was—well, if you’re tired of this, then you tell the fucking story, you jerk!! Nobody has any time or desire to hear you bitch about how this story is so “low-budget,” or the author is “lazy,” or whatever! L-look, now the whole thing is all interrupted, a-and it’s all your fault! Tch, now we have to clean up the mess you made, you jerk… Okay, okay, here we go.

Before Romano even knew it, the match was over and Spain had won, 4 – 0.

Well, shit.

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And with this post, it has been exactly one month since I started this thread! Yay~! XD I had told myself that I didn't wanna be one of those people who writes one or two stories, then disappears forever. How am I holding up, you guys?? :D

Last night, I had another AWESOME "Hetalia" dream and would really like to flesh it out into a story, but it was a bit... heavy for my writing style. (@´_`@)I think I can make it work, though. Daisoku... could I possibly have your permission to write a continuation of that "Raincoat" drabble you wrote for me? (BTW, thanks again for that lovely story~! I hardly see anything with China, which is why I write my own, I guess... ^^; But that was just PERFECTION; I can't get over it!! You rock, ma'am. <333)

Lastly, my sister is slowly putting con photos onto her deviantART:


She is an AMAZINGLY talented artist, so please look around at all her work. (Shameless advertising, I know. But really, anything for my sister. <333333) Besides cosplay, she's done art for Kingdom Hearts, Pokémon, and more. She's also become quite famous for her KH Birth by Sleep comics, if you're a fan of that. BUT, please don't tell her that I sent you her way; she doesn't know about me on the SFF (at least, as far as I know...).

That's all for now! :)

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Ughhhhh, I've had absolutely no time to write lately... DX I really wanna keep it up and be able to post more regularly, but I knew I was gonna get busier soon. Hahhh, that's life, I guess. :D

Let's all just be happy that the fifth volume of the "Hetalia" manga was released and that the fifth season of the anime has been approved!!! YESSS~!!!! (ノ”≧∀≦)ノ”

Finally got this dumb last part written out. (I've wanted to start a new one for a while~) Please enjoy it, and please look forward to new stories in the future, even if they take a while!! (ノ´д`)

Spain sprinted out of the stadium, whooping as he leaped into the air in sheer joy. “Awww yeahhhh~! Champion comin’ through! Third title in a row, baby! That’s right, I said a three-peat!! Whoooo~! Ah…!

In the distance, the Spaniard spotted Romano sitting alone on a bench. Arms resting on his legs, the Italian was slouched forward, looking solemnly into the empty space in front of him. His nose was running slightly, and his eyes were puffy and tinged with red. Every few seconds, he gave a little sniffle.

“Hmm. His allergies must be bothering him again,” Spain thought. “… unless…!!!”

When Romano noticed the Spanish man approaching, he quickly wiped his eyes, stiffened up, and turned his back on him. “Go away, bastardo! I don’t want to look at your dick-face!”

Spain pulled his mouth into a sad smile as he sat down next to the South Italian. “Oh, Romanito… Um, are you crying this time?”

Romano’s own face crumpled into a sour expression. “…yes, Spain. I am crying. Is this what you wanted, you Spanish-son-of-a-bitch!? Did you want to see me cry!?”

“No, I would never, Roma! …um, is this because I beat you at football?”

“Hey, look who’s finally catching on to public knowledge! It only took you a couple thousand years!!” Romano snapped sarcastically. By now, more tears had gathered in his angry beige eyes and threatened to spill over.

“Look, Romano… I’m really sorry that you’re sad. You know that I would never mean to upset you. And, if you’re not happy about me winning, then I’m, uh… not happy… either…” he lied.

“Well, who the fuck said I wasn’t happy for you!?”

Spain’s eyes widened in surprise as the Italian hastily tried to cover up his outburst.

“Shit! I-I mean, I’m not happy for you! I’ll n-never forgive you f-for beating me! You suck, you stupid tomato-bastard! Hey, hey! Don’t fucking touch me, you fucking creep!!” Romano unsuccessfully tried to squirm away as the Spaniard’s arms began to wrap around his body in a tight hug.

“Awww, Romanito~!" Spain gushed. "You'd be so much cuter if you were this honest all the time~! You know, you don’t have to be so… so... haah… hehk-shuuuu…!!!”

…what the hell was that?

“Huh?” Spain sniffled. “I didn’t know that allergies were contagious…??”

“Hey, Germany!” England called out. “Did you hear? Spain isn’t out celebrating his Euro win with the rest of his team because he’s laid up in bed with a really bad cold.”

“Really? Italy had mentioned to me that his brother also has a cold. Hmmm…” the German mused. “…well, it would appear that the both of them are as dumb as birds.”


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Oh, Natsuko! So cute. Silly Romano. Silly Spain!


I'm trying to find the fetishy person on the Hetalia Kink Meme I've met. Is it youuuu?

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Who, meeee??

No, seriously, I've got nothing to do with this fabled kink meme. Sorry to disappoint~ :D But you should totally send me a link so that I can see~ ;)

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Nnn~ Interesting, Daisoku. Of course it wasn't me; you think I'd ask for USUK?? :P I'm kidding... Good luck to you in your search!

The following has nothing to do with my stories or sneezing or anything, but... did I seriously never post this!? D: It's also a tad embarassing, but is far too hilariously awesome to not share.

On the last day of that convention I went to, there was a Hetalia panel called "Ask a Nation" where audience members could ask questions to a group of cosplayers dressed as Hetalia characters. And actually, they didn't have a Romano, and my sister was asked last minute to join in. So, the rest of our group (with me as Chibitalia) went to watch and, well, you can probably guess where this is going. XD

First, I think everyone remembers this scene, but just to refresh your memory:


Finally, someone videotaped most of the panel. Start watching right around 7:00:

GUESS WHO?? XDDD That is also my sister dressed as Chibiromano (in the horribly cute pink matching dress).

I was so happy when I raised my hand and that Prussia was all, "You. Yeees, you. You know who you are. Come on~"

It's really hard to hear, but that Italy is like "Don't listen to Germany; I'm giving him hope for the future," while everyone else is like "Don't lie to yourself."

This panel lasted for an hour, but I wish it would've gone on for another. It was seriously fun. biggrin.png

Lastly, it makes me sad that I can't update every couple of days like I used to. BUT, I am currently working on a new story, so expect it to get posted soon!! AND, I've been coming up with ideas for even more, so I'm definitely not done with this thread quite yet! Thank you guys SO MUCH for your patience, and just overall enjoying these ridiculous stories of mine; I'm so glad I started this. I can't express my appreciation enough. :)

Edited by Natsuko
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Ohhhh, this one's finally doneeeee!! Gah, it took forever, but I gotta say, it might just be, like, my second favorite story that I've written. smile.png The fact that it's IggyChu probably gives it bonus points in my head. Back to what I do best, I suppose. Hee hee.

Title: Raincoat ~part 2~

Series: Axis Powers Hetalia

Characters: China, England

Notes: This story is a continuation of the drabble entitled "Raincoat" written by the very lovely Daisoku. I can't thank her enough for it. biggrin.png If you haven't read it, GO TO HER DRABBLE THREAD AND READ IT NOW. If you have read it, GO READ IT AGAIN; THAT THING IS ADORABLE.

Also, this story is loosely based on another dream I had. I love my dreams~ <333 But, it IS a little disturbing that I've been having more of these kinds of dreams since starting this thread. I blame everyone here.

Lastly, I've felt like my stories haven't been fulfilling in regards to our fetishy needs, you know? I mean, I write really cute and fluffy things, but they don't seem very... satisfying, shall we say. (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ So, I really did a lot of experimenting with this story (I think you'll see what I mean). BUT, above all, I like things that'll make me laugh, so I'm afraid my very strange humor just kills the mood. I don't know; tell me what you think afterwards.

And, here we go!

Despite England’s generous hospitality, his Chinese guest inevitably caught a cold from walking in the rain. (“How do you survive with this dreadful weather, Opium, ahen!?”) Even after changing out of his wet clothes and warming up by the fireplace, China’s condition quickly worsened. He was coughing and sneezing constantly now, which effectively drained all of the Asian’s energy. He was even too weak to eat the dinner his host made. Uh, yeah, that’s why he didn’t eat England’s food…

Eventually, the Chinese man basically passed out, right on the couch. Reluctant to move him into a spare room, England settled down for the night on a big, cushy chair nearby. You know, in case China needed anything during the middle of the night. Well, news that England’s terribly ill, elderly guest tripped in the dark and died wouldn’t go over very well with the rest of the world, now would it? Closing his eyes and letting out a sigh of content, the Englishman drifted off to sleep to the sound of China’s light, breathy snoring.

England was suddenly aware that he felt horribly uncomfortable. For some reason, his legs were tingling and his abdomen ached. When he tried to readjust his position on the chair, he realized there was something large and heavy on top of him. Drowsily, he glanced down to see a head of dark, cascading hair, making his eyes immediately snap open.

Right there lay China, still in a deep sleep despite his body spilling out of England’s lap.

“What the bloody--!?!” England clapped a hand over his mouth to stop himself from finishing his sentence and, well, yelping with alarm. The sudden movement and sound caused China to stir, though his eyes remained shut.

“Mmb… Engladd… aru… Don’ geddup…! Please sday wid’ be, aru…!” He sounded very stuffed up as a result of having been asleep for a while with his horrible cold.

“…’England’!? ‘Aru’!? Is that Oriental wanker playing some kind of sick prank on me!?” the Brit thought anxiously. Or rather, he hoped.

“Pleaaase, Engladd~! I wadda sleep wid’ youuu~!” China continued to whine in his congested voice, still half-asleep. England flinched in sheer shock when the Chinese began to wrap his arms around the other’s body in a cuddle. He propped his small frame up by placing one hand on England’s slender thigh, then slipped his free arm around the Brit’s waist. China’s own petite legs drew closer to his torso as he curled up against the Englishman.

At this, England began to feel downright nauseous. “What in the name of all that is good and gentlemanly was going on here!?” he wanted to scream.

“…uuhn… s-so cold… aru…” China mumbled. It was then that England noticed he could feel the Chinese shivering. Instinctively, he raised a hand to China’s exposed forehead to find it utterly burning. While sleeping, China must have developed a very high fever, causing him to undergo chills and mild delirium. Promptly, the Brit began to make sense of it all. Or rather, he really hoped.

Feeling England’s touch on his head, the Asian’s golden eyes groggily opened a crack and blinked sleepily. Looking up, his gaze slowly focused until it met with the Englishman’s.

“Mmm…!” China sighed happily. “Engladd, you’re so warb, aru… Id feels so nice…!” By now, the Chinese man was breathing quite heavily; he was already worn out from his illness, but even this little bit of activity weakened him further. Feeling the Asian’s hot breath on his face, gold eyes shimmering in the flickering light of the fireplace, the Brit was unexpectedly mesmerized for a minute.

…but only a minute, mind you! England wasn’t very well about to go back to sleep in this situation. He spoke up, “Uhh, China? You’re going to want to… well, you probably won’t want to, but… Rather, I’m going to have to make you… Oh, that just sounds so wrong… Ulch, how can I make this the least awkward…?”

He wouldn’t have to decide, because right as the Brit was thinking, China’s breath began to hitch.

“Hehh… ahhh… hehk-SHUuu!!! Hah-kCHOUUuu!! Snff… k’chuuu!! IIHK-shahhh…!!!”

Due to his close proximity, England could feel everything as the Chinese worked his way through a sneezing fit. Every quivering inhale, every powerful release, every shake of his head, every muscle contraction, every tensing of his stomach; England felt it all, too. And it made him quite uncomfortable. He hotly turned his eyes away as China continued:

“…k’SHOUuu!! HaAHK-CHUuuu!! Ah-schiuuu…!!! …huhhhh…”

Completely tuckered out by his fit, the Asian let out an exhausted sigh as his head fell limply against the Brit’s chest and was instantly asleep again. His nose was now as red as the tips of the flames that lapped at the hearth’s interior. Straight-faced, England scooped the small man into his arms, stood up, walked calmly over to the couch, and gently set him back down amongst the fluffy cushions.

Then he dashed to his own room and locked the door behind him.

Upon waking up the next morning, England’s first thought was, “Oh, bollocks; China’s in my house.”

After getting dressed and ready, the Brit worked up the nerve to go back to his living room to check on China. He found the Asian awake, sitting on the couch wrapped in a blanket and sipping at a cup of tea.

“Ah, good mbornigg, Opiumb, ahe-hhh… ahend… heh-KSHUuu!! Ughhh…” he moaned miserably.

“M-morning, China…” England replied, not particularly thrilled to hear his guest’s voice still congested like… last night. “Um, d-did you sleep well?”

“Yes, slepd like a rock all nighd, ahend!”

…wait just a minute.

“A-are you sure? I mean, you don’t remember anything from last night?”

What was wrong with this wanker? Surely he was just bluffing…?

“Ehh, no. Why, did sombthigg happedd, ahend?” China’s brows furrowed as he stared at the Englishman, eyes expressing confusion and concern as they shone a brilliant topaz. As a blush began to heat up his face, England became furious.

“No, no, NO! Don’t look at me like that! You can’t! That’s not even bloody fair!” he burst out.

Whad are you talkigg aboud, Opiumb!?”

“I’m talking about how you all but molested me last night right there on that chair,” the Brit pointed heatedly, “and now you conveniently can’t remember!!”

“Oi, hey, now! I appreciade everythigg you’ve don’ for be ladely, but I won’ tolerade you making ub lies aboud be, ad’—!!“ He was cut off by a violent string of harsh coughs. England felt a tad bit guilty that he had made China raise his voice while sick and said, “F-fine. I’m done with this, o-okay? We have a meeting to attend.”

After the Chinese recovered and caught his breath, he muttered, “Aiyaah… Fide. Ad’ I’b nod goigg to the meetigg.”

With that, England began to ready himself to leave the house. But the whole time, he couldn’t stop his racing thoughts: “How could China not remember? Unless what he was saying was actually true, and nothing happened last night… But how could that be?? It seemed so real… Was it all a dream!? Am I going crazy!?”

He was about to walk out the front door when China called, “Hey, Opiumb!”

“What!?” the European replied, just a hint louder than he intended. Turning around, he saw the Asian was holding up a dark-colored garment.

“Don’ forgedd your raincoad, ahend. You wouldn’ wadda ged sick fromb this dreadful weather, would you, ahend?” he smirked.

“Uh, b-but I… I mean… why w-would you… that’s… a-and it’s…” England stuttered. Putting on the nastiest, most crotchety face you could imagine, the British stormed over to the Chinese, snatched the raincoat from his outstretched hand, and left the house in a huff.

A head poked out from a doorway and observed, “Hmm. England’s gone already. Oh, but China’s, like, still here.” The boy walked out to the living room to find China asleep on the couch again, his limbs sprawling out every which way.

“Hurgh. I, like, could’ve gone my whole life without, like, hearing what went down here last night.” Hong Kong circled around to the front the couch and kneeled down to pick up China’s fallen blanket. “But I, like, gotta admit…” he sighed as he carefully tucked it over China’s sleeping body.

“…the old man’s still got game.”


Edited by Natsuko
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Oh lord~~ <333

My drabble does not feel worthy in comparison to this!

Jhfkdjgd ahahaaa, China on top of England, xDDD and, oh, dear Hong, having to hear all that. <333333

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Kawaii-Kushami - Glad you thought it was cute! Please excuse my derpiness, but does "IC" stand for "in character"?? Thanks so much; I really try!

Akahana - Thanks! England is too fun to mess with. XD

Daisoku - JUST LOOK AT WHAT YOU HELPED SPAWN. XDDD Well, that clip was not worthy in comparison to your drabble, so I guess we're even now!

I swear I also have a thigh fetish 'cause ENGLAND'S THIGH is something I specifically remember from my dream. But, come on! Have you SEEN the cover of the third volume?? England's tall boots just look so cool and his legs are so sexy thin and okay I'm gonna stop before I say something I'll regret later like I know I will XDDD

Quick question: would you guys prefer that I break up my stories into smaller parts, or post a whole story in its entirety (like this one)? Smaller parts that get completed = more frequent updates, probably. And this story seemed SO LONG when I was writing it...

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The volume as in the third manga

as in the manga which isn't available in the UK at all

except I preordered it and have one of the rarest mangas in the UK cause the coloured pages at the front






i really don't mind i like either biggrin.png

Edit: Yes, IC means 'In Character'

*shot for answering a question not meant for me*

Edited by Daisoku
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Oh, okay! Yes, thank you for... ALL OF THAT. XDDD Daisoku, you never fail to make me laugh. <333 But before anyone gets any ideas about me and England's thighs: The strip where Korea is giving China a massage. China's naked little booty. With the panda-shaped birthmark. HEE HEE. ( ̄︶ ̄)

Oh, you can't even get the manga in the UK?? Nooooo~!!! D8 "Hetalia" is just having problems everywhere, I guess. In the beginning, Tokyopop had the rights to the manga and released the first two volumes in North America, and actually was about to have the third, then freakin' WENT BANKRUPT. Like, how does that happen!? DX I bought several copies of both volumes to give as presents to my friends (I even gave a copy of each to my AP European History teacher, lol!), so I definitely contributed my business.

After that, my sister and I bought the third and fourth volumes in Japanese (we have connections, don't ask) since we figured it'd be a while before we could get our hands on them again. That was a year ago. At the con I went to a few weeks ago, they were selling the first THREE volumes in English (they got that last batch released by Tokyopop, I guess), so we bought the third. I think it was announced that someone HAS picked up the rights to the "Hetalia" manga and is planning the translation of the fourth and fifth volumes. Yay~!!

On a somewhat related note, does anybody else have the "Hetalia" travel guide books? My sister has the first three (Italy, Spain, and America) and they're really funny! The new one for England looks really cute, too. <333 As you can see, there's quite the collection at my house... ^^;

Also, with the approval of the anime's fifth season and the fact that Korea has lifted its ban of the series, I hope that everyone's favorite oppa he will finally be able to appear. I really like him, and a lot of his comic strips have China in them, too, so it would just be a double "YESSS".

Edited by Natsuko
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