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Natsuko's "Hetalia" thread


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I'm a huge fan of "Axis Powers Hetalia," and it is through my fellow fans posting their stories on this site that I found the forums and (finally!) decided to join. And, as horribly cliché as it is, I was even inspired to begin writing my own. There are many, many great writers around here, and although I've never really written for fun, I hope to join your ranks, at least among the "Hetalia" fans. :)

So, would anybody be interested in reading this newbie's stories?

P.S. My favorite character is China, so he would probably show up a lot. XD

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YESYESYESYESSSSS WELCOME TO THE HERD :D I mean, uh forum. wrong fandom LOL

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OH MY GOODNESS~ (」゜ロ゜)」What a response! I guess I'd better hurry up and get started, huh?

Okay, this is my first story that I've ever written, and it is currently my pride and joy. It took quite a long time to complete, and ended up being much longer than I had planned (Warning: it has FIVE PARTS. ^^;). But I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it. :)


Oh, one more thing. I know that a lot of you are huge fans of USUK, but... I do loves me some good IggyChu. XD Especially when Hong Kong is involved. Sorry~! (But don't worry, nothing serious happens... I think. XDDD)

Title: Three Gentlemen

Series: Hetalia

Characters: China, England, Hong Kong

Notes: This story takes place while Hong Kong is under England's care. HK is about seven years old here.

“What!? Hong Kong is sick!?”

“Yeah… but I wanted you to know that it’s just a small cold, so you don’t have to wor-“

“I’m coming over there right now, aru!”

“Ehh-!? China, wait, don’t hang up…!”

And that, England sighed unhappily, was the reason why the Chinese nation was now here in his hallway, standing outside the door to Hong Kong’s room. The little boy was inside, taking a nap. China nervously glanced back and forth between England and the closed door, a stern look set on his face. He knew better than to wake a sick, sleeping child, but…

“Honestly, China, everything’s fine. You didn’t need to rush all the way to Europe for this.” Heh, “rush” was quite the understatement. China had been in such a hurry that he had dumped his luggage on the floor and made his way to Hong’s room as soon as England answered the door. Talk about a rude houseguest.

The Asian gave a small pout in response. “I have to make sure that my child is okay, ahen. Is that so wrong, Opium?” England had young ones before, hadn’t he? He should know that uneasy feeling you get when your kid isn’t well! Then again, he had raised that America, and we all know how he turned out… “Besides, I bet it was your gloomy weather that got him sick in the first place, ahen.”

“Mmph…” England moaned, dreading the migraines that were sure to come in the following days. China was always so critical towards him, but even more so when it came to Hong Kong. He really, really hoped the Chinese would just leave, but there was probably no chance of that happening, was there? He’d just have to suck it up, control his temper, and be as gracious as possible, like a proper host.

“Don’t you dare try to go blaming this on me or my weather, you bloody git!” he blurted out. Yep, this visit was going to be oh-so-pleasant. Why did the two of them always end up bickering? “He’s still a kid! It’s perfectly natural for them to get sick sometimes.”

“Are you sure, ahen? You probably let him go outside without appropriate clothes, or something, so he-“


Their little squabble was interrupted by the sound of a small sneeze that escaped from Hong’s room. The two paused and stared at each other for a second before bursting through the door, crying out, “Hong Kong! Are you okay!?”

The little boy was sitting upright in his bed, a small fist rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Looking up at the adults crammed in his narrow doorway, he sniffled lightly and breathed, “…China…?”

“Ah… ni hao, Hong Kong!” China said softly, untangling himself from England and gliding over to the child’s bedside. Kneeling down, he said, “I heard you were ill, so I came to visit you, aru! Does that make you happy?” Without showing any emotion, Hong Kong gave a small nod of his head. “Well,” China went on, “I’ll be staying for a while to take care of you. I’ll bet you’ve missed my cooking, haven’t you, aru? Shall I make a special Chinese dinner for us tonight?” Again, completely impassive, the boy closed his dark eyes and nodded. “Excellent, aru! I’ll just unpack my things and then I’ll get started on it, okay?”

As he rose, China leaned over and, holding Hong’s face with his hand, placed a small kiss on the boy’s head. “I’ve missed you, aru,” he whispered. He then walked over to the doorway, where England still stood, positively seething. The Asian glanced up at the European, then continued on his way out the door and down the hallway to pick up his bags. England could swear that he had seen a smirk appear on China’s face as he passed by, adding to his growing envy.

“Oriental wanker.” England muttered under his breath.

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awww it's so cute! :'D and are you sure this is your first story? cause this is actually quite good 8D /fangirls

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Thanks for your lovely comments! <3 It gets better from here, I hope swear

Emily: I have writing assignments for school (of course), and I've been told I'm a good writer, but as for writing for fun... yeah, this is pretty much my first serious one. :)

Daisoku: I love your own Hetalia drabbles so much, so your comment really means a lot. Thank you!

Fun fact about this story: the idea for it came to me in a dream I had right at the beginning of this year. The whole story played out like a movie as I sat back and watched. Of course, I've added on to it a lot. Needless to say, one of the best dreams I've ever had.

And Part 2 begins~

The next couple of days were spent relatively peacefully. Both England and China held a mutual desire to keep their fighting in front of Hong Kong to a minimum, especially while the boy was unwell. China was able to keep himself occupied by insisting on cooking meals and cleaning England’s house, which was too “unkempt” for the Asian’s standards. Seriously, how did Opium think he could properly raise children in such an unfit place?

As unhappy as England was with the whole situation, he had no room to complain because he was also constantly preoccupied with all his paperwork and whatnot. In fact, it was kind of nice, wasn’t it? Letting China handle all these domestic matters was almost like having a housekeeper around to work. And, frankly, he was good at it. The Englishman slyly smiled at the thought of China’s outrage over essentially being called a “maid.” That git wished he’d have the honor of serving the mighty British Empire!

Anyway, between caring for Hong Kong (who, despite being sick was still quiet and well-behaved like the Asian child he is) and doing all the other work that needed to be done, everybody was kept quite busy. While the friction amid the two adults was still pretty bad, they had little time to actually verbalize it and was limited to a dirty look here and there.

“Haah, almost done, aru,” China sighed, wiping down the large bathroom mirror from his perch atop the sink counter. All this work from cleaning and cooking daily really tired him out, even more so than when he did it at his own house. (Well, old Opium’s house is so untidy, and I’m sure as heck not going to let him prepare meals for us, aru!) Thankfully, it exhausted him so much that he slept like a rock every night. The time difference between Beijing and London was killer.

The Chinese was about to start in on the bathtub when he realized he was almost out of cleaner. “Aiyaah, now I’ve got to go get some more,” he grunted, picking himself up from his kneeled position on the tile floor. “I should’ve just yelled at Opium to get it for me, but…” he thought, making his way to the kitchen, where England kept all his cleaning supplies. As China opened the designated cupboard, he heard a soft voice coming from the living room. It belonged to… England?

Poking his head around the wall, he could see England and Hong Kong, sitting on the living room couch, nestled within a mound of blankets. The Briton held a large and very worn book between the two, obviously taking a break from his work to read to Hong, who also wanted a break from bed rest. The cover, decorated with ornate designs and font, read “A Complete Account of Fairytales.” Hong Kong sat and listened quietly, his face as expressionless as always, but with a noticeable aura of content emanating from him.

From his hiding place, China eavesdropped as England told stories of knights and princesses, wizards and magic; not unlike traditional Chinese tales, but with some distinct flair that captivated the Asian. Perhaps it was the practiced way in which the Englishman told the stories that made them so entrancing.

England’s storytelling was suddenly interrupted when a few sneezes escaped from Hong Kong, dark eyes fluttering. “Hek-shoo! Ah-chiuu! ‘Shyuuu! Nn’chiuu… !” His little body shivered with each release. China was about to walk over to help when England turned towards the child. “Are you alright, lad? My, that was quite a fit you had just now,” he said, chuckling. He pulled out a handkerchief and proceeded to wipe Hong’s nose (seriously, where in the world did he keep all of those, aru!?). Once the child’s face was cleaned up, England pocketed the square of fabric and continued to read from the thick book.

Watching for one more minute and deeming the situation under control, China turned back into the kitchen. “Hmm…” was the only sound that came from his mouth, which was working its way into the absolute smallest, mind you, of pleased smiles. Picking up the cleaner that he had come to fetch, China then left England and Hong Kong sitting, totally undisturbed, on the couch to enjoy some much-needed downtime, as he was now ready to make that bathtub gleam.

(Man, I was worried that these parts were too long, but they look way shorter than in my Word doc. XDDD)

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Oh, my gooooooodddd! I nearly squee'd just now, okay!? Just, England! DSGhgfjsfg!

So cuuute! So perfect, Iggy being motherly and reading Hong fairy tales. <333 And China, cute as well. <3333

So sweet, that they're putting their differences aside to look after Hong Kong.

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:'D ufufufu cute little Hong Kong! I never read many China ficlets but yours are awesome! :D China is underappreciated V __ V him and his wok.

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Eeeee another Hetalia fan on the forum, and more wonderful fanfiction~! * U *

I feel so happy now~ Welcome to the forum ! o7o

As for this ongoing fanfic, I can't wait to read more ouo

China's one of my favorites, and I ship IggyChu as well ~

Ahh little Hong Kong is so cute ! Keep up the good work ! >u<)b

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Kawaii-Kushami: Thank you so much! I've read your own Hetalia drabbles, and they're really cute~! Keep it up, as well!

I'm really happy that everyone's enjoying this. Tell all your friends! I read your comments and then can't stop smiling for a while. :D

When I first got into "Hetalia," I never thought I'd like England. I think his eyebrows scared me, or something. XDDD But, he just kept showing up (I joke that everybody's got a beef with Iggy lol), and now he, China, and Hong Kong are my top 3 favorites. Tea Lovers Family FTW!

Here's Part 3! (Not much sneezing, but lots of "d'aww" moments. XD)

England straightened up, rubbing his tired eyes, and sighed. The words on his paperwork seemed to get smaller and smaller until he couldn’t bear to read them anymore. Glancing at his clock, the Briton saw that it was almost 1:00 in the morning. It still surprised him how quickly time could tick by, for he had been sitting at his desk for several hours now. But, he had spent many long nights sifting through documents and forms; he was used to this. And anyway, it’s not like he had a choice. He was a very important person with work meant for his eyes only, right?

Well, he could still afford to take a break every now and then. With a fatigued groan, England pulled himself out of his chair and into the hallway to stretch a bit, maybe even fix a cup of tea. When he happened to pass by Hong Kong’s room, he was surprised to find its walls illuminated by the lamp sitting on the nightstand. He could also hear a low voice murmuring something.

Peeking through the doorway, England could see two lumps, one small and one moderately less small, resting on Hong Kong’s bed. With his eyes adjusting to the low light, the Englishman could make out his child accompanied by their guest’s slender figure. China laid next to Hong Kong, rubbing his little back while the young one peacefully slept. The murmur came from China’s crooning of some song of which England couldn’t understand a single word, until he realized that it was being sung in Chinese. In any case, it was very relaxing and so effective a lullaby, the Brit was beginning to fall asleep right there standing in the hallway.

“Hong Kong must have woken up in the middle of the night, and so China came to put him back to sleep,” England figured, grateful that the lad hadn’t felt alone. He knew that Hong was wary of interrupting the adult while he was working. Remembering the paperwork waiting at his desk, England left and went to make that cup of tea.

When he returned, he found that China had fallen asleep as well, although the lamp was left on, painting the Asian’s delicate face with a golden light. England made his way over to the side of the bed the two were sharing to switch off the lamp (only because we can’t be wasting electricity, now! That’s all!), then proceeded to cautiously shuffle back to his room. He flinched when he heard someone shift on the bed, but the room was quickly silent again.

Now safely in his room, England sat down and began to plunge back into his paperwork. As he was rearranging the documents, the Brit started to mull over his relationship with China. (Wait, that’s not what he meant! Erm, the “correspondence between them”? Yeah, that sounds better. Idiotic perverts like France would have taken that the wrong way.)

“Perhaps we’ve simply been misunderstanding each other… It’s obvious we both love Hong Kong… It shouldn’t be that difficult to get on…”

“What do you bloody think you’re doing!?”

England had been in the kitchen, heating up water to prepare some tea as requested by Hong Kong. Now, hardly a minute later, he was wrestling with China for the tin of tea he had brought out.

“This is black tea, ahen! Hong Kong is not going to want it. Besides, green tea will help his cold much more! Your Western-style tea becomes unhealthy when you add all that sugar and whatnot, ahen.”

“Hong Kong likes my tea just fine, thank you!” England replied defensively. “Don’t you know that children like sweet things, not bitter?”

“Shut up, Opium, ahen! All my siblings loved the tea that I made for them when they were small! Know why, ahen? Because I make it perfectly!”

“Well, since you’re so confident in your tea, why don’t we both prepare a cup and let Hong Kong decide which he likes better?”

~ A few difficult minutes later ~

When each had finished making their tea, they brought the cups to the child, who sat upright in his bed. The adults watched intently as Hong Kong took a small sip of each tea, not showing any signs of preference with his poker-faced expression. Both quickly realized that, with Hong, this fight was not going to be an easy one to settle…

Impatience reaching its limit, China finally prodded, “Nee, Hong Kong, you like the tea that I made better, right, aru?”

“You can’t ask him so bluntly, you git! You’ll influence his answer!”

“No, no, ahen. I know he just didn’t want to admit that he doesn’t like your tea because he knows you’d be devastated. This way, all he has to do is agree with me, and say nothing more!”

“That is not true at all, and you know it! In fact, I think the boy was about to say that he likes my tea better before you interrupted him!”

“Well, every time that I see him, I think his eyebrows have gotten bigger, ahen! And it’s all your fault, Opium!

“That has absolutely nothing to do with this argument, and it is certainly not my… fault…” Thinking about it, the Brit faltered a bit on that last statement.

While the two were squabbling again, Hong Kong had decided to experiment with his tea, and was pouring the liquids back and forth between the two cups in his hands. He paused when he felt his nose suddenly start to itch.

“Haah… hek-shyuuu!”

As his body jerked with the force of the sneeze, some of the now-thoroughly-combined tea spilled out of the cups and onto his lap and bed sheets. The two adults immediately took notice and ceased their bickering.

“Oh! Are you okay, lad?”

“Hong Kong! You don’t play with your tea!” China scolded. Taking the cups away and setting them on the nightstand, the Asian continued to chide the little one as he lifted him out of the tea-soaked bed. “You’re lucky that the tea had cooled down. You could’ve burned yourself, aru! Now, let’s get you into some clean clothes, aru.”

As they left Hong’s room, England couldn’t help but snigger at China’s reaction. The old bloke could be really uptight now and then. Well, the Englishman might have responded in the same way, if only China hadn’t been so darn quick. Curious, England picked up one of the cups, still half-full with tea, and took a sip.

“Hmm… not half-bad, actually.”

Do you guys think that my writing style is "believable"? I really try to make them sound in-character... ^^;

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Totally believable! <3 Ahaha, I love this so much!


Edited by Daisoku
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After rereading Part 3, I felt compelled to try drinking black tea with milk and sugar mixed with green tea. I thought it was going to be absolutely disgusting, but it actually wasn't bad. Then again, I rather like tea and can drink (or at least choke down) most kinds, sweet or not. But for the sake of this post, I'm gonna be a bad person and lie. XDDD

Don't try drinking it. England has some serious issues. Remember, there's a reason why America's taste buds were ruined for life.

And now you're all gonna be mad at me because there's no Part 4 to be found here. XD

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I can see why it would be nice, actually... I love tea, myself. <3


So very mad. I KID, I KID. I can wait.

But not for very long.

Hurry up, woman. xDDD


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I really am sorry for not just going ahead and posting the whole thing. It's finished and everything, but I'm trying to buy myself as much time as possible (so that I can write MOAR STORIES, if it makes you feel better.) I have so many ideas, but I write stupidly slow. OTL

Just think of it as a guarantee that there's more to come! I promise! ( ・ω・ )ゞ

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Aww~ England is such a sweetheart~ (China and Hong Kong too) I can't wait for the update!! You know what would be great? If England could catch the cold after, so that China would have to help (so that Hong Kong didn't get sick again) and their friendship grows a little more~ that would be awesome!! :D

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Hey guys. Guess what. STUFF IS GETTING WRITTEN, YO. That means more stuff can get posted, yay~! Thanks for being so excited about this thread. I really appreciate it.


You know what would be great? If England could catch the cold after, so that China would have to help (so that Hong Kong didn't get sick again) and their friendship grows a little more~ that would be awesome!!



Muhhh, here's Part 4, you jerks. :D

“Hng… Haah-schxxxn… !!” came a stifled sneeze for the thousandth time that day.

“Tsk…!” came the subsequent click of a tongue.

England and Hong Kong were sitting beside each other, sharing the young one’s bed, in what was now dubbed “the sick room.” Yes, the Brit had caught Hong’s cold and now China had the pleasure of caring for both of them. Pfft, yeah right, aru. Having one sick child was bad enough, but now two? He had spent nearly all morning fetching books and tea and blankets and medicine and whatever else they had asked for.

“Must you make that blasted sound after every time I sneeze?” England dabbed at his congested nose in irritation. It was like China was actually trying to make his sickness even more miserable.

“You just really shouldn’t hold back your sneezes like that, ahen,” the Asian answered chidingly. “Your body is simply trying to rid your nose of something. You’re stopping a very natural response. And,” China added, softening his tone, “it sounds a little painful.”

“Well, excuse me for being a gentleman,” England responded curtly. “I’m willing to take a little suffering f-for… hehk-schhhn!! …for the sake of courtesy.”

“You mean, you will sacrifice your own comfort just so that you don’t annoy others, ahen? I can’t really understand that, especially since we’re not even in public, and your stifling annoys me even more.”

Haagh-shxxxg!!… ugh… D-don’t make light of it! I find it very important to… to… haah-kmmphhh!! Hek-chmmmph!!! The Brit buried his face in his handkerchief to further muffle the sound of his sneezes.

“Hmph. Whatever, Opium, ahen. Do what you want,” China sighed. Turning towards Hong Kong, the Chinese ran his hand through the child’s choppy brown hair. “Listen to me, aru. When you are all grown up, don’t do this kind of silly thing that England does, okay? Do you understand, aru?”

Closing his eyes thoughtfully, Hong nodded his head in comprehension, while the Englishman sat gaping in disgust.

It was late in the afternoon, and for once, the house was quiet and peaceful. China was busy tidying up the living room while Hong Kong, almost completely over his sickness, was coloring pictures at the kitchen table. Every once in a while, the older Asian would go and look at the drawings, praising the child and promising to hang them up for all to admire.

Meanwhile, England was alone in Hong Kong’s room, reading yet another book. Well, it was the only thing he could do while he was confined to bed, and besides, he just liked reading! Don’t look into it too much, you idiot!

Finishing another chapter, England marked his place and lay the book down. Leaning back into the fluffy pillows, he began to contemplate what the Chinese had said earlier. How could China not understand that he was trying to practice proper etiquette? Were the eastern and western cultures really that different? And, did it truly bother China? For him to bring up the points that he did…

At that moment, England’s nose twitched as he felt another sneeze lurking. Hmm. Maybe, as comfortable as he was stifling, should he try to…?

“Hh… hahhhn… Haaagh-shouuuu!! K’shyuuuu!!! A-aahh…”

Well. That was a bit louder than England had expected. It must have been at least a couple centuries since he’d sneezed like that! It was kind of refreshing, actually, not having to feel restrained in any way. Maybe he should do it like that more often! Not in public, obviously, but around his own house, or perhaps in—

England’s newfound excitement was shattered when he realized that China was standing in the doorway, golden eyes staring and mouth open in astonishment. In his arms, he held a pile of cleaned and folded clothes, clearly being shuttled from the laundry room to Hong Kong’s.

“Opium, ahen…? I thought you never… I mean, you said you always…”

Realizing that the Chinese had heard him, England’s face began to turn bright red with embarrassment. “H-hey now! This isn’t at all what… I-I’m not trying to… And this certainly doesn’t have anything to do with what you said earlier, you git!” he quickly blurted out.

Aahh, bollocks.

“What I said earlier…?” China glanced up in confusion. After a second, the Asian’s yellow eyes widened in remembrance, and then a knowing smile slid onto his face.

You idiot! Wipe that stupid grin off your face! L-like I would ever listen to you! If you don’t stop, I’m so going to—hah… hehk-shuuu! Ack-shyouu!! H-hagh-chxxxn! Aahh-schnnn! Hh’chuuu!!” The Brit’s tsundere outburst was interrupted by a sudden fit of sneezes. As he tried hastily to suppress them, a few escaped unstifled.

Meanwhile, China’s amused smile was ever widening. “You are truly hopeless, aren’t you, Opium, ahen?” he asked, knowing England could not answer. Chuckling, he set down the clothes and left to fetch a fresh wad of tissues for the poor gentleman.

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Ohhhh myyyyy goooooddddd

I legit, have the largest smile on my face since, forever. <3

Oh, maaaan! You got England down pat! Perfecto! And I love his and China's relationship it's just so strained and cute and dskgj;lkdagj;lkajg kaf;lgkjdflksgfd <3333

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Waaaah~ ヽ(*>▽<*)ノ I made someone unable to form a coherent sentence? That's, like, an all-time high! lol You guys make me smile like a derp, too. <333

I've discovered that I really enjoy writing for tsundere characters. They're just so fun! Tsuntsun deredere~

I figured that I like IggyChu simply because China and England are pretty much my two favorites. But I also really love thinking about their twisted relationship, especially with Hong. In my mind, they're not a couple (not a normal one, anyway), but they've got... something goin' on there. XD

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Of course you made me incoherent, you're amaaaazin!<3

My friend called me Tsundere the other day. I most certainly am not! >//<

Iggychu, I've never really, understood, I think is the word, but your fic, damn it, is converting me. I now ship aaaalllllll the England pairings! ((Except EnglandxRussia. Dun like Russia. Creepy bastard.))


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You, tsundere!? W-well, it's not like that's a compliment, or anything! That jerk! And if I seem like I'm being "overly defensive," or whatever, t-that's just your own stupid misconception. There's absolutely nothing wrong with me! IDIOT. (#`ε´#)

I don't believe I've ever heard of EnglandxRussia. More importantly, I can't see how that's even possible...

( ^^ ) < But England is pretty funny when he is angry, da?

OH MY GAAAAAAHHHHH...... France scares me so bad. (ノдヽ) My sister has a friend that cosplays France, and I joke that she is creepily accurate and accurately creepy...

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( ^^ ) < Sorry about the blood on my face. I had to use my pipe to... well, you don't have to know that part. <333

I'm really sorry, I don't know how to edit my own posts yet... OTL

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It's fine. I have the edit function... I got it after becoming a 'writer', if you'll check the stickeyed topic at the top of the stories sub-forum, you can see how you can become one, and too, get the glorious 'edit' button.


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OHMAIGOD I LOVE THIS!!!! Your characterization of England is amazing, and this is SO CUTE!!! Lol China's a troll~ SO MUCH LOVE!!!! Can't wait for more~ <3333333333

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