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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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You are an awesome writer! The narration here has such a distinct style that I really really like and makes such an already interesting piece even more interesting to read. The whole thing was very Naruto. I remember when this show became popular in America six years ago I was totally obsessed with it. Seriously, great job!

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O w O

omg it's been so long since you've posted writing and thisis so awesome! lots of snot, but it's Naruto-esque, and kinda necessary if it's Naruto :> heheheheh keeping tabs on this one

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I love the sneezes, not a huge fan of the descriptive snot, but the story is worth it anyway! So great!

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  • 2 weeks later...


LOOOOOOOOL I actually laughed so hard at the Naruto-Shikamaru exchange

that backstory for his stifling, that's so him :'D

/crawls back in lurkership.

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This is progressing awesomely. /LOVE

And I vote not to tone it down if you're inclined not to; there are always those of us that will love the same things you do, <333 That said, I loved this chapter every bit as much as the first. They're both great!

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