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Sneeze Fetish Forum

"Let's hope it does" (female)


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Alright, so, I have only gotten started on a Devil Wears Prada allergy fic, but my stubborn mind claimed there should be something done about the cold reference in the movie – you know, when Emily comes down with a cold right before some fashion event. Usually, I’m not a cold fan and I definitely don’t like the contagion aspect, but a little idea kept nagging on me, so I had to write it down. The allergy fic will be done in time, too, but for the moment, have a little drabble one-shot with a cold-ridden Miranda.

Don’t own the characters, I’m just having fun.


This once, Miranda only had herself to blame, and the best part was that she didn’t even know it was Andy who had infected her with the cold that was going around the office. The reason was as objectionable as it was true; Miranda had decided to abuse her power once again, and this time it was by forcing her assistant to kiss her.

“Show some enthusiasm, Andrea”, Miranda had commented after the forced kissing in her office. “No wonder your boyfriends leave you, if that’s how you kiss”, she had continued, staring at Andy with those piercing blue eyes, then scoffed and turned her back on the embarrassed brunette. “That’s all”, she dismissed in her usual way.

What Miranda had been unaware of was the fact that Andy was in the early stage of a cold – sore throat, the beginnings of a stuffy nose and she had been sneezing all morning, quiet, restrained stifles that the Snow Queen hadn’t noticed.

After this, Miranda had been out of town for the rest of the week, and Andy had been able to suffer through the cold without attracting attention – well, not too much attention, anyway – and it was almost completely gone by Monday.

Miranda’s cold, however, had only just reached the most intense, most miserable stage. Today’s orders, which she delivered while walking through the office, had been punctuated by persistent sniffling and her voice had been rough and husky. She sat down at her desk and started flicking through a magazine, when she suddenly gasped for air and sneezed wetly, spraying the magazine with a fine mist as she didn’t bother covering.

Andy got up from her chair the moment she heard the sneeze, waiting for Miranda to yell at her to hand her some tissues, but Miranda said nothing. Instead she started coughing, a rasping, chesty cough that sounded like it would soon develop into bronchitis or pneumonia. The coughing fit seemed to go on for over a minute, and then she sneezed again.

“Ahh-ekGSCHhgh! Huh-EkSSSCHghh!”

The sneezes sounded so congested Andy was certain a sinus infection was either approaching or in full bloom. She waited for the inevitable shout for tissues, but Miranda merely groaned and said – obviously to herself, probably certain nobody could hear her through the glass doors –

“Ughh, this cold is killig be!!”

Andrea smiled for the first time that day and nodded to herself.

Oh yes, let’s hope it does.

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I can't wait for the allergies to develop! I suppose all those lovely handmaidens are going to have to do their sneezing away from our ken.....

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It may have to be that way... I'm terrible with having several characters sneezing in one fic, I prefer to focus on one. Working on the allergy story right now, I think it's gonna be pretty yummy.

Ooooh Miranda how you will suffer...!! ^_^

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NoV: Naturally. ;)

zakandsara: Thank you! I enjoyed your DWP fic too, never commented on it though since I wasn't on this forum a lot in -08. There's just something about Miranda, right? ;)

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