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Sanctuary: Tesla's Cold


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so i have fallen in love with nikola tesla from sanctuary ^_^ and i found this: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7810949/1/Fever which inspired me to write my own tesla sickfic

here it is:

Nikola Tesla sniffled miserably, while he sat on the couch trying to concentrate on the book in his hand. After a sudden sneeze hit him, he glanced over at Magnus who was reading herself, to see if she had noticed. He knew she did, but she just continued reading. After he sneezed a fourth time in that same hour, Magnus silently got up, grabbed a box of tissues, handed them to Nikola then sat back down and continued to read. Nikola glanced at her again and saw a smile on her face, which puzzled him.

A few minutes later, Helen looked up from her book and saw that Nikola was asleep. He was shivering and his breathing had become uneven. “Nikola.” She sat up from her chair and put her hand on his shoulder. He inhaled loudly and his eyes opened “Yeah?”

“Go to bed, you’re clearly not well.”

“I’m fine.”

“No you’re not.” She leaned on the couch and looked down at him.

“Helen, I’m fine.”

“Mmhm.” She hums in disbelief as she puts a hand to his forehead. He started to pull away but then decided it wasn’t worth the fight. “Okay, you’re running a fever.” She grabbed his arm and tried to pull him up “Go to bed.”

“Helen, really, I’m okay.” He sneezed, and as soon as he did he looked up at Magnus who was smiling “Please, Nikola.” She said, taking a tissue out and handing it to him with a begging look on her face. He wiped his nose and then looked at her. “No, it’s just a cold. “

She smiled victoriously “So you admit that you’re ill.”

“Do I admit that I’m not feeling well? Yes. But it’s not that serious, so stop making it such a big deal.”


"HET-SCHOO!" Nikola lied in bed took a tissue out and wiped his nose. "This is pure hell." he said plainly.

Magnus laughed "I'm sure you've been through worse."

"Oh, I don't know." he scoffed "This definitely is not fun."

"What did you expect?”

"I had no idea what to expect! I haven't been sick in, what, a few decades?"

“Yes, well just get some sleep.” Magnus began to walk out of the room. “Helen.” Nikola said. She turned around and looked at Tesla, patting his bed next to him.

“Oh Nikola,” Magnus smiled sweetly “I’m not getting in bed with you.”

He put on a grin “Even if I’m sick?”

“You need to get some sleep.”

“Can’t you just lie next to me?” Afraid she’d give in, Magnus looked away from Tesla’s fairly sexy smile. But he didn’t give up “Please.” He sat up straighter and looked into her eyes.

“Fine.” Magnus took her shoes off and laid them next to the door “But only until you fall asleep.” Nikola’s grin got bigger when Magnus slid under a blanket, unlike Tesla, who was under several layers of blankets and sheets.

When Magnus got comfortable, Nikola immediately snuggled up to her. “Nikola,” she sighed “too close.”


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