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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneeze Fetish and Pseudo-Sadism?


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Wow, like, everything on this list is super hot!!!! Exept for maybe the vomiting part. . . Although, in an (unposted) fic I wrote, in the one part the guy in the story went to the bathroom to throw up . . . Yeah that's not my favorite thing I've written.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In fiction, I also like seeing people being drugged or drunk. Slurred speech, staggering, hallucinations, passing out...

People being really terrified is very enjoyable too. Trembling voices, cold sweat, gasping and whimpering.

Reading through the thread I started to think that no one had said "drunk." And then VoOs said it.

I think it isn't so much sadistic as fantasizing about the vulnerabilities of others. And, this is important for me, those others try to fight their way through whatever the vulnerability is. I think that's one of the reasons that I like talkies so much. It's hard to to it. You have to fight and not let the sneezes win.

I like that tension.

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that I like the person to be dealing with it; not lying in bed complaining about it. I like them to be doing things they would normally do, going on with their lives and trying to function as well as they normally would. This can include denial, and/or attempting to hide it from others. At least, at first. An eventual crash is always nice. I do like caretaking, but I don't like for the person who needs it to outright demand it, if that makes sense.

Makes complete sense to me. Whiny people don't do it for me. :P I'm a bit of the type that occasionally needs someone to *make* her take it easy a bit, and if a guy is wimpier than I am.... I don't know...

I like the really rough "cold" voice, and when someone is sort of losing their voice due to a cold there is that cracking. And it fills me with "Awwww!!"ness, but I feel guilty for having enjoyment of person not feeling good. Headaches (along w/ other stuff) particularly because of the rubbing bridge of nose. Oh... and I found out recently that a cute guy trying to stretch out and work out kink in neck is Adorable.

I like to "torture" characters- but I don't think that I'd be into it in real life. Although... maybe some light sf play would be fun if I ever got a chance to.

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  • 6 months later...

Other than the throwing up then yes - I do love all of those things - especially wincing in pain but part of that is that u get to take care of them

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How I love this one got bumped because I had missed this one.... and YES!!! biggrin.png

From the original list I would perhaps take away the last one (I can definitely enjoy it in fictive context, but IRL I am terrified by angry people) - although, someone being extremely angry because someone else is being treated wrong, now that one, dunno what part of it is that it sends these intense tremors over, heart or nethers, don't know don't care I LOVE IT. biggrin.png

Also what VoOs mentioned, being terrified. Fear. Fear really turns me on. Not fear inflicted by me, but a man being overtaken by fear.

And what Spoider says about high fevers - I absloteluy LOVE high fevers. Luckily those seem to be rather frequent in fiction.

And of course being cold, preferably being cold and wet.

Gasping and shivering out of pain/fear/cold.

Just about anything that makes me want to protect. I call it heartgasm. wub.png

(of course, the best one for me is and will always be an incredibly uncomfortable, drippy, messy, head-blocking, nose-wrecking, eye-watering cold <3 )

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All of the above and more! My sadism actually tends to the extreme side - like, the kind of things that I probably can't talk about on here. ohmy.png My sneezing/sickness fetish actually is on the softer side of my sadism, as in I still really enjoy the sick person's suffering, but I want to coddle them in that case. But it's definately rooted in sadism for me. :whip:

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From the original list, I would say pretty much just sneezing and crying - the crying one freaks me out though! I watch/read plenty of sneezefic stuff but I would never try and feed my crying thing with online material, however, this doesn't seem to stop me getting a little bit too compassionate for cryers, if there's some sort of attraction there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd say it's like being a bystander of sadism, with fate itself as the sadist. (Sadism once removed?) There's a fetishization of suffering, yes, but I don't think most of us want to put someone else into these situations so much as we want to coincidentally, magically be in the right place at the right time to watch and interact with someone in these sick/injured/impaired states.

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So my fetish is kind of 2 parts.

A sexual part that my body has more of a physical reaction to... sneezing.

And a more emotional part I guess. Idk if emotional is the word just it makes me melt but doesn't quite turn me on. That part includes sickness, physical pain, and most often crying.

I guess for me I don't think of it as sadistic because at least the second part I described the best part is comforting the person.

All though I LOVE the vulnerability aspect thats only half of it. The other half for me is feeling valued which I think comes from vulnerability. When someones vulnerable they NEED you and appreciate you. Thats what I think most gets me. All though that doesn't apply to sneezing. The sneezing is more confusing. And yeah maybe a bit sadistic

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