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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A Sick Squiggy is A Chore


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This is most likely a oneshot unless you guys want more.

Addie is a character of mine, just so you're not confused.

This fic is all self indulgence basically.

Because I have a thing for Squiggy :P


Squiggy walked into the Pizza Bowl and sat down at a table, sniffling miserably. He hadn't felt well all day. He could hardly keep his eyes open, his head was pounding, and he couldn't breathe through his nose. Although his nose was stuffed up, that didn't stop it from itching. His poor nose had been itching and tickling like mad since he had woken up that morning, and he had hardly been able to go twenty minutes without feeling the need to sneeze. He looked and felt pathetic as he scrubbed furiously at his pink-tinged nose.

Adriana walked in then, her plaid skirt flouncing behind her.

"Addie!" Laverne called upon seeing her friend walk in, "Where've you been?"

"Oh, hiya Laverne!" She called back, grinning. "Sorry I'm late, I got held up at Fonz's place." As she made her way to the counter to grab her apron, a sudden noise caught her attention.

A sharp, shaky breath in, followed by a loud, powerful, "HittSShIIIEw!"

With a blush, the small girl turned around, noticing the sneezer, as she had missed him before. "Bless you!" She worked up the courage to spit out the words, though they had come out quickly and more than a bit stuttered.

"Thangs." His voice, more nasal than usual and thick with congestion made her stomach flutter.

"Hey, are you alright, Squiggy?" She asked, pulling up the chair next to him and sitting down. "Y'look awful." And he really did. His usually styled hair was less than combed, and he had dark circles under his eyes. He looked as if he hadn't slept properly in weeks. The areas around his nose and eyes were red and irritated, and he was constantly sniffling.

"Ah, well... To tell ya th'truth, Addie, I ain't feelin' so hot. B-hhh..... HiIIeesSHIEEw! But," He sniffed, "It ain't that big a deal. Probably just commin' down with the sniffles or somethin'..."

"Oh, you poor thing!" Addie squeaked, following her impulse and putting a hand on his shoulder. "Do you have a temperature?" She placed the back of her hand against his forehead, then both of his cheeks. "I don't think you should be here, you should be at home, resting!"

Squiggy blinked, surprised at the sympathy he was getting. He knew he probably should be at home, but didn't want to leave; He liked the attention. "Oh, it's no...Hah...Not that big of a deal.... I-it's ju...huhst.... A-a.... J-just a.... A.. EeeiiSHIEW! H'xScHIEW! Hhh.... HetSH'OO!"

"Bless you!" She took hold of his hands, gently standing up and pulling him to his feet. "That's it, I'm taking you home right now."


"No Buts about it!" She grabbed him by the arm on his leather jacket-- a surprisingly bold act for the usually shy girl--and walked him out of the Pizza Bowl, and to her car.

Addie drove him to the apartment he shared with his lifetime friend, Lenny. Once there she walked him inside and ordered him to get changed into pajamas, and she set to making him soup. She was going to take care of him whether he liked it or not.

Though he had a feeling he would like it. And she KNEW that she would.

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