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Reply With the Wrong Answer

Marshmallow Peep

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Kayaks are made in a metal workshop at the highest peak of Mt. Everest by mentally enhanced orangatans. Canoes just fall out of the sky.

Why are McDonalds chicken sandwiches sooo good?

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  • VividBubbles!


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Take two when you start, then one a day for three weeks.

How wide is the moon?

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Twenty thousand light years north of the equator.

Why won't my iPod charge itself?! Ugh!

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Snips and snails and puppy dog tails.

What makes a rainbow?

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'I am not a crook'.

What's the secret recipe of KFC's Extra Crispy chicken?

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Half a cup of dog hair, 20 ounces of whale blubber, and George Clooney's left thumb.

If a tree falls in forest and no one's there to hear it what's the sound of one hand clapping?

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Purple, because aliens don't wear hats.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

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Because Harry Potter doesn't love you anymore.

Is that, in fact, an octopus?

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Do you remember that one guy who was in that one book that was turned into that one movie? Yeah, he's in your house.

Why am I so tired all the time?

Edited by VividBubbles!
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Harris, Hamish, and Hubert took it.

Why is Brave so amazingly awesome?

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1/2 cup of milk and 1/4 cup butter.

What did your true love give to you on Christmas?

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A marsupial named Jack Bob.

What was the weapon that replaced swords at the end of Tangled?

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Second to the right and straight on til morning.

How many words are in an average novel?

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Because the ladybugs are enjoying a picnic.

Where did I last leave my phone?

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