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Sneeze Fetish Forum


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Love love love!! I actually kinda like it when they fight, it shows their relationship isn't all fluff :D and I adore the way you've done this with Sam immediately jumping to conclusions!!

I think that it would be perfect if there was a follow up drbabble to this one, like a part 2 where Evan is really quite sick and Sam does have to look after him a bit (which will be a new experience for Sam!!) and of course the inevitable where Sam comes down with it too. And then maybe they're both sick or they switch roles.

Whatever you choose to do though, I'll love!!!!!!!!! Because I love both these boys and I love you!!!!! <3

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Hey, people! I am posting this and going straight. to. bed. Oh! And I've been meaning to tell y'all something. I want to make this drabble thread/story as awesome as it can be for y'all. So if you could just PM your favorite traits of a story. Like, what types of sneezes you like, what causes, allergy attacks, Asthma. That sort of thing. Just your favorites of everything. Don't hold back. It makes it *so* easy when I have guidelines to follow. And don't worry, even if one drabble isn't what you PM'ed me, another one will. THat was probably someone elses PM lol. I want to please all of you. I want to make this the best for you. So please don't hesitate to give me tips. Any little thing like "Heads-up, purple! I like stifled sneezes!" will help tremendously. Some of them I will do on my own with my own creativity, but I want y'all all to have at least one drabble dedicated entirely to what you like. So just shoot me a PM telling me what you look for in a perfect story, and trust me, it'll get done. Requests are *always* welcome and greatly appreciated. Also, my goal is to post at a time that you see this update first thing in the morning. I think that would be a nice way to wake up, so I try. Like, for example, since @Pearlised is quite a few hours ahead of me, I usually post at midnight or later so that when she wakes up, she can go right on the forum and BAM! She starts off her day with an update. I know I'd ike to wake up and start the day that way, so I wanna make it happen for you guys. :) Cause I love y'all :) So even if I have something done, I'll usually try to wait until you're asleep. Now you know why :D Anyways, on with the drabble!

Drabble 5, Part 2

*thank you to all of you for your contributing ideas on this part 2!

“Hey, babe, how ya feelin?” Sam cooed as Evan blinked his eyes open.

“Ohhh…whad tibe is id?” Evan asked, his voice hoarse and congested.

“It’s about 1:00 in the afternoon. How ya feelin?” Evan coughed.

“Bad. I dod’t kdow how you do this,” Evan murmured. Sam chuckled.

“Cause I have you to take care of me. You need anything?” Sam asked softly, feeling Evan’s forehead and brushing his sweat-dampened hair off his forehead. Evan shook his head, coughing again.

“Sabby,” Evan moaned.

“Yeah, babe?”

“Just-“ Evan broke off to cough more.

“Just lay dowd with be. Please,” Evan pleaded.

“Sure, babe. You’re never denied cuddles,” Sam giggled as he climbed into bed. He laid facing Eric. Though Eric was a lot bigger than Sam, he still managed to worm himself into Sam’s arms.

“Comfortable?” Evan nodded. Sam smiled. He couldn’t lie. Evan was kinda funny when he was sick. And cute. There was something about Evan just giving up and leaving everything to Sam for once that was actually quite appealing to Sam.

“Ya know, now that you’ve been down a little…I kinda like being in charge,” Sam confessed, resting his chin on top of Eric’s head. All he got was a congested snore in reply, making him giggle a little more. But he finally settled down, sighing a little bit and thinking to himself. He bit back a cough of his own. He knew he had to take his inhaler. To be truthful, he knew he had to do a lot of things. Like, say, take his vitamins. He’d never tell Evan, but he’d been slacking on his meds lately. Not on purpose, of course. It just…well…Evan was his top priority. It was so nice to just forget about all that and focus on Evan, not how many hours it’d been since his last Albuterol treatment. Maybe a little nap would make up for his lack of vitamin tablets. Yes, a nap would do him good. Build up his defenses so he doesn’t catch whatever Evan has.

“Sabby. Sabby!” Sam blinked his eyes open, startled.

“Ishoo! Isshh’uh!! Psh!!” Sam blinked again, clamping his hand over his mouth and nose. Gosh, those sneeze crept right up on him.

“Bless you,” Evan said, coughing more. Sam nodded, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. Gosh, they felt so irritated. Must be his allergies. Guess the Benadryl he took before his nap didn’t do much for him.

“What’s going on, babe?” he asked, tenderly kissing Evan’s forehead.

“You. Idhaler,” Evan instructed. Sam chuckled, then leaned away from Evan to cough. Why was his cough so congested all of a sudden? Damn. The Benadryl really didn’t do anything.

“I’m getting there, babe. You need anything?”

“I deed you to take your idhaler.” Sam went and got his inhaler. He took it right in front of Evan.

“See? I’m fine. I’m used to this. Now, you want some more tea?”

“I wadt you to lay dowd. I’b workigg you too buch,” Evan said.

“Evan, please.” But Evan wasn’t listening anymore. No, he was staring into space, his hands cupped and ready. His nostrils flared wide, his eyes slid shut, and he brought his cupped hands over his nose and mouth.

“HuH’ESHOO!!! ESHHOO!! ESSHOO!!” Sam giggled.

“You’re so loud,” he said, plucking a tissue from the box and handing it to Evan.

“Thad was a lot for be,” Evad said breathlessly, taking the tissue.

“It was, huh?” Evan nodded, a childlike pout on his face.

“Lay dowd. You’re all red agaid.” Evan felt guilty. He was working Sam way too hard. He needs to stop being so needy. Sam shrugged, then got back in bed and laid back down. He was struck by the relief he felt when he did. He hadn’t known how tired he was. He hadn’t realized how out of breath he was until his inhaler began to actually work. Evan rubbed the smaller boy’s back, frowning as he realized Sam’s skin didn’t feel any cooler than his own. “I’d better get better soon,” he thought to himself. “I’ve got my work cut out for me.”

yes, I realize this was quite short. It just seemed like a good place to stop. Cause there will be a part 3 coming soon :)

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Ahhhh!! This is so adorable. I love that sam loves being in charge, and i like how he's "Im in charge now Evan!!! (but i totally forgot to take my meds ^.^' )" Vaulnerable Evan is THE cutest thing! And he's still wanting to care for Sam too- aww :heart: The tenderness between the two of them is going to kill me of cuteness oveload, I hope you can have that on your conscious!! :P

And Part 3 is JUST what Dr Purple ordered!! Can't wait!! :D

And Im totally always happy to give you any sorta direction you want, as you know. Make sure you have fun writing it all too!

Edited by Pearlised
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YAY YAY YAY I LOVE THIS I'll feel weird PMing you directions, but I'll see what I can do.

One thing: you accidentally called Evan "Eric" twice near the beginning of the piece. Not a big deal, but I thought you might want to fix your oops.

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oops. Sorry! not sure how that happened, but I can't seem to edit it...I'll try to fix that! thank you!

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Thank you so much for updating! I'm not much for sick fiction but with your writing, it's an exception! If you need some ideas, I would love if you did a Drabble of Sam and Evan going to Evan's parents house so Sam can meet his parents an try to make a good impression. Bad thing is that they have dogs (or cats) and smoke which sends Sam into an asthma/allergy attack. Hope that wasn't too much! Again, thank you! Hope you update soon!

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I would love to see some more sneeziness from Evan. It's just that if you use the same person over and over and OVER again, it gets a little boring. I still love these though!! :D

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I would love to see some more sneeziness from Evan. It's just that if you use the same person over and over and OVER again, it gets a little boring. I still love these though!! biggrin.png


There must ALWAYS be a weak one!

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I would love to see some more sneeziness from Evan. It's just that if you use the same person over and over and OVER again, it gets a little boring. I still love these though!! biggrin.png


There must ALWAYS be a weak one!

It is the law!!! XD

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I would love to see some more sneeziness from Evan. It's just that if you use the same person over and over and OVER again, it gets a little boring. I still love these though!! biggrin.png


There must ALWAYS be a weak one!

It is the law!!! XD

lol yeah, it's just that they both need some time

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Loved the 5th drabble, especially part one! Adorable! Waiting for more, please!

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  • 8 months later...

These are wonderful - I really wish there were more - love your writing purple ninja - would nverming think I would enjoy a m/m fic but I totally do - I just want to cuddle them both - I really like sick Evan and Sam learning he can be strong and independent to be there for E

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These are wonderful - I really wish there were more - love your writing purple ninja - would nverming think I would enjoy a m/m fic but I totally do - I just want to cuddle them both - I really like sick Evan and Sam learning he can be strong and independent to be there for E

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ADJADAJGHG!!!! Why did I just saw these awesome Sam stories now in 2013?!

I have a really soft spot for asthma..! I wish there was more :(

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Thanks purple ninja for posting these wonderful stories and thanks Privatdancer for bringing up to my attention this topic :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I really really like cat allergy sneezes, with long buildups. Also, sneezing while hiding anything, or hayfever, dust, and other animal allergies.

Nothing is wrong with the asthma, but it scares me a little bit because I know how it feels. Anyway, you write very very VERY well?

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  • 2 months later...

I'm glad this old thing was bumped a bit; I'd forgotten all about my poor boys! Fear not, though, I fully plan to continue :)

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  • 2 years later...

Stumbled across this again, and quite frankly some of these prompts are too good to waste (@queenie and others). Would anyone be interested in a revival?

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