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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Listen to me, please. M/M


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Hey guys, it's been awhile. I'm sorry this took longer than I thought, since I've been really busy lately and haven't had time to write. You see the only time I get to write is late at night since thats, usually when I stalk the internet and find inspiration. It's almost 3 where I am now but blah I needed this done and now I no longer feel guilty for leaving you guys hanging. I wish I could give you guys individual responses but I'm kinda out of it right now so I'm not sure how thought out they'd be. Well, I'd just like to say anyway that you guys are all lovely and thank you for reading! You guys make me so happy :) and I'm glad you even like the story. You can't go wrong with angst <3. Okay I need to stop so heress,

Part 4!


Cam jerked to the side, pushing Louis away; suddenly finding enough energy to hoist himself up. Louis did the same. A surge of energy rushed through Cam as Allison strutted over to where they were standing, long blond hair swaying behind her.

“I found you!” She squealed, smothering Louis with a hug. Louis had a neutral look on his face, hugging her back reluctantly.

“Hey, I didn’t know you were looking for me.” Cam stood there, dumbfounded. Her timing was awful and what Louis had just said became lost in the back of Cam’s thoughts, jealousy creeping in.

“Well of course I was silly, thought you could get away from me eh?” She loosened her hold on Louis, swatting his shoulder playfully.

Heh’Kishoo! Ah’Kishoo!”

Allison turned around, making a face, “Oh, hey Cam! I didn’t see you there!” Yeah right. “Did you know that Louis over here,” she winked and turned to face him, “is gonna be taking me to homecoming?”

Cam froze, feeling hollow yet heavy hearted at the same time. He coughed in response, shaking his head no. Of course Louis had been full of shit. He was so stupid. So, so stupid.

“Doh.” Cam said thickly, “No I didd’t sidce when?”

“Well, he asked me about a month ago, it was the sweetest thing. He got me flowers and everything, you didn’t hear about it?” Louis had the expression of someone who’d been caught doing something illegal.

This can’t be happening.

“Oh really?” Cam mumbled, inadvertently glaring at the pair in front of him. They looked so good together, Why did they have to look so good together? “Interesting, I had doh idea Louis was capable of thidgs like that.”

Allison’s brightened, happy to think she’d experienced a side of Louis that Cam hadn’t. Cam noticed. Bitch.

Bet she didn’t know that Louis could sing, or that Louis would force himself to stay awake just to talk, or that he smiled in the middle of kissing. Actually she probably did, and it hurt to think of that.

Allison.” Louis said roughly, but looking at Cam, “That’s enough.” He was ignored.

“Oh, he is! He’s such a sweetheart!” Allison sauntered over to Cam, a cocky gleam visible under mascara caked lashes. She grinned, a half-way lopsided smile that looked more like a sneer; Cam tensed, loathing her presence. “I’ve heard,” Allison whispered, dousing Cam with warm peppermint breath, “he’s gonna ask me back out at the dance. But shh, let’s pretend that we both don’t know that.” She giggled, before slinking back to Louis, linking her arm around his with a satisfied look.

Cam looked down, willing himself to stay calm. The back of his nose stung and he wasn’t sure what from, it was enough to elicit a few sneezes anyway. “Hih- ih’PSHoo! Heh’ngxt!”

“Oh bless you! Are you getting a cold? Those didn’t sound very good. Louis is really good at caretaking, I should let you borrow him.” Shut up. Shutupshutupshutup. He isn’t even yours.

Cam couldn’t help but notice that she retreated slightly, inching herself closer to Louis, or that she couldn’t mask the slight disgust in her voice. A prissy germaphobe? Cam could make his own brand of karma.

“No,” He sniffled, liquidly enjoying the new look on her face, “My allergies have just been bad this past few days. I’ve been giving those tissue companies lots of business.” He breathed deeply, feeling the prick in his sinuses, right now, he adored that prick. It wasn’t enough to turn into a real sneeze, for now it was merely an annoying sensation, but it would work. “I don’t know why they’re so bad, I just hate the sneezing.” He twitched his nose, and reveled in Allison’s expression that said ‘me too’ for her.

“Well, there’s this little thing called antihistamines,” Allison said sharply.

“Yeah,” Cam sniffed again loudly, “But those dope me up, I don’t like that.” He rubbed his nose, faking a hitch in his breathing, “H-hey, you wouldn’t happed to hih’ tihhihhssues would you?” He took a step towards her, “Or maybe just something I could heh… heh!” He paused, tipping his head back slightly, watching as she backed away from Louis. He regained his composure and slowly walked towards her, nose still twitching. The tickle had grown and now he just had to hold it in long enough to get to Allison.

“Maybe like a hadkercheif or…or heh… something.” The hitch in Cam’s breath was no longer fake. He sniffled again, now fighting the tickle,

“Uhm. No, sorry I don’t.” She sounded nervous.

“But I have to…heh… eh’ I have to- heh’KISHoo!” He snapped forward purposely, hoping Allison was in range, he was far from done anyways, “Ah’Ishoo! Heh…Heh-hep’ tschoo! Heh’ISHHEW!”

“EW!” Allison shrieked.

“Oh, I… I’m sohhheh…heh-Hep’KISSHEEWW!” Cam opened his eyes, blearily feeling damn satisfied to see Allison looking outright disgusted as she wiped her clothes off frantically. He pretended not to care when he saw Louis suppressing a smile out the corner of his eye.

He was still more involved with Dupree than he’d said, after all.

“Cover your goddamn mouth!” Allison grimaced, mortified at the spray that was settling on her shoulder.

Ah, bless me.” He glanced back at Allison, “I’m so sorry. Did I get you?” The blonde simply glared at him, upper lip curling in disgust. Cam fought back laughter, “I think you missed a spot, here let me get that.”

“NO!” She recoiled, holding her hands up, not bothering to hide the revulsion in her voice, “Keep your nasty germy snotty hands away from me!”

Cam chuckled out loud, “It’s okay Allison! You can’t catch allergies.” Cam was content, momentarily forgetting the hurt from before in ephemeral euphoria of his small revenge.

“Ugh! Louis!” She turned to him, “Do you see what he just did to me?”

“He sneezed on you.” Louis stated matter of factly.

“Do something about it!” She demanded, glowering at Cam.

“What am I supposed to do?”

“What do you think?!”

“Bless you.”

Cam didn’t reply. He gathered his things and threw his bag over his shoulder, picturing Allison crossing her arms as her heard her grumble softly “That wasn’t you were supposed to do.”

“Have fun lovebirds.” Cam yelled cheerily as he walked away.

“We will!” Allison yelled back. “You’re just mad that he didn’t love you, and I can see why. You freak!” Her words echoed down the empty halls, cutting deeper than Cam would’ve wished.

He kept walking, swallowing a comeback. Allison wasn’t worth the time.

He didn’t love you. He didn’t love you. He didn’t love you.

Cam sneezed twice, and continued moving.


Cam pushed the glass door open, shivering at the drop in temperature. All his energy from before was gone and so was the rush of being an asshole to Allison. He coughed weakly, freely into the open air.

The parking lots surrounding the building had cleared out, save for a few vehicles belonging to faculty and detention students. Judging from the dark gray clouds hanging overhead, it wasn’t hard to tell why. Cam looked up, dreading the walk home. Curse Lisa and her transportation needs.

Cam started walking slowly, his legs felt heavy. He tried not to think about Louis or Allison or how stupid he was for not blowing Louis off. It hurt everywhere. “Heh’Kitschoo!” He swiped at his nose, thinking of his bed and how nice it would be to just curl up in it and sleep for the next four or five days as motivation to make it home. The assignment didn’t even matter now. Cam would be fine with the F.

Thunder rumbled up above. Cam stopped, looking around. Storms weren’t his thing. He tried to walk faster but his legs didn’t agree with his mindset. He needed to get home.

Right before he reached the crosswalk a few raindrops began to fall.

“Shit,” He muttered. This was not his day. When he got home, he’d make himself a nice cup of hot chocolate. The season didn’t matter.

Thunder crackled again, setting something off up above, as the clouds broke, as promised, releasing an angry rush of rainfall.

Shit!” Cam swore louder, turning around and making a beeline for the school. He jogged as fast as his legs would take him back to the building, seeking shelter. The rain was pouring down, thick drops pelting his clothes. soaking him to the skin by the time he was back in front of the regulation glass doors.

He was relieved but the feeling was quickly replaced as he pulled on a slick handle and the door didn’t budge. Cam trembled, energy gone. He sank down onto damp cement, the slight overhang of the school providing little protection from the downpour.

Cam decided he would wait until the rain subsided, then attempt to call Lisa to pick him up. He was trembling too much to even try to look for his cell phone anyway.

What had he done to deserve this godawful day?

Cam felt defeated and empty. He drew his knees in, thought of what Louis and Allison were doing in the nice, warm, dry building they didn’t deserve to be in, buried his head in rain soaked jeans, and began to cry.


I'm awful I know. Comments are my motivation <3 okay well actually anyone who reads this is but ya know comments are still appreciated. :D

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ohh you just made my day. Tank you biggrin.png you are a fantastic writher ... think I didn't breath through the hole chapter.

I'm so excitet to see, were the story goes.

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This was wonderful! I feel so bad for Cam. I'm looking forward to what's next! Thank you so so so much for updating!

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oh god YES!!! an update...AN UPDATE!!!!

thank god we have you back!!! :yes:

this passage made me giggle and laugh! this is exactly what she deserves!!!! :twisted2:

“Yeah,” Cam sniffed again loudly, “But those dope me up, I don’t like that.” He rubbed his nose, faking a hitch in his breathing, “H-hey, you wouldn’t happed to hih’ tihhihhssues would you?” He took a step towards her, “Or maybe just something I could heh… heh!” He paused, tipping his head back slightly, watching as she backed away from Louis. He regained his composure and slowly walked towards her, nose still twitching. The tickle had grown and now he just had to hold it in long enough to get to Allison. “Maybe like a hadkercheif or…or heh… something.” The hitch in Cam’s breath was no longer fake. He sniffled again, now fighting the tickle, “Uhm. No, sorry I don’t.” She sounded nervous. “But I have to…heh… eh’ I have to- heh’KISHoo!” He snapped forward purposely, hoping Allison was in range, he was far from done anyways, “Ah’Ishoo! Heh…Heh-hep’ tschoo! Heh’ISHHEW!” “EW!” Allison shrieked. “Oh, I… I’m sohhheh…heh-Hep’KISSHEEWW!” Cam opened his eyes, blearily feeling damn satisfied to see Allison looking outright disgusted as she wiped her clothes off frantically. He pretended not to care when he saw Louis suppressing a smile out the corner of his eye.

and cam with his delicious sneezes...GUHHHHHH :eek: i wanna hug him and take care of him :inlove: i want to ease his pain! :cryhappy:

seriously i do want to have MOARRR of this, please!!!! :wub:

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YaY!!!! Finally an update!!!!! Need more soon PLEASE!!!! Love it so much.

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Aw D:

Poor boy.

I've been waithing for this to update. So happy :D

But- but.. Poor Cam.

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PLEASE update soon!! As much as I LOVE angst, you can't leave us too long ok!? <3333

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally caught up on reading the rest of this and it is so AWESOME. Can't wait to see what happens, please update soon~! :D

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  • 4 months later...

I just started reading this and I'm SO in LOVE with it!!!! More please!!!

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Woah, I'm so honored that people still read this. Thank you so much. Aha, sorry for the procrastination, the computer with my draft on it completely crashed, though I do have something written, so I won't be able to post anything until I get it back sometime this month. But since you guys have been so patient, you're gonna get something. Stay amazing!

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But since you guys have been so patient, you're gonna get something. Stay amazing!

Great!! Just started reading this story tonight and I'm very glad you've decided to continue! It's awesome!

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  • 3 months later...

Hey guys, remember when I said I'd continue this eventually?


“Ick.” Allison groaned, still scrubbing at her shirt disdainfully. “That’s so gross.”

Louis grunted in response, uninterested as he shut his locker.

“I don’t understand how you dated him.” Louis looked at her irately, his polite facade slipping.

“He was nicer. He was cute, he never had to twist words to get what he wanted,” A wry smile played at Allison’s lips, “If it weren't for you I’d still be with him.” Her lips curved in the opposite direction.

“But you told me yourself you weren’t happy,” She said, wrapping her arms around his waist, pressing him against the lockers.

“I told you I wasn’t sure of things, not that I wasn’t happy with him.”

“Oh boo hoo, Louis. You know the one good thing that came out of your relationship with him?” Louis could feel the warm puffs of Allison’s breath on his neck as she squeezed him tighter. He remained stiff and unmoving encircled in her small arms, waiting for her to answer knowing she wouldn’t wait for him to anyway. “Me.” She murmured. “I bet I made you happier than he ever could.”

Louis peeled her arms off, ignoring her squeal of protest. “Honestly Allison, I regret everything I’ve ever done with you. I regret inviting you over, I regret kissing you, I regret dating you, and I regret not ditching you as a date even though Tyler was the one who set it all up.” Regret all those moments I spent with you that I could’ve and should’ve spent with Cam.

“It doesn’t matter…” Allison said quietly, gazing fiercely at Louis. “None of that matters… It doesn’t matter that Tyler did everything… What matters is that we’re going together. I don’t get why you care, Cam doesn’t want you and clearly I’m a better choice.”

Louis shook his head, “Allison just give it up.” Allison’s eyes grew huge, beginning to pool with angry tears.

“Find yourself a new date.”


Louis fished out a black umbrella with a sigh. That had gone completely wrong. All he wanted to do was tell Cam he was sorry, that Allison was a terrible, accidental mistake that loneliness made bigger. He missed Cam, and he thought maybe, just maybe Cam missed him too. He looked outside, rain came down in sheets, hitting the roof like a large herd of mice and altering the view through the glass into a dripping blur of gray and green. He opened the door, welcoming the rainstorm in, mind set on Cam.

Ah’Kishoo! Hehhh’Yischht! Ih….hih’GUhschew!” Louis would know that sound anywhere. On his left side, was Cam. Soaked and shaking. Cam. His sneezes sounded miserable. What was he still doing here? Louis’ heart swelled, maybe he could salvage something. His umbrella was only big enough to shield one of them completely, and if that meant his shoulder would be drenched then so be it. Louis cleared his throat.

“Bless you.”


Cam peered up, with bright, red rimmed hazel eyes. Just as quickly he turned away, embarrassed, raising a hand to cover the underside of his also bright red nose. He sniffled softly. He looked like a miserable mess, he was sure of it. He wasn’t sure why it mattered at this point but it did.

“G-go’way.” Cam mumbled thickly. Louis ignored his request.

“What are you still doing here? Its pouring out!”

“Doh sh-shit Captaid O-Obvious.” The usual edge in Cam’s tone was long gone; he was tired of talking, of being screwed over by the same two people.

“Cam, I’m serious.”




“Cameron.” Cam flinched at the sound of his full name, he let himself shiver harder afterwards, like it would cover that up. “Ca-“

“Leave. Blease. Jusdt, snf, go a-away.” He really did want to be left alone. Cam didn’t think he could muster the energy to get up anytime soon, and he didn’t want Louis to be there when Allison came bounding out of the door like he was sure she would. That would be it.

“No. I’m not going away, Cam. I’ll stand here as long as I have to.”

“S-sdop. Snf! Sdop pretedding like-like,” Cam inhaled so sharply, Louis was afraid he would start crying, “hehhhh’kiSHOO! ISSHEWW!” Cam pitched forward in his sitting position, using his wrist to cover the wet bursts. “Look…” Sniffle. Sniffle. “If you dod’t care dod’t acdt ligke you do.” He broke off into a fit of coughing, they racked his soaked frame and left him lightheaded. So pathetic, Cameron.

“I’m not pretending..” Louis said gingerly, “I do care. And you sound awful. Let’s get you out of the rain, okay? I’ll drive you home, or to work, or to one of those coffee shops we used to go to.”


“Cam, really.” Cam snorted softly, he wanted to keep his facial expressions as neutral as possible. He’d probably lose it otherwise. Rain slicked off the umbrella in a steady stream, suddenly it was fascinating.

“Heard the polled coudts bretty high today,” Sniffle. Louis crouched beside him and before Cam could protest, snaked a hand underneath the wet tendrils his bangs had become. Louis’ hand was cool, providing a contrast that Cam couldn't help but lean into.

“Jesus, you’re burning up.”

“I'b hot, I ged it. Wh-what are you doing?” Louis handed the umbrella off to Cam while he gathered up Cam’s other things. He crouched in front of Cam when he was done, rain quickly turning the rest his gray T-shirt dark.

“Get on my back.”

“What? Dno.”

“I’m not letting you stay here like that. Get on my back.”

“I cad walk on by owd.” Cam said, bracing himself against the brick wall for support. Even though he’d stood up excruciatingly slow, white spots began to swim across his vision. Strong hands steadied him, pulling things back into focus.

“It’s official. It’s piggy back time.” Louis hoisted Cam onto his back, and Cam didn’t resist. Cam limply wrapped himself around Louis, immensely grateful for the transportation, much to his own displeasure. New waves of rain pelted his back, cold and relentless.

They were halfway across the parking lot his breathing wavered, and he wondered if Louis could tell. His nose twitched and tickled and ran and suddenly he was super conscious of it, of everything. But what could he do?

Heh..” Louis could probably feel every breath he took and every breath he held in. So Cam let go. “Ih’Kgffsh!” Cam buried his face in Louis’ shoulder. “Heh’Upffchoo! Heh…heh…Iih’ckksheh!” He lifted his head dazedly, sniffled for the umpteenth time. They were no longer moving.

“Alright, sneezy. We’re here.” Louis hunched over to open the passenger door of his car. He swung around, gently letting Cam off before shuffling over to the driver’s side of the vehicle. The roof over their heads provided much comfort. Louis tossed Cam’s bag into the backseat and started to unzip his own. He pulled a blue sweatshirt out by the hood and threw it to Cam. “You must be freezing.”

“N-no.” Louis simply stared at him. “Mayb-be a l-little.” Cam struggled with removing his shirt, it stuck tight to his body, and his trembling fingers were weak and clumsy. He didn’t complain when Louis helped lift it over his head, or when he felt wet, strong hands slipping something else on to replace the drenched mesh that was now resting atop his bag. The sweater was a little warmer but Cam could still hear his teeth chattering.

But. It was Louis’ sweatshirt. And if Cam could smell right now, he’d be drowning in his favorite smell, a combination of vanilla, detergent, sweat and Louis. Stop thinking like that.

Thunder rumbled softly, an incomplete sound that hinted at more to come. Soon enough, another one followed, an earsplitting, power cutting burst. Cam flinched, feeling his insides constrict.

“Hey, hey. It’s okay. I have cookie dough ice cream at home,” Cookie dough ice cream was Cam’s favorite. It calmed him down, so when they watched scary movies, or it stormed the way it was now, there was always cookie dough ice cream.

“You sdill rebember cookie dough?” Cam said softly, staring down his lap.

“How could I forget cookie dough? We only ate it every week for as long as we were together. So what do you say?”

It was then that the dam broke and Cam burst into tears for the second time that day.


This took WAY longer than I thought it would. I blame writers block and people's sudden desires for me to have a social life. I hope you guys like this, and again thank you to every, single, one of the people who read this. You guys make me feel so special thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!! Finaly the cliffy has been filled and my feels can be restored!! ,3 <3 <3 <3 Lo love you~ TT o TT

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OMG I remember reading this in my lurking days and always checking for an update

Now there is one!!! :D:bounce:

It's just wonderful, I love these boys so much you should totally continue :)

Edited by PuddinPop
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