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Fashion is Criminal (3 parts)


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So, I was ORIGINALLY going to make this a drabble, but it ended up being WAY too long...lolz~ So, I decided to just make it into a whole fanfic. There IS M/M of Minho x Taemin (SO CUTE!!!) so if you don't like th couple, don't read. Simple as that. For those who are still here, it's nothing more than fluff, care taking, and cuddling...so yeah START THE FIC!!!!


Fashion is Criminal

Part 1

"eehhh...hI'KChmmph!! -CHu!! ...haah...ehhh..."

"What a mess," Taemin thought as he lead Minho away from the stage, the other hyuns watching helplessly as Minho struggled to contain ANOTHER sneezing fit. Ok, so here's what happened. Everyone knows that Kpop boy-bands are known for their unique and interesting fashions, right? Well, SHINee is no acception. Today, the hyuns were going to practice RingDingDong in their new outfits that they were going to wear in their nest live concert. Every outfit shared a similar theme, with variations to each to fit the owner's image. The theme of this collection was black, silver and red with sequins, feathers and chains EVERYWHERE!!

"Wow! Are these really our new outfits? They look so...BADASS!!" Jonghyun exclaim in his usual excitement.

"Yeah, the feathers are a nice touch. The clothes surprisingly aren't very heavy either despite their appearance," agreed Onew.

Taemin laughed as Key skipped around waving the red feather boa he got to wear around him singing "Tralala~"

He had to agree, the concept was interesting and chicle, complimenting their newest hits RingDingDong and Lucifer. He looked around trying to find Minho, his outfit was sure to be sexy and mature, the fiery charisma rapper of the group. Taemin was surprised to find Minho wearing a worried expression as he examined his outfit. His outfit was perfect, a silver skin-tight jacket with black feathers lining the collar and wrists and black angel wings printed on the back, a black fish-net undershirt with a red necktie and a bulky silver skull necklace, black skinny jeans with red tiger-stripes decorated with silver chains and sequins, and finally sturdy black high-top hiking boots. With that kind of sexiness, what was there to be worried about. Taemin's train of thought was broken when he realized that Minho was undressing, a slight smirk gracing his lips and watching Taemin. He quickly turned away, face beat red. He had been staring, and Minho had noticed. How embarrassing!! Taemin quickly got dressed facing away from Minho, refusing to look until they were all fully clothed. Upon everyone finishing, they all took a second to evaluate everyone's outfits, all jaws dropping as they got to Minho's. He was stunning, shined like a real member of SHINee should. Not to say that everyone didn't look HOT AS HELL, but you know...

They all finally made their way down to their dance studio, earning admiring stares from the staff and designers that passed. Taemin decided to stray slightly behind Minho, and noticed something else odd. Minho wasn't turning his head as the others spoke, in fact he didn't look like he was turning his head at all...hmmm... Curiosity getting the better of him, and turning beat red at the thought of what he was doing, Taemin "tripped" and smacked right into Minho's back. This ultimately lead to Minho whipping his head around to see what the hell he was being attacked with. Taemin watched as the feathers of Minho's jacket brushed teasingly at the bottom of his friend's sensitive nostrils.

'Oh...crap that's why..."


CLIFFY!!! Lolz not much sneezing here sorry, but there will be more in the next part, I promise!!! Please rate and comment, tell me what you think, if I should continue and all that good stuff. Hope you all enjoyed and I will try to get the next part up tomorrow. Laters~ <3333

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I don't know this band, but I liked it anyway. The idea is great...now I'll just have to wait for the sneeziness :)

Update soon, please! Pretty please! With this awesome smiley I found on top! O97Wp3Bfo4dV1ZDbRdBPeMNMAbA.gif

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Hey guys!! Sorry I couldn't post earlier. My parent were like, "NO internet for YOU!!" and blocked it. But now I have access for a few hours so I will post part two. It's longer than part 1, as I promised, with more sneezing, as I also promised. So, HAVE FUN!!!! <3333


Part 2

They all finally made their way down to their dance studio, earning admiring stares from the staff and designers that passed. Taemin decided to stray slightly behind Minho, and noticed something else odd. Minho wasn't turning his head as the others spoke, in fact he didn't look like he was turning his head at all...hmmm... Curiosity getting the better of him, and turning beat red at the thought of what he was doing, Taemin "tripped" and smacked right into Minho's back. This ultimately led to Minho whipping his head around to see what the hell he was being attacked with. Taemin watched as the feathers of Minho's jacket brushed teasingly at the bottom of his friend's sensitive nostrils.

'Oh...crap that's why..." Taemin watched guiltily as Minho's nose gave a definite twitch of irritation, his eyes unfocusing slightly.

"Yah Taemin, don't steel Onew's job. We need him to be good at SOMETHING!" Key teased as he poked Onew's arm for emphasis.

"Hey!" Onew huffed as Jonghyun and Key laughed. While the others were frolicking about and paying no attention what so ever, Taemin reached up and pinched Minho's nose. 'Sorry' he mouthed and quickly got up. He walked beside Minho, watching in guilty pleasure as the older hyun continued to sniff lightly and rub his nose.

"HEY!! What's the hold up!? We can't perform when we're missing our cutie and charisma!" Jonghyun sung, punctuated with a lighthearted laugh.

"Come on, let's hurry before Key Umma bites our heads off!" Taemin giggled as he grabbed Minho's hand and jogged towards the studio. Minho was easily a foot taller and much bigger than Taemin, but despite the comical scene of him being pulled by the small dancing legend, and the complication of his tickly nose, a goodhearted smile lit up his face. Ahhh, little Taeminnie~

As they FINALLY got into the studio and into position, Taemin found himself loose control when the music started, melting into the comforting sensation of dance. He barely felt the world around him, the familiar rhythm filling his body, the lyrics flowing like a silk and movements natural and easy. The song went smoothly through the first part of the song, up until Minho's part. It started out strong as always, completely golden. The only problem is that Minho, being known as the fiery charisma of SHINee, lived up to his name and really got into the song. Momentarily forgetting his...predicament, he sauntered up to the front of the stage and flipped his head seductively...oops. His voice became breathy and unsteady as the feathers teased his nose again. The other hyuns stopped dancing and walked up curiously as Minho's breath hitched silently.

“Hey, Minho, what’s wrong?” Onew asked curiously.

"...ho-hold..oh.on...ehhheh...hI'XChhheh!! ....eh-EHKShi!! –snf- Ah’tsh! ehh…-Chhh!! –snf- K’tcheh!! –snf snf- …sorry…” Minho apologized, a light red tint painting his cheeks. He had ducked his head low as he sneezed, causing his long hair to fall around his face. ‘So cute’ Taemin thought as Minho recovered himself.

Taemin smiled sympathetically while the others sighed goodheartedly. Although Minho knew this wouldn’t be the last time this happened, he hoped that Onew would fall or something before it happened again to take the attention off him. Mean, yeah, but true.

“Okay, okay guys. Into positions, let’s try again. No worries Minho, just be careful.” Onew commanded, taking the leader role.

So, after ALL this went down, and quite a few more mistakes, we find SHINee with Taemin leading a sneezing Minho away from the set while helping him out of his coat.

“eH’Tchu!!…haaa…-Cheh!! UH-shoo!!! …heeh…ahh…-snf-…chUH!! S-sor…sorry Taehh…Taemin –eT’CHhchhhhh!! -snf- God this is horrible…” Minho sneezed.

“S’Okay Min, just sneeze it all out and then you’ll feel better.” Taemin soothed, although he was starting to that Minho would stop anytime soon.

“Oh, truuuhhh…trust me…I d-ngk’SHhhh!! –snf- I don’t think I could s-stop it if I wahhh…wanted to. Tshhhhu!! -snf-” Minho replied…well…to the best of his abilities.

Taemin couldn’t help but feel sympathetic for his best friend, and wanted to do everything to help. So the solution? Take his to Taemin’s room of course!!


Hope you liked!! There will be some cute cuddling and some small confessions in the next part, so LOOK FORWARD TO IT!!! <3333

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  • 1 year later...

Hmm...I never actually wrote the third part...sorry!! ^___^;;

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