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Legend of Korra drabbles


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Winged you already KNOW how in love I am with your writing and ugh omg Asami is too hot I seriously cannot handle it afkhalkfalkfashfkasj I definitely told you this already but the world (forum?) NEEDS TO KNOW.

And SneezeyLove, OH MY GOD how awesome are you?? Yeessss I cannot get enough of Mako's dust allergy oh my god hottest thing ever I SWEAR and awww I love how EMBARRASSED he was and his blushing and talking through it and awww FIRESNEEZING so cute and so hot <3 you are SUPER AWESOME and that was super awesome adfkjhadfjlhadlahklas and his "look out" ugh Mako can you be any hotter seriously and oh also loved Asami's concern for him when he was like all pre sneezing.. and then... the Makorra at the end! Also great! But I ship every single ship so you know it's all cool with me~ I love all of it~

Seriously, this is THE BEST THREAD to ever exist and thank you everyone for writing so much hotness yesyesyes I am trying to get something written up so expect something from me SOON and in the meantime PLEASE CONTRIBUTE MORE BECAUSE I LOOOVE THIS.

Edit: And.. sorry for the craziness and the caps lock everyone... It's past 3AM; I cannot be expected to contain myself at such an hour.

Edited by Sen Beret
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Love the new stuff! *__* You guys are the best. Thanks so much for sharing. Keep up the good work! ;D

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ElementsofGray - ahh, wow, thank you!! That really means a lot. I haven't written serious stuff in a long time, so I'm paranoid that my writing skills have all vanished. Also, I feel like Asami wouldn't really have a delicate sneeze, even if she wanted to xD I bet it sneaks up on her from time to time and she used to just hate it, but she got used to it once she got older and a little more confident. /headcanon

Sen - <3

SneezeyLove - YESSS. That was so great!! The little Makorra at the end was adorable. I never know who to ship him with - if he's with Korra, can I get Asami for myself? Please?

Hee. Thanks for the support, everyone! Write ALL the things.

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Winged - No problem! I would definitely not say your writing skills have vanished! Everything on this thread at least (the only stuff I think I've read from you, unless I'm forgetting things) is amazing. It takes a lot for me to like female sneezing in stories. XD

SneezyLove - That was adorable~! I love the "you really sneeze like that?" kind of prompt, it made me chuckle. XD And where Bolin says "He's a nightmare when he's got a cold!" inspired me to write the rest of this little story. Seriously, you're awesome. :3

I'm loving these so much, and I've been coming back to read them a lot. :D You guys are great. :heart:

I only proofread this once (and I'm glad I did because I caught some errors), so hopefully it's satisfactory. ^^;

He woke up shivering. It was the middle of winter, so that could have been normal if not for the fact that he had the blanket tucked up around his chin. No, Mako knew what this meant and it was nothing good.

They had a pro-bending match tonight. It wasn’t anything so important as the finals, or even the semi-finals, but it would still be difficult if he had to fight with a cold, even in its beginning stages.

Mako stood slowly, rubbing his eye with the heel of his hand. His head hurt terribly. With a dry cough, he stepped into the shower in the bathroom connected to his and Bolin’s apartment. Maybe the steam would clear his head.

Turning the water on full blast, it wasn’t more than a few minutes before his head did start to feel just a little less foggy—but at what expense?

He felt the prickle start up around the bridge of his nose, traveling close to the tip before the sneeze released itself. “Heh’AeTSch!” Although it was just a single, it tore at his throat and left him momentarily breathless as he leaned against the tiled shower wall with a quick sniffle. He kneaded the spot between his eyes, trying to dispel the ache spreading steadily from just his head over his entire body.

All he could think in that moment was how glad he was that he was in a space where the air was so humid that firebending would hardly work. This, he thought, was the worst part of his having a cold, and the most difficult part to hide. Thankfully, this time all that escaped with the sneeze was a flicker of orange that turned into a small cloud of steam.

But he wouldn’t be in the shower all day. He couldn’t be, with the match that night. And that is where his problem lay.

It was customary that the Fire Ferrets got a little practice in during the day of the match, just to ensure they were in top shape for the competition. And normally Mako didn’t have any trouble with this.

Today wasn’t normally. As the three teammates unleashed barrages of bending at the nets and targets across the practice arena, Mako found himself shivering and sniffling almost constantly. It was no secret to him that the illness would be a huge inconvenience, especially considering the effort he needed to put in to control his sneezes. He stifled a couple during practice, which, thankfully, neither Bolin nor Korra noticed.

By the end of practice, his plethora of symptoms had intensified to the point where he briefly considered not participating in the match. No, that would mean letting his team down, and that was the last thing he would do.

He coughed harshly into his elbow, several feet away from where Bolin and Korra stood discussing pro-bending tactics they should use that night. At the sound, they both turned to him with concern etched all over their faces.

“You okay?” Korra asked, eyebrows knitted together.

“Yeah, that sounded pretty gross,” Bolin commented with all his bluntness.

“Thanks,” Mako quipped, annoyed, mostly by himself. “And yeah, I’m fine. It’s just all the dust we kicked up today.”

“Huh,” Korra mused with obvious skepticism. “I didn’t think it was that dusty in here.”

“Maybe it’s just over here,” he said with a quick sniffle before moving over to them. He realized quickly that both actions culminated into one bad move. A powerful sneeze was building in his sinuses and he could hardly just run out without increasing Korra’s suspicions. Neither did he want to roast his brother and friend.

Bolin waved a hand in front of his brother’s face. Only then did Mako notice how preoccupied with not sneezing he’d been.

“What’s up with you, bro?” the young earthbender wondered.

“N-nothing, I’m fuh…huh…” He let his breath hitch a few more times, simply because he had no choice before the sneeze overtook him. “Hut’NTch!” He stifled last minute, not allowing so much as a puff of smoke to escape him. It was quite a feat, he thought. Maybe he would be okay that night after all.

Korra didn’t seem to think so. “You don’t look good,” she ventured.

“I already told you, I’m fine,” he said congestion clouding his voice slightly.

She fixed him with a last look, laden with doubt, but said nothing further. It was only at the stadium while they were donning their gear that she brought the subject up again.

As Mako took his helmet from his locker, a sudden coughing fit hit him, forcing him to support himself on the frame of the door. His coughs had gotten deeper, dredged up from the very pit of his lungs. He hadn’t really been able to hide them for a few hours now. He’d gone for a nap after practice, only to wake up feeling infinitely worse than when he’d fallen asleep.

His limbs and head ached with fatigue. His fever had definitely gone up to a level where, had he been thinking clearly, would have had him resting in his and Bolin’s apartment. As it was, he stood breathless, dizzy, and shaky dreading the start of the match. He was gasping for air when Korra’s shadow descended over him.

“I need to talk to you,” she stated, arms crossed.

“What—“ He cleared his throat when the words crackled from it. “What about?”

“I think you’re sick,” she guessed, hitting the nail on the head.

Mako snorted, resulting in a few more coughs. “Why?”

Korra stepped closer, jabbing a finger painfully into his chest. “Because, Mako,” she began, “you’ve been coughing all over the place since practice, you mysteriously disappeared after it, and now you look like you’re going to pass out.”

He waved her hand away. “I told you earlier there’s nothing to worry about.”

“Don’t lie to me,” she said sternly as she cornered him against the wall, so close he could feel her breath on his jaw.

“I’m not lying to you,” he said, sidestepping around her. “Hurry up, the match is about to start.”

As soon as Mako took his position facing the other team, he knew he was making the wrong decision. Even standing still, he wobbled and swayed dangerously. When the referee declared the game underway, Mako somehow managed to dodge the first barrage of attacks.

He jumped and ducked and spun, narrowly avoiding most of them until the spinning went too far and he tripped right into an earth disc aimed at his chest. He flipped backwards, hit so hard it flung him to the last zone of the platform.

Standing on shaky legs, he unleashed a flurry of fireballs on his attackers, the water and earth benders of the other team. Korra was busy battling the firebender while Bolin did everything in his power to defend his brother. He threw discs repeatedly at both of the other two members and pretty soon he and the other team’s earthbender were locked in a fierce struggle for victory.

That left the waterbender for Mako. This proved problematic as each fiery attack he attempted was blocked with water just as strong. Steam clouded his view, and out of nowhere a jet of water struck him with so much force that it sent him tumbling over the edge and into the drink.

All at once he was enveloped in the painfully frigid pool water. He gasped, inhaling a great gulp of liquid and sending his lungs into violent spasms once he made it back to the concrete platform. He coughed for what seemed like an eternity, quaking with cold. It took forever before he was able to still his limbs enough to stand and board the lift.

Once, he had to remove his helmet and stifle a painful sneeze. He had hoped he wouldn’t be dunked tonight, but honestly, the way he was playing, how could he not have expected it?

He watched as the last player of the other team was knocked back into the drink from the combined efforts of Bolin and Korra. Maybe their skills would be enough to let them win this match.

Mako certainly hoped so as he resumed his place in the ring. Suddenly, he was reminded how sensitive his nose was from the earlier stifle. It had prevented him from expelling whatever was bothering him, and now he would pay for it.

Just hold off until the end of the round, he pleaded with his prickling sinuses.

He almost didn’t notice the start of round two, so preoccupied was he with the increasing problem. This round, he wasn’t nearly as adept at dodging hits, even from the beginning. His movements were sluggish and shaky and hindered his teammates more than helped them. Yet somehow they managed to advance into the other team’s territory.

The tickle in his nose, by this time, had become unbearable. His breath began to hitch and there was no way for him to stifle it discreetly.

He froze, concentrating every effort on vanquishing the buildup before winning the match. Korra and Bolin cast concerned glances his way, not quite understanding the reason for his abrupt halt. They shot blasts of water and earth at their opponents in his place, taking on all three of them so Mako could fight his own losing battle.

Eh…heh…hh-huh!...Heehhh—“ He drew that long breath before realizing what was about to happen. He tore his mask off, not at all willing to burn his face off for the sake of the pro-bending rules. There wasn’t even time to warn his own teammates. “HAH’EIISCHshiUH!

A torrent of red hot flames exploded from Mako’s nose and mouth straight toward the members of the other team. Somehow, Korra and Bolin had managed to line the members up so the stream of fire swarmed them all at once, tumbling them all into the drink simultaneously.

Mako would have been impressed with himself if he were able to breathe. As it was, he was bent over, lightheaded and on the verge of losing consciousness.


Korra’s voice reached him from a distance.

“Hey, bro, look at me.” Bolin.

He tried, sincerely tried, to do just that. But as soon as he raised his head, his eyes rolled and the ground rushed up to meet him.

When he woke, he was surrounded by way too much heat. At first he thought he’d sneezed and set himself on fire before bolting upright in what he quickly realized was his bed in the apartment. He still felt as crappy, but couldn’t remember anything beyond sneezing an enormous jet of flames.

“Hey bro,” Bolin said from the doorway, only just walking in to find his brother conscious. “Feelin’ any better?”

Mako opened his mouth to respond, only to be interrupted by a volley of sneezes. With each one, flickers of red-orange flame burst from his nose and mouth. “Heh’EkTSCHu! Hept’TschUH! Eh…Heht’KTschUU! Hht’SCHIuh!” He breathed heavily for a few seconds, collapsing against his pillow before the last one broke free with a cascade of fire. “Ah…heh-HAH’AETSchUH!”

“Guess not,” Bolin answered for him.

“What happened with the match?” Mako slurred through his feverish haze.

“It got called off,” Bolin said soberly. “You fainted, remember?”

“I—what?” He didn’t really remember, but what other explanation could there be for him moving with no recollection from the stadium to his bed?

“Yeah, you’re pretty sick,” Bolin informed him. He paused before asking, “Why didn’t you just tell me and Korra? We would’ve let you rest and stuff.”

Mako groaned and sat up. “Well, I’m okay now, so don’t worry.”

“Oh no, you don’t!”

Mako’s eyes snapped to the other side of the flat to find Korra entering with a scowl. She strode to his bed and shoved him back down.

“You’re gonna rest,” she commanded. “Your fever is sky high, and anyone who sneezes as much as you did earlier is clearly in no shape for doing anything. So stay put.” Her tone softened toward the end despite the hard frown adorning her features and the firm hand that had not yet been retracted from his chest. “Got it?” she asked with finality.

Mako sighed. “Yeah.”

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*squeals like an idiot* Yayyy! Cute wonderful sicky Mako! I just love this! This story and this whole thread! :heart:

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Oh my god, pro-bending with a cold...dunked with a cold...just...aah :heart: What else is there to say? ;w;

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Winged - ASAMI!!!! ('nuff said)

SneezeyLove - Firesneezing! Yes! Yes! Yes! And he was all embarrassed about it! Even more yes!

ElementsofGray - Um. :boom: Yeah. I'll just be, um, in the kitchen. Eating a cookie. Trying to distract myself from how hot that was. Because I have stuff to do tonight. Yeah.

Seriously, I was only gone for like three days and there's been so much AWESOME in this thread. Yay!!!

(Sorry about the lack of coherence and stuff, it's been a long day.)

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ElementsofGrey, that was awesome! I took a joke and continued to joke with it, but you turned it into a serious sickfic! Firesneezing is now officially my favorite thing ever!

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ElementsOfGray, oh my god, I don't even know what to say without it turning into an endless ramble of how much I enjoyed that! Fire sneezes are so fantastically hot and Mako with a cold is even hotter. I love how much he was trying to hide it and how STUBBORN he is, especially about his health -- he had to faint in front of everyone for him to admit it. And! And! I love how Korra totally knew what was going on and how concerned she was~ how sweet~ Hehe and Bolin was awesome as ALWAYS with his concern about his brother and with all of his bluntness. Ah! That was just great!

Can I like, take you guys out to dinner or something? I am so in love with this thread!

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This thread is good and you all should feel good, I can't even brain enough to spazz properly over everyone's contributions. I definitely wrote a lot of cracked out Avatar fics when the first series was playing, AND NOW I WILL ASSUME THIS CHALLENGE AGAIN.

But with Amon. Because? He's creepy and amazing. I love the main crew, but the adults in this show are really selling it on me. Hngnghgh. Anyway, enjoy!



Qiao caught up to him a few steps from disappearing into his office, hasty but determined in her hailing. Technically, it was Warrant Officer Qiao, but she rarely used her full title, and it wasn't her real name anyway. Amon may have known it, but as he halted smoothly in his stride and turned, he acknowledged her with only a nod and a simple greeting.


"Pardon the interruption, sir, but this last shipment order, we have one pallet not accounted for."

It was almost impossible to judge their esteemed leader's mood from face, for the mask, or by vocal tone, always a pleasantly gritty baritone even when he was furious. But she'd learned to fear that delicate incline of his head and minor shift in stance.

"One pallet."

"Yes sir."

"You misplaced nearly an entire truckload of material."

Qiao swallowed. She hadn't climbed the ranks from an enthusiastic Equalist supporter to where she was now by quailing under pressure, but sometimes Amon could make that very challenging. Especially when the first thought that leapt to mind was how odd that aforementioned voice sounded -- thick, almost. Stuffy? It was rather dusty in the warehouse. She pushed it out of her mind almost as soon as the notion occurred to her.

"Yes sir. The driver claims he loaded it in full upon departure, stopping only once to refuel and when he was in full sight of the vehicle. But upon arrival..."

Amon sighed audibly, a warm and hollow sound within the permanent impassive curves of that porcelain mask. "Warrant Officer Qiao, I trust your employ and training of vigilant correspondents, however..."

He paused, and turned his head slightly with a rustle of hood. She waited patiently with clipboard clasped to her chest, anticipating some deeply poignant thought that he was still composing.

Instead, he sneezed.


She almost squawked aloud from the surprise of the sound. Louder than she would have expected, although he barely seemed to move except to shudder in place and raise a hand toward his face. Out of some old sense of propriety, she guessed, as the inside of his mask has certainly taken the brunt of the spray.

"Bless you, sir," she managed without, to her satisfaction, a stammer. He held up a gloved hand to halt her commentary, and then turned. Seized. Twice more. She took a strange pleasure in watching the slight flutter of his expression beyond the dark cut-out eyeholes of the mask.

"Heh-IHFshh! ...IHSSH'uh!"

Qiao wanted to gape openly at him, but restrained herself to a careful, measured blink. She doubted there was an Equalist that hadn't wondered, if only in passing, what their esteemed leader looked like beyond the painted guise, but she was satisfied to determine that he probably had a nose anyway.

"Bless you again. I... hope you're not catching cold, sir."

Amon recovered calmly, as ever, though she detected the faintest sound of a breathy sniffle before he spoke. "Thank you, Officer, I don't think so. It's the dust." He drew his hood down a little more, then turned back towards his original course, throwing over his shoulder as he went. "Find that shipment, or I will be holding you personally responsible."

Qiao could only nod in response. "Yes, sir, of course."

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Oh my god Garnet the fact that you even READ this thread made me flattered. And Amonnn omg. I never would have thought to write him in a sneezefic, but holy cheese that is hot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

XD This whole thread is just :mf_dribble: SO hot XD !!! But whenever I read Mako sneezing I always imagine Zuko sneezing :P meh..I live in the past. but anyways. FIRESNEEZING <3 and I loved the Earthbender sneezing XD haha I wonder what would happen if a water bender sneezed.

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Wow hello I don't know how I didn't post in here sooner... but mmmm that Amon mask-sneezing was so HOT especially after seeing his face in the finale ;D also very hot.

Andd and andddd guys! Speaking of the finale! Does anyone fancy another (yes, another) Mako coldfic? Because you know... he is like, in the South Pole for the first time, and everything... and he's a firebender... I mean, he's basically asking for it, right? Right? OR even General Iroh II, who I am also kind of in love with. I could write either one if you want! Or one of you! You're all amazing! I don't know! I'm just so EXCITED.

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YES. I hadn't thought about Amon mask sneezing but it's awesome. Especially now, knowing what his face looks like. :D

Sen Beret: I would fancy that so much. Use his firebending-South Pole being-coldness to your advantage and write us some fic! Please. If you want to. :3 Either one would be totally awesome. :heart:

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Sen Beret: There is no such thing as too many Mako sneezfics.

That being said, I haven't seen the finale yet (I know, I KNOW! My friends are giving me all kinds of crap for it.) but when I do, I'll probably write more!

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i finished watching legend of korra in two days ^_^

and i loved it!!!!

and i also LOVE all the wonderful drabbles in here :yes::drool: :drool:

please more!!! :wub:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I... am shameless. Honestly, I don't know where this came from. But whatever, here it is! Keeping in mind that it's past midnight and I was up at 7 for work today... I hope you like it.

I Hate it When You're Right


allergies (flowers)

Bolin poked his head into his brother’s room. “How ya feelin’, bro?”

Mako gave a pathetic sounding sniffle and croaked, “A liddle bedder.”

“I’m so sorry,” Korra apologized for the hundredth time. “I had no idea you were so allergic to those flowers. I never would’ve asked for your help if I’d known.”

“Korra, id’s ogkay. Sdop apologizigg.” Mako sniffed again, which did nothing to alleviate his congestion, and gave a slight cough.

About an hour ago, Korra had asked – or rather, demanded – that if Mako and Bolin were going to live on the island with her, they should help her with her chores. Those chores included weeding the garden. Soon after they started, Mako had suffered a horrible allergy attack. It had taken nearly twenty minutes for his sneezing to subside (and all of his effort to not start anything on fire) and had left him a miserable, congested mess.

Korra sat on the end of Mako’s bed and offered him another handkerchief and a frozen dessert to soothe his throat, courtesy of Pema. Bolin, with Paboo on his usual perch on his shoulder, followed Korra into the room and slouched against the wall, gazing at his brother with pity.

Mako gave his nose a halfhearted blow before gratefully accepting the dessert. “Tell Peba thagks.”

“I will.”

“Does this mean we’re done with chores?” Bolin asked a little too eagerly.

“No, it means Mako is done with chores. You and I still have work to do.”

“Aww. But what about poor Paboo?”

“What about him?”

“He’s sensitive. Being out in the heat for so long isn’t good for him.”

“Then leave him with Mako.”


Under normal circumstances, Mako might have cracked a smile at this argument. As it was, he continued to look miserable, and was sniffling at increasingly frequent intervals.

“Are you sure you’re alright?” Bolin asked. “Because it looks like you’re going to sneeze again.”

“Doe, I’b dot.” The words sounded more like a plea than a statement. “I sdeezed so buch before, there’s doe way I cad sdeeze adybore.”

“I think your nose disagrees,” Bolin said as Korra began to edge away from the bed, just in case.

“Doe, I cad’t… there’s doe way….” Despite his protesting, Mako’s nose began to wrinkle. He groaned. “Doe. I dod’t wadda sdeeze agaid. I’b dot goigg to.”

Bolin hid a smile. “Seriously, you’ll be better off if you just let it out.”

“B-but id’s dever just ode!” Mako was starting to sound desperate, his breath coming in irregular gasps as he fought the inevitable.

“Betcha this time it is. One big sneeze, and then you’ll be done.”

By now, Korra had crossed the room to stand by Bolin, a safe distance away.

Mako’s eyes were watering. “Doe… I cad’t… I dod’t wadda sdee… heeeehh… sdee-hee-eeze. I w-wod’t ssuuhhhuhh… sdeeze agai-hah! Agaid! Hah-ah! Ahh! Oh doe… I’b godda… hahh… ah… aahhh… HAH’eckchisshhoo!” Mako tensed, waiting for the next bout of sneezing, but it appeared that the one massive sneeze – and jet of fire – was the only one coming.

“See, what did I tell you?” Bolin asked brightly after he and Korra brought their arms down from their faces.

Mako blew his nose, glaring at his brother over his handkerchief. “I hade id whed you’re righd.”

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  • 4 weeks later...

I loved the congested talk XD

And I loved all of the fire sneezing and bending sneezes and wow! XD w00t.gif

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Awww~ Poor Mako!!! He's so cute and stupid though, I love him so much!! <333

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  • 7 months later...

I had to revive this. I was sifting through old topics and opening random threads that interested me, but searching for this one Harry Potter thread I never ended up finding. XD OMG I LOVE THIS! I keep squealing like a little girl and giggling like crazy, which is uncommon for me, as I usually have a straight face while reading fics. But this is just too adorable! SQUEEEE! Someone please write more of this! I'll probably end up writing one or two Mako fics too. :P

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