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Most embarrassing moments


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My friend just reminded me of this, so I had to add it... (Mercifully I had buried it at the back of my mind until now)

We were about 11 and in her bathroom for whatever reason, I think we were looking for make up or something, I don't know. But you know how sometimes, if you know there is something behind you, you instinctively step over it? Well I took a step backwards, and instinctively went to step over the toilet. But of course, you can't step over a toilet. And I put my foot down it. I don't know why or how I managed to do it... All I know is that I stepped back ad the next second my foot was in the toilet and my friend was killing herself laughing. *crawls under a rock and dies of mortification*

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Every day of my life is embarrassment. However..

One time when I was getting undressed to shower really quickly, I took my pants and underwear off in the same motion and left them in a pile on the floor and forgot about them. A few days later when I decided to wear those same pants, I had forgotten and somehow had FAILED to notice that the underwear were still in them. I put them on and went to school. As I was walking around in the halls I felt something weird in my pants, but didn't know what. These weren't skin tight pants. As I continued walking, I felt something go "woosh" down my leg. I took a few steps before I thought I should probably look back and... there in the hall in front of other people were my underwear... shock.gifshock.gifshock.gif . I... grabbed them and ran. Luckily I don't think a whole lot of people noticed. But... the security cameras T_T...

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Every day of my life is embarrassment. However..

One time when I was getting undressed to shower really quickly, I took my pants and underwear off in the same motion and left them in a pile on the floor and forgot about them. A few days later when I decided to wear those same pants, I had forgotten and somehow had FAILED to notice that the underwear were still in them. I put them on and went to school. As I was walking around in the halls I felt something weird in my pants, but didn't know what. These weren't skin tight pants. As I continued walking, I felt something go "woosh" down my leg. I took a few steps before I thought I should probably look back and... there in the hall in front of other people were my underwear... shock.gifshock.gifshock.gif . I... grabbed them and ran. Luckily I don't think a whole lot of people noticed. But... the security cameras T_T...

Oh man, cherry, I know your pain! :hug: this has happened to me before too, but luckily, I managed to grab them before they fell out the bottom :lol:

I got reminded of this yesterday, because it happened again. I have the daftest, dorkiest laugh ever, and sometimes when I laugh really hard, I just blow air out of my nose and cover my mouth. No idea why, it's just the way I laugh. Anyway, sometimes if I laugh hard, I breathe really hard and fast out of my nose... and sometimes... of god this is so embarrassing even to type. I'll just do it.

Sometimes when I laugh really hard, I blow snot. Not like, out of my nose, you can't see it, but you can hear it and I always cover my nose with my hand afterwards even though there is nothing there. It always draws attention to me and everyone always notices and it's the most mortifying thing ever but I just can't help it :bag:

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