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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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As someone who suffered from seasonal hay fever, he was accustomed to an unhappy nose. Being sick, though, was a tad different and far more demanding.

asdfghjkl yes. Just lovely. And isn't flying with a cold the absolute WORST? Poor Charles.

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I need MORE! You guys are too amazing and I needs some more Erik/Charles Love! Pretty pretty please!

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"As far as Erik knew, those were the extent of his care-taking abilities. He hoped they would work, because quite frankly he didn't know what the hell else to do."

I giggled at this, Erik is so cute.

Charles is my not-so-secret love, I'm so glad for the update!

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You guys are all so positive and kind and sweet and we both thank you so much for the love! :):wub:

I have to say, Erik is an incredibly diverse and intriguing character to get into the mindset of writing for. I'm having a blast! And you know, Spoo's ability to make Charles even more perfect also helps! ;)

Keep your eyes open for more coming soon, lovelies! <3

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