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"Do You?" (m, original) *Updated July 10, 2013*


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He took off his suit jacket and went to the stereo, putting on some music, he came back over to her, “May I have this dance, madam?”

“Why yes… yes I believe that you may” she said with a grin.

They started in with “Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch”, Theresa singing along as Erik spun her in and out. She smirked with the line “I’m weaker than a man should be”. Erik just raised an eyebrow in response. This was just the most brilliant song to be dancing to, especially after feeling so tense. Her face just glowed. She loved how his long, lean limbs moved and how even when they were "apart" they were still connected by the hand, and then suddenly she was back in his arms.

When the song came to the end, and the next song started up, Erik held up a hand… “Wah… wait one sec… uhh.. EiTchuh… heh.. eiiShuh.... c-could you grahhb?” he gesticulated toward his suit coat. Theresa knew that it was always in the right hand pocket and just grabbed what was in there.

The little gray box came tumbling right out, as Erik knew that it would, but Theresa hadn’t even noticed and he still needed to get where he could point it out. He nodded his thanks and directed a trio of harsh sneezes into the handkerchief. “Oh...excuse me.” he said, clearing his throat. “I hate to point this out to such a helpful young lady, but.. I believe that you dropped something.”

Theresa gave him a thoroughly confused look.

“Over there.” He said, pointedly looking at the box.

“But… what??” she was so confused that nothing even occurred to her as to what it might be. In fact nothing entered her mind at all, save bringing it over.

She turned away from Erik to pick it up, and as she turned around, he was on one knee. His voice was rough and congested, but he sang, (well.. half sang and half spoke when he got a little choked up).

My love for you is immeasurable

My respect for you immense

You’re ageless, timeless, lace and fineness,

You’re beauty and elegance

You’re a rhapsody, a comedy

A symphony and a play

You’re every love song ever written,

But honey, what do you see in me?

You’re in my heart

You’re in my soul

You’ll be my breath should I grow old

You are my lover

You’re my best friend

You’re in my soul

“There is only one thing that I can do about it. I’m incredibly selfish to ask this of you, but I’ll spend a lifetime making sure that you don’t regret it.” He took the box from out of Theresa’s still frozen hands.

“Will you marry me?” he said, opening the box and revealing the ring that was nestled within.

Theresa just stood there. “I… I just…” and then she teared up.

Erik hadn’t expect that. He ran a hand through his hair and rubbed at his neck. He stood up awkwardly.

Theresa immediately came to… “No… no it isn’t a no. I mean…”

He chuckled then said more seriously, “Are you sure?”

“Yes. Yes I am sure that it is a yes! Yes and a thousand times yes,” as she grabbed him around the waist. “I just… “ she looked down. “I didn’t think that you would… I mean… I thought earlier tonight even that you wanted to break up with me.”

He was shocked, “But… why?”

“Because… well… you hadn’t told me to stay. You hadn’t outright said that you loved me.”

“I couldn’t tell you to stay. I didn’t want you to feel guilted. You have so many, many options sweetheart.” He kissed her cheek gently. “And… I haven’t said it?”

“Well… just ‘and I you’ or other things that amount to “Ditto” from that old 80s movie. I thought that you just felt obligated.”

He chuckled, “Why does this feel like an O. Henry play?” As he opened the box again, he said, “Well.. I will just have to change that. I love you. I love you with all the depth and breadth of my being. I love you… wait a minute.” He gave her a look. “Didn’t I just *sing* that I love you, and with this ruddy… huh…” he froze for a minute as his breathing hitched, and then he sighed, “with this ruddy cold? Or did the vocal quality make that ineligible?” he quipped with a slight smirk that dissolved as his face elongated and he made a quick grab for his handkerchief and turned. “huh.. eiiTchuh… huhrTchuh… EiShoo… oh god.”

“Well… I haven’t quite attained that yet. Plus the proper term would be goddess. As for the vocal quality, you’ll just have to try it again.” She said with a wink.

“Oh sure… harass the poor, beleaguer, overworked, underpaid professor with no voice.”

“Well I don’t know about…”

What she had been about to say was to be a mystery, because Erik stopped her lips with a kiss and kept them otherwise occupied until she couldn’t quite remember how to form a coherent word.

*The End*

Of this... but I do want to write them some more... so there may be other stories about them being finished, or possibly a new one started- one of the two. :P

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Wah! A tma-story! And it's Erik and Theresa! w00t.gif

Waaaaaaaaaaah I must read it, even if it's allergies, and I hate allergies, but... Erik and Theresa! by tma! *excitedly jumping around* mf_laughbounce3.gif

You make me so happy with that, tma. hug.gif

And good old Rod Steward - how sweet. wubsmiley.gif

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so beautiful

I've loved these too forever and ever, I'm so glad they get a happy ending.

er, well, as you said, it's not an ending.

glad for that, too.

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Well, I thought it would happen at some point... but it still made me smile like a crazy person, and feel a bit emotional....

It feels like a long time now since I first got to know Erik and Theresa well; but I still have my own ideas of the characters in my head. I can picture Erik and Theresa in that lovely proposal scene... and it felt just right. :)

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EEEE! :D You finished it! :D:bounce:

“Oh sure… harass the poor, beleaguer, overworked, underpaid professor with no voice.”

:wub: ... It is that she has already accepted him, otherwise I would have to respectfully ask you if I could marry him instead. ;)
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