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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Favorite fetishy words


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mucous membrane [neusslijmvlies] etc.

heehee you seem to be really impressed by this word, my friend walkman.gif


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I love: 'the sniffles', 'coming down with...', 'runny nose'

my Dutch favourites (maybe Count can pick up a new one happy.png ): snotvalling (slang - head cold), natte zakdoek (damp hankie), niesbui (sneezing fit), loopneus (runny nose), snuiterig (having the sniffles), ...


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I do like loopneus! But then it just about works in English as lope-nose, just as my favourite neusslijmvlies works as noseslimefleece.... Hurrah for crosschannel cocomprehensibility. Goed butter an goed chies is goed English an goed Fris, as I always say.

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There are so many I don't even know where to start...

"Sneeze" itself is a favourite for me, although some people don't seem to think so. Tickly/ticklish, itchy, quivering, trembling, twitching for describing the nose, and I also love it when the nose/nostrils are described as 'sensitive'. As for describing the sneezes, I like words like 'desperate', 'uncontrollable', 'frantic'.

And this is just what I can think off the top of my head, haha.

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There is an important one that I would like to add to the list: AGAIN !

Sneezing again, cold again, sick again, ... YES I love it.


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:lol: Something I just realised that I go crazy about, is when someone sneezes, and THEN say "I have to sneeze". Naturally, that statement must be followed by at least one more sneeze, and preferably a fit. :lol:
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My absolute favourites aren't English words... I like a couple of Swedish words, including nysa (sneeze, as far as I know xD) and snuva. Then I also like many Finnish words like flunssa (a cold), vilustua (to catch a cold xD), niistää (to blow one's nose), nuha (the same as snuva, a kind of combination of all kinds of nasal symptoms (congestion, dripping...))... Aargh, I don't even know what all. .__.

But yes, when it comes to english words... "Pneumonia" 8 D And... Sniffle. Snot. Also if there's first a lot of this "Are you okay?" "Yes, I'm fine" "Are sure?" "Absolutely" and so on and then at some point the person is like "I feel a bit sick... -ish" or says that their throat is sore or they are stuffy or feel feverish. xD But yea... I dunno. i can't really think any English words I would like as much as those Finnish and Swedish words listed above... *shrug*

Edited by Sitruuna
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"Hitching" is probably my favorite. "Uncontrollable", "Desperate", and "Sniffly" are up there on the list as well :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Um, awesome topic? Or most awesome topic EVER?

I absolutely love the word "sneeze," although I also totally get why it would squick other people. "Itchy," "twitch," "rub"... I also like descriptions of someone's nose turning red from an allergy (not a cold, though!). Oh, and "urgent." Love that one.

Also, anything along the lines of "I'm going to sneeze!"

THIS times eight million. It's my favorite thing ever.

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lol, just reading all o these comments make me think that all of us are slightly Sadistic. haha. but I like "doubles over"when the charachter goes to sneeze, it makes me picture how forceful it is. Also "cringed"

and"fever" I just love when a man gets a fever... so sexy.

ha this was fun, great idea. :)

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lol, just reading all o these comments make me think that all of us are slightly Sadistic.

I've accepted my sadistic side aaevil.gif

I too am a big fan of "fever." I also love "hitch," "muffled," "stifle," "tried" (any time they try to prevent something is just adorable), and my personal favorite, the little "guh" exhale someone gives when their done.

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