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Graham Cracked

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[[[Here's the one I've been writing and rewriting several times over. My top favorite class in TF2! The Medic gives off a sort of vibe that says he would deny up and down when he's sick for the better of the team, which is what's gonna happen here~!! :wub: Also, I grew up in Boston for 20 years, so when the Scout talks...yes, that's how I talk...xD]]]

The sun rose slowly over the walls of 2-Fort. Both teams were still in their beds and weren't about to get out anytime soon. This was one of the rare occasions where the announcer allowed a day's break from the termoil. The two teams were even allowed to mingle if they felt like it.

The Medic usually slept in his office, both for easy access to the combat and quick aid for when others need him. But seeing as he wouldn't be needed for something like that today, he took the opportunity to join his friends and teammates. He woke up slowly with the sound of the Soldier spinning his rocket launcher. He put his glasses on and looked to him curiously.

"Vat are you doing...?"

"Practicin', doc. Gotta stay in top form!" He replied, not looking away from his work.

"But isn't today a time for relaxation?"

"Ain't no relaxin' in a war, son. If all of them get soft, I gotta carry them back to you in one hand and fend off those maggots with my other!"

The Medic merely chuckled and stood up stretching, then started off for the dining lounge. Aside from the Soldier, he was the only one awake, so he had full access to the first mug of coffee.

He prepared it as he liked and sat down by the window, looking over to the other fort. There were a few BLU Scouts playing baseball and some Demomen already on their third bottle. He shook his head at the usual Demo behavior, but knew today wasn't a day to try and help everyone. Just for everyone to be happy.

He went back to his mug when a Scout walked in balancing a baseball on his bat.

"Ey, doc!" he smirked, heading for the window before the Medic could reply. He opened the window quickly and shouted for the Scouts on the other side. "Ey! Don't'chu guys start up without me!"

"Well, get ova heeya already!" The other ones shouted back for him. The Medic held his coffee mug by his chest, protecting it from the eccentric Scout.

"Yeah, yeah, in a minute, guys!" He smirked, then went to the fridge for a can of BONK! labeled with a sticky note 'Secret Weapon'. Chuckling, he grabbed it and sat down next to the Medic, putting his feet on the end table next to him. "So, wassup?"

"...Nozing...so, you have a game to win I see?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna cream those suckas. You should come watch, man. They might be needin' a doc after I'm through with 'em."

"...I think I'll pass..." he replied, rolling his eyes.

"Your loss, man." He stood up and finished his drink, starting to do some push-ups by leaning on his bat. "You'll be missin' my top form. For a while, me and that crazy Soldier were dyin' from some harsh bug. We were both in bed for days." He went back for the window and opened it widely. "I wasn't even able to do this!" Quickly, he ducked out of the window and hopped over to the top of the bridge, hollaring happily before waving back to him. "See ya, doc! Gotta beat these bozos!"

The Medic chuckled at him as he left and finished his coffee, letting the encounter pass over his head. He started back for his lab to tend to his pet dove, Zeus.

The hours after speaking to the Scout, he heard a knocking at his door, followed by excited cheering entering before he had a chance to go to it.

"Ey, doc! I won! C'mere, I gotta tell you about it!" The Scout smiled widely, obviously winded from the long game.

The Medic turned and smiled quietly at him, trying not to speak. The Scout tilted his head a bit and looked to him curiously.

"Doc? Ain't'cha happy?"

He gave him a gloved thumb's up and turned away from him, hoping he wouldn't persue but knowing he would. The Scout walked in, placing his bat over his shoulder and looking around to his face. The Medic turned away, beginning to try to hold his breath.

"Somethin' wrong?"

"...N-...Nozing..." he responded, starting to become irritated.

"Whatever then..." The Scout sighed and started back for the door. "But that game was pretty sweet, it'd be a shame that you w-"


The Scout turned to the odd noise to see the Medic bent over a bit with his face in his white kerchief. Realizing what was wrong, the Scout looked away and went back to the door, looking back for just a moment.

"Ey...get betta, doc, ok?"

Once the door shut, the Medic pulled his head back. Whatever his teammates had, he must have picked up from spending the night with them. His head buzzed at the feeling of it spreading through his body. And worse, the other Medics had used this lab for supplies, so he was out of everything for the day (something he wouldn't have minded if he wasn't sick on his break day). He thought of going to the other Medics for help, but hated the thought of anyone seeing him like this. Just the Scout brought him to extreme embarassment.

He felt a nagging tickle start up in his nose. He kept his kerchief up to his face and paused, breath hitching through the cloth.

"Ghhh...uhhh...h-heee..." but as the feeling teased him, the Scout came back in, quickly forcing the Medic to hold the coaxing back.

"Ey, ya want me to get'cha anythin'?" he asked, looking concerned that he caused this.

"N-...Nein..." he replied, the tickle waxing and waning irregularly.

"Some soup or somethin'?"

The Medic shook his head, the tickle building. He shut his eyes tight and held his breath as his nose twitched, instinctively trying to strengthen the tickle into a sneeze.

"You want me to stick around for ya if ya need anythin'?"

"N-No...I'll be alright...d-...dank-..." His nostrils flaired and his head arched as the tickle grew stronger, but the feeling of the Scout watching him pushed it back into a teasing itch. He growled and waved his hand to him. "Just leave me alone, boy!"

The Scout looked down, guilty and concerned. The Medic has become one of his friends, and he hated seeing him like that. By the window next to the door, he saw Zeus' cage with a few midsized feathers along the sill. He looked back to the Medic, then smirked, going for the cage and grabbing one of them, walking up for him.

"Need some help with that?" he said as he pulled a stool over to him and sat down. The Medic looked to him as he held the feather to his face. He blushed and pushed it away.

"Bah..." he growled. "Zat won't help me..."

"How do ya know?"

"I don't need your help..."

"Ya help me all the time, and I can't ever pay ya back. Lemme just try this one think, a'ight?"

The Medic looked to him, then to the door.

"You won't...tell anyone...right?"

"Heh, why would I?" The Scout smiled. The Medic blushed again and growled, looking away from him.

"Fine..." he sighed.

The Scout leaned in a bit and slid just the tip of the feather into his nostril. He stroked around the rim slowly, pausing it to tickle spots that made them flair. He tried not to giggle at the sight of the Medic's eyes going half shut. He continued to slide the feather in, the tip of it now stroking the inner bridge of his nose. He knew he started to get close to a sensitive zone when the Medic started hitching again.

"H-Heeehh...ihh...h-haaa..." he felt the feather tickle his sinuses as the Scout moved it up further. He formed fists on his lap to keep himself from taking it out. He knew the Scout was just trying to help, he just wished it wasn't like this.

"This might help..." the Scout said as, with his other hand, he closed off the Medic's other nostril. "Now, breathe in."

The Medic swallowed but obeyed, breathing in deeply through his nose. Once he did, the Scout let go and quickly backed away. The feather was small enough that it vanished inside his nose, the fuzzy base of it stroking the rim of his nostril while the tip went deep in and flicked about the walls of his sensitive nasal cavity. His chest heaved as he followed the Scout's idea and pushed in his other nostril with his finger. The feather tickled the walls of his nose and coaxed the sneeze to build more and more, but yet, it was still stuck.

"I-It...h-heeek--...i-ihhhh...it's n-not vorki-iiiihhh~" The Medic said, looking through teary eyes to the Scout. He smirked a bit and brought his hand to the tip of his nose, lightly but swiftly flicking it over and over. With each flick, his nostrils flaired widely and his breathing hitched faster. "Ok- Ok-- Heeeh--!! Heee...iiiihh..." His head arched back once more, and with one final flick, it shot forward into his readied hand.

"AAHHH-TCHOO!!! Aaaa-AHH-CHOOO!!! HAAA-TCHOOFF!! HAA-KCHOO!!!" he managed to sneeze out the feather and the feeling eased up for him.

"Gesundheit, doc~" The Scout mocked the German doctor as he rubbed his kerchief against his nose. His illness was far from gone, though. And the Scout knew that. "How about ya go to one of the otha docs around here?"

"I...I might..." he said, sniffling into the cloth. "...later..."


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Be back to post cohereht praise later. For now, am dead from the awesome!


D: *mourns comment/curses aparent awesomeness.*

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OH DEAR LORD.. Inducing is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAWT.. really.. I can't get enough of it.. this was BEAUTIFUL :DDD

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[[[Now, before I start this chapter, I'm gonna put up a quick character description, since I drew him a bit last night [and with a fevered mind no less] and gave him a few traits, a personality and a quick background. The story start where the bold text ends. Thanks again for the support guys! :D Also, if there's any confusion from the transition of the first chapter to this one, like how I call him Klaus instead of The Medic now, I came up with the first chapter before considering him as an OC of mine. I just fell in so much love with him after drawing last night. xD]]]

Name: Klaus Rothschild

Age: 27

Class: Medic

Appearance: Klaus is shorter than the Medics on his team and less muscular. His black hair is grown down to his ears with side parted bangs in front of his left eye. He's also the starter of typical male rumors with large ears, nose and hands, which he becomes greatly embarassed about when pointed out.

Bio: Like the others, he's from Germany and it shows with his blue eyes and accent. However, his attitude is not as manic as the other Medics, and he does anything he can to heal the wounded, although his small stature makes it hard for him to carry a Medigun. His compassionate nature is the only aspect saught from the Announcer in classing him as a Medic. He has a low immune system, gets winded easily, has several allergies and can't keep up with the rest of the team's aid. Mostly, he attempts at healing Snipers and Heavies, never delving into the faster classes like Scouts or Spies. He has managed to gain friends since his start, mostly from his klutzy behavior and true effort in trying to help. His best two friends are another Medic who is like his mentor and a Scout that tries to help him become more coordinated.

Klaus groaned, knowing he eventually had to go to one of the other Medics on his team. His head started throbbing as he stood up from his stool. In his blurred vision, he made his way for the door, but paused in thought.

"It's nearly lunch now...zey'll all be in ze dining rooms..." he blushed a bit at the whole team finding he was sick. He held onto his doorknob for support as his head spun from how long he was standing up. He sighed a bit, knowing a few would be asking where he was, mostly questioning the Scout. He swallowed and stood up straight, putting on as good of a well act as he could, which caused him to stumble over his feet a little as he took stride out the door.

In the dining hall, the Scout sat down with his usual three bowls of spagetti, leaving a seat open instinctively for Klaus. He looked to it for a moment, wondering if he was going to show up or not, when a Spy started for it.

"Ey, back off, Frenchie, this seat's taken!" he said, placing a hand on the seat.

"By...? Jour doctor boyfriend is usually here by now~" The Spy chuckled, the comment making the Scout stand up and look at him angrily.

"Why I otta, ya luckin' out that you're RED, Spy, or I'd-"

"Jou would what? Throw milk at me?"

"How about I do that now?!" He growled, grabbing his glass of milk and turning quickly. The Spy sidestepped just as Klaus walked over to his seat. The Scout tried to stop his arm as fast as he could, but the glass still splashed the milk on his chest and chin, some of it reaching his hair.

"...Danke...but I'm not zat thirsty..." he replied slowly, wiping the milk from his face as the rest of the table chuckled at the sight. The Scout blushed deeply and tried cleaning his shirt with a napkin.

"I'm sorry, man, that damn Spy was gettin' on my last nerve!"

"It's alright, comrade...I don't plan on eating much so I'll be back in my room soon enough."

The Scout sighed as they both sat down. He went back to his food for a bit, then whispered to him.

"Ya feelin' ok, doc?"

"Don't ask me in front of ze other Medics..." he responded quietly, looking up to a strongly built Medic diagonal to him. That Medic has been like his tutor since he first came to the team. He blushed at the thought of him hearing, so he changed the subject with the Scout. "Care to tell me about you little victory today?"

"Ah, man, it's about time!" the Scout smiled widely and pat the back of his shoulder. "Lemme tell ya, man, they didn't know what hit 'em! In the 8th innin', we were down 2-0, and the pitcha threw this fast ball for me---"

The Scout continued on with his story when Klaus started getting the familiar tickle in the back of his nose. One that lingered there for a bit, but still caused him to hitch for a moment. He glanced over briefly to the Medic, who was preoccupied with talking to a Heavy next to him. Quickly, he grabbed his pocketed kerchief and pressed it against his nose, shutting his eyes softly, eyes fluttering with the slowly growing tickle. The Scout, however, was still preoccupied with his story.

"--and they're all scramblin' around, looking for the ball! Turns out, it was stuck in the side of the bridge! So we had to pry the damn thing out, but that, of course, was afta I got that grand slam! Major league!!" He hollared happily and leaned back in his triumph. A few Snipers and Engineers rolled their eyes at the story as he has told it ten times after it happened. He smirked to them and looked back to Klaus. "Ya shoulda se-...ya alright?"

Klaus shook his head quickly and took in a couple more hitched breaths. One was loud enough to get the attention of the Medic he had tried to avoid. He looked over to Klaus and noticed his distress.

"Iz zere somezing wrong, Klaus?" he asked in his deep, thick German accent. Klaus felt himself blush, then sniffled and pulled the kerchief away from his face.

"Fine...just another allergy perhaps..." He said, blushing deeper and going back to his small steak. The Medic shrugged slightly.

"Ztop by my office later, I have zome medicine for zat." he said back, turning for the Heavy again.

Klaus sighed, the Scout taking notice of his embarassment. But soon, the tickle built up strongly once again. He sniffled against the back of one hand, grabbing the kerchief on his lap with the other. His head instinctively started arching back, even when the Scout tried holding it down. He looked to the Medic nervously as he peered over once again.

"Iz he not vell...?" he asked, Klaus bringing the kerchief to his face.

"Uh...it's nothin' so bad..." he tried to start explaining as Klaus' shoulder rose in preparation. "J-Just somethin' in the air...maybe too much pepper on the food or somethin'..."

Klaus' nostrils expanded as the Scout spoke, just the thought of the scent of pepper pushing his nose to the breaking point. His eyes tightened shut and he took in more hitched, shaky breaths.

"Heee- Heeeek- Heeeeee--TCHOOF!!! Hek-CHUU! KCHU!!! KCHU!! KCHU!!!" Klaus' sneezes became more rapid into the kerchief as the Medic watched him with a sigh. "KCHU!! KCHU!!! KCHU!!! HEEE-KCHUUU!!!!"

The Medic stood up slowly and waited for his fit to calm down. As it did, Klaus looked up to him, sniffling against his kerchief.

"Follow me, Klaus. I'll take care of you..." he said before walking out of the dining hall.

Klaus sighed and stood up, trying not to look at his teammates as he walked on. The Scout remained at his seat, feeling horrible for not helping him more.


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...you're writing TF2 now.

YOU'RE WRITING THE MEDIC (my favourite class) NOW.

...and the part with the feather. Just...THE PART WITH THE FEATHER.


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xD I had a feeling you'd like that part. Better yet, there's gonna be more Klaus goodness here and on my new dA. n.n

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[[[Part three! I kind of want to keep this story going before I focus on my next TF2 class sneezefic (Spy). I've made Klaus my permanent OC for this forum and perhaps more stories on my dA account that I'll link in my siggy. So keep a heads up for those in the future~]]]

Klaus didn't know of a time when he was more embarassed. He felt like a patient, sitting on the cold metal stretcher, his higher-up checking his vitals and asking him questions he wasn't fond of answering.

"How long have you felt zis way, Klaus?"

"N-Not long..." he responded, looking away from him. He tried not to let him notice the blush building on his cheeks. He hated appearing weak, especially in front of the Medic who told him to put the team first. The other Medic, who he came to know only as Leon, scanned through his chart about the history Klaus knew too well about; his own.

"You do have quite severe allergies, but zere vere none in ze dining hall today. Ve all made sure of zat ven you first came here." Leon said, turning the light above him to brighten Klaus' face. The sudden light brought a small tickle into Klaus' nose, but it wasn't enough for anything just yet. "Tilt your head back, please."

Klaus swallowed a bit and complied, arching his head back and blushing deeply as Leon inspected his sinuses.

"Zey're inflammed greatly, however." He leaned back and pushed the light away, allowing Klaus to bring his head back down. "Seems like how you usually get vith a small flu. Third one zis year no less."

Klaus groaned at his medical history being repeated back to him. He scratched the back of his head and laughed uneasily.

"Heh...n-nah, I'm sure it's nothing..."

"Really? Zen let's check somezing..." Leon said, going for his dove, Thor's cage. Klaus swallowed, knowing where this was going with his experience with the Scout. He formed fists at his sides, knowing he had to suppress this for a long as he had to. "Ven you get sick, your sinuses are quite sensitive. If it's nozing, you von't be bothered."

Once Leon turned back for him, Klaus' eyes widened. In the ready of his hand, a long, limp feather twirled in his fingertips. Just the sight of it made his nostrils flair slightly, already knowing what was coming. He bit his lip and breathed deeply, trying to ready himself.

"I...v-von't be..." he said, his knees already visably shaking beneath his lab coat.

Leon approached him, his expression remaining stoic as he slowly twisted the feather to lightly flick the rims of his nostrils. Klaus tried holding his breath, the feeling already building in the back of his sinuses. The feather stroked him as softly as Leon made it, making the tickle excel through his nose. Unintentionally, Klaus took in a short breath, his concentration starting to falter.

"Ksh--!!" A quick false start shot his head forward, sending the feather in deeper, the tip of it fluttering around and hitting his sinus walls like a gentle whip. His fists tightened more at his sides as Leon continued to twist the feather about, knowing he wouldn't last much longer. Klaus' eyes shut, a small tear forming at the corner of one of them. At this quick sign of weakness, Leon stopped tickling his nose, pulling the feather out quickly and turning for his medicine cabinate. Klaus looked to him, still in a state of pre-sneeze hitches.

"Take zese tonight...you need to be better by tomorrow afternoon. I expect to see you zere ven ze battle starts." Leon handed him a bottle of unlabeled blue syrup. "You may leave, Klaus." He finished, turning his back.

"B-But...v-vat? I-I still need t--...hee...t-to..." Klaus stammered, his shoulders rising with each hitch. Leon merely rose his finger up, meaning he didn't want to hear it. Klaus groaned, looking away as he walked out of his office, pushing his kerchief against his nostrils.

On his way back to his lab, he spotted the Scout walking up the hallway towards him. He tried to step away without him noticing, but he looked up at the last moment, spotting his coat tails.

"Ey!" the Scout said, heading for him. Klaus stopped as his friend approached him. He gave him a quick, weak smile, which grew the Scout's concern. "What did the doc do to ya?"

"Ze same zing you did earlier, o-only I c-...h-heee..." he hitched again against his kerchief. The Scout looked to him worriedly.

"Ya want me to help ya again?"

"N-No...d-danke..." he rubbed the right side of his nose, trying to coax the sneeze out himself. "I...n-need to go back t-...hiii...to my room anyway..." Klaus started back for his room again, the Scout remaining there, watching with a sigh as he staggered a bit in a stronger pre-sneeze build up. "Ghhh--...h-heeek-..."

Something about the hall he was in suddenly made him feel uneasy...he thought he heard the sound of steam rising...like a Spy cloaking nearby. He jumped a bit and hurried down another hall that lead to the ramps. Quickly, he hid beneath one of them, pushing his back against the diagonal metal rise. He tried keeping himself as well hidden as he could, when he heard the slow footsteps of the Spy stepping down the ramp. He kept his breathing slow, but he swallowed hard, a sound unusual to the alert Spy. He heard his footsteps stop, knowing he was now aware of his presance. He knew his room was closeby, and if he needed to, he could make a run for it.

Just as he was about to take the chance, he felt his sinuses start to itch once again. Pressing his kerchief firmly against his nose again, his breathing hitched as quietly as he could make it.

"Uuuhhhhh-...he-heee..." Klaus shut his eyes tight, as the more his nose was ignored, the more the feeling grew within it. His nostrils trembled, causing the tickle to fill his sinuses entirely, leaving him a heaving mess. His hitches grew in strength as his last quick memory was the feeling of the feather dancing about his nostril.

"Gyeee--HAAA-KCHUUU!!! Heee-HEE-TCHUUU!!! HEK-CHOUUU!! HEK-KCHOOO!!!" Klaus finally felt relief from his short fit, when his eyes opened to a grinning Spy standing next to him. In his sudden panic, he didn't realize it was a Spy on his team. He quickly made a run back for his lab, only briefly hearing the Spy snorting in laughter behind him.


Edited by OinaGirl
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[[[Next chapter~ ^^ In this one, I wanted to include a little basic combat that takes place in TF2. Along with this, I've also been drawing a bit more fanart for him, since my bf doesn't mind this and I prefer hand drawn art to computer tablet. Once again, love you all for the support!! AND! If anyone is willing to RP with dear Klaus, please PM me anytime and let me know. <3]]]

The sun set with the tension in the air of the next day's battle. Few managed to get any sleep, but when the sun rose again, everyone had to be at the ready and fast. The whole RED team prepared and waited inside the release point. They had to get 5 files of BLU's intelligence by the end of the day. They knew many would fall in the harsh battle.

Nervously, the Scout looked around to his teammates. Leon, a few other Scouts, two Spies, two Snipers, a Heavy, and Engineer and a Pyro. He noticed Klaus hadn't shown up yet when the announcer hollared in the loudspeaker above them.

The mission begins in 60 seconds.

"Is everyvone ready?" Leon said, holding his Medigun at the ready. The Scout looked to his dark expression as he too was looking for Klaus. He wondered what he did to him yesterday, when the doors behind them opened, Klaus stumbling in quickly, panting.

"S-Sorry...I...I overslept..." he said, struggling a bit with his own Medigun and looking to Leon, who glared at him briefly before turning back. He sighed, embarassed as the rest of the team chuckled a bit. The Scout went over to him and patted his shoulder.

"Just stick with me if ya have to." He smiled.

"Yeah, mate, we'll just stick around the supplies..." a Sniper said, rolling his eyes. Klaus looked to him, then stood up straight with a grin.

"Bah...I can handle zis." he looked back to the door. "If anyone needs me, don't be afraid to call for me."

Everyone scoffed at that, except for Leon who looked to him from the corner of his eye and the Scout who reassured him.

"Well alright then! Let's do this!"

The announcer started her countdown. 5...4...3...2...1! The door opened and everyone scattered to where they planned on attacking. The Engineer hurried for their own intel and got to work on building a sentry. The Snipers stuck around the view above the bridge connecting the forts. The Heavy ran across the bridge with Leon healing behind him. The Pyro stood by the ramps leading to their teams intel to protect it from cloaked Spies. One Spy disguised himself as a RED Soldier in the sewers as the other Spy cloaked and darted across the bridge. The Scout jumped on top of the bridge, running for the top level where only a Demoman was for the time.

Klaus...wondered who he should have helped first. He decided to go for Leon, as he was closest by and trying to help the Heavy. He hurried for him and started to heal him, when he turned his head quickly for him.

"Vat are you doing?! I'm fine, go! Los los!" He shooed him away as he complied reluctantly. He wanted to try and help the Heavy, but didn't want Leon getting madder at him.

He saw the Engineer running up through the sewers and into the pipe of the other team's. He seemed to be running slower than usual, so Klaus jumped down into the water under the bridge and started to try and heal him.

"Thanks, doc!" The Engineer said, starting to run faster. "Keep on me!"

Klaus smiled, following him as fast as he could. He continued down the paths of the sewers and up the stairs, when the Engineer stopped, grabbing his Frontier Justice and backing away a bit.

"There's a Soldier by their intel..." he whispered. "Keep the healin' on me. How much ya charged up?"

Klaus looked to his ubercharge level and grinned a bit.

"83% and rising, comrade." he whispered back, peering around into the windows carefully. "Zey have a sentry too..." The Engineer looked to where Klaus had and nodded.

"Just upgraded once. We should be alright if I can hit the hard drive as soon as we get in there." He looked to Klaus, adjusting his hard hat. "Can ya distract the Soldier after chargin' me?"

"I'll try." he said, growing nervous.

"Good. Ya might have to grab the intel too. I'm countin' on ya, doc."

Klaus' heart raced. He never even saw BLU's intelligence, none the less brought it back to the team. But he needed to build his team's trust in him, and he didn't think of anything else at the time. His Medigun shook a bit and he looked to the meter again.

"Fully charged, Engineer..." he whispered. The Engineer chuckled and patted his shoulder like the Scout did.

"If I make it through this, y'all can call me Charlie." he grinned, pushing down his hard hat and starting for the intel. "Charge me, doc!"

Klaus quickly set his ubercharge for Charlie as they both turned into glowing red metal. Charlie quickly went for the sentry as it shot at both of them. The Soldier tried to blow them up by rocketing the ground between them, but with how small the room was, it merely ended up hurting him greatly. As he tried switching to his shotgun, Klaus managed to grab the intel quickly and throw it onto his back. Charlie managed to get the sentry disabled before the ubercharge faded away.

"Go on, get!!" he shouted to Klaus, waving him off, backing him out the door while shoting for the Soldier. Klaus tried to quickly start healing him again, when Charlie pushed him away. "Go! Get it back to the team!"

Klaus looked to him worriedly, then turned and ran back for the stairs leading to the sewers. In his panic, he accidentilly stepped down on the drag of his lab coat, falling forward into the murky water. He groaned and quickly pushed up to his feet, the cold water dripping from his long hair. He continued back for the bridge, when he saw the Heavy Leon was healing earlier walking up for him.

"Charge me, doktor!" He shouted, Leon following from the bridge above. As he jumped down, he started his uber quickly. The Heavy started firing the Soldier that was following Klaus, along with a few Spies cloaked behind him. Klaus' eyes widened at the sight of how close they were, when Leon grabbed his shoulder and threw him behind them.

"Go, you fool!!" he shouted, Klaus get to his feet again and running for RED's intelligence. He wanted everyone else on his team to see his triumph, and thought they would when the announcer called out about his securing.

He started going through his team's sewer, when the cold water chilled through his body. He ran up for the dry corner of the sewer, his nose starting to run. He sniffled, trying to keep the feeling from getting any worse. The medicine from yesterday had helped him, but not completely, and not when he's around this much cold. He shivered at the corner, holding his bonesaw in one hand and his kerchief to his nose in the other. Even the cloth was cold against his face, along with the rubber gloves he was wearing.

"N-No...no no n-nyeeehhh..." his breathing started to hitch, his shoulders rising and falling and his nostrils twitching beneath his kerchief. He tried quickly blowing his nose into it, the vibrating feeling only building the tickle. His back started arching, some of the papers from the intel falling out. And as more water from his hair dripped down his cheek and neck, his concentration started to collapse. Through his hitches, he couldn't hear the sloshing of steps coming up the sewer.

"Heeeh...heeeek-...Uhhhh-...Haaa-HAAA-KCHUUFF!!! KYEEE-CHOUUU!! Nyahhh-...HEEE-CHOOO!!!" he went into a violent sneezing fit, the end of his kerchief rippling from the wind of it. "Heee-...Ahhh-AHH-KCHUU!!! Hek-CHOOO!!"

In his fit, he felt the intel getting tugged away from his back. He quickly tried to stop himself and stop whoever it was, when he saw a slightly wounded Engineer limping for the team's intel to place down BLU's.

"Thanks, partner! Y'all take care now!" Charlie waved briefly to Klaus, who took a moment to process this. He was annoyed at first that he lost his shot to secure, but smiled at the kindness of the Engineer. But he quickly grew dizzy, feeling the need to lie down. With knowing he helped his team to a good start at least, he started back for RED's rooms.

"Danke c-...comr-...HEEEE-TCHUU!!" he sniffled, staggering for the stairs.


Edited by OinaGirl
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*Recovers from death by awesome*

OK, this is seriously brilliant! I love the Medic, and I love how you've written him as an OC, and his interactions with the other characters are adorable!

Keep up the good work!

*Returns to awesome-induced death-like state*

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It's impossible just how much I love this. ;A; Seriously, it's just written so marvelously, and KLAAAAAUS! I just want to kidnap hug him something fierce. The character you've built in him is so painfully awesome! The feather scenes, man...They kill me.

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