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Compassion? What's that? ( Sesshomaru trade in the past)


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Sesshomaru Request: Innocent Compassion has a price…

Sesshomaru cursed at himself and his rotten luck. He was just beaten by his stupid brother…his worthless brother…and not only that, but he was so injured that he couldn't move from the tree where he crashed into last night. "How…how could I let him beat me! It's not possible…but here I am, defeated. Inuyasha…I swear that I will not lose again." Grasping his injured body, he tried to tell how bad the injury really was. Inuyasha's Wind Scar did this to him…not only did Inuyasha cut off his arm not too long ago, but this humiliating defeat really…sucked. That was the mildest term Sesshomaru could think of…but he thought of many worse things to say than that.

Grimincing, he stared at the place he was. This tree was out in the middle of basically nowhere, only a few human villages and no demon places were out here. The last thing that he wanted was to meet with a human…and of course, with the luck he was having, this happened. A little girl came into his view, and he noticed that she was staring at him, curiosity showing in her big brown eyes. Rin was this girl's name…and she never spoke a word. Coming closer, she gently raised him up, even though he was easily twice her size, and without a word she led him to her village. "I don't need your help." Waiting for her response, he grew frusturated when she didn't answer.

His sharp yellow eyes glared at her, and he wanted nothing to do with this…human. "Look girl. Leave me alone. I can take care of myse…AH!" The girl, who somehow knew where he was injured, poked him gently on his wounded area, making even his demon body feel tremendous pain. Cursing under his breath for showing such weakness, he once again tried to intimidate this girl. His red marks on his face, along with his long white hair and sharp eyes, would've caused even the bravest of people to run away screaming…but this girl stared back and gave a smile.

This smile was so uncalled for that it shocked Sesshomaru. He thought no one has smiled at me like that before…this must be a trick. There's no way a human could be like this. I'll admit she's cute…and she appears harmless…but I won't fall for it. Some other demon must be trying to let my guard down.

Shaking his head, his long white hair tickled the little girl, making her giggle. This was the first sound he had heard from this girl, and he was beginning to wonder why this girl was so quiet. By the time that they got to the village, the pain he was feeling was intolerable. Moaning, he wanted nothing more than to sit down and stay still…which was exactly what the girl was thinking he'd want. Taking him to a small house, she set him down on a comfy spot and brought him some food. He refused it, still thinking this was too much of a coincidence. The girl's eyes looked sad for a minute, but then she smiled that cute smile again and hurried to bring him something else. She came back with different food each time, and every time he said "I don't need your help."

She was beginning to get really sad now, her cheerfulness in her eyes dimming, but then she got an idea. There was a beautiful kind of flower here that could hardly be found anywhere else, and thinking that he needed cheering up, she ran to get those flowers. When she was returning with a dozen of those pretty yellow-white flowers, she saw fish that was left wide open in the market of the village, and seeing no one was around and no one seemed to care about these fish, she took some. Almost immediately a bunch of villagers came and beat her up, and even though she got away, the bruises and cuts were all over her. She still held on to those flowers and fish, and by the time that she got to the house she left Sesshomaru, she was feeling just as hurt as he was.

She was silent as he asked her why she was covered in the bruises and cuts, and finally he stopped asking. Seeing the odd flowers, Sesshomaru's nose could only detect the fish smell that was covering both the girl and the flowers. Thinking that these flowers had no smell to them, he shrugged as she got a small vase and put the flowers, now crumpled and wrinkled, into the vase and set it on the windowsill. She then snuggled up to the demon and slept, and Sesshomaru honestly didn't know how to feel…this being the first time that someone had tried to sleep with him this way. He took the fish from her hands and started to eat it, this being the first time he accepted food from her. Soon after, he fell asleep too, a strange warm feeling started to creep up in his cold heart…but he was too tired to think about it too much.

When he woke up, the girl had already left, leaving new flowers that smelled as sweet as any kind of flower he had ever smelled before in his life. He smiled as the warm fresh scent filled his tired body, making him relax and it eased his pain…and then his nose started to twitch. His blue moon mark on his forehead started to glow and his breath hitched. "Hii…hiii….HICHII! Hicha! H…HIATCHI!" His blush became apparent on his face as the flower's sweet smell still filled the whole room, and every breath he took made the heavenly smell ease its way into his nose…but his nose wasn't used to something so sweet. His body seemed to naturally resist the smell, causing what Sesshomaru usually never did…sneeze.

His sneezes were short, to the point, and he had always been ashamed that he never could fight them. It was like an enemy that he could never find…a persistence that wouldn't go away. He could fight a tickle for a period of time, but as soon as his nose made his body's breath hitch, it was only a matter of time before the (don't say this in front of him…he will get mad at you…) cute sneezes burst out of him. The tip of his nose turned pink and his hair swished all over his face as he sneezed again, this time the sneeze was a little bit stronger. "Ha…HICHO!"

Grimancing, he tried to get up and move away from the flowers, but his injuries still prevented him from moving. Determined not to sneeze again, he pinched his nose and held his fingers near his nose, plugging it for the next 10 minutes. Breathing through his mouth the entire time, there was a gust of wind that blew through the house and caused most of the smell to get out of the house. Releasing his nose, which was now a deep pink for all the pressure he had put on it, he took a deep sniff, pleased to know that the smell had almost completely escaped the house. A small part of the smell still persisted, slightly making a tickle, like a feather brushing the inside of his nose, that came and went every few seconds. Rin came back in and smiled at him, offering him fruit and water.

She was stunned when he didn't hesitate to take the food, for he was eager to have something to distract him from the tickle. Rin thought it was because of the flowers, so she grabbed one of them from the window and handed it to him, causing the pollen of the flower to float all around his face. His sharp yellow eyes lost their sharpness when the tickle reemerged tenfold, making the slight tickle now turn into a tickling machine. Not wanting to show this human his humiliating weakness, he turned and shoved his hand to his face, covering his nose and his eyes slammed shut, he was doing his absolute best not to sneeze.

Rin looked in confusion at first, and then she recognized the signs of a sneeze written all over his face. Giggling, she reached for the hand that covered his face and slowly moved the hand away. Sesshomaru's eyes snapped open and he glared at the girl for a second before sneezy tears began to form on his eyes. This sneeze had been held in for so long that he knew that they would be louder and more powerful. "Ha…HA…HATCHIW! HATCHI! ITCHU!! ICHUU! I…itc…" His sneezing was cut short, Rin's brown eyes showing both kindness and compassion for him. Her finger was held under his trembling nose, making the sneezes stop. She smiled and gently massaged his nose, making the trembling die down and eventually stop.

Sesshomaru, before he could stop himself, said "Thank you." That was the first time he actually honestlycared about someone else for the first time in his life… a little girl had warmed this cold hearted demon, just by the kindness she shared with him.

(This was done as a part of a trade MONTHS ago XD. It's also on DA :). If you guys like this, there are two other stories from different characters from other shows...one of the first times male characters is the main sneezer XD...is this an ok story?)

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