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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Challenging Work Out-A-Doors

Graham Cracked

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[[[i know I had this as a poll, but after playing a bit more TF2/watching Meet the Sniper again, I couldn't resist posting this :DDDDD The two after this that I'm planning are with Medic and Spy, two other classes who wouldn't want to be sneezing on the battlefield xD]]]

The Sniper made his way for the top windows above the bridge of 2-Fort. He carried his Machina in one hand and some coffee in the other, with his Kukri sheethed. It was early, but he felt he had to be one of the first out there to defend RED's intel. He sat next to an Engineer friend of his who was already at work on the other side building a sentry.

"'Ow's it goin', mate?" He smirked, tilting his hat back. The Engie looked up, wiping away some sweat from beneath his hard hat.

"Doin' perty good, pal! Hang on a tick, I'll build ya a dispenser." He smiled back, going back to building the last level.

"Nah, won't be needin' one today. It feels like it'll be easy today." the Sniper said, looking to the cloudless sky. He sipped down some of his coffee and readied his rifle as the announcer's voice echoed above him.

"The mission begins in thirty seconds..."

The Sniper practiced his aim briefly as the Engineer went back to gather more metal. However, light footsteps paced up behind him, and soon, the sentry had collapsed over itself in a heap of sparks and parts. The Sniper jumped and turned quickly, looking around and grabbing his Kukri. The instant he got it unsheethed from his back, a jar of some white powder hit the wall next to him and scattered about his face and clothes.

"Agh!" he coughed a bit and took off his coated shades, slashing about in the air. He heard a distinctive chuckle already down the hall.

"Cheers!" the voice said before reappearing far away as a BLU Spy heading back for his fort.

"Bloody Spies..." he growled, wiping off the powder from his face and sunglasses, putting them back on and going back for the window, kneeling down to steady his aim.


The announcer allowed for the battle to begin, and already, the Scouts were the first to leave both forts, followed by Spy-checking Pyros. More Snipers showed up to help him, as well as BLU team's, both sides picking off easy targets one by one.

"Thanks for standin' still, wankas..." the Sniper taunted, getting a series of headshots from Medics and Demomen. He kept at his weapon for a while, but then started feeling an odd itch in his nose. He scratched at it quickly with the nail of his thumb and it subsided, helping him return to his focus.

He continued at his post up until he noticed he was out of ammo. Quickly, he went back to the base, cursing himself for telling the Engineer not to build a dispenser. He got about halfway back, when the itch returned and started to spread throughout his nose. He sniffled and scratched at it again, trying to ease the feeling. As he did so, one of the team's Medics came around the corner. The Sniper growled a bit and sniffed harshly, standing straight and holding his breath. He started past him, but couldn't keep his breath from hitching within earshot of the doctor.

"Is somezing wrong, Sniper...?" The Medic asked, grabbing his Medigun.

"Nah, mate, just outta bullets..." The Sniper answered, trying to keep his nostrils from flairing. The Medic had a well trained eye, however, and knew he was lying.

"Vy don't I believe you zen?" He said, pushing up his round glasses.

"Ah, c-come off it, mate, I'm just gettin' s-..." he paused as the feeling in his nose grew. His head arched a bit and his nostrils twitched. "Heh-...heee-..." He pinched his nose quickly when he remembered he was in front of a suspicious Medic. With a stubborn 'hmph', he stormed back to the supply room with one finger pressed beneath his nose.

Once he gathered enough ammunition to last him a while, he grabbed at a red handkerchief he kept in his vest pocket. He wrapped it around his face, thinking he was reacting to a new allergy. He didn't realize the pocket had gathered up some of the powder the Spy threw at him earlier. And before he left the supply room, he made sure the Medic was nowhere in his hawk-like sight.

He made his way back to his spot and gave the other Snipers a quick nod before going back through the scope of his rifle. But no sooner than he started did the feeling come back again. The powder lingered a bit on the kerchief, and slowly, he was taking it in in quick breaths.

He started hitching again and pulled away from the view and against the wall to protect himself while he tried to relieve the tickle. He rubbed his nose with the kerchief, unknowingly making it worse for him. And with one sniffle, most of what was on the cloth rose up his sinuses.

"Keeeh-...h-hee--..." he quickly pinched his nose to try and stifle his oncoming sneezing fit. He shut his eyes tight behind his shades and buckled forward. "Hek-TCHK!! Huk-CHHK! Heehh...hee-CHK!!" He sniffled again, rubbing his nose again and opening his teary eyes.

"Nozing wrong...?" The Medic from before stood next to him. The Sniper jumped, then clutched his chest, panting.

"Why the hell ya sneak up on me like that?!"

"Zere was no sneaking, Sniper. It zeemz you are not fit for ze battlefield right now." He walked over to him and swiftly removed the kerchief from his face, revealing the Snipers reddining nose.

"Ey!!" The Sniper retorted, trying to grab it back from him, while at the same time, the cool air stirred the feeling up for him again. He turned away as his head arched, his chest heaved and his nose twitched. Quickly, his hand went to his nose and mouth. "Geehh...HEK-TCHKK!!! AH-KKCH!!"

"You know, it isn't healzy to hold it in like zat..." The Medic kept an eye on him, then looked to the kerchief. He grimmaced a bit at first at the sight of how moist it was, then spotted the white powder on it. He looked to it for a moment, then the Sniper again. "You met ze BLU Prankster Spy I see..."

"Th-The wha-- Heee-CHTK!!!"

"Zere is a Spy in BLU team zat runs about and plants traps for our team to fall into. I had ze same problem with a few Scouts earlier zis week." The Medic then reached into his trouser pocket and handed him a small bottle. "Use zis spray. It vill clear you right out." He smiled before running for the lower level.

The Sniper groaned and looked to the bottle, uncapping it and spraying a bit into each nostril. He felt slightly relieved and chuckled a bit, then stopped again, breathing heavily. The tickle in his nose built up worse than before and his mouth gaped widely. His head arched back, then lunged forward in a violent sneezing fit.


From down below, the Medic walked slowly to BLU fort. He heard the Sniper from up above and a smile passed his face. A puff of blue smoke rose around his body, and the labcoat morphed into a blue dress suit. The blue masked Spy chuckled all the way back to his team.

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XD I don't play TF2, but I have seen the meet-the-x videos, and you've captured them very well! That darn BLU Spy, at it again... I have to say, I'm particularly fond of the Medic, so I hope you write a bit about him soon! :D

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XD I don't play TF2, but I have seen the meet-the-x videos, and you've captured them very well! That darn BLU Spy, at it again... I have to say, I'm particularly fond of the Medic, so I hope you write a bit about him soon! biggrin.png

Ohhhh~ I fully intend to xD The Medic is probably my favorite of all nine if I'd have to choose, I mostly started with Sniper since that's who I major as and I wanted to get the TF2 creativity flowing. I'm in the midst of writing up my next, so expect it perhaps tomorrow :D

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  • 6 months later...

SO I'm so glad that I decided to go browsing through the whole stories section, because I never saw this and IT'S BEAUTIFUL. I JUST. I'm not normally terribly attracted to Sniper, but you just...unfhhh, so gorg~ The ending, man...W-With the Spy, I just---GAH my ovaries, they burn~ .////.

ALL IN ALL this was freaking amazing AND NOW I'm gonna go see if you've written anything else around here~!! :D

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