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A Stupid Reason


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Title: A Stupid Reason

Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

DISCLAIMER: haha I shall repost the disclaimer I put for my other FMA fic... because it's so true XDD

I do not, in any way shape or form, own Fullmetal Alchemist. If I did, Roy Mustang would torch my computer and Edward Elric would transmute the ashes into something strange-looking to reward me for all the sneezing I would've made them do included. *innocent face*

Summary: Something is bothering Ed, and Winry can't figure out what... and how will the two of them handle it when Ed's seclusive study habits get him into a completely unexpected predicament?

A/N: Hiii everybody!! happy.png So the other day I was bowled over by a Ed/Winry oneshot idea, and I wrote it all out in one night. XDD I thought I'd hurry up and post it, especially since I still have terrible writer's block for my other FMA story.... (but that will be finished, I promise!) This one, however, is already complete, and I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it!!! (ahhh, tortured!Ed..... aaevil.gif ) LOL anyway, this fic happens right after the end of Brotherhood episode 20/the middle of volume 11 in the manga, when Ed returns from Risembool and a certain little conversation takes place. XD (and this also, in my opinion at least, is right around when Winry actually starts acknowledging her feelings for Edward. :3 )

Without further ado, enjoy!! Please let me know what you think - I'm really nervous about how my characterization turned out... I've never done Ed/Winry before... sleep.png


The bells of the Hostel Sector clocktower announced the fourteenth hour as Winry Rockbell exited the dining hall, their poignant tolling audible even through the walls of the building.

Winry breathed on the shiny, deep red skin of the apple she was holding, then rubbed it against her shirt. A plethora of sounds floated past her ears as she walked – the rowdy conversations of soldiers... dishes clinking in the other room... a baby crying... the hum of motor vehicles filtering in through an open window somewhere.

Boy, Central sure is noisy, Winry mused. She sank her teeth into the fruit, relishing its juicy sweetness. It’s an interesting place to visit, I have to admit... but I could definitely do without all the noise and fumes. She swallowed the bite of apple and took another. Give me the sounds of Rush Valley machine work any day... or better yet, the peacefulness of home. She paused, halfway to a third bite. Home. After all this time, there’s still only one place in the world that I can call that.

“Hey, Winry!”

Winry looked up in surprise. “Oh, hi Al!” she responded with a smile.

“Did you have a nice lunch?” he inquired as he descended the last few steps of the stairs at the end of the hall. Though bonded to a body of cold, unfeeling steel, Alphonse Elric’s soul had never lost the gentle warmth he had possessed from childhood.

“Yeah, I did,” Winry affirmed. “The food here is actually pretty good!”

Al chuckled at her enthusiasm. “Anything I should put on my list?”

Winry tilted her head, taking a ponderous bite of apple. “Well... right now I’m enjoying this apple,” she said playfully, gulping the mouthful down. “It reminds me of the ones we used to pick from Mr. Gilfrey’s orchard in Risembool.”

Al came up beside her, leaning up against the corridor wall. “I think I remember those!” he said with a nod. “How they tasted, I mean.” He was quiet for a moment. “I can’t wait until I can eat again...” he added wistfully.

Winry smiled softly. “Me too.”

The next couple minutes passed in a comfortable silence as Winry munched her apple. Suddenly, however, her deep blue eyes grew wide. “Hey!” she blurted, wiping some sticky juice from her chin. “Where’s Ed? Did he eat?”

Al shifted. “I don’t know... he was doing some research, so probably not.”

Winry scowled. “There’s a surprise.” Heaving a sigh, she straightened. “Where is he? I’ll go tell him the dining hall’s closing.”

Al put his hand to his chin. “Hmm... he’s down in the basement, I think.”

Winry blinked. “The basement?”

“Yeah... he likes to study where nobody will bother him.”

Winry rolled her eyes. “I didn’t even know this military hotel had a basement.” She shook her head and began heading for the opposite end of the hall. “Thanks, Al. See you later!”


Upon reaching the back of the building, Winry nosed around until she located the service door. It was unlocked, so she tugged it open and descended the rickety stairs. Presently, the stairwell opened up into a large, dingy space that smelled vaguely of grease and boiler steam. Winry stepped carefully off the final step, eyes adjusting to the dim light.

The musty coolness caressed her bare arms as she made her way toward a light behind the furnace. Rounding the corner, she was greeted by the harsh illumination of a single bare lightbulb – and the sight of the person she had come to fetch.

Edward Elric was reclining on his back on an old couch, likely a discarded piece of hotel furniture. He was immersed in a book, and so took no notice of the newcomer.

“Edward!” Winry pronounced, crossing her arms.

Ed started, raising his eyes from the tome; but once he saw her, disinterest settled back across his face. “Oh, it’s you.

Winry came closer, shaking her head morosely at his surroundings. “You’re such a weirdo, Ed,” she informed him. “Why are you even down here, anyway?”

Ed sat up, pulling his legs off the couch and turning a page. “Because it’s quiet.”

Winry gazed disapprovingly at him. “Yeah... well, you missed lunch.”

Ed didn’t look up. “Wasn’t hungry.”

Winry arched an eyebrow. “Really.” Sighing, she took a final bite of her apple and examined the core with a displeased expression. “I bet by dinner you’ll be starving, idiot. You really need to take better care of yourself, you don’t want to burn out.”

Ed picked up a pen and scrawled something into his notebook.

Winry gave an indignant huff. “Hey, are you even listening to me?”

Ed punctuated the line, then flipped another page in the book. “Sure, whatever.”

Winry clenched her fists. “Ughh, what is wrong with you?!” she burst out.

Ed laid his hand on top of the page and glanced up at her. “My brother’s trapped inside a suit of armor, and I’m missing a leg and an arm, that’s what’s wrong,” he replied testily.

Winry was taken aback. “That’s... not what I meant, Ed...” she said softly, dropping the remains of her apple into a small wastebin nearby.

He eyed her sulkily, then returned his attention to his work.

She sighed despondently. He and Al had been so confident last night, filled with a renewed sense of purpose as a result of the revelations Ed had garnered from his impromptu journey east. She understood his reasons for attacking his research with such zeal... however, ever since he had returned, he had behaving... strangely. For all their arguing, Ed usually would at least engage in normal conversation with her from time to time; but all that day, he had seemed different. His interactions with her had been brooding, irritated... almost as though he did not wish to talk to her at all.

Winry’s eyes fell upon an old office chair, and she slowly seated herself upon it, turning her back to him. “I’m sorry, Ed,” she ventured, tucking a long strand of her silky blonde hair behind her ear. “Your research is important. I understand that. I just wish... that you’d be more careful. That’s all.”

Ed uttered a scornful snort. “No one told you to worry about it.” Despite his churlish words, however, his tone held no real spite.

Winry propped her elbows on her knees. “No one has to tell me, Ed. If anything, I worry because you won’t!” She traced a pattern in the grime on the floor with the toe of her shoe. “Are you sure you aren’t hungry? Because I could probably scrounge up an apple for you or something.”

She waited for some sort of reply, but none came.



“Bless you,” she said automatically, furrowing her brow. Of all the responses she had expected, a sneeze was not one of them.

She straightened, smoothing her slightly sticky hands along her skirt. “Seriously though,” she continued earnestly, “they leave the fruit baskets out in the dining room even when the kitchen’s closed. It’s not at all bad, either...”


“Bless you!” Winry’s voice pitched up with mild sympathy, and she swiveled around to look at him. She opened her mouth to comment further, but closed it again as she saw that he was already gearing up for another.

Hehh...!” An intense mixture of concentration and irritation graced his face as he stiffened, the book lying forgotten in his lap. The pen slipped from his hand as his fingers slackened, all of his attention diverted to the impending sneeze. “Ehh-heh....”

Winry squinted in concern as his small nose quivered mightily, his breath ragged and scratchy.

EhhJHSHIHH!!” He snapped forward, his entire body overwhelmed by the involuntary action. “Mnh..” He grunted, eyes still slightly defocused, as he swiped impatiently at his nose.

Bless you, Ed!” Winry bit her lip, sliding off the seat. “Are you catching a cold?”

He shook his head vehemently. “I’m fine, Win...” His tongue stumbled over her name as his breath began to shudder without his consent. “Winrehh –” his left arm migrated toward his face as his eyes half-closed. “Heh’kshih! Hah’tshiH! EhTCHH!!

He dragged the back of his hand across his mouth. “Guhh...” He sniffled, rubbing his nose. “What the heh... hehh” He ground his teeth as his breath hitched. “HhtJSHHU!” He pressed his wrist against his nose. “Ugh.”

Winry glared suspiciously at him. “You see what I mean?” she accused. “You don’t take care of yourself.” She tossed her head, striding over to him. “What did you do, go gallivanting in the rain or something?”

Ed glowered at her. “I’m not sick, Winry,” he shot back. “I juhh...” His eyes were welling up with irritated tears, and he furiously scrubbed at them with his right hand. “HatSHHU!! Hah’TSHH!” He sniffed again, a sound that made Winry promptly cringe. “My nose just itches, okay?” He picked up the book but put it aside as his nostrils twitched yet again.

Winry put her hands on her hips. “You better be telling me the truth, Edward Elric!” she declared. “Because you look awful.”

“I’m fine!!” he yelled, shooting to his feet. “Now would you stop... s-stop...hehh” His ability to speak was taken from him as his lungs seized up. “HekSHH! H’TCHJHIH!” The tormented Elric literally gasped for air before his nose took over again. Desperately, he smashed his palm over his mouth and nose. “HahESHHH!!” He dropped his hand, breathing heavily. When he lifted his right arm to attend to his beleaguered appendage, however, he suddenly froze.

Winry, who was already well near horrified, locked her eyes on his face. “What is it?”

He did not answer... indeed, it looked as though he physically could not.

Winry came even closer. “Ed, what’s wrong?”

He remained frozen in position, eyebrows drawing together. “N..nothing.”

Winry knew better. She did not like the expression on his face; not one bit. “Ed. What’s.. wrong?

His eyes flickered to her, and he straightened a little. “It’s.. nothing –” he sucked in air through his teeth, pain contorting his features.

Winry did not fail to notice this. “What’s hurting you, Ed? Tell me, right now.

Ed gritted his teeth. “Only... my... nngh!!!” Without warning, his left leg buckled and he pitched forward.

“Edward!!” Winry grabbed him, holding him upright. “What the –?!”

HahktgSSH!” Ed sneezed again, then suppressed a groan, the fingers of his automail spasming. “Sorry,” he panted, pulling away from her. “I’m okay, let go – hhngtSHHU!” His bangs fell into his eyes, damp with sweat.

Winry, however, refused to let go. “Hey!” she snapped. “It’s your joints, right?”

He opened his mouth, shaking his head, but she jerked his arm. “Don’t you dare lie to me!! I’m your mechanic!!!”

The motion of his head slowly changed from side to side to up and down. “Yeah, but.. it’s not... not thaehh – HhtSHHU!!

Winry took advantage of his distraction and slipped the right side of his jacket down. She clenched her jaw, eyes widening. The area where his full-metal prosthetic joined his shoulder was swollen and red, his skin hot to the touch.

“So that’s it,” she said grimly. Gripping his other arm tighter, she stared urgently into his face. “You’re having some kind of allergic reaction, and it’s affecting your nerve integration, you hear me?”

Ed swallowed, frowning. “To what... my auto.... automail – hahtshHH! HekSHH! TSHshih!!” With each successive explosion he nearly lost his balance, and Winry had to keep yanking him upward.

“No!” she retorted, hauling him upright. “It’s probably something down here, you idiot, now come on. We need to get you upstairs now.”

He squirmed out of her grip, clutching his right shoulder. “I can walk by mysel – unnh!” He bit back a cry of pain, dropping to a crouch as his knee gave out again. He began taking deep breaths to try to calm his agonized muscles.

Winry grabbed him and pulled him to his feet. “Oh no, you can’t,” she corrected severely, “not unless you wanna start throwing up, too.” She draped his arm over her shoulders and wrapped her own arm about his torso, setting off toward the stairs. “I swear,” she growled, setting her teeth. “Just let me help you!”

Miraculously, Ed obeyed... or perhaps he was simply too ill to resist. Whatever the case, Winry half-supported, half-carried him up the stairs, then burst out of the door. “Alphonse!” she shouted. “Alphonse, are you still here?”

Short of breath, she slowed, loosening her hold on the boy a little. “How bad is it?” she asked tersely.

HhtSHHU!!” Ed sneezed again, and she could feel his muscles trembling. “It...” His voice had gone congested and hoarse from his violent fits. “It hurts to walk. I cad barely put weight od it.” He ground his teeth, and his arm unconsciously tightened around her shoulders. “What the hell is wro’g with be?!”

Winry’s heart thudded in her ears. His face had gone almost white, save for the inflammation around his eyes and nose, and she could see that his right arm was locking up... but what alarmed her most of all was the fear that lurked behind his eyes.

She squared her shoulders. “I know what to do,” she stated. “You’re reacting to something, that’s for sure, but you should be fine – I just have to get your prosthetics off.” Her blue eyes hardened, and she began moving once more. “AL!!”

NngSHH!” Ed nearly doubled over as another sneeze left him breathless, and his head lolled against her shoulder for a moment as he tried to ignore the pain. "Dammit...”

At last, Al came running over. “What happened?!” he cried.

Winry pulled apart from Ed. “He’s having an allergic reaction – I need you to carry him upstairs before his muscles go into shock.”

Al was tense with worry. “Okay.” He reached out for his brother.

Ed stumbled forward, confusion etched on his face. “Wait, shock...? Wha –” Abruptly, he choked, and would have fully collapsed if Al had not been there to catch him.

To Winry’s relief, Al was able to carry Ed back up to their room without any difficulty whatsoever. He then lay him on the bed as Winry ran for her tool bag.

When she clamored into the boys’ room and slammed her bag down on the floor, Ed had gone completely limp. She sucked in her breath, pressing her hand across his forehead. “Hey, you with me?”

For one terrifying moment, he did not respond; but at last he stirred, opening his eyes. “Yeah, I’b okay,” he rasped.

She shook her head, trying not to smile with relief. “Whatever...” Her face becoming businesslike, she briskly removed his jacket and boots, exposing his inflamed joints. “Now I’m not gonna lie,” she murmured. “This might hurt.”

Ed steeled himself, strangling his moans as she detached first his leg, then his arm.

Both of them exhaled heavily when she was finished. She gave him a shaky grin as she wiped sweat from her brow. “There, now you’re out of danger.”

Ed visibly relaxed as the pain subsided. He rubbed wearily at his shoulder. “Man..” he mumbled. “What just happened?”

Winry frowned. “Whenever you have a severe allergic reaction, your body is rejecting foreign material. It’s common for your body to get confused about nerve-integrated prosthetics when that happens. You’ll be fine once you get over the attack, though.” She crossed her arms. “Don’t scare me like that!”

He scowled, trying to sit up, but slumped back down, feeling woozy. “Nnh... hehtSHIH!

Winry’s eyes softened. “I’ll be right back.”

While she was gone, Al stared nervously at Ed. “What in the world were you doing, brother?”

Ed snuffled, cramming the heel of his hand against his nose. “Just readi’g, Al. Yeesh, you dod’t hafta look at be like that.”

Winry bustled back in, holding a clean wet cloth. “Here,” she offered, applying it to Ed’s forehead. He took it, wiping the sweat off his face. “Thags.”

As the silence started to turn awkward, Winry began doing maintenance on the automail.

Gradually, Ed’s breathing eased, and his fits became less frequent. Finally, he sat up, golden eyes settling on Winry’s deft hands.

“Hey Winry,” he started.

“Yeah?” Winry glanced at him, then continued working.

“Earlier, you asked what was wrong...”

Winry’s hands slowed. “Yeah...”

Ed turned to glare out the window. “Well... I think your reason is stupid. That’s all.”

Winry stared at him. “My...reason?...”

He scowled at her. “Yes. You heard me.”

Winry put down her wrench. “Huh?”

Ed rubbed his knee. “Height has nothing to do with it, Winry,” he accused. “And besides, I’m not short.” He ‘humphed’ and looked out the window, pawing at his nose.

Winry’s heart skipped a beat. What... the...

A conversation from the previous day drifted into her thoughts, one that she had thought to be completely ridiculous.

~~“Winry... do you remember when Al and I got in a fight when we were kids about.. who’d marry you? … Al told me you turned him down.”

Mmhm, turned you both down.”

Whatever. So the question’s for both of you then... What was your reasoning?”

She said....”

“’I just don’t like men who are shorter than me.’”~~

Suddenly, for reasons unknown to her, she felt her cheeks growing hot. “Well, no,” she faltered. “I suppose that was a silly thing to say... but we were just kids.” It wasn’t until she had almost finished that she realized exactly what she was saying. “And you are short,” she qualified hastily.

Ed bristled. “HEY!! I never asked your opin – yehh” his rant ground to a premature halt. “Heh’TSHIH!

Winry picked up her wrench. “It’s not my opinion, it’s a fact... and you know what? You’d be taller AND healthier if you would just drink your milk!”

“I’m not unhealthy!!” Ed yelled. “And DON’T CALL ME SHORT!!!!”

“And alll this could’ve been avoided if you just didn’t have to go study in weird places!”

“Don’t change the subject!!! – ”

“~Hey everybody!~” A new voice broke into the conversation.

“Wha –?” Ed and Winry turned as one, mouths dropping open.

Ling Yao, their friendly freeloader prince from Xing, was sitting cross-legged at the foot of the bed, his masked bodyguard crouched beside him.

Winry stood, argument temporarily forgotten. “Ling!” she exclaimed. “H-how did you get in here?”

Ling beamed, arms folded. “Through the window,” he said simply.

Ed gave him a dark look. “Oh, you’re still here, are you...”

“Of course!” Ling declaimed. “You guys are close to finding the secret to immortality! I’m not going anywhere.”

“Right... how stupid of me,” Ed muttered, rubbing his neck. Winry pulled back his pant leg to examine his stump, and he winced, starting to cough.

Ling tilted his head. “You sick?” he inquired curiously.

The lithe warrior girl beside him tensed, dark eyes smoldering like obsidian coals.

“No!” Winry and Ed said simultaneously, then shot equally withering glares at one another.

Ling’s habitually squinted eyelids cracked open a fraction. “No?” he repeated. He watched Ed rub his nose. “Interesting.”

Ed shifted impatiently. “I feel better now, Winry. Why don’t you put my automail back on.”

Winry eyed his stumps with a critical frown. “I don’t think I should, Ed,” she said dubiously. “I’m supposed to wait until the swelling goes away, but it’s only gone down a little.”

Ed growled in displeasure, balling his hand into a fist.

Ling’s face flooded with understanding. “Oh!” he piped. “If you need to get rid of inflammation, you should try some of this.” He held his hand out to his bodyguard, but she did not move.

He wiggled his fingers. “Lan Fan?”

The girl’s eyes narrowed, but she reluctantly produced something from her pouch.

“Thank you.” Ling extended the object to Edward, a piece of paper-like material folded into a triangular packet. “It’s medicine, try it.”

Ed took it awkwardly, turning it over in his hand. “Okay...” He squeezed the sides and peered warily at the powder inside. After glancing at Winry, he tipped the contents into his mouth. Upon swallowing it, however, his throat convulsed. “Gahh! That’s horrible!!” he choked, covering his mouth. “What the hell is that?!”

Ling laughed. “Sorry, it’s bitter... but it works!”

Ed pulled a face, sticking his tongue out. “This better not be poison or something!” he groused, smacking his lips distastefully. “Yecch!”

Winry rolled her eyes. “Don’t be such a baby, Ed.”

Ed was about to retort, but his eyes widened as his hands strayed to his chest. “Hey,” he began. “I... I can breathe right again!”

Winry twisted to look at his shoulder. “The redness is fading!” she announced. She beamed at Ling. “It really does work!”

Ling smiled. “Well, as a prince, I do have access to the best medicines in Xing.”

Ed breathed deeply, massaging his leg. “I guess!” he said, mild awe in his voice. “Thanks.”

Ling closed his eyes again. “You’re welcome!”

As Winry prepared Ed’s limbs for reattachment, Ling asked, “So where were you, anyway?”

Ed sighed. “Down in the basement.”

Ling leaned back on his hands. “You mean... the bottom of this building?”

Ed nodded, swiping upward at his still-reddened nose for the millionth time.

Ling tilted his head back. “Ohh, I could’ve told you to stay outta there... that place is infested with mold.”

Winry, Ed, and Al all stared at him. “Mold?!”

Ling nodded. “Yep. Nasty stuff.”

Winry chose that moment to snap Ed’s leg and arm on. As always, Ed maintained his composure, bunching the blanket in his left fist as the nerves reconnected. Winry had always been amazed at his ability to remain stoic during this procedure, for the pain could be excruciating enough to make grown men scream.

She watched a bead of sweat roll down his cheek as he slowly unclenched his hand.

He may be small, but he’s a lot tougher than he looks, she thought in spite of herself.

Ed flexed his metal fingers and toes, rotating the stiffness out of his shoulder. “Hm, that reminds me,” he muttered. “I left all my stuff down there...”

Winry replaced her gloves, wiping her greasy tools on a tattered rag. “Sorry about that.. but we were kind of in a hurry,” she murmured. “I’ll go back down and get it for you.”

Ed shook his head firmly. “No, Winry, let Al do it. Mold is dangerous.”

Winry opened her mouth, but then nearly did a double-take. Did he just...?

Al straightened purposefully. “That’s right. I don’t breathe, so it can’t hurt me.”

Winry found herself at a loss for words. “Ed... it was me who –”

Ed swung his legs over the edge of the bed. “Shut up,” he interjected. “We know what we’re talking about.” He stretched out his leg, testing the joint.

Winry dropped the subject, choosing instead to attend to his automail. “Does it feel all right? Still hurt anywhere?”

Ed nodded intently. “I think I’m –” A peculiar expression flickered across his face. “Hold on.” he held up a hand, breath fluttering. “Hehh...” His eyelids drooped again as his nostrils flared. “HehESSHU!!” He snapped forward, not bothering to cover his mouth. Lan Fan and Ling both jumped.

“Ghh...” Ed grimaced, pulling his hands down his face. “Yeah,” he continued, punctuating the word with a liquid sniff. “Everythi’g feels fide.”

Winry examined a nick on the head of her wrench. “That’s good,” she said, glancing at the glowering Lan Fan. “But try to be a little less disgusting, will you? Cover your mouth!”

Ed tugged his jacket back on. “Yeah, yeah, whatehh –” his nose wrinkled – “-ver... hh-hh” he inhaled shakily, frustration surfacing on his face.

Winry’s hands tightened over her wrench. “Ed...” she warned.

HahJHIHH!!” Ed sneezed harshly into his left arm. “There,” he intoned, smashing his nose into the fabric. “Happy?”

Winry rolled her eyes and bent to put her wrench away. She watched from the corner of her eye as he finally dug in his pocket for a handkerchief.

You know, it’s funny... she thought absentmindedly as she clasped her bag shut. His sneezes aren’t exactly what you’d expect from someone his size.

She stood, frowning as he obnoxiously blew his nose.

They’re so violent... in fact, you could even say that they’re bigger than he is. She hid a smirk at the thought.

He stood carefully, taking a tentative step. “Yeah, much better.” He crouched, beginning to pull his boots back on.

Winry gazed down at his slight form. For a fifteen-year-old, he really is tiny, she thought. But...

As she silently observed her childhood friend, she was struck by the same odd realization that had hit her last night. Somehow, I don’t remember his shoulders being this broad... She pushed a strand of hair from her eyes. He’s really one of the strongest people I know, come to think of it.

She continued watching him as he rose, cracking his knuckles. One thing’s for sure. He may be small, but his soul is very, very big.

Ed let his arms fall, noticing her eyes on him. “What?”

She hastily averted her eyes. “Nothing.” She moved to lift his right arm, evaluating the mobility of the joints with a practiced touch. Her hand briefly touched his shoulder as she went through her mental checklist, and suddenly it occurred to her that his shoulders were nearly even with hers.

He’s... really only a few inches below me, she realized with surprise. She sighed, barely audibly, bending the wrist of his right arm back to test functionality. I suppose... height really doesn’t have anything to do with the person inside, does it. So... Maybe you’re right, Ed. She paused, her fingers tightening around the cool metal. I guess that really is a stupid reason.

Ed gave her an odd look. “Winry, what are you doing?”

She quickly resumed her adroit perusal of his arm. “Oh, I was just wondering if I should replace the wiring in the forearm tubing... we just got a new shipment in at Garfiel’s! It’s got this new kind of insulation, so maybe if I installed it your arm would be more –”

“Hey, hey!” Ed jerked his arm away. “My arm’s fine! I don’t need you to give it an overhaul right now!!” He snorted. “Geez, Winry. You’re such a mecha-otaku.”

The unusual mellowness Winry had been feeling toward the blonde-haired prodigy vanished. “Take that back!” she yelled, producing the wrench from the bag.

“Take what back?” he scoffed. “The truth?”

I don’t care if it IS a stupid reason!! He’s still got a LOOONG way to go.

Winry raised her wrench in outrage. “EDWARD!!!!”



And there you go~! *steels self for feedback* X)

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I flipped out before I even started reading it xDD

*noms on ficlet*

I swear, I love everything you write <3.. Maybe one day, when I'm brave enough, I'll propose a story-trade ;P

But yeah~.. *purr*.. Love everything about this.. Ed is SO ADORABLE~

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oh my GOSH!!!!!! :drool: :drool: :nosebleed::stretcher:

HOLY....DAMN THIS is SOOO very FMA...SOOO PERFECT!!!!!! :boom:

smileyfacegirl^^ you REALLY REALLY made my evening!!!

THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!! :notworthy:

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Oh ho, more FMA goodness from my newest favourite writer, oh my! :drool:

How fantastic is that: a glorious abundance of excellently-spelled sneezes AND a likely, intriguing story AND Ed Elric perfectly in character?? (I haven't seen enough eps to know who Winry is. :blush: ) You are so very good, my dear. :wub:

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(I haven't seen enough eps to know who Winry is. blush.png )

she is ed´s and al´s childhood friend and she makes ed´s automails wink.png

Edited by Ciuty80
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-purrs in delight-

= w =

I believe this is all I have to offer in my current state of stupor.

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How fantastic is that: a glorious abundance of excellently-spelled sneezes AND a likely, intriguing story AND Ed Elric perfectly in character?? You are so very good, my dear. wub.png

^ This. Really great that you've included Winry. :) Definitely love the story very much. :)
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the thing about your stories is that I can read them over and over again and still be entranced.

please join my ever-growing harem and write for me forever.

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  • 1 month later...

@BlackScatter: biggrin.png I'd love to do a trade with you, Black!! happy.png (of course.. at the moment I have way way way too many fic ideas for my own good.. LOL. But that would be awesome!! ^^) And yes, Ed is very adorable :3 (though he would kill me for saying so XD) I have an INSANE amount of fun torturing writing him mf_laughbounce2.gif I've already written some of the end of WMF because of this..... <.< heehee XDD

@Ciuty80: Thank you SO much!! :') I'm so glad you liked it happy.png

@Maru-chan: O.o Maru!!! Are you watching FMA now? XDD Which series and how far are you? :3 And what do you think of it? ^^ Thank you so much for your compliments, I'm glad you liked it!!

she is ed´s and al´s childhood friend and she makes ed´s automails

Yup, and frequently hits him with a wrench. X)

@Sigrith: Thank you so very much!! smile.png

@Emily: Aww, thank you!! biggrin.png LOL idk about this harem thing, but I'm certainly gonna keep writing as long as I am able!! XDD hahaha I'm always gonna have fun bothering awesome characters in creative ways... this has been true since LONG before I knew what fanfiction OR fetishes were, and I don't think it will ever change. aaevil.gifhappy.png

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I have never watched this program and I have no idea who the people are, but I did enjoy reading this story. Good work!! :)

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I watched the first... six...? episodes of FMA a few years ago, but I do remember how cool it was. Might get back on it, even. :) Thanks again for your wonderful contribution to our archive :D

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