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Cute Female Sneezes - Only The Shadow Knows.....


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Ok folks...my second story/fanfic. Hope you all like it, and please let me know what you think. Would love to hear from all of you.

Shadow Sneezing - Only The Shadow Knows.........

Spring had finally come to the city, so Ken, an IT professional working for a small uptown firm, decided to walk to and from work for the next few days as he usually did when Spring finally came.

As everyone who has either lived or worked in NYC, walking through town is an experience of being around a lot of people, and stopping every several hundred yards between blocks to cross streets, etc. Very nice on a nice day. Today, the sun was shining, and Ken was having a nice time walking home after a good day at work. It was around 5:30 pm. As he stopped at a crossing sign in between blocks, he noticed the shadows of people behind him, as he had before. He just happened to look at this one shadow to his left that was obviously that of a slender woman with shoulder length hair. As he was looking at that shadow, he noticed her head bob downward several time...odd he thought, but didn't turn around or anything to see what was going on. If he hadn't thought better, it really looked like as if she had sneezed a couple of times. But onward he and the rest of the crowd walked. Being a bit of a sneeze fetishist, he looked at her shadow for the next few blocks while waiting to cross the streets...no more incidents.

Next day was a sunny day as well, so Ken again decided to walk to work and back, hoping he might see his shadow friend again today. Sure enough, at the same block, he saw the shadow again. And again, her head bobbed several times...looked dead on like sneezes to him. Funny though, he didn't hear anything that sounded like a sneeze or anything. So they again walked on a few more blocks, and then her shadow was gone.

The following day was cloudy but still pleasant, so he decided to walk again. This time, no shadows, but Ken decided he'd look back while stopped at a block crossing. Behind him, to his left, was a very attractive lady, seemed to be in her mid 20's, medium length blond hair, medium height. She glanced at him and smiled, and Ken smiled back, and then everyone crossed the sreet again. "Hmmmmm" Ken thought...could this have been the woman whose shadow I saw behind me yesterday and the day before, looking like she was sneezing???

A few days later,Ken was again walking home at around the same time. It was sunny again. He was waiting again for the light to change at a block crossing, and he saw his shadow friend again. As he watched, her head again bobbed three or four times, again looking just like a sneeze. This time, Ken heard the telltale "mmmphchooooo.........mmmmphchooooo....." that accompanied a stifled sneeze. He was right! She was sneezing, but Ken still didn't say anything else for fear of her knowing he saw her. Next day, it was cloudy but Ken again walked home. While he was walking, he noticed the woman who he thought was his shadow friend to his side...she walked behind him for several blocks and then turned onto one of the side streets, but no sneezes.

This all went on for af few weeks...funny thing was that Ken never noticed or heard any sneezes from this woman when it wasn't sunny, but she always seemed to sneeze when it was sunny out. And her sneezes now were getting louder...she didn't seem to be stifling them anymore.

Finally on a Friday evening as he was walking home, it was sunny, and his shadow friend this time walked up right beside him as they waited for the light to change. This time, it was a rare occasion when it was just this lady and Ken waiting at the signal. Just before the light changed, she sneezed five times in a row...no stifles this time, just all out unrestrained "eeeetcchhhooooooo.......eeettttttttttchhhhhoooooooo.........hehhhheeeeeetcchhhoooooooooo........." types of sneezes. He immediately blessed her, and she said thanks. Ken then took a big chance and said "Is that you that's been sneezing behind me all this time?". She said "Yeah, I sneeze all the time...I'm sorry, I hope I'm not grossing you out or anything". Ken said "no, not at all, just was concerned that you maybe had a cold or allergy or something. Spring is the worst time of year for that...I know, I have the same problem". She then said "how did you know? I was trying to keep them silent" So Ken said "I sort of saw your shadow and it looked like you were sneezing". Ken then said "I'm sorry, I'm not a weirdo or stalker or anything and I don't wanna make you feel uncomfortable or anything". "No,no, I think it's kinda cute that you were concerned about my sneezing and how I felt...nobody else gives a damn if I sneeze...and nobody ever says bless you anymore. I think you're very thoughtful". So they continued to walk and talk casually and came to another stop signal. Ken felt a tug at his left sleeve as she put her hand on his and the sneezed again several times...what a show, Ken thought! "Bless you again" Ken said. "By the way, my name is Ken". "Heather" said the woman, as they shook hands. "This is my street, but would you like to have a cup of coffee with me? There's a cafe right here at this corner". "Sure" Ken said, just noticing that the sun was reflecting harshly on one of the glass buildings. He then noticed Heather look into that light and then she again sneezed several times. "Bless you yet again" Ken said. "Let's get inside so you can stop sneezing". They both then went into the cafe and ordered cups of coffee. While sitting down, Heather said "I don't know why I've been sneezing so much lately. I really don't have allergies or anything". Ken said "I think I know why." "Why" Heather asked. "I think you have a condition called photic sneezing". "What's that" Heather again asked. "It's when you look at a bright light like the sun and then have to sneeze". "I wondered why you didn't seem to sneeze when it wasn't sunny out". "You know, I think you're right...I always sneeze a lot when I look into the sun. But I wasn't looking at the sun today" Heather said. "But you were...it was reflecting off the buildings" Ken said. "There you go...mystery solved!" she said with a sly grin.

Heather and Ken went on seeing each other and eventually began dating seriously. Heather told Ken that she loved sneezing and they both openly shared their mutual interests in sneezing, and of course, Heather always walked with Ken so that the sun was in her eyes, much to Ken's delight. devil2.gif

Motto of the story...watch the shadows...you never know what you're going to see.

Sneeze on!

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